Show I 1 iahn annil 1 IN 14 4 TOOK the gorden ul of lindah county 11 admak Asb lyl alley one of the lhost beautiful sights shirb h the eye can mt rest on especially after the weary twenty mile stretch from ft FL ie Is the first glauce at fur far tinned ashley talley valley it buree burss upon you vu like the of the tuny lazed rainbow after the age of be the darkness of thi far ai as the eye can irl axi ts the be v sion roam room Is the green and anti verdant villey Y dotted with aae pleasant and prosperous homes the lowing herds berds waxing let fat on pjetar ago or chewing the cad cud of well ell fed led contentment under the badu of abundant foliage while la in the center bf of the talley valley ambles sweet vernal love lirot village of the I 1 laio lain viewing thia ot prosperity and plenty from such a vantage iran tage point one can well gire give credence to the marvolynn mary marvo lous lonn tales of nature a boand les rift gifts to this alii garden spot of ustah county nor got duee does a nearer approach detract act from pro opinion on ayery sidd idi the cab c of I 1 thickly clu Atred and ai heavy hopped wheat the rich liell waving atine corn oud and the lak k fat berds biar kar bi ar eilent evidence cu to its truth county and especially virnal and the valley lave have a glorious glori future whet n tapped as it toon foon will be by ill abe steel rails cf of commerce cv that will bring iti its munificent and multitudinous products ul of ice ilia roil wil to market ia un minett wealth of mineral to tho emester and the mint taint its te to adorn and beautify the at of bar great fiti I 1 aca will um ulu tah take ber her I 1 luce lace an au ong the bonstel alieu ot of bountifully rich counties conn ties that have ite carried the fame lama of utah to the four quarters of the mg globe it tt Is iq in the cr dacel variety tari ety of lie its re sources that this portion portio ll 11 of eastern utah iland upon the pedestal of pre abile 1 its tally I 1 bloss outs 48 a te TOM roe and tiny tr the be fertile bre crep rel relonie tims be he woo boulder bs hip and sad dearce la a ber bet WU bills and caDy lias is alo abundantly aban dantly regarded and its ta V 0 of f arts of rich i lian atut rolling bill hill Is 1 ibe the no alacca of the cattle and lbs I 1 apan 1 1 14 not the purpose at of tho 0 4 wate at this t time to dwell in detail upon the tb extent and variety lei of num barle resources our cee in the tho near future however bo an advocate wll will visit the valley to compile data for this par pew pogo and in oar forthcoming cial prorated pl orated edition ill iby by b y w wl b 3 I 1 lly and illustrated in ibe the theof of the era ers ait ait and audi in n of the circulation of MM or more co cople lea which thi this edit on will bare have we wo hope ope iq of vice monr oar neighboring bounly io in makio ki to ibe capit elut and hota edwi 10 1 aint wealth oa 04 OPP opportune ura |