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Show Controlled Newspapers. The Atchison Glofiesays that do Ad Tertlser has ever tried to control its ed ltorial policy, the remark being occa atoned by the charge often made now days, that the big advertisers direct, the editorial policy of newspapers. Theexperience of the Globe is the experience of most newspapers. The " merchant who does a great deal of advertising ad-vertising Is more interested in the circulation cir-culation -department of a newspaper than' in the editorial department. If4 daily paper goes to the homes of the people, and Is read by them, he Is' satisfied, satis-fied, and it may chase after any theory or fad, for all he cares. He has troubles , of his own, and he Isn't trying to shoulder shoul-der those of the editorial brethren. There are newspapers controlled by people outside of the editorial rooms, and a good many of them, more's the pity; butJhe . peQDlexercUlng that control are not the businessmen who pay their money for advertising space. The newspapers which are established for political purposes are often controlled con-trolled by chronic oraceseekers, whose first concern Is their own-Interests. There are newspapers controlled by great corporations, and the voice of such newspapers is always raised In 'protest against any genuine reform. ' The average western newspaper usually usu-ally is controlled by Its owner, and be Is supposed to be in duty bound to make all sorts of sacrifices at all sorts of times; there are people who consider it his duty to insult bis advertisers, Just to show that he is free and inde pendent If he shows a decent respect for his patrons, who pay him their money, and make it possible for him to carry on the business, he Is "subsidized" "subsi-dized" or "controlled." The newspaper owner is a business man, like the dry goods man or the grocer. The merchants mer-chants are expected to have consideration considera-tion for their customers, and they are not supposed to be subsidized by the man who spends five dollars with them, but the publisher is expected to demonstrate bis courage by showing that he Is ungrateful for the patronage patron-age of his friends. It is a funny combination com-bination when you. think it over. Xwiporia Qcuctte. , Ths Miser of Sag Harbor. "Economy," said Daniel W. FleldT the millionaire shoe manufacturer of Boston, who at the age of forty-five has entered Harvard, "economy Is ea sentlal to wealth, bat by economy I don't mean niggardliness. "Two many men fall to attain '.to wealth because they practise ' a cheeseparing and mean economy that - gets everybody down on them. - "They practise In fart, an economy like that of old William Brewster of 8ag Harbor William, you know, would never buy oysters because he couldn't eat shells and all." TAKE A FOOT-BATH TO NIGHT After dlMolvlns on or two Allen's Foot- Tab (Antithetic tablet for the foot-bath! " '"KAJL t- it win tan out an aoraiwaa. 1 tndr-M. remova foot ha tha (i Foot- a flan's f t into your em:-rr . AVOI4 ub- 4t or Alltas Foot-Taba r. or oar recular ilu aani wmni or Olmsted. Addrea Allan & M V TootaTabi for root Tuba." LaaWtit I Ika a OaMaM "My dear," aska the thoughtful hus band, "did yon notice a large sheet of paper with a lot of diagrams oa It about my desk f" "You mean that big" piece with dots and curves and diagonals and things all over Itr J "Yes. It was my nap of the path of Halley'i" comet. I wanted to "My goodness! I thought It was that pattern I asked you to get. and the dressmaker la cutting out my new blrtwsist by It:" Chicago Evening Post. Important to Mother Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA. a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that It nara tha Signature UAyTJjA la I'm For Over 1 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought Caring for the Baby. Lady What a alee boy. to your 1HU brother so earm old watch fully! Nice Boy Yea. nm lie jat silo si-lo wad a dime and I'm afraid of kid napera r R Iteklaa CrelMt. Crate. Stra rnif Cre'ah ai4 All Tr Tt-at f Try X n- E;a Si. Aa- t'.r Tiit Trial S S.- Aa Tif tf,. rt er Writ Murine Era RrSy Cax. Ura - Tne scomtng after t rapoctttle for many good resottitWs Rica rvUtivet hsv a tsv&ta for tew lag to a rlp old ace 5 i . irteTwrrfWa - TiTilT ISTCJH HIGE7 , if? Allen --liova FH nr-t l ij ii ii iwS "A ! sg I'm acrwts tU At tko Utuse ef k.a a;Vw Kit ! f1 f'tt ' ' rlttt st CiaetUt. M.k. ea SisJayj Art-hdske Jaaepa. ti k!gh thi P li -j V;lil McCas'ev. ;.e-x:-er oa isiaa rt has derured tiat It ws I JfwHivvVViy I tre retrert .Ay boa? Hni::x it :e Clsa-sg Arci lEUEHJF EBB n JfECORD . OF TH E -IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN ITEM-r ITEM-r IZEO FORM. Home and Foreign - .News Gathered From All Quarters of the World, and Prepared for -Busy Men. INTER-MOUNTAIN. A Jury In the federal court aHHer-ena aHHer-ena brought in a verdict, finding Joseph Jo-seph O. Lee and his. two sons guilty of counterfeiting. Lewis Wagner of Glasgow pleaded giHlty to. a refusal to answer questions propounded by a census enumerator--and was fined noo. y Dr. R T.' Wiley, a wealthy resident of Mineral Wells, Texas, walked off a Pullman car while asleep near Ram-eyvllle, Ram-eyvllle, Colo., on the Colorado & Southern railway, and was killed. When a street car ran away down a steep hill In Trinidad, Colo.,. Hie motorman jumped, and the ion pas engers were In deadly peril until a recently employed motorman who happened to be on the car fought his way to the front platform, threw the brakes on and stopped the car at the edge of the curve Stephen Suiter, of Maiden, Mont., has been arrested, charged with the assassination of Thomas Burke, who was found with his body riddled with bullets There had been a longstanding long-standing quarrel between the two men. The grain crops In Montana and the western portion of the Daltotas which have not the advantage of lrri- pat inn are literally diving up ana Continuous! shriveling in the fields, hot winds are proving disastrous." The government has won in a majority ma-jority of the land cases in the Big Horn country In Wyoming, fifty-seven eases having been decided In favor of the government, and four In favor of the entrymen. Charles Shufelt, a young rancher, was drowned before his wife's eyes, he being unable to reach him, when be was attempting to swim the Missouri Mis-souri river- near Glasgow, Mont., astride a horse 4and leading another animal. The Herald-Republican of Salt Lake City and four of Ibe employes of the! paper bare been fined a total of $630 for contempt of court as result of i pubiurring, belore trial, the confes sion of Harry Thorn, convicted mur derer vf Oeorgv W. Fassell. a grocery derer vr won v.. rasseu. a jr,,., to thirty days la Jail. The "wildcat mining law passed at the last session of the Nevada state legislature was sustained by a decision handed down by the state supreme su-preme court on Friday. S ' DOMESTIC IlLLlu "Within Sight of bis fiancee, whom' "00,,u aiDa he bad Juat kl.sed good night. Elmer ;"d VwnX ownership of eleva-Cooper, eleva-Cooper, a salesman, shot and killed1 " - on- one of two highwayman who attempt- lh v d to rob him In Chicago. "f, tb ,-r1 "f'7 AmaHllo City. True, .bowed a Wg JJ'bta n"mb" b -W M Increase in population in me isat, ten .rHi. anum-r.! Bleu in lam inmreniu r-u, uui were given out byW rector "ourand on Monday. It grew from 1.442 Id 1 .o 9,957 ,hl. year. j f A special from Hlaaatba, Kan,, ear, Joseph fUyora. a railroad em-; by falling Into a pit of hot cinder... ' . ., . . . The Africa Me hodl.t Eptcopal Ministerial aswiation of Chicago and ; vicinity baa adopted a resolution co-, detuning the "preaentatkm "ot any nMMiU-n of the brutalities of the prixe ftht, whether It be In the ring Itsaif or by roolng picture reproductions" repro-ductions" Walter B rookies. In a Wright M- jIsb. broke the worlds altitude r-c erd at AtUatie Ct'y. X. J,oa Fatur-day. Fatur-day. ba he attaloed a height of .ITS f"et. Havv rasas fell in every acilon of Ok'-ahoma set tlT" extreme aonh Sunday, amirlrg th Ti-r of the cottoo aad com rmp wltJwt farther moisture. A!i la tha rartfees of Jsais.-a Pay, WKI am E.5f-!H of Mp'. I I. b fno la a qnlrkuad pcH aad II. Jat ss"i"e4 s!?te lfr ' fteis could rera s!n , Tse Rv Cllstoa DeWltt- Sharp. at4 45. ftmf f of a charch at j eVts-Rsl. V T, has tn awM at Kaaias C.tr !a eoFay tth a II yro!l g4rl wta abom It Is cearji Softie 1W. n of tt trtax4; ; ta Ike faaio-J S orvy caaal swad Lai t ba rostScted at It ; :!!-fKiM :!!-fKiM aad totH to pr of t' sal to pay $4 of tW o ef f roaa-stio ; fi: o'e-V. asl sask t!et !U;Ja 6aia! of Asstr'a is t al (utf rr.Vt V TiM orlf 'LI GCt tie diriS'Job tj! L. r,ra Wa. tietr Lvev ta 1 M.4 ; M-a, Fsry M w;' ef a CU rsr?-a-r-t rr frntifrf. ea to 11 ln I f-a.t f. i -! t. x t.rr iit sal k-at The river steamer Cape Girardeau struck a snag and sank to the bottonr otheJMlssIsslppi river onMonday at Turkey island fifty" miles south of strxuts7Trcinety passengers - were aboard, and all were taken ashore safely. v . Three trainmen were killed and a trainload of passengers were badly shaken no when a train on the New York Central, known as the northern arfd western express, was wrecked jiearNewtonhook, N. Y. '. ' A survey of districts 1n . northern Wisconsin, which . have suffered! through forest -fires brings the estimate esti-mate of the total damage of the last three weeks to more than three mil lion dollars. ' ':: &y four-horse stage coach carrvirft eleven passengers, bound to El Portal the gateway to the Yosemlte' N-tional'park, N-tional'park, went over a cliff into tV? Merced river, near. Yosemlte, Cal.,..cjp. Sunday, a fall of 100 feet. All te passengers but, four . Jumped. The four are seriously injured. f -Henrletta-Ackerman,-16 -years-o of Cincinnati, and John Monrt aged 19, of Newport, Ky.,were drbwn- ed in the l OhioatlticinatL iMe boating. J - Blank cartridge wounds received on the Fourth of July claimed the" first fatalities at Pittsburg, on Sunday Edward Mullaney died of tetanus and Adsm Boviteh of blood poisoning from ta wound in the hand. ' WASHINGTON. The navy department has announc ed that the enlargement and exten sion of the dry docks at Puget Sound would Increase the total cost, to jl,-863,096, jl,-863,096, aud at Pearl Harbor, the en largement would advance the co6l to I2.oo4.000. Secretary Meyer has signed air or der authorizing the sale of the third class cruisers Detroit and Boston, the gunboat - Concord and the torpedo boat Winslow. Prom a military stand point the usefulness of these vessel; has passed. Organized labor in the District of Columbia has began to lay plans for a systematic ugnt against the open shop policy. . "More than $10,000,000 reduction In the postal deflclv was made In the first nine months of the fiscal year Juat ended. Lightning rods are being raised over the White House, during the president's absence from the capital. Secretary Meyer haa undertaken a personal Inquiry into the work of en Urging the dry docks under The re-rent re-rent appropriations, which have Just become available. Py proclamation of President Tafl, 10.578 acres of land near Er Reno, Oklahoma, which were formerly with the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indian reservations, have been opened for settlement. These landsare said tq be the most valuable e blaM fTOrmM.tiT ULM utmmm. r k r b w i i Antl-clerlcal meetings continue to be held la Madrid. Saragosa, Tarragon Tarra-gon e and Toledo. At Barcelona a petition pe-tition signed by 22.O0O women was presented to the governor of that city endorsing' the government's religious i policy. j" TU-a. r 1 1 , . i i . a . A dispatch from Sh.ut.mi ,ays I tnere are depredations in l,rho, in h 8'.ung ,c,()nt ' ,1 V re no the riot- era , iue ' a ?n W by r,,m, Csnslejos preventing oth-r rl g(.us ord.r, ntni g mn, of ti)t Tumcn Th n, Tollr, Mnfl. . ....... i ball for the release of Count D'Aulbv ! de Gatlgny. who baa bn -lt;n-d I by the police since April Ut on the j district forestry headquarters at Og chsrge of having min-errm-ntH th 4a that Ogdea has been chosen a origin of paintings and th anujn j-1 the eeatral point for the forestratloa of furniture purchased by Mm Cam department of the eotlr service in H, Paine of Paris, bur f.rrorN of!'he I'alted States. This department Boston. ; fc, charge of the planting of seed for Charged with d-iitering t.-rtun ! new forest tree, etc military and aaval e-r-t t th . Edmund Shepherd Lotesy. for alt Freaf h gneranwnt. Anns 7nr .mM j !M,a y.rs president of the Utah Bee-has Bee-has ba ses'euced to sis yr i i kopers association and a leader .la Jail at Le'palc. gaioay (fe. industry of the state; died at Th profit of the Belfast r-pr tloa elertrtcHy -dpsrtmeat ii r stsonted to $"4 0. $ISww was handed over Is rf ! !' The greatett latere ht -f s"ond la cllc e!r-V h- d'covery bv a Bri'l'h evrd' new j !gy rare ta Nw C,nn- A repetlsoa of Cearal w rerooeea'rsdt s'u t tts traip4 la Mcarsg ja, at the ia c Ho c-f ta geraaj-at. .1 la c!'S4, r4:'y ewpse aaflac Wn 4rt4 to eoacttrate at Gratia AtaMet to tit eerofy ef P. m!a FnsV la ta Ectoa etn-h Not" taz: ?"ct b?r, Etgiaad. a B3 Tl'4 oa Jsly ?. Ef 'oa was the aa c-!ral Iiosb of the rraaklia laauy s 3k srearry u t rvA t:x.&ee U teriZ"s.:tt w.tt.'a si s-sl J Tk Astervaa Cersaa tr4 w sr. of t wk'ek tare beard so area. N a ! trcVc sad a-ri?e ta x ot cf tie tc:4?. f-i far 11 -- rtfa aa e s4 ( tk r a Its nm gt .'-f !- m THE UTAH BUDGET bank is to be started. in the A new 4 (own of Helper. , . ' . -'. The tenth annual convention or me Utah, Pharmaceutical soriation was held at Logan, Tuesday ana Wednea day. ' - The Provo city council has received n offer from the Provo Electric com p6ny toselJ its distributing plant rtc the city for the sum of $100,000. The state board of barber examln ere had granted licenses to thirty-sli nnlicants at the conclusion of a-two- flays" session held in Salt Lake City. " More than 100 descendants ol pe a.. .-;.. fomilvi nloneprs of Utah, gath- U3UU . - r , aroi flr BaraiuKa owns", --- for the annual family reunion,' on July 8. Rather than collide. with a wagon, Clifford Moulton, a chauffeur, ran his automobile onto the sidewalk in Salt Lake City, collided ; with a tree and lsustalned4 broken arm. The seventh anual convention ol the PostmasteP' .association of Utah was held in Ogden on Friday, nearly , i ' it , f.Am all nirta e a nunarea a?i6alco- 'i"1" " -the state, being present. Charles Otto, a Swede, while intoxicated, intoxi-cated, made an unsuccessful attempt to drown himself in the Weber river at Ogden. being fished out by two men who saw him Jump from the bank. - Although the property values ' for Weber county and Ogden City show a marked Increase over lhat of last year, the tax levy fixed by the Webei county commissioners Js the 6ame a? that' for 1909. Charles Lange, known as Salt Lake's heaviest citizen, was thrown from the front end of a street car when tb car "Hade a sudden lunge in turning a corner, and Is in a hospital in a serious condition. The county commissioners of Weber We-ber county have received "a number of sanitary drinking fountains, ordered for use at variouf points along the county roads, and their Immediate installation in-stallation has been ordered. Sixty freight and pasBenger men of the various railroads entering Salt Lake have signed a call for a meeting to be held in Salt Lake City. Friday, Tuly 22, to organize what they will call the Salt Lake Traffic club. Melvln Karth. the butcher who attempted at-tempted to kill his wife and then commit com-mit suicide on the morning of June 6, in Salt Lake City, shooting the woman and cutting his own throat, is to tx-f'd tx-f'd for assault with intent to commit com-mit murder, . Reports come from Juab county that the wheat on the dry farms in that locality Is headed out In fine thape and that a pretty good crop would be raised, also that moat of the !, , m mr about twenty bushels to the acre. Robert Steanhardt and Arthur Scott, who fought a duel with revolvers on Main street In Salt Lake City, have fsch been charged with assault with latent to commit murder. An Innocent Inno-cent bystander was shot In the sboul-ler sboul-ler by one of the duellists. At the rate of half a mile per day the Ogden Rapid Transit company la pushing Its track for an Interurban trolley line between Ogden and Brig-ham Brig-ham City. Tbe grade has been completed com-pleted beyond Willard and Is within a few miles of Brlgham City., Buried nearly naif an hour under heap of sand In the sand pits near Warm Springs. la Salt Lake City. George B. Meredith waa extricated more dead than alive. He did not recover re-cover consciousness until physicians bad worked over him for two hours. "Jeff Lost and So Did !" were the words placarded pn the back of Arthur Ar-thur Thayer of Bingham, as he wheeled la a wheelbarrow, Sunday afternoon af-ternoon la the nor sua. Sam Byron with whom he bad wagered oa the ! outcome of the fight, tfvlng Byron mile ride up blU. It Is announced from the Fourth hi. heme la Salt Lake CVy. Jnly P. of r!iral debility. Mr. Ivety was TI Tr of age ad crosaed the plains to ! Lake City f lX Itv esd of caasieg Job " raters to be dicurag"4. the pro- ' f'?d dry spell le provleg b-yoad a .f tt tast ttey have some of the bet I a ta the s'at for dry farming, asd ,... djrirf tk drteet -or. they : '-b t fa'r crop if IW but em ' V,j the proper fultlvatioa. Jt- Larkta. axd So accidentally '-A ,r'a aa old shaft at Bingham, ;;;r-k-B i; k-C " ?-.',-. jtcg for fwr days at tu y;ia of the shafv beSore a boy , ;at rg tat wsy ard hi cries sad b-r.gv t i He wlU mover. Ai k- ?att of ajt aatomob'le sir Leil. ta mt.av m f.'T mr tte li ay. Htr-;4 C, Raraoal received a rcks ara as fsteraal ttju-les aad A 3, lxbe4y. COy Arao d ii H: asi Kratcie-1 A3 5 Lake r'i"u A ttraj re.arl IW kaa er tt t, car5 ,ir entt- k i i Orgt firt Use tr a tear Ci. tlrtt tjA tie Aer xaa ITp- ri ; t- t' - -- -, , MUCH PROFIT IN FATTENING Nothing In Turkey-Raising Pay Better Bet-ter Better Results Obtained '.When Birds are Confined. Nothing in turkey production pays better than thorough fattening and that for a number of reasons. "First, more pounds, are obtained and that at a minimum cost. ' From-four to six pounds may be easily added to the weight of a six months old' bird, and these a.dded pounds, being mostly fat, are more cheaply made than simple flesh' and bone. Second, better prices are obtained. A plump fat bird will bring more per pound than a thin, lean one, and is in better-demand, so that there is a double gain. Third, it is more gratifying. There is always a pleasant satisfaction in offering for sale something first class in every respect re-spect in knowing that one can and has produced something really good and worth' while. To fatten a lot of turkeys properly it Is necessary to begin some time in advance of the market for which they are tb.be prepared, writes Mrs. Millie Honaker in Wisconsin -Agriculturist. This iaespeclaUy-Jtrue joI -young turkeys, tur-keys, not yet', full' developed. For these fattening is also a rapid finishing finish-ing process which must round and fill them out and which takes considerable considera-ble time' For such a month to six weeks Is none too long to feed with a""view to putting into best marketing condition. Many turkey producers do not confine con-fine their flock during the, fattening period, but better results may usually be obtained by doing so, especially towards the last. However, for young birds which are to.be simply forced for a time previous to actual fattening fatten-ing it is not necessary at least to confine con-fine closely. Yet these will do much An Aristocrat better if not allowed lo range too freely, free-ly, when so Inclined, Many flocks. If fed regularly from the first, will practically prac-tically give up ranging on tbelr own accord Is soon as- put on full feed, but where they do not-,it Is advisable to confine in some large, open lot, or yard, such as exists on mont farms and could te easily utilized for the purpose. pur-pose. I!y lirp!ng one wlug the birds may be easily kept" abere wanted. Towards the last, that Is from two weeks to ten days before killing, tbey should be more cloudy confined, preferably pre-ferably In a shed or other building where tbey ran obtain little exercise, and which may be partially darkened. This last lit lo prevent the young gob-lorn gob-lorn from fighting, as they sometimes will lih disastrous results, when elrely confined ualer twdinary circumstances. cir-cumstances. " Corn ia some shape, preferably ground, fhould he the msla food during dur-ing the fattening peviod. Hoaever, for young birds being prepared for the real fattening process; other things In connection are advisable. Wheat bran or aborts mlied with corn meal, or ordinary or-dinary ground fe d In whkh tbre Is larga per cent of core metl, wet up with warm milk or water l ese!ket. All kinds of boll' vf g'tab! maf hed tip with corn meal or ground feed are also good. Barley aad rye ground p with corn make an Ideal rs'ion for this stag. Care hnM be tak'a. bow-ver, bow-ver, Bot to fed too wet, or to feed too generously at fint. Jht wt sough to erumbl nicely, and jsst what will b eaten p clean at one I atowt right. Whole grains of :i kinds may be aUo fed. snd are e-pe- ctaL'y advUabi at trt For the last week or two. or after beltg plar4 la close tots fixe iceirt. iter Is' tKtfc:tg tetter Itii roaraery goccd crro mvaj wet ap alth acaU:&g mil for tie maia ratlotu To tt:s cay be ad '4. for variety's take, a l.ttle sko: : a fw hei4 pesat&ea or wisttver ! 1 at taal But atatstar !te is er Is cot avrt;:e4 aa atwaiasc of grtt sttrali be. "S lti rrttk"y U k fiod U eft' f!oy efrea water tto:i be oacatax' w:t.ila - reach. tat Vact-0l tl Tgtea8. Tker ts a farsak aU:-.t tr4 fag txorosgltrew fow tlat gtvw .:' v.".t:- lTt: :i rt f war lrcl"e i a---t "rxvt -Your Liver is Clogged up 1 Bar a vv H T MTM Timm -M ports tlavo Appetite.. CARTER'S LIVER PILLS will nrt van richt b a few days. - They do ; Jfceirduly. Cm Caartioa- W to. h-fictUa, sad SA Wi ssuu rax. ssau. doo, biau ma, 43ENUINE araw bear agnatoire: DEAF II EAR- THE AURIS Saautt. Irtmticts pnetiai karin inks. Irttt ts-sj;. AURIS COMPANY iamikteh. New Vo. r- i icv m v irn i rn Ut.u I rui ruiutoMutiikiiii v - ' in a..... la Bid) 44? BelaJ iuttl pill sf U - Vli mo4 ew ttijarw uf-thing. uf-thing. GMrmnwerleti farUww. UfalltUalefl or ggat pntfutd far Ma. 1UBOLB ROnU lice iMEaJhAsav 0 rsMtXra. Um ! ASSAYS RELIABLE : rnOKPT (ioliLtae: Uokl and (vtver. 11.00: Gold. HiWar and Ciiiwr lljtt. Gold and Stiver reflned and bought. Write for frp mallln aarka tM.DEN CO 1438 C'our ILM.-e, Donar, Colui-ado. The Lost Chords. ' The -jrillage concert waa to be a great affair. They had the singers, they had the program sellers, they had the doorkeepers and they would doubtless have the audience. All they needed waa the piano, but that they . . . m 1 1 1 1 - lacKtu. isor coma uiey procure one anywhere. , At last the village organist learned that ona was possessed by Farmer Hayseed, who lived "at the top o the 1U." Forthwith he set out with two men and a van. - "Take It, -an' welcome," said Hayseed Hay-seed cordially 'Tve no objections a'long as ye put 'Pyenner by Hayseed on the program. " They carted It away. "An I wish 'em joy of it," mur mured' Mrs. Hayseed, as the van disappeared disap-peared from alghL "Wish "em joy of It," repeated Hayseed. Hay-seed. "What d'ye mean?" "Well, I mean I. only 'ope they'll find all the notes they want," replied the good woman. " 'Cos, ye see, w hen I wanted a bit o' wire I alius went to the old planner for IL" " Foxy Htram. . "Wellnow. If that ain't surprising!" ejaculated Mr. Rylop sbadett her eyes with ber band." "There goes old Hiram Skinflint, and rather than step. on a poor black ant be picked It somewhere out of the reach of dan-ger." dan-ger." ller husband laughed knowingly. "Not Hiram SkluRlnt. Mandy. Hell go down to Jed Weatherby's general store and order a pound of granulated sugar. TheS while Jed Is looking another an-other way he'll drop the ant among the grains and tell Jed as long as bis ugar has ants In It he ought to sell it at half price. Uke as not he'll try to get Jed to throw In two or three raisins and a yeast rake. You don't know Hiram Skinflint" An Answer In Kind. "How did the trouble In the family start r "The wife. It seems, got tired of her husband's heavy wit" "Why didn't she simply tnak a light retort r "She did. She threw the lamp at him." At the Summer Resort. "I think Tve seen you before somewhere" some-where" "Yes, I think la'lit'i ite, you and I were engaged to be married four seasons ago. weren't T Compound Interest comes to life when the body feels the MicKus glow of health, vigor and energy. t - That Certain Sense ol vigor ia the t rata aad easy jyi cf the rrrvef comes when the improper loxII art rut out aaJ ptedigestej flrapeNuts take their f'.ac. If it has takes you years to ran dawn don't eiftct on) rsoaihful cf this jfat fooJ to I lire yi back (IjT it ii Bet a atiecslaxt Kit a rtbniWer.) Tea dys trul shoe's lacSi til reSilrs Ual c:. s'.cii t) it, There's a Reason" Get th t.fJ lock. "TU ta Vc-vil," ia f-ija. LITTLE fxTv . S ' I ft "a I ti t-i-i l' :'. ttktvg tar le eare ar4 avttj " i; i f-j fv-'trf nl n 4 a ai- Stia Oma. |