Show STATEMENT of the western loan and savings company of 01 salt lake uke city ulal I 1 bae this day completed in examination of at the western ln admi ih savings Company st mt fall lake take kitye utah and ad 1 its it condition the first day of yay ay IW wat was as a follow follows it mt 1 loans ruita secured ru by mortry en ce rel real estate 11 go loans red by of the compan company real estate it at cot 7 ami and fixtures hl tat M N sundry acu accounts n tor for and taxes past on property proper tr tc ji aiji ri ji i ij i mohtram Mor tram a rest estate stat held in rutt trust for stockholders of boort aboor ml bod cota fol std td to secure cure advances 1 6 73 real estate tt of absorb 1111 oom ponies at cost wt rr I 1 sundry of Iw orbed companies including stocks lock kam and notes r iv u claims 17 17 LITI W payments Plym ind to credit of too afi IS 14 undivided 19 03 total credit credits mso 21 Divide tWe to stockholders of absorbed abd orbed companies 21 0 23 reserve fund acock 10 oil ts o 0 1 r general fund tock stock iii om tt bi contingent liability to stockholders tock bolder of aboor bol compau im tco value at assets uel le a sam rm 66 gasn 1 to ji an 7 fee advanced I 1 y borrowers on toen loans bot oot r 91 to balms 31 r building and nd iu loan Commissi commissions onT oeste of FRED C BUTTON arent BALT SALT LAKE CITY UTAH |