Show DBERT LAKE AND FOWELL I 1 or ill ila filch liar sell 11 ter 11 4 or ru r well and J II 11 its water lake cepl 1 know ye the land ot of the tb citron and oil 11 awe nature the garden gardens ol 01 of 0 ill in her bloom this of lines were sag to the advocate Adro oate iua nian after a vidt to powell the new now town lat lull I 1 rut cut by joe powell three miles below desert lake this part ot of fertile emery county la Is a veritable horticultural paradise par adlae in stu mb broso royo the foil boil at ad around desert lake and powell li is a rich light abdy sandy loam the seabond long and warm and all kinds of 6 fruits grape etc la in the sun un blued embrace of these fruitful acres as nowhere else 1 I in n sast prin utah all that U la is the magle magic and life enkindling touch muster of water ti Is the be grat great and at lives nit a little troublesome problem of the eit were lera berea bouta bur lint this difficulty haa has been and oon soon bijil w 1 l bg 1 entire n tb the lake dam la Is bt ut bat lint ta 0 feet high it can bo be to 60 feet at a alight slight disare of labor a 4 capital heretofore the lake baa bits been applied supplied by the drain age irom from the cli of cori country lying between cedar creek and the sage brush bench last list winter a 4 canal waa was constructed to the lake from huntington creek with this additional feeder were ibe the dam thrice ita its present height or go 00 ctet the entire bed of the lake corn com an of about acres crea could be co cerind and anti an abundance of water had hail at all tims altu and As a the settlement growa grows and the neau of a prat u or supply of drinking water la is felt it would be to a simple datter to ip a sev airale ei rale ervite supply for this pae nor Is 1 at all unlike unlikely on likely lir but abal aba the boring for art itan stan water won 0 he tried in the county enily affre abord A fula la ion to the drinking water problem it I 1 la I 1 la ilia new town of powell that this marrel luaa bil itice of abe I 1 he oil soil if to apparent and aba 14 I 1 beat best egem ibe the return returns that are re sure to follow the output of a S little capital capitol and intelligently directed effort mcpowell mr powell hae has coy acres of land beautifully located on oil a aping sloping plateau three mills mitts north west of the reservoir 1 ao 10 tho the center of this tract he hai hu laid out the ct cf powell ia in block of 1 7 J acrea giving two acres to each lot jol there aste iste r arete six fx rod wide encircling each bloor and rod on t hese streeta abent abjat a rod apprill apart are st s out leinbard Loin bard and canada po poplars piar when the immense Immen sis amount of work contemplated and carried oat out this spring and the consequent lateness of be the plant log la 6 taken into consideration 1 the prea pre ent cut showing la to this la is the fanst yeara year crop mr powell ha has 71 acre rem in vegetables 10 1 acm acres la to ir erata and SO 20 acre acres in wheat wheal bla elis wheat waa wals sewed sawed may 1 amb jtb it ws was out cot the ground june letb la is now being rot cut and will acreage or orar thirty bushels to the acre it is la in bh ble his garden boweter bower pr rr that the 11 orah ti to soon o 0 bet best ad Tant tactic 90 tone lions ft of taj land baa has 1 runta a than that age one watering oluf it U we w wae was planted aint june luth yat bere here are the hubbard which usually requires 0 so o much tater vater and wg etalka all bearly ripe while bile mr rowell and family ere are now eath g flint and corn planted at the aine same time the vr brotter otter binlon in ra lon lions of which the advocate Adro cate crib partook with relish are tweet and rod jali 11 illy bad no water T june ne istl antu at aur M botn 11 mr powell has 0 11 cit ae planted to or i ib too but this spring a varied warl tem anent ot of 1500 frees ing log the pausty p aucie y ot season they are growing well and appear harly hady looking and healthy when the water que 1 tion ie is fully and qually solved and mis tact lot I 1 U I 1 known we predict for desert lake and powell a large 1 influx of gration and a it splendid future before closing thia this article we want to correct a 0 that ia is abroad hat in cattle valey it bw hai been aalde aid that mr auwell WM wil deterring im initiation migration and ana settlement by holding acrea acres of ibe the meet most desirable deai raUe land in the vicinity his object in tn securing curing ae barna la is fricell commendable it atia is simply to prevent non and pelsor from taking op up thin min land a aid od no improving ainie to eny any actual settler who withee tc tp locate and make ble his homo home 11 be U will giro give away land oo 00 the ame same term badiea as does the united states go government andes the copert land act and ilive them thein UA uth r land ahan they can acquire could ie le more falit |