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Show -7 3 1 ! - s -"A F- F0 V4' SELF-SUPPORTINGmUMS. .PLEASANT GROVE IS THE PLACE VOL. 1. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION SERVICED PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH, FRIDAY, JuJy 5( 191Q No. 27 WOOLEN MILLS STARTiMAMNG CLOTH NEXT WEEK T T eaiaiiniu: e news VJILHELM MAS MADE IT HECESSftRY TO Mill fflORIZ TIE HIS WIFE the country; fJOLS MADRZ Uncle Sam Is Pvoked And Will Administer Lesson To Little TUpstotwithr-Large TUpstotwithr-Large Gall HUNTING TROUBLE , WASHINGTON, July 15. It is becoming a aettl'd belief among the beat" inlormec concerning our foreign relations, that the attitude o( Germany towards the influence of tbe United States in Central and South America, and tne set- tied determination to persevere la tbe recognition of Madrls as preaU dent of Nicaragua, contrary to tbe Monroe Doctrine, will shortly result in armed Intervention on tbe part of tbe United States in tbe southern broil. Constant re- ports of a more or less disquiet- ing nature are constantly arnv- . , .. . vn .... .k..l.. I, A. v ids; iron nivru, IS IN MOW OFTCN 1 i J see I - , J ffiHr ; I HER OOtV ARIES 1 ACTIVITY AT MILLS FOLLOWS ' Mills Will Start With, Comparatively Small Force Wfiich WiifBe Increased Season Anor Work Advances LlilEB IS AGROUND AIID CARGO Oil FI NEW."1 BEDFORD. July 15. ! NEW YORK. July. 15. Despite the disagreement between the Peoniyl- Tbe Metropolitan liner, James S. raal official and trainmen; It Is be- Whitney, Is agrouodat Vineyard lleved a strike will be a retted. Peoa- HaTen and 1U eargr U on fire. i.ayivanie Ubor anlonisu think tbe sltu- Is beUefed. tbe reliance Maoris -e-.y ou. m . w t v'1' - " Tlatioa is hopeless, the comDanr dosI- dUmi In recelrlnt the support r " w vi ...... . ' iror-.i.Dow-.wlUlllleTed sli passengers on board bound -w mcrewe ue wag iuw uiuuui uuuu r aeiense iuna is by diplomats that the sect soe oa the board or diplomacy win oe v --made by 8ecreurrKo.as lndl- cated. " sis passengers oa board Till Maxit!kim FoixeDf Oper ; atives Is Again On Payroll . Som.ttme between now and this time next wek the Knight Woolen Mills will bs sn excessively busy place, because that is the limit of time left for inactivity at the big mills se long allent. ' - Sometime during the time indUatsd a force of operatives will be at work turning out woolen cloth samples. Mi Prove will again have the support of a manufacturing payroll. L 10 IS THE LAST BOSTON. July 15 The Metropoli tan company deny that tbe freighter Whitney Is srround. They ssy she WASHINGTON. July IS Reports of grounded this morning, but got off un-the un-the mistreatment of Pittman. the Am- Injured They also ssy there is no fire eiican prisoner held by Msdris are . constantly accentuating the Nicaragua Crisis. , Americsn life snd property are con-j suntly threatened n i Madrii keeps , piling up unp!eaan cliars. which! Secretary Knot is eipectmg to settle titer. These things Include the nerurm of tb releane of the Nlcar tan gunboat Venus at New Orl-ans uniler false uteinfDts; the bombardment of Prln tii'ioa. an unfortified ton. where Ujer are man) Atu-rn .n tetere', i irousing an anti Aui-ri'-io teeiing. ana the detention of lr I' A Uutglieim as 1 priaoner of war i'b ut cdune it Is b-;!eed there is s!r-'1y j.n! uu for AJH-rtcan Inteneov.oa aitbout efer-eace efer-eace to tbe Plttmn ose. which 5e-re try Kno will set le la'-r' ONLY flDOSEVELT DEFEAT IDE LONDON. July li -Tfc- Morning Tost, as ultra-conriUeorgin. i the flrwt Loodoo Bewtpatier to editortal.y 0O3BHmt oa the Ksef MaJrii Incident Inci-dent It quotes the bt(tiet German of rtclals. withholding aaoie. and telling V Ormaay's attitude The Post bears.; oat all the details gi la the United ptews cables. RAILROAD STRIKE WILL BE CALLED CALL-ED AT ONCE NEW YOAK. July IS. Ce"ei Raoievsit it te speak at tt App-c-ian txposition at Knoxvilit Ocrs'oe- 7.1 A )( later Preaident Tat soeas tsre. The Colonel aectpted the ea-i rrittee's invitation. Thin morning former AmbassaJor. 'o Mexlro Thompson boomed Roosevelt for a thirl term after rlaiung the Colonel. Kmerging he ssid "I employ 4M executire officers la the West snd Jk i them to ascertain the feeling torn to-rn ard RooweTelt. They unanimously r ported thai everyooe favored a third term for Roosevelt. During my travels I have not found a single Republican who ts not coevinced that Rooeevelt must be named If the Democrats are bestea B . VV II ! I i'M.1 lla. 1 I il 1 promisee to be a long and Bltter3a test: General Manager Peck, of the Pennsylvania, Penn-sylvania, ts conferring 1th a committee commit-tee of representauvva of Trainmen aat Coaduc'.orj. representing ttf.000 eon-ptoyee. eon-ptoyee. - Manager '-k. promises a afinite answer to lh men demand this afternoon af-ternoon At present there a deal link, with no sign of fielding on either side, the employes consider agoU-tioni agoU-tioni only a waiting game aul 1-cUre they intend to strike unless tby get a rit'en troorlad contrsct PHIAOELPMIA, Jul, $ The Penrnyivama campany'a itatsment this aftsman Jecisred tat in the rte-gotiations rte-gotiations of th men thty wanted sieven. twelve and tnirteei houre' pay for ten hour' work. They demanded higner pay than th Ne York Central and- Baltimore A Ohio men rtcsive. The employee' coTtmttts rtaoive-a t Stand firm. Th Fire-vei and En-1 Jinemtn of WeatSrn tin vottd wtn tne" Trainmen Sd Conductors t-i Strike I ESCAPE TiedBi!! (mkett Into ' Hole In Roof Left By Many Other Getaways WAS NOT LOCKED Among the arrivals at the Lamar this morning was James Dow, of Dexter. Dex-ter. Me., w ho comes to Provo to take over the management of the Knight Woolen Mills, and who will place them in operation immediately. Together with Jesse Knight the new manager was busYabout the mills this fore-boon, fore-boon, and has taken up his headquarters headquar-ters at the Lamar. 1 Mr. Dow has the bearing and appearance ap-pearance generally of a veryeaergetlc man, and the manner In which be receives re-ceives and disposes of various propositions show him to be a anai of long experience in executive detail. A Bury Man Mr. Dow was too busy this forenoo'd to express himself concerning matters apertaining tw his new work in Provo, to www much to be dona. oJ and Lula aia tilna. Lul TMnf',:t?r,'i ?., , n, !L. .-X "SET U was learned that no more time is (LI: Detective haT" 4aBvv,""-- te lost in tne starting or the looms 'tnia for Cnppea and hT? Tr,., nuansu in Former Salt Lake Man's Crime Reveals Horriblef Action-Inquest Over Wife's Bo Today In London CR1PPEN IS MASSING LONOOIJ, July ISmny targwr Santeera removed from tn bodjf, fvt. fdently because they would not quickly dissolve in the quicklime. The house) was searched fo'hem and the detail show that Qrippen'waa one of the most skillful criminals of the age. The police believe Cxi p pea killed hi wife on February S, when he wrote her atep-slster, saying that she had gone to "Los Angeles. The quicklime was eating the body in the - house . where the letter was written. v ' After the death of Mrs. Crippaa, Miss Leaeye appeared in public wearing wear-ing airs. Crippen's furs and jewelry. ,. Thereafter Crlppen 'married-' Mia Leueve and Introduced ber as his wife. The police fearf Crlppen is captured there will bJIdifflculty ' in convicUoc him, owing to the Impossibility thus far of IjKally Identifying the body. . Scotlafll Yarders have abandoned the theory that Crlppen and Miss -LeneTe htve left England. They are Ctlnce4 thai they are hiding i m a 3 Lxnaon. t . At the Inquest tomorrow, nr. XJ Is expected to stvJut V- . t r i i - " I i 3- Lawhom, serving a ninety-ay ninety-ay sentence a chsrgt of battery, in tn county jail, ma hit eicape throyjn the same" old hole n the roof of t"it Inatution, eomettme before mid-nijnt mid-nijnt last night, and Is no st n-gs. Ubora and young Thijait. vh"t kaowi as "Guinea" mere serving i '.i-ty-day sentence for aa .iauii iu oui trench atonem io3. a!ut s r'ii-rb ago, and were con-tiJ-rel by, -r.one to be very fortunare to es- a penitentiary sent-nc. using to fact that at the time of the assault, : -r victim said they bid not oolyj , i'en blm while he was helplessly In-; n rated, bat had taken his money j A' the time sympathy for the famlllee trie big mills. Small force at First Mr. Knight stated that a comparatively compara-tively small force would be put to work in the first place, as tbe first oiX to be turned out is the saih 't- lor the fatl trade, upon which me to te solicited the orders for quan- ':ry. uuh, w-ben tney commence to i.me in. will call tor a mucb larger torce oi o-iatives. who will, of course, te put on tne payroll immediately hn 'tiere anything for 'beui to i Tne Maximum Perce la-; oixnuum lorce employed by ' .lit iu.IU U about .'Jj tierauve. and . uo; 1 b) tiie 0" tuani4,'.'uieni jiil by li coti. eiu.tl. that thu lorce ' til jtf iUcd ;or '.-t) earl .u tbe i vimn r,--iu tieu oidT are placed! i lor j.jlen patterns i Many ot tb-; old ojrtlve are ap-j in I )T 'ork jul 'here is eery m-j " tii. mintuiiu force will ih' : ork. ib a coruparativ-ly hort Utu. )n Splendid Condibon j.ii u- oj4cljiu.'r) yet No persons answering the desetrk a aboard. Passengers were eismra personally. Shopkeeper Hears $hota T A shopkeeper adjoining the Crlppen borne declares that he often, heard hots from the Crlpiwn boose, lie said four or five m-iaiiie ago he heard a woman teiuj Oil, dja?" twto then revolver sliota followed The shopkeeper be!.eve that tbs was the time Crlppen kilt-d bis ife SlS Mr C'lppen It Aii XKW V')RK. hi, -Daring the seircb of ! 'ill talne arms I wre j One . . .'j sM. i in H II J." ia ttU'X X - tn.t 4SUb j lulled bi m-ut it T.'i- ;n-e '.hi ok t'npyn tuayb- o-)k "h- S' Piul. which U due tomorrow I Among the neQ-T t Jim m ) Malioney, 4 dr'iij aleiuu!i. sbo form-jerly form-jerly a.H ite, ;th Crip?-n if - aaid I b bad "rewiton- i believe tba Crtrv I p-n's first it 'ill living, the one by w horn h ha f t 19 y Jar -old aoa." ceuiamt. Me bad an ;njT-t.tnrllQ 'h tbey MACTCD IHJILII PHILAOCLPMtA. ' The trinren 4 ceStV eemwttsesj repeeoentieg ail tne Penntytvsna ew-j pteyes east e Pmte'! sre eenfere-i teg. tM the stnfce b'esew wonieg. A etrke is sapectwd. T III OF LEH imnniBT DISMISSED ITS BODZEJP Chappfl Conviction Wiped Out And Other Ces Dropped On Motion V the young men was allowed to In- to i nu!W. but the mills are in (were living in Im Angl-s full ; pieu J.j (.ouau.an aai will need only! -rene betweea them snd the .-barrt of robberr. which charge wj,a h one believed by many should hsve ' irrned the title of tbe state's ease nrtlast theaa. : Was Net Locked Up Yesterday evening at dlaaer time. paty Sheriff Bockaaa was tnstrjct , "4 by Sheriff Jodd to let the prlsoo-rv ' wt la the corridor to eat their din . nee. and he. the sheriff, wool! lock them la the cage later - . why this was ot done doe nt sp-resr. sp-resr. bat at alt ereeu the wer- 3t j locked la the cage arsis, snd La i honi. shout U eVIork tld his blanker ' 'ogether. aade bis way esf'y th top of tbe eage aad there th old bo et Cnaesie. ne eenicti a-J. the roof thrnurh whtr a. many I rwcelved s Patadna letter receob- tea uiiaor cuangn to be put la i Mr. mentioning Mrs fnii"0. indlcai. rr jjfJ-ra condition, sod It is be-' Ing that tbe t living jbe marrtd UfTe-J til tbit tll be eAily at' ended j Crlppen tenry etr ago" ta i.-u't oi lime tor ui manutaciure Sntlal flafl;: Z XL? "'T e-t. ;-tt1l aad Ue ;koqt da e TIe fVtMjttassa 4 r-or at a spe rial w't r ' arrrove of the pow'U f rl t--r"!e Ty i-Ur '.. ; a be Hnaly otas'a:" r'wai n;r R.MO of Leai was a 'Proto vu "or today He ta here la railroads are'-s. !a--rt if O a nt ts '"any tm trtSd en ea'jtt of Jiquee te'ting. it frm both e oonviet'on tfanag jagaiott "". and rwitee4 fro te j weeessty f appearing for ftee trial ef othee cerge pedmj, 1 Th: w a r h4 i.rtiy s-iHCMOT v0T TtkL CT!',' li'T Vi'W kd If , r., fir c i-t !5 Ne T-t. f ' i ir:sg o Vt f rv'vw wt .IjC .TT.'t r'm ' f-"fr irf PtD Jt tl'.tt i: i ' e "X?" T"7l - f-t.'i-F l fi p--;es kv a !;" Tii s vr! 9m Trs t is aa applicant f x the p:tloa -r. til tuw, by the luh of I"r.g Val'& Vr 3 ale was former ly coiS'y f a aad t:& aria He U rrT-t sts rw,r-i jf pecsl- ;. a -fur sp- ave gnae befoe. made the r sv seacicai.y f-wej n,n. f. v.,. rope towrwrler fel!Be!f to the rrwi4 sad covered t!brv. tbe kso Weo-d Weo-d aad Lawhoni fe't tbe rreeied. and etrhn5 hr f n e1deare thst be hurt b h fa!!, the Bolw made awskew-d invv pn afteranca -oiiay. b-a a 'a;rimie , ner wwmd Jw t-ee iM ', -e-v sat efV.td , ef threesAt It was sbf !l iVWk Tes ef Coup's'" m I WT T1" -r1H TV. K.... a,. -..k ."rlmA B ' r" " )! tai i-'J-rs. bated upon tbe line of ;! to if made up st once Prosperity Aaaured Ta uiirtance of tbu opening oi rue ia t ry cannot be oer-etimated tj Provo, be-aj oi' j tne one ewaentiai teture necew- -4. . o Jrtie the city aaad on that ne of prtxprtty upon hicb tucn a pl o l d a' art baa aiready beea made. sad for the tuecss of wsira every aer ot;a! is here Electrical Cfect Ti .'fer of the new that ta m j-- rewume opraUoo so soon was t r . i poa the buttneas int-ru of the ciy this morning, snl all biisi b., . -o to be taking oa a new and Tr.g-r !. and grww impesa. tsl ' ts prM cted that the confidence r'i a)! ria ia the tmmedi e f.tre of iio- ia tb cuy wi; .'i 'is ttn;rov-m-ot 'V. V Cripoen Cerywere LONDON. Juiv 15 Every aew. paper this aftrno-w prints i t'At. meat 'hat Cripr i "poellvir tdesi-tifled" tdesi-tifled" at varioji DlacS The tx- hat Crtav barbee ther baved t an t aiy.'t-'i ha hi la t ttiave-1 y)r ALI HALES IS Oil TRIAL AEAIII TODAY t-tt cit.ita r-:V3iat lS0Htt to his tad tbe o.yrr of ti r'.y. ft; ! s ad I a, -s3. ie4r J Ifc is f"ii'','w rw-liBg "v s i-rw-a-.ha. sgr- r rnte fiee4 b far -te cs ei;-BMr . .-ata. v.j tie ,,v.- A,m ,1. . V " r'fte- ' f 1 O'it' y ffcfc ,k V ,t Kmm ' w M n e '- 1,fc r- ' ,1. .t.t . - . -r., JOt ' V w a- ef )f"-'r',w t f r rv.-.4 n, a tf HM 'tsa . .8 i J n V4 '- VlCTlW Cr" TE aviarjii Ca V"V I . 11 S.'r r,ttt 'fi 4JS tiat li: tli. " -a r-J W.' AUTOS ! EL5 PA WADE r.V-T1?. Iff, I' " T-!5-T'T fc n1-d a;fsrJ - ;?' ttJ "9 - r-vt 'ti t '"." " ?"." t wi -. Hre-t p.r! -a . T'.r f . , - . - g ' il - ' " v. - T -e f jiu ti ?ork "r :ta T Hi .'r, :t a be 'rt-d !b 'he r--irh J's'rtct jort. T - 4f-al iat m !.; 1 gVi!ty ' ': of "S pa.e :iaai SL 32s's la N- -.. Mty it He Tr of Sua i F?k ta! ,ri cl - t afT'S ,-r y a'" 3 3E;s.v - ' Tift i .nrjf ad v i ji ii ,'rd, -' $r I if r - -4 ew -r - 'o r-j a. g-t t r I t rcke asi t; it T: ! r'r.'i r-.l . sasti'ae Wl. . S T-"-ei r r 4'.;tt v - cv-"T J.-l l- --e SHH f av -S1 ;a--ljr "tt - - " "nil r"r d rl"y y s - at. fi; y w'ts t? e rx. |