Show LOCAL NEWS alpaca ii cur cure wheel at chicago l re feml ferday 8 W ft 11 leonard Leonn rJ of r uvil ington ft I 1 pay ing IP tha tb highest cub 1 for whoa who at a V fr f r th ld L d at w t t 1 tt T la 11 ar county S our in advertising rolain W fred caemer Ca roer ut lake 01 engineer left on for the mine judge rhoades and barn thurman came come in on bandy itze staze from mm the vernal opotry and left on the 4 p pm tn train george ut of emery emery WM titling friend friends J and ves Is the city sky the tb fint first of the week nab nim mire mamie facet Fac tt who h has been T br hor brother brothers at t prior fsr I 1 r weeks left jett for bet home at provo lat last afternoon jacce crory of provo arl saturday from virn ai 1 abw for three week be br has been hola lf clouart and 1 14 ciok ok he the 4 pm I 1 for his bobai at arc ri klarer J world will 1 rent the oh old imA saloon dig mud ad fit tt it ap up for mot arant an addition will bo be built a ae rear pw or a a kitchen and the entire amellin aiu be need for a oll idill mf mi arld W ria will open up at t r 16 amaty Is I 1 in the ar jamea WM was formerly a ianpeter San Sau peter aed he fa U 14 1 a good time ead dan and nd elix ve aw ever from ren eph PAN faai W r C C X To Tol harl huTst hia 11 ankle w a rt at P V junction while to ft to fill bli his appointment no a yr which appeared in thew these columns coln that be he is con sea to ma the doctor wither wl bf to to hi frienda and nl patrons ire ito valley that he lie will b be dated about a naith by 7 the ac with WM a roil of vanieta and nd end and a roll ef of ame bit googh for 11 sill II conti clencie cc encie a bs oveTer athly mr lloyd SM mine ii cr mare the dop night with willi the dm M lri this wa wat illa S iiii munibe mn niBe alve alvest atea bb his mena iq la tbt this cl IT Wi wh velve in tha tb nth frilay 17 oa lithe ill efti lb a I 1 gae panic and tucked laime VW do say conr frield bb bow mi kaw b baade come a I 1 it WW vw leet liset kv funny to we dob edjon tb bla art ff of a ml lire live botar ica belby all the otier it WM was a ceal real vat afternoon too aud drops of perspiration fell from how the brew brow of Rol robert virt but be copt right long at PA rile his task irrespective of 1 last that all the sluane ladled adl ca 0 wm to cud the lh might re rt aked ofa oh bow tt TL merchant Bur chanta of vena vernal are am laying ta regular fall apply of mer berchin chin i the amorina that lj ii loarina dally tt it wold would seem em that th it 11 a baw fall and winter rh ico all the vernal freighters ar ad yet they ar unable to ina knorp the bandt aa ma rapidly its it ona a s the leeal warehouse ware boor I 1 ronnaug over th the gool crop in n 4 high POO 1 far we fanaken product are imbt abaeff JUr torr um st miller of huntington points out n land on township WIL leonard 0 of to U pay ing ins the highest cub carb price for ghost wb at gm 11 dill JUll lei of 0 huntington br bee for ule sale literal ei L Teral I 1 gol farm roil i on ay easy terms wye wyatt dryan is I 1 building bul lillor an add lilon I 1 on to him bl UK store tor to bo be ul as an a OMOO and vote for the anost ular yoong young mm man bee our announcement in advertising columns col niane A civil examination for the railway mill service will bi held la in fait palt lake city october 1 ta u ai tr ul vail llor junction on mohlar Mon lAr lt it Is 1 thought but that they caught fin fire fron from a campfire wit by tramm the car care wire empty for the he annual awon le LOOP at t springfield september 21 2 1 to 23 the R 0 western will make a rate of ore ere single 11 fare and nl it third on the certificate plan this rate asllee to all 11 ll points on the weater tera attorney general has h rendered an art to Will laiq howard county attorney of emery vout ity aria tire five to 10 the titling of and including therein at attorney tompye fees against the loing losing arty party or in a recent action brought a musts attorney lorney al for neglect of dot duty jr mr dishop holi lathat that the to fen of the abw for the defendant thonol not be Include din in the coet cast bill and that tha th neora siry ex ezo penen of the county attorney should be paid mild by the county la in which the prow prose cution waa was had bad Herald for ame daya flays the law arm of daum ai braffet of price wen were en agai con niclos with their client clients the lemera of the cattle petit peak 0 mining coia coul pany evidently upon poa some important la matter it that but bator batur lay day complaint waa was lodged by the above named attorney attorneys charging st V leskeur charging him with ath grand larceny tic tile all god ged larceny wa was of a gkent feet t date and mutt alleg alleged that afleur L took and carried awry away or caused to be carried away a car load of gilson gilsonite its ore in the sion of the emery county mere batile company C R johnson John soo of huntington came over lathe la the stage wednesday ilia clinef business 1 waa was to procure a wheel recently hilima by the american 31 ochizu o 0 piny pony of flint sou lid ad but got it and it la isa a bounty beauty although howting ant 1 I mr johnson who la Is aa an rip rt oa on bilia and their make stated to the A man an last evening that he bad taken hi hu new now machine apart ex euln en Q barse and found everything of firt class make axce int 1 nt qu qumilla milly trong strong aid durable rable the machine machina company which la Is it re e couo eni giro give a yeara yeses gua guarante ranke with each w abel and if it mr Job naona whet ahel I 1 pi one ai as ae it Is I 1 handsome the cu will undoubtedly pl ace many of them in u jerboa and counties in me aivar bolum |