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Show i FLHA1ANT GROVB NBVS Community Silver Ib found at Park's Jewelry Store, the , home of line silver. This ware in knives, forks, spoons and fancy pieces is guaranteed guar-anteed to wear twenty-fire years and we back the guarantee. Comparable only with the best Sterling. " 14 MAIN It ALT LAKt art UTAH Do you aver feel a little blue, tired or discouraged? Try a cup of Good Tea and see how different you .will feel a few minutes afterward. But get Good Tea. HEWLETT'S will do you good "IKE CENTER OF BUSINESS" UTAH IMPLEMENT-VEHICLE COMPAQ r 135 to 139 Stat Street Salt Lake City, Utah ML - '. Associate Houaaai Burton Implement Cp. . . . Ocden. Ttah Rlchfleld Implemsn.fVo. . . Richfield, I'tab Cache Valley Imp Pro.Co. Preston, Idaho Provo Veblcle-lropleracnt Co. . ProTO, Utah N'ebo Implement-Vehicle Co. Spanish Fork. U Psyson Implement Co Payson, t tab "Where the foods are food foods" A POSITIVE aae FER-MANENT FER-MANENT CURE FOR Drunkenness and Opium Diseases. TWt la aa Mklicttr. a akaam, traatae at m.Mr m b lW m Ut THE IUUI IN. STITUIL 1M W. W Iwh Stmt. S.M Ua. Ctr PHONOGRAPHS Oaf an EDISON PHONOGRAPH en assy term-$3 eaeh and f I par wreak. The Talking Machio Co. 128 St.l. Street ... Salt Lake City KODAKS AND KODAK Wrtle lr cla)(tr and llu-rature Iw-trlupins and printing Mall fn1ra firm mm. atu-nti'ia alt Late Phot Supply Ca.. Salt Lake City RUBBER STAMPS lioe Rub'.rrTiriM' ihitflla an I aiii!M-a In mkI. llail iin), ra ma-t-rirnnit all. ntl.m. SALT LAKI STAMP CO.. Salt Lake City Torrid Thoughts. There a a little girl. And hbe had a little curl Ittght in the lulddlv of her fort-head She wurn It to a dance. Where the blamt-d tblug dnppe4 by chance. Aid the UnBi.it;-- that the thought mat simply hrriL Punee. Eggsactty. Tha Duck Your ma is looking everywhere for you The Chirk I Just hatched ) Tell bar I'm out Co rule Cuts. Philosophy. It Is easy fr a know- a'l and a know-nothtGR " run a d-ad heat f'r the tulsacc prlie Sonirbj-dy unua-i ti'y t a K"4 time while the fortune I between rbe first and !a.t h;rt flwti- j-ri"l Son.e pie Mi 't ir. as If they read ?t-m upside J ,n Uf. wf e rf firt!ifie ta it! have inaoy bbas In ordr :!at the prtiet may t-e h it A oan hatea n h '"Id to wilt for tise nxr car. thcrt !t may take! ker B'tr bom han tb c-ee Se tr.'. rsmsuera- rm'frt t tn. an-J tt'ist thick t!s fi-her To a 'maa a mirror Is a ct ttt f ! ar.4 last rwt. I- Is wf!l to take a fa'! oqt of tia r-ai'. tfer j-tfpiitg irk tta lx;-xi t -Wiin'ns Peet A Ptab-e Husband. "H-r co-' i V!aie i - c4 to car-ryleg car-ryleg a x&r tkzi foertsoaistf" "Sie a n.aa i ccall twist ro4 tr t if r &.& Traa-script Traa-script riet Can.' Tt Trag4 as 'la iiwV c? ; irszt :lee 4-a t -9rrj t:se tie rf !. Ksw g !t :- ys. Hr-.o" -Tte CtS.fr.' s rL!y 'Karl t tl 4tra iiU. tuMVzi !a cy ali- Blues? 1l Cai-t It. !.?; --tS j-ti k.tt a; t v. ;--N ' .i. I t ' ! it n. tit tt 5--.-u THlDANGER OF - DELAY-A DELAY-A Story of Human Intereet Be was a stalwart youag man with health and energy, with a wife and two children, and with a farm on which there was a debt that would fall due in a short time. In spite of the debt the prospects were bright and he was full of the optimism of the healthy man to whom the future was a vision of certain health, wealth and happiness. An agent of the Idaho State Life Insurance In-surance Company of Boise called on him to get his application for a. policy of life insurancer butnhe protests of his wife joined to his optimism and to' the knowledge of the debt hangifrg over him weighed heavier than- the argu- menu of the" agent. Two weeks later he was taken with Spinal Meningitis, and in 48 hours-he was dead.- - The time when the mortgage will be foreclosed is approaching, and unless outside help comes his widow and children chil-dren will be forced to start afresh without the benefit of the labors of the husband and father, which, at a small expense, could have been saved to them had he listened to the advice of the "apostle for t hp prevention of poverty." pov-erty." the despised Life Insurance Agent. Delay is dangerous, but especially espe-cially dangerous is delay in taking Life Insurance during the time of health and strfn?th. and no man so needs insurance as the man of family who is in debt. Coming Down Jo Earth. Happiness," declaimed the philosopher, phil-osopher, "is in the pursuit of something, some-thing, not in the catching of it." "Have you- ever." interrupted the plain citizen, "chased the last car on a rainy night?" It Is Mistake - Many have the Idea that anything will sell If advertised strong enough. This is a great mistake. True, a few sales might be made by advertising advertis-ing an absolutely worthless article but it is only the article that Is bought again and again that pays. An example ex-ample of the big success tf a worthy article 1$ the enormous sale that has grown up lor lascarets canay Lamar- tic. This wonderful record Is the result of great merit successfully-made known through persistent advertising and the mouth-to-mouth recommendation given Cascarets by its friends and users. Like all great successes, trade pirates pi-rates prey on the unsuspecting public, by marketing fake tablets similar In appearance to Carcarets. Care should always be exercised in purchasing well advertised goods, especially an article that has a national Bale like Oascar- ets. Do not allow a substitute to be ' palmed off on you. What's tht Anewcr? We're ready to quit! After sending two perftLtly rhymed, carefully sran-ne.l, sran-ne.l, pleasurably sentimental plin-'es Of pontic Junk to seventeen tnagnztni-a and having tht-ra returned seventeen times, we turn to the currtnt Issue of a new monthy and find a -'ioiiie" modeled after Kipling's "Vampire." and In which home U supposed to rhvme with alone, run on tas' eleven with all the swell curlvt-ui ordinarily urround'ng a piece of rnl art. If poellzlnit Is a gift e aro conlDf-d that thl poefs must have U-i n A for is. e are on our way to the woodshed wood-shed to Ktmly the paychniogv of th ai tr any other old thing tbit h.isn t to do with stlllnj potry t" msga- t lines Household Consternation. "Charley, dear!" e.xrUtmed voime Mrs Torklna. "the bsby haa swallowed a pold dollar!" "tlreat heaven' -tiomethmg must be done There will be no end o the coat of living if be get habits like that' I He Had Batn Observing. j "Why don t you call jour tnventlon j Ihe paihelor s HuttrinT " I kej my ! friend, b m about to iu on the I market a button that a it-an could at j tach wit bone needle or thrad I "T fear that the arlhtWn wmild j Imply too much reiricilvene." b i answered "You a." b "nt on. giv- ; Ing me one of hla knowing amllra. 1 I expect to do J ist aa much b !'ees t with the nsarrM men S"h the j bachelors" Theatrical- ipn acrtv;n underlie head d p'.ay b:" Delightful Desserts and ma-T difbct caa ctbr a r.i Post Toasties aJay taJf 19 rr? Witb fruiu cr ime t: ts Tb Mrrrory Uhztn" A t-f' s $-41 y Crwree . .- Ir ami Ik. I GUNBOAT PUT OUT OF C0MM13. 8ION AS RESULT OF ACCIDENT DURING MANEUVERS. Submarine Riset Suddenly Beneath " the Other Vessel, Having M. scat- y culated the Distance, and Ter- rible Tragedy s Nar-, Nar-, ... rowly Averted.". J- ' Princeton, tfas9,1lhe gunlmr tine, flagship of - the submari ne titla. was rammed by the su Bonita during the maneuvers: on M. day. and was beached to preym sinking. " ' So one on board was Injured, ) u a terrible tragedy and heavy .Us. o: life was narrowly averted. T-, of the plates of the Castine were '..., ened. The accident occurred dvrnz a mimic, attack on the Castine Jv ' submarines, the Bor.tta apparen-ly-irs calculating the distance and 8' i:k :u the gunboat with considerable fr.-. The men on both boats were ni-n,. n tarily stunned, but no one was -r-v-ously injured. . The 4Jon:ta & with the slight denting of a of her armor and the loss of amSli icctiim Dither, railing, sopnas it was seen how badly the Castine .v damaged, it was decided to b- h her near North Truro, which a done. " TALK OF EXTRA 8ESSI0N. President Has Not Yet Made up His j ,Mind on-That Point. . j Beverly, "Mass. President Taft ha-acain ha-acain announced that he would no- Sill.. I give serious consideration iu vacancies in the United States preme court until the fall. As to calling an extra session of tbc senate In October to confirm appolu tees to the supreme court, and thus t, facilitate the rehearing of the Stand ard Oil and tobacco and corporation Lftx cases, the president has not den iiitcly made up his ruina. Mr. Taft will not .officially announci thenew chief Justice of the trlbuna: until he" is ready to send In hla nom; inatlon to the seuate. In case Gov ernor Hunhes Is appointed to tht chief Justiceship, as now ti-cnii' likely It will he necessary to make a new j Ul),;n.ulon for aas.tclatw Juntice. i Mayor Removed by Governor. Newark. O Beiore he had m-'D In office an hour, J. N. Ankele. the vice-insyor, vice-insyor, elevated to the offle of efc'W executive of N'evarkr following th' siiKpension of V.ayor Herb-rt At !i- r HITBY SUBMAR ton, by Governor Harmon, bad u" I form 0( ,fcin trouble to try the CuM-mai!y CuM-mai!y removed Chief of Poller '" curt Reniedle, aa 1 know what they pelt.il and Police Captain RoIh-m H' tl for me Mri Edward Neniilng. He gave as his giounda for removal. the noli --n force nient of the on' lie) law which resullej county in th Ktherlng, ncl.inif of Ietnte Carl 1'rlday nlsht 6eratch on Hand Retuits Provo. Ctah Hi k ham in Death. M vi n ! chief deputy fih ar,.l miw1 ward.-n for the state of I 'ah died M"ndv n m ICK after suTerlti b-v. n dm - Mtb b!ixd pi.laon Mr ? u t.. was nuarded as tt- IMInier Ueri of the s'a'e. srrjtrhid hla bai.4 ' 1 and while the wound fess-trd and caused him sotte" -a!n. r ' not bis family repiJe. the n . a serious un'il it ws too I--e '. .ave bis life. To Profce Frattrnal letjr Sprincr.eld 111 In -grand June in f!jnitamri Rock lalanj rcunty res:af.! r er of the Fraternal Trl -Amerirao Home Ctrrl- trj--suranre mruiani". will t . a few day S ai- At' -of Km k 1-Und w.i ip Si r - held a lnc rnfernre At'ornry Hurke Mr V.a. cuuibr -of inti-e-iuen and mr 'd the I to ithia Magi; I. and 'ate's tid a -ild be e'uraed at R- le! Bright CH from Pan-. a. Ann Atbr.r M h V an-eunre an-eunre here Monday ur.get jr j.n ever to ta- a ' arte d-t.ee from the I's.i,:- f Mfchl $n and i.M; ffs - tniM In r!t-l S''. . ' ffwkes J-r. of lUrr:t??c H jr tA4 when (- etaaW t ' '"S fiere t t ' . Nevada Tn B. Oi Sen. I 'a1 w ; sal ra,'e-l '" -' ' we .-f l ' 5 rM"l at I ! f ' 4" ?tart;re ta t.' jlrB tw'.'.iis -.t t ie tt fasr 'k:a p- tt fraa-.e '-i '-i le rt'-ta. t-Ti--f - rr Its ttrrr- : I ij-a was v 'v . . a rr.akai fri3 $'. ga a-- A at 4 e t,. , w te A : !i s lT flat frT- ' ' '8 ae n. f a t:er ' sy a br.k ' t ra;li y, : sf-i bv? - BMaa., t ti eat.re ' sa.. to fca -a.s!-a t4 t Ceu la cJrra ar4 6'a i4ro, Lm cl. U rUv jjfee-sa'xr w a -! c.;: o-w?r 4 t ; A " A S : La" I t'it ' a If-- -ra ta su , ti-t I-; - r :rs t ti - aaa.a-1! Is ' 1i !", T eS'a' t tie C r- Ra.a f ii-"s.; w t a 4 A BAD-THIN GTONEGLEGT, rjen't neglect the kidneys when you notice lack of control over the secretions. secre-tions. Passages become too frequent or scanty; urine is discolored and sediment sedi-ment appears. No medicine for such troubles like Doan's Kidney Pills. They quickly remove kid- . rxey disorders. "-Mrs. A. E. Fulton, 311 Skid more St., ; Portland. Ore , says: i My limbs swelled ; terribly., and I was bloated over the stomach and had puffy spots beneath wthe-eyes.;My kidnays "were very unhealthy and the secretions secre-tions much disordered. The dropsical swfiHmfei -lijEjgan to abate after I began lisintr hoan's Kidney Pills and soon I was rured," K'Miiember the name Doan's. Fnr sale by all deaWs:' 50 cents a box. Fotiter-Milburn Co , Buffalo, Y. THE REASON. i Sj-li k The doctor hits given lurn up. u What's the nintter with him? Spiin linpecunlosity I guess. BURNING ERUPTION FROM HEAD TO FEET . "Four years ago I suffered severely with a terrible eczema, being a mass of tores In m head to feet and for six wcek routined to my bed. lurlng that time I suffered continual torture from Itrhir and burning. After being given up by my doctor I was advised to try t'uilcura Remedies. After the fir-t lath with Cuticura Soap and ap-pluahon ap-pluahon of t'uUcura Ointment 1 en-Jo? en-Jo? e. I the first good sleep during my entire lllnena. 1 also used Cuticura Hi solvent and the treatment was continued con-tinued for about three wneks. At the V . A H . .hi. ... II. f about the hour eiitlrely cured, and have felt no HI effects since. I would adlse an y person suffering from any Ujj Sallna Pt Watertown. X. V., Apr. 11. 190." Well, Wasn't He Right? The ntlnlatir a a l !r lii? the Sunday school Cblldreii. 1 want to talk to you for a rew inoli.tntH about One Of the tliot wotnl-l ful. one of Hie most Important irh. hi ; lml" world." he sal.l "What l 'bat that throbs away. bea' aay. ni ftop ping, never riaait.it, wbeibr-r yu wake or sleep, n ' t or da) k in nd week out month In aiul meiith cut. year -and year out. w.;;lt-' any volition off ywrir psrt I'.lX'en away w the deptba. as I? w. re i;n--ei l oi throbbing, tferebbltig rh t! .::. a '! a l lyour life long. lo-U g "-i I for oratorical effect a ureal! ' bcatd: -1 kri-w l the r,.. v r " A Protection Against the Heit. When you bgm to ttiir k it a I r-onaj r-onaj matter between you and U- ;n to see wbkb l the hotter, b-iy y - r-S'lf r-S'lf a glaas or a bottle of rH '!a. It la cooling-relieves fat.g.e ar, 1 quenchte tbe thir' b !. - as the purest wa er ar.l lets r. r ' drink. At U f...r.-aitia at ! . ir-bocated ir-bocated In t'Vt!r- eeryk.re. Bead :e a'aa.p for t-ki'-t Tr-Trh About Co a .!' an I 'i -' ' raaebaU Recr-rd l k fr '." "y- latter cotirs tte t'-a Xasey At Tb fa'" f" ' ' ' ' for both ea ,ea. ac i ''-bxaeba'.I ''-bxaeba'.I IfeffrrnaSsr-n J-- t t. J-Uorit!e J-Uorit!e Address Ts ' t'-a'",ta Co, Atlanta. Ca. VW a toid -t' " - i i '. jjr a ft nn '.4 t t I trty and b ! i t reptiea f,a s- !ay a c t kla !? fca'- ! Silence! ml rl'--i2bwiJ " 4jk TVe aan4 w c4 awWt aeai "mw ' a fewt iimiIi a a I t- raw 1 asav rfraew-a. oew lnl Irosw 14 rT-J araan r"w saW weraa aartt Ta tv--4 t4 nuai!ws korrraal t t!Wa, aJ Hare a t ,-a..Maa af si at ait Uj aoieety -oifw fms tJ t i. f as aee De. lee-s aWifTef f eece grw aaaarf fsvcwaf at frff aaatrsry l e er?e Osmi y lenr X.V ewae-rsc a eJ stc effa A. r. Dr. rarre'f Fa-re Piwe ; re-n . aaaj ti?aw tke - isn't hsc?aei, iMnMa r J rtii -a twes.e imsi! tc k .: est . -rf ssfwia w'aas t st e ia-v trwi. ltltakem Weak Women Strong. Sick Women Wclf. ! I j j . ROOSEVELT RETURNS AND I AN OVATION SELDOM EQUALED The Mighty Traveler Goes Buoyantly. Through a, Long and Trying Reception-Parade, Showing Lively Interest in Everything American The White Company Receives Unique Compliment for tjie Sturdy -.Reliability of Its Steam Car " . Frtm Mr. Roosevelt and Family " . -- Theodore Rooaevelt and 4 r iiftoen niotit Iim' ubsence, exact ly jr selo (lu!"il. Colonel Theo.'or- Koom velt nihil i ked from the Kut serin AiiK'ist"' Victoria. SU-urday niorn-ing. niorn-ing. June 1. nt 11 a. in. To the keen disappointment of a l.i. Re group of newspaper correspondents, Mr. Roosevelt Roose-velt nh.-oliitely refused, as heretofore, to be Interviewed or to talk on political politi-cal subjects, but his rapid tire of questions ques-tions showed the same virile Interest in public affairs ns before If the welcome tendered by the vast throng may l considered n criterion upon which to base h "re turn from i:!l-a." surelyjhere was no discordant no'e in the immense revep- tlon nar.-iil'-. imr In the wildly clamor ous crowd vsliMi cheered at every glimpse and huiiK on his very word. The Incidents of Hie day in New-York New-York were luatlV, but perhaps none better Illustrated the. nervous enerpy aiui vitality of thn man. the near-mnnia to be ut-anddolng,' which ) 'has . troufiht batk ta a, than thj "ncard-Ing "ncard-Ing of hordes And carrlsKea for the swifter and more rHInble Hiitnmoblles. The moment the R,oosetelt family and , af, i a-a- ' i i it. .a - s tht ta-" t tit I'Stltal i MITCHELL'S EYE SALVE V ' ii. at. - vrf 1 w m Hew IPerectioit Ee.:-VfJM!l.tlMIqjM..E: Oil Cook-stove Cea r m'Mie Mat. no afre3. r,. h ,t i-ffi'S if l! c . i- It an t Jlr - J e. Turta oij cry tut.M re I .d ... i n't ta-. t a-t f ftern T st: trt .: t- An ! il - . I . a C. T-, . v r i i -rt a - ! - -h .': t f r; M-n i-J errn ! .. :; 4 I Jt-tirrr; . I arS J t i1 i t- f nrraVn :'fMV r-a w Continental S GIVEN rr ;. . i a ; y' 7' Party In Vvhite Steamer.) Immediate party landed, they were linked a-.vuy iu White Steamers, to the home of Mrs. 1)ouk1;is Robinson at m I-lfth avenue. A little later, when the procession reached the cotner of Fifty-ninth - street and Fifth avenue. Colonel rfoosevclt BRaln showed h'fa preference for the motor car In general gen-eral and Ui Whltw cars In particular, when he, Cornelius Vanderbllt and Col-'le.-tor I-oeb transferred from their carriage car-riage to White Steamers, which were !n waiting for them. After -luncheon at Mr. Itoblnson'g house, the entire party, including Colonel Roosevelt, annln entered White cars and were driven to Iong Island City, where they were to take a special spe-cial train to the ex Presldeut'a tome at Oyster Ray. The supremacy of the White Ca with the Roosevelt part demonstrated on P on P"S intrty was drlv, White Pteami-1 forty Apssat; taken in a tVhiu., clambake at the TratB house of the New Tork iu Many Women who arc Splendid Cooks dread having to prepare an elaborate elab-orate dinner because they are not sufficiently strong to Btand over an intensely hot coil range. This t especially true in summer. Every woman tales pride in the table she sets, but often it is done at tremendous tremen-dous cost to her own vitality through the weakening effect of cooking on a coal range in. a hot kitchen. It is rut lorgar necessary to wear jourlf out preparing a f.n dinner. Even in the beat cif Sumner you can cock a Urfe dinner wubewt banac worn out irr V. It .:! cock the Hcr dlmt ll u lrr,rrv!ely lSwJ arvj ImmeJ- I- ti a i -r t-j tj-k.ii tit If 'arr.j ii iu r.) t:M to tarry, fio wtmd ta Ujtw y n -jrxtrs ti.i r..-e ce- a "u v - J an. krv.'e t ri r- where eta. l . t f 'a'.es a'-l SJ r. A. Ofr-p S ':Te aov a !.,(( i-'.v 1 1 save t:s?, smr-, r iv ar-1 r e than she errt. Vi!e tit r e-w '" "'ws t ' . !- n -'f u Oil Company firg rm rrrtTT !- a'aalia.i a aaavMS I an. infc eirriT t atmra. tw rat (.a i - n, .t a J a - 1 .i A- . aWa a.. aai syaa-ax- Up-Set Sick Feeling tv it ( : r..sr tiab.; a de cf cut of ? -ill i or calseL i aboct tie ssril fsn caa caiwt Vgt it k. cs ccs l-e crtep. Yoa dcat L.re to hare it-CASCART3 r.yrs th CJTrf' too cp tre; anlbrst tL biJ fetli-t. .Try them. tsarrw I - rfll a -5 aa 1 J . s a w "e rrat 1 . V:-j- -. 'J 1 i' SB 7- 1- 9 P Tt 4 i f I II. CO . LTD. Yw raj"t e?r-ai - . s-a r.a 1 m,S w . 5a t ta C -7. s r-fft. I ': a . -waAh.-.- - - e a |