Show vr ig kg ez st 01 9 qa carbon jhb fi em emery ery grand 1 1 ana and t r Uintah u i j t nt r a h I 1 t counties 40 i 4 WW who is yo your ur most popular young lady marri married ct or single sing le t u who 1 is is your most popular young man I 1 1 ii which I 1 is your prettiest t baby 14 4 dt 11 mm mammoth illustrated edition of the copies of the forthcoming ADVOCATE will be printed and distributed bersot s is a conservative estimate of the number who will read them in order to five give every one a chance to assist in the issuing e of this work and to show this 0 fc rr IT td AST r v ARRAY aral AV a OF READERS RIt ADERS k what beautiful women sturdy young men and handsome babies are raised in utah the ADVOCATE has determined upon a W grand brand 1 voting TT contest it I 1 I 1 by reading the coupons below you will sec see that each person cutting a coupon out and sending it to the re accompany led j by y VIN E CENTS will receive when P pu 1 bUshed for every coupon edition and is entitled for illustrated seni sent in in a copy of our special A 4 4 each coupon to a vote for the moa most popular lady the most popular young man or the handsomest baby in hi his ts or her county nis contest will dose two weeks before offin publication of our i special illustrated edition when han photographs of the mota ua popular ladies the most popular oung men and the handsomest babies in their respective counties will be obtained and reproduced in handsome halftone half hall tone engravings engra ings of groups of four in our special illustrated edition E free of charge A el eee the winning ladies will each receive receive a beautiful present with a f i sul suitable table inscription by the editor IT tahe i 11 lic winning young men will each receive one year s subscription w I 1 to the eastern utah uta advocate the twinning winning babies will each receive a handsome medal remember that when voting for your favorite you are also BOOKING BOOMING YOUR CU uina TY NOW t 3 I 1 A 1 AL coupon VOTING COUPON I 1 11 VOTING COUPON A N v r aboss a re 4 I 1 rote I 1 rote far ILI ame f V 1 as the tb at buur young loan of b aft ar in I 1 cho t baby I 1 nr 1 IV county Q u a ty coudle 06 fill nil la in 1 coupon M and IM with kb I 1 bo the la Is 6 and with lah the le als aup r ili in coupon n nellif 40 9 eats to I 1 like MOO coupon st scents to lock the Ad romle coup t ni to the lb adale 44 atals wib b will entitle moor lo 10 one w T tv tuh which bah will entitle me lr to me vote aa der to one ottille 11 butak which will of tile b illustrated edition ot of the th lavo oth ott illustrated edition dotlo a C tb 9 coopy 4 6 avy of wets and a opy of the I 1 dust rated advocate cate ft 0 the advocate as w f 1 1 k 1 4 Z ill last but about month send n d in you r coupons S at AL A once 0 lice rf t UW na at V 10 C T arige 41 E 14 rice I 1 U a h 6 1 A anid v 1 l 0 I 1 4 otate z tf A w till lions I 1 T ma J book AU who arc are interested jn n fur furthering tHerin the sale of HON W J BRYANS new book should correspond corr despond immediately with the publishers the work will contain an account of his campaign tour IL his biography written by his wife his most important the result of the campaign of 1896 A review of the Lal situation mr bryan has announced his intention of devoting one half of all royalties to fur thet ing the cause of bimetallism are already indications of an enormous sale address i T be CONKEY CO publishers dearborn st CHICAGO mm ITH T OT ONI HORSE SHOEING INC A SPECIALTY GENERAL blacksmithing BLACKSMITH INO ALL AM WORK GUARAN guaranteed TErm so s PRICK PRICE UTAH GEO CEO me MILLER ATTORNEY AT huntington HUNTI NOTON 07 UTAH in n connection lib ith T TC C BAILEY DAILEY uk lafo ft a MIXING 1 ALT SALT LASTS CITY UTAH lend busine of all 11 II kindi kinds promptly pro aptly abend ea to 10 at t rateb atte orr nce solicited our ova own error errors if it ony ny corroded arte artt pitt ad firtik carpenters BUILDERS PRICE UTAH our charges aro cry reasonable reneo nab ie and we gua mutee all work SENT to any fenor Inter inserted ted in h humane ma e mutter or who IOTO a wo vre will acla it upon application a copy of the alllan Allis sive e the organ of abl society in a idon to iti to reading it rs ron tiina alsina a list of tile valuable 1 od given 17 the paper adar addam n tits L W he how rork 0 fo to M rev inny costa gurath mat d t haul eon ek men at 1 TW blood pure PUM 1019 60 Is L AU idron KEEP MONEY AT HOME by insuring in the 4 LA HOME FIRE OF r UTAH CAPITAL GRANT J 00 0 gen abts salt lake vw lM V w jr iff so Case arta calli artle abe 10 mou 1 we ww delful tuala al 1 try or uie we pe fr ant nod d refreshing o 0 to lae cho lasts 1 am rev t trl ti HiT ller liver ud bow loarl lo una 1 11 11 uw the atrin system dial all w d cure carlo lre lol ever linN ake and tess boy ara irv a biml 11 guam toLd to varo by toy all it drar cuu |