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Show Story ofA Graf Jacket jlislovB hyftAJvnA&i, PArxsj? WILDERNESS WAS w'j CMulWcfWnB W KlNO WHEN it's ? ILLUSTRATIONS BMKTtlURT WILLI AMiOJT copxmzrrxyACJRCZineG soa j&zzBSPjtr'mmmsjsiiLmYDae SYNOPSIS. group of Confederate officers stood In convene beside the gate leading Into The etnry In a C'onMfnta tent tho open driveway, and as 1 paused a at a critical anpni tago of tha Civil War. Ocn. linimrla to Capt. Wayna an Important moment, goslng at them and wonderineaaaKB to Longetreet. Accompanied by ing whom I had better address for 1 Herat. Craig, an old acout. Wayne atarta on tile niiaalun.army act within recognised none of the facet fronting They tha linen of tha enemy and In the dark-name one among the group turned sudWayna la taken for a Federal officer and a young lady on horeeback la denly, and took a hurried step in my Riven In hla charge. She la a northern direction, aa though despatched upon Rlrl and attempta to eacape. One of the hnraea succumba and Craig Roea through an errand of Importance. He waa a llh the dlapntrhea. while Wayne and My tall, slender man, wearing a long gray Iaily of the North are leff alone. aeek ahelter In a hut and entering They It In moustache, and 1 no sooner viewed tha dej-- a huga muatlff attarka Wayna his face than I recognised him as Tha gn-- l ahoota tha bruta hint In time. The owner of tha hut. Jed ttungay, anil haring been one of those officers preshla wife appear and noon a party of horsemen approach. They are led by a ent in General Lee's tent tbe day I man claiming He to be Red Ijowrte. but whn was sent out with dispatches. proven to be MaJ. Brennan, a Federal glanced at me o with curiously, yet officer whom the Fnion clrl recognizee. re orders the arreat of Wnvne aa a apy sign of recognition, but before be and he la brought before Hherldan. who could pass I accosted him. threatens him with death unleaa he 1 Colonel Maitland. thi secret said, you Wayne bellevea hdirh Brennan tucasHge. to be the wife of MaJ. doubtless remember me. I am seekBrennan. He la rescued by Jed Bungay, who etarta to reach tlen. while ing my old command; would you kindnayne In disgume penetrates to the ballroom, . licneHlh which he hud been Im- - ly inform me where it may be found? He stopped instantly at sound of my He la Introduced to a Mlaa KrMcim-dencapra being unmux-ed- . voice, and stared at me in odd beEdith Ilrennnn, recognizing Wayne, anya she will rave him. wilderment; but my words bad alSecuring a through the lines, theyl are confrontedpaaa reached the ears of the others, by ready who tr knorl-r-iaenaelesa. Then, bli.ding Kdith adieu. Wayne makes a dash and before he had found an answer for liberty. He encounters they another voice spoke sternly What Is reiieh the A'e camp and ore Bungay; Kent with to In the battle all this? Who are you. sir? What or Hhen:indo:ili Join la overthe masquerade puts you into that parody whelmed. and Wayne,regiment while In the of a captains uniform? is visited by Edith Brennan. I turned and looked Into the flushCHAPTER XXIV. Continued. ed. indignant face of General Lee. It is no masquerade, sir, I anThen a hand thrust aside the can- swered. instantly removing my bat; vas. atid a face peered In. I caught it Is tbe rightful uniform of my rank, a faint glimmer of stars. but could greatly as I regret Its present condition." distinguish little else. 1 Whore are you from?" "Hoys. said (he leader, kindly. s'lsh might give you belter transportf was discharged from St. Mary's ation. but this Is the only form of ve- Hospital in Richmond day before yeshicle we can find. I reckon you'll get terday, and am now seeking to rejoin pretty badly bumped over tho road my regiment. you are going, but I'm furnishing you Surely, he said gravely. "I have ill the chance lo get away in my pow- neen your face before. To what regier. We shall guard you as long as ment were you attached? The th Virginia Cavalry." necessary, and then must leave you to 'he kindly The buzzing of volrea about me inministrations of the driver. stantly ceased, and General Lee took lie reached In. leaning down from a step nearer. bln saddle to do so. drew the blanket The th Virginia? You were a somewhat closer about me, and was captain? Surely this is not Fhllip Rone. I caught tbe words of a sharp, Wayne? short order, and the heavy wagon So deeply surprised waa his tone, so lurched forward, its wheels bumping uncertain his recognition, I scarcely over the irregularities In the road, knew what to answer. Had lost my each Jolt bending a fresh spasm of very Identity? waa this all a dream? I am Captain Wayne, Troop D. th pain through my tortured body. May the merciful God ever protect Virginia." lie grasped my hand warmly beme from such a ride again! It seemed Interminable, wbile each Jong mite tween both his own, and his kindly e traveled brought with It new and face lit up Instantly with a rare emlle. Captain Wayne. I cannot lell you greater agony of mind and body. The houra that followed were all how greatly rejoice at your safe rebut endless. knew we had reached turn. We certainly owe you an apolihe lower valley, for tbe road became ogy fur this poor reception, but you more level, yet the slightest jolting were reported as killed in action months ago. I doubt not Colonow was sufficient to render me manyMaitland nel truly believed he looked f razed with pain, and had lost all a when you first accosted upon ghost of power restraint My tortured nones throbbed; the lever gripped him. was unable to For the moment me. and my mind began to wander. his so did words affect deeply speak, Visions of delirium came, and I dreamed dreams too terrible for rec- me "I fear. Captain Wayne," he conord: demons danced on the drifting rlouds before me. while whirling sav- tinued gravely, yet retaining my band his own, hal must bring ages chanting in horrid discord stuck within sad news. you m.v frenzied body full of blazing Sad news? Instantly there came brands. At times I was awake, callime the thought of my widowed lo in vain for water to quench a ng Not from borne, I trust, thirst which grew maddening, then I mol her. sir? a Into lapsed that "No." wlh great tenderness, your drove me wild with Its delirious fan I believe, remains well; yet lies. I knew vaguely that the Major mother, I had crept back through the darkness the words must speak are nevertheless sad ones, and must prove a severe and passed bis strong arm gently beth Virneath my head. I heard him shouting shock to you. There la no ginia. in his deep voice to the driver for "No th Virginia? I echoed, scarce lomeihing to drink, but was unaware able to comprehend his meaning, no nr any response. All became blurred, th Virginia? I beg you to explain, I confused, bewildering. It thought looked about mo was my mother comforting me The sir; surely" and the unllorms various of the servupon Mint gray daylight stoic in at Inst haa not yet war ice the present cracks of the through the wagon we have not surrendered?" cuvtr; I could dimly distinguish a ceased "No. my hoy. and Ihe old hero a.irk lore binding over me. framed by s heavy gray beard, mid then, mercUul reverently bared his gray head In the unconsciousness came, and rested as one dead. e ns t-- e. Bn-nnn- 1 hoa-pit.i- l. that in vi could only scatter them not other commands. But you have yet fully recovered your strength. You must not remain longer etandiui here. Major Holmes, will you kindly conduct Captain Wayne to my headquarters. and see that he ta furnished with a uniform suitable to hie rank. For the present he will serve as extra side upon my personal staff. I turned away, the Major leading mo as If I had been a child. I walked ne d a man stunned by some sudden, blow. When I finally Joln; the mesa upon tbe following day. clad now In fit uniform, I had regained no mail ' measure of and with It came likewise --enewal of tbe military spirit My welcome proved extremely cordial, and the con verm tloa of the others present soon placed In my possession whatever of Incident had occurred since that disastrous day of battle In the valley. No attempt was made to conceal our weakness, nor to disguise the fact that we were making a last desperate stand. It was evident to all that nothing now remained but to fold our tattered battle-flag- s with honor. Directly opposite me, at the long and rather scantily furnished mess-tablwaa seated a captain of Infantry. quite foreign In appearance s tall, slender man. wearing a moustache and goatee. His vould haf him to know bow tt all vos. it vos two months ago 1 go mtt de flag of truce luto de Federal lines at Miners villa. You know dat time? I vos vailin' for answer ven a Yankee rides oop, an looks me all ofer like I vos a hog. Wei.' I say. plain like, vot beard der voa you vant? lie say. Reb officer come in der lines, an' 1 rides down to see tf he voe der hound vot I vanted to horsevlp ' 'Vel.' I say, for it made me much mad. maybe you like to horsevlp tue?" 'No,' ho says, laughing, it voa a damn pup in der th Virginia cavalry, named Vayne, I am after.' 1 say, 'Vot has he done?' He says, He insult a voman, an vould not fight nilt me.' He looked about him anxiously to see if we comprehended his words. And what did you say? from a dozen eager voices. The Swede gazed at them In manifest astonishment. ."1 say 1 knowed netting about der voman, but if he say dat an officer of der th Virginia cavalry vould not fight mlt him ho vos a damned liar. 1 vould hare hit hiru. but 1 vos under der flag of truce. I reached out my hand to him across the table. I thank you. Captain Carlson, I said, fur both your message and your answer. What did this inan look like?" 1 i unxe-pecte- light-colore- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Was Upon My Feet in an Instant. He vos a pig yellow, mlt a black name, as I gathered from the conversation. was Carlson, and I was con- moustache and gray eyes. Do you know him?" questioned siderably surprised ut ibo fixedness with which hlB eyes were fastened Maitland. His uarne Is I! run nan, I answered upon me during the earlier part of the meal. Thinking we might have met slowly, a major. In the Federal servsomewhere before. I ransacked my ice. Wo have already met twice In memory In vain for any recoiled ion rough and tumble contests, but the which would serve to account for his next time It will be with stool." Gentlemen." said Maitland at last, evident Interest In me. Finally. I ventured to ask, as pleasantly as possi- gravely, this Is evidently a personal ; matter with which we have no direct ble: Capialn Carbon, do I remind you concern. Captain Wayne's reputation of some one, since you regard me so Is not one to be quest ioned, either as regards his chivalry toward women or intently?" I The man instantly flushed all over his bravery In arms. pledge you his early meeting with this major his fair face at this direct Inquiry. It vas not dat" (he almost stam- I They drank the toast standing, and mered In sudden confusion, speaking I read in each face liefore me a frank. quite brokenly), hot. salr. It liar cuiue soldierly confidence and comradeship to me dat you vos an tnsulter of wom- which caused my heart to glow. ens, an' had refuse to fight mil mens. CHAPTER XXVI. know not; It seems not so." I was on my feet in an instant, The 8couting Detail. scarcely crediting my own ears, yci Thia premeditated Insult, which on fire with Indignation. broadI know not what you may mean, I Rrennan evidently dispatched Rut I hold cast In hope that through some unsaid, white with anger. you personally accountable for those known channel it might reach me, words, and you shall discover that I changed my entire relationship with the man. I have never felt that tires-nawill fight 'mtt mens' was at heart a bnd man; he was He pushed his chair hastily back, his face thirty crimson, and began to hard, stern, revengeful, yet I have no stammer an explanation; but Mait- doubt under different circumstances I land Interfered. might even have valued him highly What docs all this mean. Carlson?'' as a comrade or a friend. There Is Sit down. no demon like jealousy; nnd his early he exclaimed, sternly. some is there strange mis- distrust of me, fost "ed by that mad Wayne disease had apparently warped his take here. 1 resumed my chair, wondering If entire nature. Yet not even ror love they had all gone crazy, yet resolved could I consent to leave my honor unupon taking Instant action If some sat defended, and after those baleful lsfactory explanation were not at once words there could be no rest for ine until our differences were settled by N forthcoming. Come. Carlson, what do you mean the stern arbitrament of the naked by addresalng such language to Cap- blade. All prudence to the winds, no opportunity of meeting him should tain Wayne? Veil," suld the Swede, so sglta'ed now to be enst aside. Tbe coming day was barely gray In by tbe excitement about him he could ex'.be east when I was awakened by a to In which find English scarcely it vos dia heavy pounding upon the door, a press himself intelligibly, 1 vould not Insult Captain 'mart-lookinorderly stood without. vay. hot It vos told to me, an' Captain Wajn ?" be asked. Vane; oh. no, , J CHAPTER XXV. A Lost Regiment. It was a bright, sunshiny any In early spring. Birds were sweetly sing-luin the trees lining the road I was must have shown my late traveling. illness greatly, for the few I met. as tramped slowly onward, mostly soldiers, gazed at me curiously, as if they mistook me for the ghost of some dead comrade; and I doubt not tny pale face, yet bearing the deep Imprint of pain, with the long, untrimmed hair Iramlng it. and tho ragged uniform, the same I wore that fierce day of battle, rendered me an object or wonder. All through those long, weary winter weeks I had been hovering between life nnd death in an obscure hospital at Richmond. The moment Ihe door was opened to permit of my passing forth Into ths world again. I sought eagerly to discover the present station of tny old comrades in arms, t could learn only that the cavalry brigade with which I had formerly served was in ramp somewhere near Appomattox Court House. On tool and moneyless, I set off alone, my sole snxlciy lo be once more with friends; ami now. at be beginning of the secwas Hlresdy beyond Ieters--I ond day. mid pushing westward. sturdily urg, to the .k Ihe loud swerved a slightly grovo of handlell. passing through some Hoes. I came suddenly opposite A t In i ice house of imposing aspect. i , 1 I 1 blood-staine- jg-- I I Surely This Is Not Philip Wayne 7" sunlight, but the th Virginia gave Itself to the South that day in the Shenandoah.'' I must have grown very white, for a young aide sprang hastily forward and passed bis snn about me. Yet 1 scarcely realized the action, for my whole thought was with the dead. l)o you mean they arc all gone? 1 questioned, tremblingly, hardly able lo grasp tho full dread Import of such ghastly tidings. "Surely, General Lee. sumo among them uust have come back." So few, he responded soberly, hla hat still retained in his hand, so few Compliments of Colonel Maitland chief of staff, sir, he said, banding me a folded paper. the private not Dear Wayne:" read, Relieving you would be slat to have tbe detail 1 have Just ar ranged to send you at once upon aomc active service. Please report at these quarters immediately, fully equipped Tor tbe field." Glad! It was tbe very medicine 1 most needed, and within twenty minutes of my receipt of this communication I was with Maitland, thanking him warmly for his ihoughfulness. Not another word. Wayne," he InIt is not much, a mere scoutsisted. ing detail over neutral territory, and will prove dull enough. I only hope It may help to divert your mind a trifle. Now listen you are to proceed with twenty mounted men or the escort and are weal as far as the three carefully expected to note First, the condition of for ihiugs: age for the sustenance or a wagon train; second, whnt forces of Federal troops, if auy, are along the Honeywell; and third, tbe gathering of all Information obtainable as lo the reported consolidation or guerillas for pur poses of plunder between tho lines, if time suffice, you might cross over Into the valley of ihe Cowskln and leurn the condition of forage ihere as well. A guide will accompany your party, iii.V you are to avoid contact with the eneiuy' us far as possible. Your men carry five days' rations. You under land fully? "1 do, sir; I presume I am to start at once? Your squad, under command of Sergeant Kbcrs, is already wailing outside.'' "Are you all ready, sergeant? 1 .isked of tbe rather heavy-weigUer man who stood fronting me, his broad, red face ns impassive as though carved from slouo. "Vo vos. captain. Where is the guide?" Dot Is him, mit mule, ain't it? he answered, pointing with one huge hand down tbe roml. Very well, we will pick him up then as we go." I eared so little ns to whether or not he accompanied us at ail, that we find advanced some distance before the thought of him again occurred to me. I knew the gentry fairly well, and bad experienced in Ihe past so many evidences of their stupidity. If not actual disloyalty, as to prefer my own knowlMy edge of tbe country to theirs. thought. Indeed, fur several miles was not at all with the little party of troopers jogging steadily at my heels, nor. In truth,' was It greatly concerned with the fate of the expedition. Thai was but service routine, and I rode forward carelessly enough, never dreaming that every hour of progress was bearing me toward the most Important udventure of my life. It was the German sergeant who recalled me to the responsibilities of command. Captain." be exclaimed apologetically, riding up to my side and wiping his round, perspiring face with great energy, ve are riding too hard, ain't ve? Mein Gott. but der horses will give out entirely, already." Is that so? I asked in surprise at his words. A single swift glance around convinced me he was correct, for the niouuis were exceedingly soft, and already locked nearly played out frum our sharp pace. "Very well, wc will halt here. With a sigh of relief he drew buck, and as he did so my eyes fell for ihe first lime upon the guide. As I live, it was Jed '.inigay. and when I stored at him In sudden amazement he broke into u broad grin. Dorn if I didn't begin ter think ns how yc'J gone an' c.lar forgot me. Cap." Not n bit of It. Jed. nnd I rode up to him and extended my hand. Rut how came you here? Are you Ihe guide?" Sure thing, rap; know this yere klntry like a link. Jaded horsemen from the west, at evening to the castle Ry gum, you put Beelzebub pressed. an me through a blamed hard Jolt of It so fur." "Beelzebub? "Ye bet. tber mule; I rerkon as how yo ain't gone an' forgot him, hcv ye?" "Bungay, what has become of Mafoot-hills- d-- 1 1 "That is ciy name. What have you my man?" g r ria?" The little mans eyes suddenly filled with tears. 1 Jlst don't know, cap, he answered "Whin I got hum ther mournfully. ol cabin hed bln plum burnt down. t:ary stick o' It left, by gum! an' she wuz clean gone. Haln't seed neither bide ner hair o' her since, t bet's a lac'. An' I sorter drifted back ter you uns 'cause I didn't bev nowhur else ter go. Did you hunt for her among the old plantations nlong the valley?" I asked, deeply touched by his evident feeling She very likely sought refuge In some of those bouses." Mn-ria- r (TO BE CONTINUED.) One of Lifes Mysteries. Is It that the same remar.; which draws a laugh If made by on..-sure sign for a fight If made b. Why another? meal time your appetite is keen and you try to think of some tasty things to eat dont tax your mind dont fret and fume. Order Vienna Sausage Hot or cold, they are a jiffy, and equal servable in the imported kind in taste and flavor. Once you have learned their real quality you will always want them. Always Buy Libby's Don't accept a substitute. Libby's Foods present a wide assortment, all the acme of quality and reasonable in price. At Every Grocer a Libby, MENeill & Libby Chicago A Matter of Names. What is the dlfferenco between About poiunte de torre and potato? two dollara. Harvard Lampoon. A man thinks a girl Is perfectly proper who refuses to kiss him he can't think of any other reason why she should refuse. e Rather an Open Secret. very important citizen wps drawn . ago',' anil l on a Jury, a w-met him after he had been discharged, lie seemed to think that he was entitled to be on the bench, at the very least. " What waa your verdict in that case?" I asked. "The defendant was unanimously acquitted on the first ballot.' Indeed? And how did you vote? That, sir, is one of the sacred secrets of the Juryroom.'" Cleveland Plain Dealer. A xlr 8nappy Ags. The young man breezed into the old man's library. I met your he andaughter," nounced, at a Fifth avenue reception. 1 want to marry her next Friday afternoon at 3:30. She's willing. The old man turned to his card index. "Which daughter?" he asked. It's Miss Ktliel. AH right, said tho old man. Make It 4:30 and i'll attend the wedI have an engagement at the ding. other hour. It was so ordered. This Is a snappy nge. PlttsViurg Iosti DUBIOUS About What Her Husband Would Say. woman tried Post urn coffee disagreed with her and bur husband. Tea is just as harmful as coffee because ll contains caffeine the same drug found iu coffee. She writes: My husband was sick for three years with catarrh of the bladder, and palpitation of the heart, caused by coffee. Was unable to work at all of the time. and in bed "I hud stomach trouble, was weak and fretful so I could not aticud to aiy housework both of us using coffee all tho time ar.d not realizing it wr.s harmful. One morning the grocer's wife said she believed coffee was tho cause of our trouble and advised Postum. I took It home rather dubious what my husband would say lie was fond of A Mich, be-cau- coffee. Rut I took roffoo right off the table and we haven't used a cup of it since. You should have seen the change in us. and now my husband never complains of heurt palpitation any more. My stomach trouble went away la two weeks after I began Postum. My children love It, and It does them good, which can't be said of coffco. A lady visited us who was usually half sick. I told her I'd make her a rup of Postuin. She said it was tasteless stuff, but she watched me make It, boiling It thoroughly for 15 minutes, and when done, she said it was splendid. Long boiling brings ont the flavor and food quality." Name given by Postum Co.. Rattle Creek, Mich. Look In pkgs. for the famous little book, The Road to Wellvlllo. Kvrr read (he share letter f A lew see eppeere frem tine te lime. The? re geeelee, true, fell eg heme htmib ui |