Show ar ilk slow violy crl court bedl flou of be county court airm anant fj for tb garpow of makina lb ili lex tax 1 which WM was covered by the following follow loK noarl no trl 1 f aliw borni of county tiff coin la of 0 carbon conot 6 of 0 jtb tint tb 1 for of we manly nd or sellout for the ll 11 yer year 17 on 1 11 I II callb V godya IQ asid county i wood br by the convoy iny toresor slid uj tte state boarin of 4 tiou wit 11 tx mod ml Is I 1 heby lt rwjr at t the rate ot 01 6 mill on the ollir fur for monty tax and nil it sit mill oa on tb fur for conaty abool tux tax the the clerk to r in the tb tax roll fruit nn an I 1 lly willson were trustees for so 6 alel I 1 precinct robert bishop II 11 U 1 and nd centry wr were appolit 1 boot trustees tor for bordon creek precinct to until the lh next school election the eurt mutt 11 thayn lo 10 aist beury 0 fetui who bo wu wait re autly aly appointed by illy lb governor to 1000 malvo rl til by the ali idol 1 for a rul between price mud ml tj ti locate the road no appropriation appropriations the court adjoined to meet october 4 |