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Show Southern Salt Luke DEMOCRATS IN DEADLOCK COUNTY JSNTERPRISE W. I), a Harrington. Manszinx Kliln. UTAH. RANDY, Result of Forty-tw- Ballots. o UTAH STATE NEWS The Utah delegation split even on the fight between Bryan and Parker over the temporary chairmanship. At the Old Folks' celebration In Balt Lake Wednesday, over 3,5iU) who have passed three score and ten were present Nephi Vaughn, aged SO years, was seriously Injured on the streets ot Salt Lake when he was run down by a motorcycle. The twelfth annual convention of the Utah Pharmaceutical association was held in Salt Lake on Wednesday end Thursday. The annual output of Utah factor amounts to les $3,000,000, and 43,000 persons are employed by these factories through the entire year. Ending wtih a banquet at the Salt Commercial club Thursday Lake night, the Utah Pharmaceutical association concluded Its twelfth annual convention. The annual convention of the West ern Association of General Baggage Agents will be held in Salt Lake September 3 and 4. All the western roads will be represented. A buggy driven by Miss Martha Ann Potter, aged 24 years, of Taylor, Weber county, was hit by a passeu-getrain near Ogden, Miss Potter being fatally Injured. A girl baby weighing just sixteen ounces has been born to Mrs. S. D. Power, a Salt Lake woman. The at tending physician declares the child will live if all goes well. Lumber stock and sheds valued at $25,000 were licked up In a great lire that for a time threatened total de l struct Ion to the plant of the Lumber company. Leo Berger, convicted at Salt Lake of manslaughter, having shot and killed Thomas Cummings last January, has been sentenced to serve seven months in the county jail. The body of James Lldgle, 52 years old, porter In a saloon at Midvale, who disappeared June 17, was found Wednesday in a swamp. It Is believed Lla death was from natural causes. Thomas Edgar Stlmson, aged 5 to B. F. Grant, years, chief of police, has been missing from his home and customary haunts in Balt Lake for fpyrweeks and consld erable approbiiiBioJJ'Sjl!t for him by his friends, 7 shot and se , Mrs. Martin at wounded xtltiusly f delt Lake about three weeks ago, is to be charged with assault with deadly weapon with Intent to commit murder. Mrs. Martin being on the road to recovery. Arthur Wheeler, aged forty years, died at Ogden from internal injuries received by being thrown under the wheels of a wagon. The accident occurred when Wheeler attempted to get out of the wagon and the horses suddenly jumped forward. Isaac Kimball, aged 60. son of President lleber Kimball, died June 25 at Bluebell, near Roosevelt. .Mr. Kimball had llred In Utah for fifty years, spending most of his time in the frontier settlements ot the state. He is survived by a wife and six children. A dee'r which' wsndered"'"fro'm his mountain fastnesses Into the town of Midrale, ended its joyful days of free-- , dom by being raptured alive. It is now the property of Johnnie Gard- ner of West Jordan. Gardner caught the bold animal when it fled to the aa. 1001 a a 0 s First .!44U';;24 I 17 HELD Mining Man Refuses to Accept Appointment to Senate Be- Nevada tion was demanded by the Wilson forces he withdrew it. Another attempt was made to adjourn after the forty-firs- t ballot and again it failed. Champ Clark came over to Baltimore during the evening aud was a guest at the home of Mayor Preston near He returned to convention hall. Washington shortly before midnight. ' Convention hall was almost stormed SMALL SIZED RIOT FOLLOW8 'Tionday night by thousands of persons FIERCE DENUNCIATION Of NEwho were refused admission, after BRASKAN BY DELEGATES. cause of Business 148 DELEGATE FROM States senator to succeed the late Senator George S. Nixon. Wingfield states that after giving the matter due consideration he has come to the conclusion that he can best serve the state by continuing as the artive head l)ich of the business interests wlib be is Identified. My survey of the wide field of thought, sayu Mr. Wingfield in his letter to the governor, "which your tender of this office thus opened has led me to the conclusion that I cannot accept this great office at the present time, in justice to the state, to iis people or to myself. Mr. Wingfield calls attention to ihe fact that while the Industries of Nevada are few in number, it requires men of experience to make tnem successful, aud continues by saying that of the 'the aatisractory perioiiiiuui-duties of a senatorsbij) may be found ln many directions, but the development of the Industries of an empire of 11 2,00u square miles is reserved to COLORADO After Being Called a Money-GrabbinOffice-8eekin- Publicity-Huntin- g, g Marplot, Mr. Bryan is Attacked by Enraged Missourians. :IS o Baltimore. Some of the strategy J. Bryan ias employed with which to raid the Democratic conven tion, returned to plague its inventor Monday afternoon, with the result that when the Nebraskan left the convention for supper he was told by John It. Sianchficld, speaking for ibe New York delegation, that he wai a selfish, that d :lt6'.... h h h Thirty-fourt- h Thirty fifth Thirty-sixt- h Thirty-sevent- h . Thirty-nint- h Fortieth t Forty-secon- d 479'101: 29 29 29 29 29 29 28 27 27 .433,474il01: .434'496! 98l 432 496:i00 Thirty-eight- h Forty-firs- . .1447 . .. . ..425 498'106 ...422 501'106 423 T.01106 ...424 j499:106 . 430 (494 !l04 , Former Governor Alva Adame of Colorado, who la aleo national committeeman from his state, one of the .prominent figures at the Baltimore convention. Chairman James ordered the police to Baldwin received 32 voles on the admit no one except delegatee, alter-"iiate- s first ballot and 14 on the next three? and members of the prem. after which hie supixirters deserted When the order was issued the pohim. were having trouble preventing Marshall received 31 votes on every lice ln th 8,rtB ballot until ibe eleventh, when he loslcrU8he" atth a few minaround Within hall. the one. He received no votes after the Morri-son-Merril- utes the authorities were confronted with a situation o serious th:il reserves were sent for and the crowds driven back from the doors. In front of the hall the street was roped off at each entrance of the building and double lines of police stationed across the streets. No one was permitted through these lines without a delegate badge and ticket or press badge and ticket. t twenty-sevent- Kern and Bryan each; received one vote on each bnllot ,1'intll the fourtwo. received teenth. when ear; Kerns' high marV was in the seventeenth ballot, he received Bryan received 7 on the nineteenth. Gaynor one on the eighth, and ninth Janies one on the elxhth, and three on the twentieth and twenty-fiftwhile Sulzer received two votes op the first and second ballot Foss received. 43 votes on the twenty-second ballot and 43 on the twenty-sixth. he r On the twenty-sevent!' celled 38, and on th 4. h, Manuel Quezon was the delegate In the Democratic national convention who had the longeet mileage record. He repreaented the Philippine Islands. half-broth- lireward W. BRYAN fa- publicity-huntin- money-grabbin- Ttniulh vor seeking marplot, and bad been so nciively threatened with personal violence by the Missouri friends ol Speaker Clark that ho took the platform under Hie wing of the gigantic chairman, Ollie Janies. And then, just as Mr. llryau was about to tell the delegates all about it and appeal for sympathy, be was unfeelingly ruled out of order by the chairman, and sent back under a ioUce escort to the shelter of bU own Nebraska delegation. The Stanchfield- attack affected Mr. Bryan with grieved astonishment, but lie sat thrQUgh it without commenting. The other was so s punt anemia and so overwhelming that neither he nor anyone else in ihe crowded con- WILLIAM few." Were he to accept" tlie appointment tendered, Mr. Wingfield state that be could not serve the slate in the capacity of senator without being absent from Us borders most of tbe time. For this reason he finds it impossible to accept. former chief justice W. A. of the supreme court of Nevada nnd at present a practicing attorney ot Reno, has been tendered and has accepted the appointment of senator from Nevada. This was announced by Mr. Massey Monday evening. Senator Massey Is one of the staunchest Republicans in the state and was defeated by Governor Oddie two years ago at the primaries for the Republican gubernatorial nomination. Although Wingfield, whose wealth is estimated to lie in the neighborhood of $20,000,000, declined the appointment, stating that buslners reasons occupied his entire lime, it is believed that he declined the appointment in order that he might be a candidate against Senator Francis J. Newlands, Democrat, two yeats R. HEARST . MAKES DENIAL. .forty-second- orrtc r tcy win tee of an opportunity to go home, Two sessions of the convention were occupied Monday by fruitless balloting. Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey climbed steadily throughout the day j votes. until he had obtained 501 Champ Clark showed loss after loss. The Wilson vote kept adding recruits from the Clark list of delegates. lead-jalgOn the forty second ballot Clark! showed some ability to come back, ; and the night ended with the vote: Champ Clark, 430; Woodrow Wilson, 494; Oscar W. Underwood, 104; Eugene Foss, 28; Judson Harmon, 27. J. Hamilton Lewis, Ollie James and Mayor Gaynor of New York each received one vote, and William Jennings f a vote on the Bryan received final ballot. The general expression of the politl- seems 'Vi,so" deby-ate- x has reached the crest of his strength sen-,loIn the convention. Champ Clark may : .igi-ndagain get some votes that were I Hom- -s Clark have known ('bump Wilson. Us to vote of switched to Wilson Monday night. butane Dels ( lnrk on t..: to was returned absolutely this years. cightieii not 'iulte 80 conn! manaftcra are and Ills life is hIkiyc reballot' oh,f kpI,t th' 0,,v,,nti,,i dent as earlier in the week. Never in all these years on r.ev- fln of n a proach. suspense feeling on are folks The Underwood hanging river. have I Irr.own him to be on any Kirin eral ballots by asking repeatedly to li1 In going over the library of tbe of a question that w;. not lh side ol "passed." The net result of all Dies? ' late Thomas Maloney, of Ogden, a rare of the people. Wilreprcsc-iitailve- s mysterious passes" was a small gain English law book, issued in 1714 was liam for Wilson. Jennings Bryan in IlMn." discovered. The binding was in fairly Wiih this banner they marched Two Colorado delegates, Instructed good condition and the printing per-- ' down upon the Nebraska delegation, by their state convention to vote fur feet. Ihe title of the book is "Collec-and socii Mr. llryau was by Clark until be personalty re--! Champ in Chancery i (ion of Precedents a crowd of angry de1ogn.rev n circle leased them, broke away and voted for; Court. Wilson. of angry fncc.-i- cadi behind a pair ol Two Florida delegates did Barefooted and clad only in trousclinic bed fiats a:i l alioie nil rose likewise. ers and night shirt, J. F. Nibley of shouts of ingrate." "traiior." The night was marked by no hi!:) Sait Lake, chased a burglar three "diameter asA well wielded gavel, demonstrations. slanderer, blocks early Thursday morning, held determinulioii of the delegates lo gel sassin," all pitched in an extremely sehim up at the olut of a revolver and vere key. cud r.'.l enming from men isissilde. and waning through, if recovered from him between $1,09 whose best Iric-m- l Guy charge Mr. strength among tlie convention simmand $1.5oi) worth of jwelry stolen for a week to been bad striving ers all contributed to keep the apBryan from the Nibley home. destroy. plause well within bounds. On a total assessed property valuaIt was a night of restlessness ami It was at this V.agp that Mr. Bryan tion in Salt laike City and county for was resi-neby police and escorted to disorder, however. Delegates aud visit3912 of $71,185,603. a total abatement ors were both restless nnd wanted i. the platform. to $311,153 of vnluation amounting move about. and a each abatement to widows and Tlice was no band Monday in th Piedfje Expenses of Wilson Men. cripples of $7,221.50 has been made its contract Democratic convention, A pledge of $5. Min to pay Seug.rt. commissioners by the couiity silting having expired, and tbe bund stu.ol Wilson of bills delegates to the IJil as a hoard of equalization. was occupied by a group f Baltimore convention was made Monday more While riding a motorcycle in Salt belles. night by Samuel Ludlow. Jr., a hanker Lake, Harvey P. Watkins, aged 32, By the time the fortieth buliol had of Jersey City, and Joseph E. Bern cona struck conclud'-pedestrian, aud, losing there win seemingly j Klein, a merchant of the same place trol of bia machine, was himself r;o hope of a nomination Monday night, announcement was matin The hurled under a moving street car, snt in a of Ftupor. j The delegates a conference with Governor Wil at suffering the loss of bis left arm. the thsjing roll the call clerks figures entered vice prominent jTl.e Farmers in Utah. Sait Lake and Reports fiont B.iiiimoie that on . nice Ini ideally, oficn without wailing Baltimore convention was Theodors session many concount of the He had the' Davis counties are experiencing Ball of California. for the responses from the various wrion ended of many of .tlie tlie exi nomination of siderable trouble with tlie penny the honor seconding a'llleh. were caused the hard up seriousand cress, or French weed, which At lie end or the forlieili hallo! a ef Judge Parker for chairman United Ststex senator from Georgia ly threatens the destruction of rrops who Is one of the big guns" at the tired A l.i ha mu delegate moved to cd took an sctlvo part in the subsequent Jersey mi 11 lo come here to make in some places unless it hi checked. ; their offer. joiirn, but when a roll cull on the 1110- - proceedings. Democratic convention. Although Iron county has bf,cu known ax the driest part of Utah, she Gunboat Wins Again. , Many Started for Home on Sunday. Papke Deata Moreau. Dropped Dead in Race. will soon have plenty of water for all Buliimorc. Six days of eon ven BonIlIlnol. New York. "Gunboat" Smith of Paris. Bi.ly Iapke, (lie Santa Crux. Cal. When T. G. Ferpurposes, ax the underground water h.is just iilioiil ivlun.ted the boll-d.iwon an easy ing Ilir-McGaun knocked U night out n Saturday li liter, honing nice here. ('alilornia supply In the Parowan valley has been guson, driver in Maircl Frenchman. spirit of Die occasion, mid Sunin the of Indianu olix In tlm second round of v briery from the tapped, and 300 wells are (browing roll dead from his sulky a general exodu.i of coim-niUround - I'i day In fiftrenth In the Iapkc limit soiled fiti lied Moreau. w. marc. his stretch. Dot McKinney, out good streams. clubs nnd and looters imin-hinwith loll M oreau vidlors, floored 179 pounds a::d wire The Jury at Salt Lake In the ruse lehed tirt iu the race, circled the SmiMi weiebed in at took pi.iee. delegates iven hooks. IS". .McGaun I rack aud at her rip.bt 10 stable. trotted 9? the state against Jam llerger, German Aviator Killed. Tariff Coard Dissolved. rharged with the murder of Thomas Av.ation Meet at Bovton. Auto Collides With Train. went Muib:ni:en. d Cumming j. returned a verdict of Ibrr Siled:. Gi'in.i!iiy Washington. The tariff lions ltnrtnii. The third annual KanRas City. Three perrons wore a German was manslaughter. hided In heeam-guilty of involuntary -- l I.via.or, or rxisiruee lanu ion uviai :si Saturday, S.ii:rd y rut opened killed, four injured, nt.e possiliiy The penalty for Involuntary while tisiiug further refused had money ue'daiy c (oiij-rri- i Bh varied aiiiomohl!i ru.i when an near .i::ul:iquln prngir.ni here, i is one day to one year in tally, '.one. Tim v':ia.iii. m a o' ' ' wins for im d or G. W. Ft rope, a rellred iiiP'vhnnt. oiiipi'Milons pail lei paled in l;y t m. ilor its work. The . 1:1 t 1!. k 1. L tie county Jnll 1 vi i..ids', Its O: lohi r. 19'.'. tifteeu iiviutoir. collided with a train. afrti-cLilf- T d ii . o a y - one-hal- i ders - n : I I 1 1 hi-e- jn. ac-A- ext'-nrie- 1 ten-roun- d 1 -- j f.u man-ilnughi- rr . - - i ft . .MI , . '' I.. V) g KILLED. First Woman to Cross English Channel Falls Into Bay From Height of 1,000 Feet. Mass. Miss Harriet Quim-bBoston, of New York, the first woman to win an aviators license ln America and the first woman to cross the English channel ln an aeroplane, was instantly killed with her passenger W. A. Willard, manager of the Bosiou aviatiou meet, at Atlantic Tuesday night, when her Illcrlot monoplane fell Into Dorchester bay from a height of 1,000 feel. The acclilent hapepned when Miss Quinihy and Willard were returning o from a trip over Rost on harbor of twenty Boston light, a distance miles in all. The flight was niude in twenty minutes. Money for Maneuver. Washington. The house has adopted a resolution appropriating $1,350.-00- 0 to provide for the participating of the regular army in the nnd maneuvers of the orgauixed ml litla of the several states. : follow-Amon- AVIATOR WOMAN Telegram Declaring His Intelt'lon to Force His Own Nomination at Convention. llke a young bull pup, in hopes that Baltimore. William Jennings Bryan the presidential lightning may strike in an interview. Monday evening their candidate. the authorship of a telegram ndNew York and Illinois, the two dressed to John Ik Losekamp of which can practically ,Mggi Mont glRni,d W- j. n.," which swing the delegations and which flg-- j indicated by Inference that he ln! endured ln at least a dozen different va- - d to force his own nomination at the rietles or dopeslers In the convention, jconvention B0W I1I1(ler way, r Bryan as to trades or bargains by their took occaBi0n to explain that lie ere, Charles F. Murphy, boss or Tam-glof stands by his Indorsement many hall, and Roger Sullivan, are still ctiamii Claris two years ago, bur finds sitting tight, voting as units and for faut with the speaker's failure to take Champ Clark. Neither delegation ear-gtand aRainst Parker in the chair-lTuesday morning showed any lndl- ;m3nship fight and his announcement cation of breaking away to any other that he is willing to accept the supcandidate. port of Charles F. Murphy. The two sessions of the convention As to the published photograph were bard gruelling affairs, character- showing him in the act of shaking " ized by little else than monotonous ).andj with Murphy, Mr. Bryan said on: hall knew wlmt might Impion call of the roll of states and the never, he had met the Tammany leader, bur j' 11,1 ov,'rn nn,!' Sr l:, li u wbii of announcement vole the ending meeting ,.fu(.ed to admit that bad pro- The MUsmirl on his return i did 'not nominate. j with Murphy at Lincoln - pared a white banner which bore tlie one was the furnished convention prebig Denver Michigan the gallon of the evening by switching - 'arranged. Repudiates h Interests. Reno, Nev. In a letler addi creed tff Governor Tasker L. Oddie of Nevada, ' George Wingfield on Monday deof United clined the appointment By Second .446 339 IIIU'141 J441 345 Third CLARK WILSON AND Fourth . . . . . 443 349 :114;14Q PASSES 1136 112 MAKES STEADY GAINS WITH Fifth 351 . 443 119141 Sixth 445 !3f4 1121 1135 SLIGHT LOSS AT FINISH. Seventh . .. 449352i123ll29 .1448 351 130 i!23 Eighth Ninth '452 352"122 127 . 556 (350 117! 31 Leaders Settle Down to Bitter Test of Tenth . Eleventh .. .'554 !:!54'118' 29 IndiEndurance, There Being No 123 . 549 Twelfth 29 J354 cation That Deadlock Will be Thirteenth . .'554!356 ll!5! 29 Broken for Days. 113 550 1362 Fourteenth . Fifteenth . . !362'l10 1361 1125 Eighteenth . .1545 l302112 Baltimore. After forty-twfruitless Seventeenth 361 1125 . .1535 ballots, the convention adjourned at Eighteenth 1358 H30 . Nineteenth : 12 40 o'clock Tuesday morning, just as Twentieth . ..1512 388'121 far from the nomination of a candidate Twenty-firs- t 29 f08 !393!11K for president as It was when the first Twenty-secon500!396:il5 I.... ballot was called in (he early morning Twentythlrd. .I497;399 49G 1407 Twenty-fourt- h hours of June 27th. 112! 29 . '469 (405 1108 j 24 When adjournment was taken it was Twenty-firtTwenty-sixt,467'405 fll2 29 exported that the delegates would re i469 ;Twenty-Bevent406'112 29 assemble at noon Tuesday. , . . want to The delegates go home, but ll5 i 29 . none seem willing to give In a point Thirtieth . ...1455 .460 !121i 19 11G Thirty-firs- t 17 . . .446 474 MANUEL QUEZON Thirty-secon- d . 446 477 119! 29 29 Thirty third . .447 477 103 HONOR DECLINES Flour Rate Reduced. comWashington. The interstate merce commission has practically directed a reduction of freight rales on flour from .Minneapolis and other points In the northwest to the Atlii'i-li- seaboard. Veteran Railroad Man Dead. Pasadena. Uni. C. V. Smith, forwith many of tli merly connw-.telargest railroad systems of the east and liiiteriy of the Santa Ke, died at his hero Monday of .mite storuech trouble. -- Georgians Against Wilson. Atlanta. Tin Geortr'a senaie 011 Monday tallies tlie ealliii.; upon the slate's ilelejiaies to the ronvcnlion to vote for Wood-roWilson as second choice in the balloting for a candidate. Deni-ocurti- nl Bell Gets Independent Omaha, Nth.' The Independent Tel ephone company's plain (niitumutici in Omaha was sold at a receiver's sale Monday Tor $995, Ono. The Ne liraska Teleplioiy? coiiip-in(Bell) was the purchaser. Battleship Aground. R. I. Tlie Bristol, Umlsiuna went aground in Niiirngnu-xet- t bay .Monday. It was thought that the whip would float at high water Tuesday nialii. Bullitt Succeeds Lehman. ent Tnri has sent to the senate the nominal ion nf William .Marshall Bulliit of Lmii.svilV to he soliciior general of the I'lihcd Slates to Kiinvd Frederick W. of St. Ixmis, resigio-dWashington.-Presid- . Ivonet Evades Pursuer. Santiago, Unlia. (icnfii al l.oini, il,e ; :rimir;;enl leaih r, has tud been Pireil. laii'-s'a that lvuiiet. report say 1)0 vius wounded m iii i.;lil arm, is fleeing wiiii i o.her ' il I e,t ibu Cuball l I'c-:,i4- . |