Show W W 1 FRIEH PROM SALOONS A T OWN IN 8 A fc r jf chi it I 1 4 no 14 she tb lb till V aks JL 1 i arrest I 1 lif tiou 1 I LA aft a jijon ahre artl mr order growl steadily ilie the of PAx adeus cal oal be tic 49 they haro 1 in lily t alty ft it name 0 airy 11 1 1 hot approached ai as nearly is high mu nl 1 end and afi li to rossille ros sible in alir of ite its OIL xe la in fall we day aul slid and that ethical f going theta callis k knowd yu lo writ a of the ho han hil aril luer wonders are for if also adena in another generation when the mf youth aul children now slow being beisig tested la in such na an ahall have 1 benionis bet ionis ff nn soon and women ya air lr ive had a hobby for study log ald oben lna the proven of ethical ideal ideas iu in villages aud and cities in u slid america for nearly a generation A aholo summer once at joeubas Joet bas flurr slid ud st la in rood town a 0 and ml thi this pass della ell it Is Is 1 til we call ps to moral under oar our maent civi li 1 I ld tx ex state senator r ct of recently here to A n awu he ct of om over 1090 1 51 from ron tat and territory r it ie is 13 12 miles square and nd bat but ono day bno ft pollo culan and two night watchmen u keep the town orderly tle ft list a hard job to nil 11 in fit hir liao too U vly hy ony any ct of us can krekell inny many town towns V of nud people ahem a hw doen dolen policemen are literally abt in IS cot not a baloon 1 in Isi dens ive f afu lot but two partial ly into bere bete jn in uy soy seven bated tay stay colitas graduates are re awra ir ir im fla rl amit abnot you ut ac the fann public schools private 1 aarl earl art prom frans a ct COO people lu in 1683 1582 lint crown to a community of tile ali amt beautiful hem in california 11 A consideration of to so unique a city till model town in howled and woolly apt orth the in tho clr t art rince 1 located it the theories of 1 11 bo nna and a or met so feitl are worth a og noal deri from tho the vety batore ct of br her sit ilir nt ou on ought to bo a rather Paper for r theta Is I 1 tho the fertile and nd lovely volley ct onn with if its u 1 at mige 1 and lemon grove it ili of ri wilfling wilM ling hemmed with hedges ut ey nod rosc rows stretching lug away off 25 and 30 ilea to the bouth and cast it there is 1 inspiration la in wild wik I 1 1 4 togged and mountain wen cry as all thinkers from flower to kip ling bum hava told us bo the kierra up an range that lowers iu in lonely sublimity r j all aloud tho north of pasadena must lave 1 n berial i elevating 11 In flonc c on tie people lirty LOUR long dewem were Atner icam in bau talley tho the spanish padan pasadena tho tile of the tile valley tile primo prime reason for the tons of this town own Is I 1 that it started 9 hialit au an array army of reformer reformers have overlooks overlooked that fuel fact in their fruit V leaa 1 effta i to better their towns the j sat abut reboot an old dog 1 new welts ij J ai a applicable to column mitlee ca to individuals 6 I 1 you fw fee we had bad tho the iowa honesty zol of red trow ulue open upon inal the aud 1 lesil mixed with thrift of new england Eug lauti when this town vas was started arted ut rt one cue theta mera about l plo la in the g hamlet liO Biltl cit of palta lesin iu in iwa boft of theiu acro from iowa the rince I laco was fou sided n in the iowa vol colony oily aw 4 I 1 tl rl e 9 iowa people had come to Pu boothem luthern california Calif orLia TT triou iou successes iu in VIA A AO if aud stud prohibiting the liquor 0 ft traffic in their fT alti their ala lieari veto chock lull full rf ef original ideas as a to starting town or they alx y bad had had w aa plo experience an all pion 1 veri in iowa ifer the clod of tho civil wr tar A saloon ii Is to them the most roost spot en on hartli at about that time au t floii lon of f fro and tuluo caino came into tho colo colony ity what the 40 W ION ans way liaro have lacked io in opinions 40 concerning tbt brelding bril ding of a town free from gulle rupi md lud platies A ft the Ln supplemented WAC The was a in 10 tho apart of asadora ct at that tho the town haq not yet I 1 1 u rated no liquor could tb 1 anz tie be re revoked the fit lorper aw saw that alito his tv la m wag lica increasing AS its tile 1 enters arrived lie was vc glad to litra his price for ug hie his stock of 0 ul cabled aud and for forja enot or ing jug flom pasadena ruler sieve to return A fund of tont not 2000 wa was nickly tile laau luau A imA warned over big cat kinod aud ll 1 11 olleo to ft a wt committee antl arat his tnt holivay fray from that hrut the hand of u draia hs his wen again t saloons jl oona hal i a dozza year years the other taiwan in southern Cat fd 1 at labiena lai iena itwara vito arn a unique idea in lbs 1 pasadena paia detia ha bag grown crown like tho the I 1 r bay tree between proverbial SWE ftp A zhe 1 bet ja 11 4 nl lip 1 loo people have 1 ga 00 IU t th ard to live nud cud pend spend heir their moury money JA chiw haj ual kras wa kon from A ax bao I 1 ta maal iliad t tor for albl P acry pu of cle abe alm VM to ho he passed A through PAm desis ou on way home to their 1 ranche arun a casy ju loa andele la in arrests 11 for inton fc ahn jap ski tha colored library the cawte beut huelit fir had mattel t 4 train riu siu and gal alio nay L abit erred th the hobt 3 1000 ami hod van was larg largely elfA f k aid for b 1 bolly it is a 4 m the edus 11 I j ri rista 1000 11 aud and th tha circa 6 I 1 log ij U from to a mont mouth h a W roq r larger y of circulation than ia in public libian atin of ilka lit ize size in the 0 sl a any wt |