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Show PLEASANT GROVE NEWS. -Vr- kEKJJUlEI THEFTT They took two or three barrels of water out of an irrigating canal-and were arrested and charged with theft. That was the experience of Edward Hartman and Elbert Konold last Wednesday. Wed-nesday. - Thursday they were tried on a charge ortnfit.in taewurt ui jub tice of the Peace A. A. Noon, and the ;-case dismissed for lack of evidence. The two men had some fruit trees on the bench which were dying for water, and the water they were charged with stealing was hauled in barrels to the east bench orchard to aave the trees. The canal company declined to prosecute the charge against the two men, which accounts for the status of the dismissal. Professor Lund, musical director of the B. Y. U.,announces that he will accept a few pupils for a six week.,' term in voral and instrumental music. Applications may be presented at the resi.1ei.ce on North Academy avenue. " , HONDURAS MAKES READY FOR ANNUAL FUSS NEW ORLEANS. July 15 The steamer Utstein has sailed for Mobile and is reported bound for Honduras, carrying arms and ammunition to former President Boniala, who is now planning a revolution THIRTY LYNCHERS JAILED AT NEWARK NEWARK, Ohio. 'July 15 Thirty citizens are in jail charged with participating par-ticipating in the lynching, and Mayor Ankel is hearing the cases, repeatedly binding many grand jury prisoners to close confinement and police censorship. censor-ship. , Her Supf "ority. Jennie and VwU. lui'h Nr yars of age. had been nu-ni i.ming thlr nt merous possessions m l mildly boaxt , tng about them "!'. ' h- mos rlothos." siid U".- '". Ve. but l'v cnl ttv- rt"-' I . I Viola "Well, l'v tW f you," answered Ivtiii. VI li M-pmcl j done up for a in in -. hiit for a min j lite only. Then ulie panie out ! "Well. I've g- h htitu '-t r"." in"-. ! proud lone that appeared to settle th- .-Tnnd it did, far a Jennie J4Vifr ih; replied s.idlv Claude Kinj i in Provo on his a back from the San Juan country, here he has bn iniuns the oil fields. Mr Kin repor' a big b.Mtii la oil lands In San J uu county The Provo ani Sail Lake d"lt.- tr ilu Klk r.rsnd l...U tn lieirou I wISI ItMve for liiie ouiorro relved here a 'Ut 'tie Word ! i!:ior w.-re RO-n a ilei4.''l we.iti.er a ' n i' familiar aifh to by th heat ui teit h i. r. i a I I'o'r'-"! i The fund. r t - - ' th- 'r ivo o,:i;.i-r i. , iir,i ': i ' - iP -fnj.: "I In"; '' ' r-ot!j . i " T 4 ,rMu.t. tit ' "" t,-- I A t i Mr- V, , i n I . No rk ' - ''- -.4 i ' I - a - V e : -I ' jr '! t n f ri n v f f, , v ! the .-.; ' t -Th- ( r f ' ' ' er l I I I OMI T : f -h - I ... jr-- .r. . tri''l rt.tv.i; ir.lormjtiO St -Ar-I. mt K ln-of ln-of K-t. K K U-t . el 1e.'h a f-l'"" M tfm 4y iel' , I n ,-.ir-l ri ..4 M in ' rmiinnd r.d lax '',f,!l1 111 J IK Vrt-!' ' P""k r v . nl rni?l'Of III headk'Cf to '" ... a ife 1 h ,r -n to.utp r ?;:hj,"t ifeef er frn f a re-nt meruit f I -s -t a ftO is rafiU vr' IRK . I: - ert'Q re ' ejr til "e-- 9 nomvrvorTM. Fef . Wti!- A'"r R' M M!tt !"e ;4 at' FROM COURT 1 i T r,-oT5) 4 W Vii'J. aaa , a m : r.,.J re.'- - W M He-i-- - " , emm td Si.:; t jt ,.m .... r ' ! . ' r aeS V T" Vital Case of Mr. Little Hangs Fire John Z. Little was charged April 30 with undue hilarity by reason of too generous potations of an American Fork vintage, and for that he was hauled before Justice of the Peace Cunningham of that baliwiek, and, after a due consideration of the heinousness of his alleged offense, the I decision issued that he must senarate ' himseir from lo of his substance in ordeF to pacify the outraged dignity of the state. --' Little demurred. He was unable to see wherein the state had been dam agea to me extent or o. andbesifes. ne saia, ne wasn t drunk. For these and sundry other reasons, all couched In imposing and awe-inspiring phraseology, he appealed to Judge Booth's district court to inter vene In his behalf between the austere judgment of the American Fork Daniel Dan-iel and his pocketbook. The case was brought here under this sect of conditions, on appeal, and yesterday, in due form came before a jury and Judge Booth: TJiat was all it did do. It came before the Jury and there It stuck, because the Jury wa3 unable to decide, and, after trying with all tts might to agree on a fair judgment between Lirtle and the out raged government of American Fork, till midnight, returned a report of final disagreement to the court and was discharged. dis-charged. Little will probably have to go through the ordeal of another trial now, as It would never do to take advantage ad-vantage of the lady with the scales and bandaged eyes, just because she cannot see. all of which shows how very wrong it Is to either become unduly un-duly hilarious, or be accused of such conduct, which. In some cases, amounts to muh the same -thing, and also what a peculiar system of law- giving it la which makes the collection civn at mat aaie n ima... of a small fine cost the entire county localise it showed a substantial, bal-many bal-many times the amount of the flneiitn,e in the sinking fund which could. assessed in the first instance Fisher Beer LEADS ' ' IN QUAITY Scientifically Correct !A. FISHER BREWING CO. ja!t Lake CUy, Utah '.O0S INSURGENTS ASO WURT WITH UArOLLETTE Vtl.W At'KKK. Wis. Jjiy U-Tbe irritf -on en i on tht aiocn n Lfflid-el i ji-h-Bfta t M:lauke- .r oe.-nr. B-rt Vi'.l:a o h jol for e'or. atid tadored tie Re p .ti K inn aireoT. ana m M- Khi Ail0 4l:th'f:- '" a4 at b-i4 hoer U "'S M f..nP;!nl'irt VU KU P--r"n mho rr- ts aaa'iO'-ed for -fee :h - 'bri tcon'Ss AV-jt rj-' aad eo)Qe4 P "9' .teaia rH'a'y, rtra'f r (M-rrel ! Screen Doors and , ej Central Provo Can't You Use We have a million dollars to loan at low rates on city property prop-erty security. W. H. RAY & CO. Provo 'if Let us Figure With CITY COUNCIL UNRUFFLED BY CONDITION OF FUNDS If any one who visited the council chamber during the meeting of that body Monday evening, expected to hear anything concerning the depleted condition of the city treasury, thera was disappointment, because not a whisper was heard concerning the matter ,and the report of the city ra, corder, as published in THE HERALD of Monday, was read and accepted without comment. Not a whisper of i explanation was heard from anyone, although not one but what knew that the report showing'a balance in any of the various funds, was deceptive and misleading, the figures representing represent-ing nothing whatever but very coarse jugglery. False on Its Face IS TUe mar. iui reiwi i uuca mi". . .! in h tatr date than July 1, but! mil have existed j li has been about two months since ' the iiond commission was instructed to redeem one of the city bonds, but was uiiHliie to comply with the instruction. tor the reason that there was then no money in the sinking fund, although' Mie account shoed something like J. ; on hand Complacently the finance committee at at the council hoard last night and j iiM. ne.i to the reading of a report ' which they kne to be entirely false au'i misleading, but offered no woraj ,)i explanatin or palliation. Not a Protest Kvry tueiiiber ofthe council and trte mayor kne that the city la with out a dollar to meet its obligations. Or any hope or expectation of getting It for several months at least, and also that the depletion of the sinking fund in direct and explicit disobedience and oi.n defiance of public opinion asa". -he state ww. tiat"rceM.l vet not a single question s asked. ( not a voice raised In pro'Mt against; the wilful waste and gross tnimaaag-i ".i- rr apparent to all ... I Perfect Unconcern ; The citizen, not made aar f hn condition of the city's affair, hy THE) HERALD, would have supposed thtj nothing-umiual to he found in the flnnncta! sfalemen' of th rtty; r.x-order, and that Provo had l' he1, well out of ster and l!tim!Og easily, int'd of helnj !iio'h-r-.l 'iii.ler a 'oad of financial trouble i onii.ent manager wo i'd V' worried Houf There a noth'fi? 'n In i -'- inth n of the true . i' i"i d n l no br "he fl'rker o' 'i d'd a mmber of 'he fmmce 'e. he'rv tbf cnnrto lneH, 1 '' . "ha hi ! I n h'ore ?h, '. !- ? in "n-i ah'e one Perfe--' i;-?-r" '.r, -onc-rn ni'irke ) th i ;d t ml Trng of the whole c-i" -n ,vn "h rr.aTOf, -r,o h m !" rd 'he de..rx rTireri t'ir'r . regarding p'iM'tn f.fror"' 11 e"r j-rrnmen' Vrv-1 no -.n--p. a .rs'd k 1 no in' - -.-in -o"! inc the ir.!r "Hlh citnw .'oa .idered b -mv v. r- t11' . ; i.eh. ',rA't( SPifP RESIGN 0riCS Nl-'xV RK A T:l '! --' I ..y ,tend h' off'ee ' v1 jl-.rr.'ed F-nk V. Sla:e of M--i ,, ' K- inet?trd eroi ft.nd U Vedne4a ta t a kited h eerl hundred p-rtfle Tl -i, fortii.hed "rleed 1 :i f' N- band h r-!l? I! " or3jH!eJ eerrice U1 hare to ear for ' .... . . . . . . 1. 1 .... ) th ei?reon or tae. peviP! that arrmaireaieou 01 b cis ... mat cMKer raa o ' ' on - a ek IMKRITAS PORK, li V e yr "f ' r--'i-1 a s.1 1''o-ted !' a V, ht' ;t.''!fM po- , o the Third ar1 t R Va' ! tt:rfere fo-n e , brwed foo aad aakie. ca.j ' t a !iore jep oe blm H !s ,, -o t'o-ie-l a If! t'S '! 1 r.'rSee Lumber Some Money? Utah ' You on Your Loon Drink American Beauty Beef I: vu want a pure, aaltful, de-lici-Tia drink; or, if you want sorne-th,:ai sorne-th,:ai wilier, try our Beerette Svpre contains Issj than 2 per car alcohol. Send .us P. O. or ex pr-j mney order for 1 4 6), and e m ship yo buy pr'&s or ral?ht. one C4ie of twj -doicn arge or three dozen 'small AMERICAN AMERI-CAN BEAUT i or BEERETTE, and whan case and bottles are re-urn-' 1 we will ref'jal . you $1.50, ea freight charge! Order From Your Wholesale House or Direct Salt Lake Brewing Co. Salt Lak City, Utah 1 STAGEDAILY FROM PKICE to EMERY Huntington $1.50 Castledaie - 2.00 Orangevilie - 2.25 Farren - - 2.75 Emery - - - 3.25 FRANK OLSEN & SONS Proprietors vST OEPOT 0 FEE9 THE LEPER ?ALT LAKE. Jjly !I John Kokas. . Orek ho in jffer!nf from !ep .y. stated to Je C H!. iojml i''ioa roaim!Ioar for Utah, thai v.- sti willlof to b deportod and wa t!rtoii to return to Grc. b'Jt had at the meaaa The Ualted states - i ma tor ue mavsKT ai si tport kia to ale aaue couatry e. TER POWEH WANTED KNIGMTS 'VLT LAKE. July H Aa appUca filed alia the state ea-.ae-r -. dy lor the ee of public water i Kb ft Po-er Co. of Pro to . watf frooa ta Proto rtr to (. . ( horpoer of electr.c a c le tt b tor I'fiue ; .-te la Utaa toa f Sattoa aad J. M. 3ao alo ! permtMioe) to ISMarre ft Windows: Company . Utah DO IT There is a decided 'tightness the country, notwithstanding the Taft and the revision of the tariff "(upward) and all the other. blessings bless-ings arid great prosperity resultant as a matter of course, tine country coun-try has been prospering. This tightness is not localized it prevails in all parts of the country-. No section but what feel it and complains; and it requires nd gij:t pf supernatural powers to see that it is going toget much worse before it improves. , - It must get worse till such time as. we .become big enoughand brave-enough to control the transportation companies, buy them out, or submit td. their rule altogether. The last "expedient would amount to nothing more than complete vassalage, and is not to be considered, and it is very doubtful if it would be either expedient or practical to manage the great mileage of American railroads under bur system of government. This practically reduces the cure to the first alternative. We must compel the railroads to do right, to" conduct their business under laws, of our dictating now, or the time will come when they will control us utterly. The tightness of money today is very largely dire to the coercive measures .adopted by the railroads in retaliation for the action of the commerce commission in preventing the roads from taking the people peo-ple by the throat and making them pay a still higher freight rate. The argument of Jim Hill that this is necessary would have been the argument of Mr. Ilarriman, Mr. Hunting and other generals of railroad empire. It is necessary from their standpoint only", and their standpoint is the same as it was when they issued "millions of dollars worth of vateredstock". It will always be necessary while dividends are to be paid on investments of inflated values while, the roads are compelled to earn dividends for fictitious values. We shall have to fight it out with the railroads som time, an 1 aj the fight must become harder the longer it is delayed. !f - i it now. A FOOLISH ith delightful inconsistency the infallible ear-mark of w;II written, but poor arguments, the Herald-Republican 'tells us that Mr. Roosevelt is not to be relied upon as an exponent of Republicanism, and rathor open'y insinuates that replankinr, of that party's platform will be very little. All this may be very true, properly modified by about a millions mil-lions "it s.'- I Ht will the otij le of the Herald-Republican have the rrrw kl t- : r . lull n- i l . t.i . -r -.V . w iK nf Ua r J - - f cnestions? ili the ct r who in the sanctum of the paper with cerning th identity of the individual wh-y-wears the fount of Repub lican infortnaf' t i behind tlie tivets of hi$ vest? h) ii the mighty keeper of sacred iniottnation . - . It I? mipoible to rtad the daily telegraphic news without ic- (jairing som." sort of a vii;ui. notion that about all the acknowledged leade- . both among th ivtflac and the insurgents hive made the pil'nmae to t.Kt iJav . including Mr. Aldrich. ' What do the all go there for? Was it to discover whether Mr. !oei l had new horse or had lost" any of his teeth' D) tlu-e thing, i'dn.itt "that the ev-president has iost his' prestige a i leader, or that he is not as well informed concerned Republicanism a he was previous to his African frip? The Herald-Republican is simply making a noise like a good machine or.tn. and n( c tir a well known characteristic of Mr. RM't-li that no machine ha ever been aide to devfse a collar licit would fit him. hence the near argument of the Herald-Republican tha he will have little or nothing to say concerning the making of thf ".epubliean platform, and that h can tell little concerning Re-juif'lieanism. Re-juif'lieanism. " Mr. K ooevelt today is a good Republican, but he i a Ah-!e lot li'i;ei than the regular part of that party. CHARLTON VP t. .-ri'.!. ar-Mit';, a murd'T. r t t cruve iii'i'.iti!' "'ir .-rr- be a'. I'. ' arre re irdi" ' 'h'- e a country from their native Ian i When I'orter ( hari'.-.i! aeit li- .v it'e to death art J s'uffe 1 her l l in a ' hi nk whit h !u- .listened ' the water f the Italian lake and then fd t., the 1 nited ta'es hr nil 1 not have acted wth more f'evi'iih r N!a"haveli.an cunning hi I h h"n ac'tn 'tnd-r th advi: "i the best international hi;!'t e,ir.t t. harlt'JT. e.u not !e ,ieect i!!v Mate becati-i' "ur laws av h 'ull and we haven't them, and can't ,;et He cannot he tried tn I'a'y b him t:; Th -! !!' are av '": :h.at can hat); ten Mr John n seems t hue ..id a it.ni ti!e i ride, an J ha That, at leat has the adv antae nd t ehgatnj all hi attenti ii .n v i"l he a Ion; one During the pat few lay th ?iytena f Scre'iry sha- of -he ' hntian F.n leavorer. rem to hav ,uhnde I At !it the wirr l.ave Ven ilent concernjnsj it. and. a no new n aid to V ni ew. it i to be hoped that the patent i able to Mt -ip jnl rifc urihmen. THE ATTENTION v -cor lm; to a ?a't Ia' r-p hr- s a t "a'n'.i v x' the Salt Lake Rou'e betray e!fcnft-i Th a-v bar l" b- -.i Tel erio'sly. a'though it i ,Jr!y a fa t tha bfr a r-a? white this city wi!I Ix connected ih aljMnm t n bv art .e'rv irtem which wt!l give better ervn e han i siren at pre-rrs! by 'h steam road The eye of the ra:!roa pp' n on thi m-. i n fby ift a fat-ire fr the city arsd 'jfT-ni'.ff: wti an 1 hr T"ibi!!iet arvl rft'irrrf are to te f;r 1 br- r;!af -r,n !orble g!a?ce The rep-rt .-vn -'-n '! 't R - . .n' V p it into a rtral;t. bjt it .J i tf"- wat rai'r ! ' a a e e a thi t.eck of the U BRICHAM : a' v r .';!lf rt i n -.a- ! r -irt -m -th '- V1T? 'T . - NOW W of the money market, throughout fact that since the election of Mr. ARGUMENT what he will have to say about th; burns - the midmuhf electric current the red headlines enlighten us con TO GO FREE ., '.he p inth'i-rt' of hi M-.-o v l ii;a of Italv !u never r i t: i of the citizens )f eithtf I f r r'l sr I-..vr I-..vr ---. h- L'.ni:;l V .itr!se an a!iiie l his cric-o j v ream probably retire I o a :v n pa'ch i keptn him tt t ' , , !j ht ! : t b v I h pr?it OF THE RAILROADS MADSEN a'.v a- to ' i a V - T -a- -e !.- v- f - ' J 1 V - 5 |