Show why 1 14 it 11 that price hu has not a enla doat jl ciuc at we have ofin io loan told rd of bobai anti oil indian indiana getting drunk but tile lh kocet fad in this line heui to bj bi for a provo young man to got get uniting drunk only a tha thai all ie Is it ita a possibility po for ibo the road supervisor arid the street of price to bee ee to it that the numerous nn meron load land and blink boire holes about town are bot beat to the hect sweet be and ayt joha ohm L SaI Sall Urao fran tho the ex tx and t welli whole lot of additional tar bos has pat put out his sign to tha the people ot of Ilo deeton mass i that be in a candidate for mayor of il tee the flub at it the wining municipal 11 johnnie Is U a away back we predict that he stands 14 a I 1 no chance of election but he b will one coed in knocking out a cholo lot of political thieves john L bag opened a preas bureau lo 10 akton and that imply simply settles the political 1 of the 11 alib lb we note by our Cevel cleveland aud corree correa pon rou dint that a home from tin thi east cast lag baa inveen 1100 in a form la to that thriving settlement this li is but the natural outcome of 0 the advertising advert LiIng this 1 part wt of 0 utah has been receiving lately ia in the middle anil and eastern states when the advocate advocates special edition valtion ie Is mattered scattered broadcast throughout the land aud and other event events we are of if transpire emery nod and carbon carbou county will enjoy a axum that will puzzle and astonish ast onieh the calamity cain mily lawler the cc f e epou poli lent of tha the la herald at huntington takes exception to our statement that his article anaut tae too road appropriations bad had cot not scintilla of troth truth to reel rest on inasmuch Inaam ach As a the gent gentlemen gen lemin mide the lueille lue iule honorable by stating that hii his fent article in to the ueral herall I 1 WAI was based oa on ue as to the tile facto we cheer fully make tle statement lit dira th t bis was correct 1 in A fr t r sit a it elated stated that a committee of biti bad been appointed and haa baa directed W b roa I 1 arid u bridge should be built ria is Lowi boweter Lo weTer ever was ap pointed before the it i f tho the igent by the governor a wa wail anade 31 albea ON illy grows upon an ol 01 j ct when it 4 bio in a state of inertia after it has temme bottom 1 wainly wain py eale cheep and anti unprofitable tofee tlona lead ua n to rise up nod query nl hat ba is become of tho the price board furedi ft t redi Yea Year sago when price aa wee ei rug glina in the be clothes of 0 a i ne me borad water tank phe be bail had a board of 91 trade to which ty v ry man flota a 4 hob beacon to a cow puncher b iong ion 0 J and chirped in a common of ber her beauties and sod now that bat ebo she 14 a smart ami and growing uba town it la u fir biinte ant an 1 heaven help the price la Is a goo 1 I town let u all pull together aul ebe she nil ull be P ja a afriat rat city he press of the entire antry chantry are egit atin the ines tiOu of 9 djoi road with ap apparent profitable resul 6 afore authorities appear to bo lie 1 lo 10 0 some arusell itt lC lather ther here are othera othere which should got lw be orel looked we rece rillY chronicled tha th arrest ot two at forron for fr taking water so across the count cooney T I 1 load cad lt ical bridging or ng rig As provided fy py lair laur bat but we here have not slot heard tn urd of their there are several in inet stano anor a ink abis tl kind pear li veland which should n chiy borne cf f are jeri veritable lable son nj it if it we are correct 1 L informed oae one case is i in iu 10 CIO 1 I 1 latty io the tb road toad tul civi of that pro pre aa as lot lo 10 preal log tare bilu la in the face business 1 man alo with to lay iny pr mil pit know known lie be mart must reach the bi b i diry to leal deal wl li anne api K about at this in A wiy while of perv appt ion aud and acute i at nw that the 1 1 wi I h I 1 ir y circa laird newspaper new paper li 1 the most rm acou ackom sorest st and che aleal el thannel lL annel WH leonard of pg 4 ln lo 10 purt baso ant 1 catalo county this s nion ue US 0 ful rul a arror line 1100 1 ou ad i to b this la 14 the columns of 0 f ur the admits lut IASI b be told oar our th at be IT floda esith and ana coutou to ilk a result ot of till this lilt hv dumit tb the moral I 1 is plain gui we bar in mind being om non who should profit by it for rot supreme and ml check cheek commend M to il U he 10 o called redal special allou Dg agent who ie 14 to draw a ten dollar per dinn salary from tb the contingent fund of uncle bain tor for honoring 1 the th unc kocour lah alth hl his fmc during th the long loog long win days chich I 1 Is to be absorbed la in tb the tuk tok of how hovy to get W I 1 0 allotted to acres of lauds and rw of agricultural gri cultural lanu when colont lland lett told congress last march A ch that hat ther there w was not acre acres of it land ia it the entire ree fit to hot allot to the falling for och such par pwe nil so o called special aberl has be aked what karil of accorn and what ascription it 11 lociel jr ie Is at rort Duche eno that lil ills bif would be clemed alth iupati aliee announce that the ills of indian lullau affairs h le 1 formal tot for t the M allot ment ot of the uncompahgre uto ute indian it chuu seems by the tele graphic leport from that if in the doubtful contingency that any an 7 uncompahgre indian want wants au all allot ment onside ol 01 the uncompahgre or he can select any and au entered ibuki la in utah the indian b not ia in lb the mineral land holh lt bee colonel randlett Ran dlott said id first last to congress it li Is matter of record and bad us go follow follows the situation showed that these indians had been grossly wronged by the commisa loners who bad removed hem them from colorado nailer under the treaty if that instead of 0 locating them oa on grand river la in colorado and la in utah ae as they had been instructed they forced them fer far beyond that vicinity to tile Ju nilion of the green and white riven rivers in utah that although they bad been in trusted with hun hundreds dreas oa of thou sanda of dollar dollars provided by congress for locating indiana on agrical t ml landa lands fur them with roa ce to lire live ia and providing them with implement of husbandry etc not a single indian ther lockite on land cot rot a einsle single babit able a blo house bonse did they bare have constructed aud and nothing remained ia in MO to bow show abit the these 1 had accorn beyond the tb felting getting of these indians out of colorado and dumping da taping them in a locality watch bax has proven an a arid waste in eammer summer with deathly rigid climate in to winter where sufficient shelter thelt cr the scanty clothing aud meagre rations famished furnished by the depart have been inadequate to prevent want ant and starvation re reducing thi lr to nearly one halt 0 what it ans abea they were brought from frow colorado colonel randlett ha has warned time and time again the government thit the agricultural and grazing landi lands ae e not ni ul pa the reservation sufficient to go around to the ladiana Indi nr and the land more than perhaps serve 6 L an uri gri I 1 waste upon which nothing can lire live or tz st it ij ii not generally known bat but stith ie Is a fact the have been lor for years years over since 1 were damped dumped into utah from Coli colorado rado in iati prowl lag aronal ami if such a definition fini tion can be upon the low lower er portion of the reservation the tribe 0 of indiana hata no uso for the last the addo cato published what several represents tire bad bosar losar to ay about ell as other others who bo were desirous of placing the upon we are of the opinion thi he the cla elaborated borated instructions to the allot lus lug agents from tenze Tennee iee and missouri which we eee me by the dispatch ft haye have ben lien riven given them at washington will ili bo be loaded with amendments amei dment before ill ay ny spelt hence that the washington wolli will be to khov dat the red tapo rig ilia lole will not go winter ij Is neary upon us and its if cold colder fat it on the reier ration la in winter than in fesa renne evve wre or Mise oarl and the indians tol to a X hot but camp fl 9 in to the cold col J aba rather than to be fooling tooling with illo ting farce force |