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Show V IF YOU VAr" . .A, i sELF-sypFd.Ti:i:s t:z:3 pleasant glove : is she. place r.-'.i:-- " . , , . - IT-WESTERN NEWSPAPER .1 PLEASANTR0VE,UTAH.WJlj.l5, 1910 7ii riii 11 11 n - a i i wf r p ii mM mjg a i vi m M M Aa rr if .aw a u a. Br AsBawB ahaaaatataf ' . m nun ins imhf it iram to spmhIH i 1 . NEXT TTTT TVT9T No. 27 IIS ' n niiiii i v mi - ivinuiiii. HIS WIFE IS IN fHf MUTRt: . f tio"lJ '. """" . II ' imrn m i nnnnimi nninn inn II II I n 11 m-K S fl K K h fl v t. LIIILU IU IIUIIUUHU UIUIIUU nuu wniwni - : I MM CUR R(1H 1 II. IM w..,. w... w . L i nil i i r 1 1 i iiiii ii i iiiiiiii . i Ull.nl.t-: . .RUU . : : nn nninnrr n win ic cnn niiiic uniwiiiJHL linn i -I I mi i mi iii " x . j i IIULLU - I ULLuyyu t ' w vrtrTir mrnvoRn. Julr IS. Harea and 1U cargo j.tylTanla Sb carrtea a craw ot forty and It ftUoa t w.n.. that thr ara 0 or ! . . . Uncle Sam U ProvoWed And Will Administer Lesson To Little Upstart with Large Gall HUNTING TROUBLE T ... atinfiTrtM JntT IS. It ! X becoiuln a atUed JhUC amon the bearialormcd concerning our of Germany toward, tha Inlluenc. of the Uniteo- bw jl. ,.th America, and the aeW Ued determinaUoa to penwrere la the recognition of Madrif m preal- dent of Nicaragua. .eoajW. to the Monroe Doctrine. wlU ahorUy result in armed Intervention- on lie part of the United State, in I Se iouthcm broil. Cooaunt r. ports of a more or le.. UttleiP X nature are con.tanUy arrttw a. from Nicaragua, anowm.. T , v U bellered. the relUnce Madru X plac-a in r-elTtn the aupport of - irtt powtt, -4 .llered ly Alpiomau that U 11 the board of diplomacy wt H he made by Secretary K as tedl- cated. the mUtreatnentof nttrnM. An- . rtcan prisoner hew oy - , con.tanUy accentuaUng th Nicaragua criais. American We and property are constantly con-stantly threatened and MadrU keep. Piling P npla.a.t charges, mU Secretary Knot eip?v - - UThese things include the"securlng of the release ol the Nlcartguan gunboat Venus st New Orle.n. under UUe autemenu; the bombardment of Pr tiplloa. an unforUfled to-n. where Ler. are -many Amc.n latere.., arousing an anU Americ.a feeling, and detention of Dr C. A. Burghe.n, a. a prisoner of w.r without cause. U to beed there 1. already )u.tc.use f American Intervention without reference refer-ence to the Plttman est. try Knoi wlU set'le Uter. Hills Will Start With Comparatively Small Force Which Will Be Increased A-s Season And Work Advances ; till Maximum Force Of Oper- . rU atives Is Again On Payroll Former Salt Lake ManY Crime Reveals Horrible Action-Inquest Over v Wife's Body Today, In London CR1PPEN IS MISSING r8.U between new this tin,. fi M,. wlU b. n .ce..iv.ly bu.y P'"- v smtm. durin9 the ft for activity .t the bl ml J out eIoth jk. i. k.ii.. that there are u or -y v . . . A A. als iaangMTi oa aoaru -v far v York aad Itet?o. BOSTON. July 11 The Metropolitan Metropoli-tan company deny that the freighter vkii... rntinii 1 They ssy sne groanded this morning, but got wlua . NEW YORK. July 15. Desplts the 1 1 sim srrsuimaanr twtwn tie " Pennirl- raala officials and trainmen; It Is be- .trlke will be avertea. rena-tabor rena-tabor unionists think the situ tha Minnior Doal Uvely refusing to Increase the wages. The Brotherhood's defense fund . Is OtlLY 300SEVELT EH Wffl 1 DE1CMIS . .rr, T,.iT is The Morning Post, aa ultra-coawraUTe organ. to the Crtt Loadoa .e.paper cpmrneat cm the Kaiser . ,. tk. kisbeet German of .. .... -i.vHftiiia names, and telling ;-7attld.. The Post beara! rati-detail, g'-a tie CniM i sable. UILIBU STRIKE 1L BE CHi- EBH MICE MILADfLPMlA. J'y 11- Te it tm eri','a .feres esrt - fMtts ' b-a, .d slM e is ees. a . - i-a tie r -.ro4j are U; sal tie a JZ, be '-V,aT ' TI1E LftST NEW YOAK. July fleseelt is te speak st ts Appsiscn- ian espesitlen st Knovine ocntmr r. a later raaldent Tart .peans ther, The Ceenel seeeoted We com- mittee's Invttstien. ti! nunlif former Amnasssaor, M B vuih!)' to Meaico Toompo bww for a third term after nuu a u Colonel. rm.rt he said: I employ i' execuUre officers In the West and ask d them to ascertain the feeling to ward Roosetelt They asnlmottsj' reported re-ported that ereryow fsrored a third urrm for EoosetelL During my traeels I bate not found a single BbUcaa s..A amt A.iASUValf D I avw - must be named if the Democrats are beat. a-4 a . . promises to be a lofag sad bitter coa test General Manager Peck, of the Fenn .i.. U i-nnfrtrrln with S Comfflit- IjlT.uw. " w tee of representatives of Trsinmen and Conductors, representing employes. em-ployes. , Manager Peck promises a definite answer to the men's demand this afternoon. af-ternoon. At present there is a deadlock, dead-lock, with no sign of yielding on either side, the employes consider negotla- .i -. ...ii.n. v m . ft n it driclars liOOl OUIJ w.u- ' they Intend to .utke unle.. they get a written tronciaij coutrati. PHILADELPHIA.. July 1J. Th. Panmvlvanla eomosey's ststsment this srtemean declsred Ihst in the e- . -. . m mm in.v waniwa I. 4 .Mli-fsan hourw DSV w..w , ' fA . hum tanrk. They d.msnOM It CeieeU,iahr pay then ths Ns- Yerh Centrsl and Ssitimors A, OHle wen receive. The employes eommittee resolwed te stsnd firm. - The Fireman sd En-alnsmen En-alnsmen of Western lines voted with the Trelnmsn S"d Cenducters t striks. - T;r1 1 n Unkets Into Rop6. , Wcni uut , Hole la Roof Left By Many Other Getaways WAS NOTLOCKED SPAII1SH FORK HAS DISMISSED ITS H CASES POSBIER ROSS OF LEHI SEEKS JPPOIIIILIEIII Chippel Conriction Wipd Oat And Other Cis " Dropped On Motion Among the arrivals at me .hi. ninf was James Dow. ol Dei- ter. Me., who comes to Proo to Uks over the management of tns rjiibv i-.iu- Mllla and WHO Will Bia i nnratlon immediately. -i.h iMM Knlicht the new manager w...- .k.. tha mills this fore- noon..snd has Uken up hi. "headquar .... .1 iVi. Imir. -r WkW m v m. rv. hu the oeanng anu ir pearance generally of a nrw'-J man, kqu ui t . celves and . disposes ol Tartous proposlUon. show of long eipenent A Bu.y mtn -, . tiila forenood air. jlujw w w-. to eipres himself concerning matter. PruuniB? to Ule new work in Ptoto, I ini-h In k diw. and and Uke sis UiacTUt tW- it as lesrneu mat no mw- be lost In the starting of tha looms Q the oig muia, . tmsll forcd St First . Mrt Knight stated thst a oompara-Urely oompara-Urely .null force would be put work in the first pUc. U the first work to be turned out to the sdm plt for the fall trade, upon ahlch are to be solicited the orders for Quan-.... Quan-.... ,i.h artiau thev co in me nee to come in. M call for a much larger force of operatives, woo whi, w be put on the payroll Immediately hen there is anything for them to da The Maafmum Ferce The maximum force employed by tie mUU U sbout 125 operaUves. and i. t.r tha at manument .c im hw - ... and by aU concerned, that this force ill be cailea tor vei - v-" coo, i of season when orders sre plsced tor. f ma wouleo pstterns. . Many of the old operatives are ap-i ap-i there Is every in- ut;iu av ... dwiation that tUe buIbub Tores iu be at eork in a comparatively abort time. In Spledd CendiKen uiicavva. vui an - i t, ....Jiitvri vat iiuwu At the urns sympsthy j.1' o o7 .ulW. but the mills are. ia f tha rwuni met waa afiowed to la- w..",l( , ,.d --hi Bed only - M Wa Pnll ' aVtSieaa JiU W - v v w -rvMie betweea tnem 1 ! . ... mia0r cbanges to be put ia s rhsrg, of robbery, which c"."! J mSerl coadSon. .ad It is be-the be-the oae believed by many ahouW hsee, sn ' Jlam ts, attended th una of the state's sjase.ueved aa "u ..,r.r(Ura T . .. la p ty ot unw - - . .sJ..t the . Itiail orders, based spoa th. Uae of Wss Hot Lacked US j Mmpi w be made ap at one. Testerday evealag at dlaaer c- . -.- Aauri , rvputy Sheriff Beckmaa was InvOTCt ; r.peHty Ast . f Bhnir " -Jrjr7... ' '.u,iT:;Trf oierieumated nut ia ia com a or o i u - . i nwnniM Julv 1S-Many raer bona, were removed from th. body, evi dently because they weuia m iww dissolve In the quicklime. The h wss sssrohed for them ana we uv..i-how uv..i-how thst Crippen was one of tha meet .killful criminsls of ths sjv r liiI. 1 kid The police beli.vs enppen sau wlfs on Februsry i. when he rot her itep-al.ter. saying that she had gone to Los Angeles, me quiu. ; waa eating the body m we - where the letter was written. After the death ot.Mrs. enppsa. Miss Leneve appeared in i pubU wearing wear-ing Mrs, Crippens furs and Jwslry. Thereafter Crippen -mamed" Mia. . i i ... J La aa hu at fa Leneve and introuuceu an The police fear if crippen is there wm be difficulty In convlcUnj him. owing to the Impossibility thu far of legauy im'i . ScoUand Yarders have abandon! tbe theory that Crippen and Mian Uaev. hsve ..ft England They arw convinced was, . i ". " . , R.loh Lswhern, serving, a ninety sav ssntence ea a cheroe of battery, U tha eeuntv toil, wade his sscspe throua the same eld hole In th. roof that Inatutien. somstime befere mio night Is.t night, and Is naw at large. La horn and young Tnomaa. wu.-wise wu.-wise known a. "Guinea" were serving a a:nety-day sentence for aa assauu 33 an oid French stonemason, about a tuja'h ago. and were considered by . .a ka un fnrtunat tO SS- finjw. w . cspe a penitenUsry sentence, owing to the fact that at the time of the asssult tbr TicUm said they had not only b-iten htm while he was helplessly la- toticateo. put aao mi would lock! t9 ptoto. beeaase It wlB give to the thst a made. every siasert Cnsppia, e-ce eeied sd many times Hsd ahaaes e l.ue- seSlinf. la new prsetca!'y rrws trim both tM -r- 'let. e stawd"t saet him, and rweved frem the cssty ef sppesHng fee vethar trtsl ef ethee crfs aendina- This decialoa was ra:a-s w - . W - -W -tP r- " : VJ: -u1 feature uxb ia ia cxe . ' en 7. , , U-by tbis wss aot doae does a Ury to drive me cir "-T oear. but at all events they were aot Um of prosprltT apoa locked la the eete a!a. aad La 1 .did aiart has already bee nuJ .k ..i.h mi ktiiutk! tma Bttceees of watca eve . .w .j- at. Maiiv to the,.,.- AftMitial te here top of the cage aad tberw the old bole. , citrical CfTect i i . .k... i aa maaTi . .. . k., i. r" aave roeo bfor. made the r ey , aa! rue a Fall are to resume 4 m kntroc himself to the crouad u dry ais bmtibc. aal sad coveted liberty, the awe. K-w- s-3-w " 7-1 4 sad Lawom fn aotwe dvtaa- to ,.roe.r "ffc''Til 7T. .. .'.kri tr Is m ..4 .t is wedirted taat tbe oeuweac 15 . . . . . . - - . IV. aau. London. . . - At the tniueet to"rro. Dr. 7 is expected to v ' lictlvfs aie .., tsnla for Crip?o o4 No persona an.wering the dev. k aboard. Passenger. twi '" u... personally. . $hepkeeper Hear. hoU A sUopasper adjoining the Cn;-a bom. declare that he often hrd hou trua. Ue Cripp home- lis said four or fl m'atbs agJ he hrd a woman ttieam rh. djar twto then revolver shots followed. Tba shopkeeper believM that this wss tad . .n . k.. i . . time vnppea auia.B "4 gayt Mr Crippen I. AIWi NEW YORK. July 15 During the search of vee! -.-rsl fslse s srma were given. m One suite-. itas-J 'Dr. U. IL C as found The oar easily estab- llahed his id-nUty. Tbe po.ice inma; Crippen maybe took the St fsut. wbica la oiie lomarrow, - - - Among the pasaengers wai Jam ulaimiiL who forns- rly sssocisted with Crippea. He said be bad "reasons o vuri u 1 r pea's first wile is sUIl Uvlag. the ooa . by whom he bad a l year-old so.. He bad aa undrtaadtDg that they ere living la Los Angl "I received a Passdaa letter rece ly. meaUonlng Mrs. Crippea. iadlcaV ms that she is living She married Crippen tweaty years sg-" f4ppn Cverywaere LONDON. Jul? IS every new. . paper -this avrwow prtats stata. --mat --mat that Crippea Is "posltlveiy Ueav . . j . - ' - - - - Tk m aw. chsBge-Telefrsp asneuacs that Crfcp pea IS IB U"I? wmmwm m i4 there shsved a mill mnt'tcSe be ksdat shsved b-f are eTl1B tSt be wss bsft by Tsn. tie aoJe msae awsieaa of Leal wsa fie wsa her. t I Bk iWtd smss fa ' was eftected. !sr thtwrtt tt was sbmrt 11 w,r fr not nt :B ' - Tbe boae of Stab fork t,1?rmp. , twew. . . tt i .w mm wm'l rsf s 4 tt U avw j- . to b ra aa ca - ate firjre of bssiaees la tbe city win-. win-. rt ttr e lm?wsst w.H b !t ia -ry bnirt of bs a s Hffl HALES IS Oil TRIAL A6II TODAY Tri Cempre.e Tae boee i - - - rape is m rtoi. ""l"". l't. te tccst. ag--4 to ::" . ht rt tb vi- pre sis-'eLa f jr Oe cj- a.toiau. kl tt b-w t-d Caad t,e sayor ol tb, y "j k C- poUmU TTZ-E?rUT -s y rh sad gasse arJa. iie ' 'm ' - ts masy sxrte of pr aiiAiae4. , IHCMOT WC-iT TILL Tor. P. ''- 5 411 tt ?Jtt tie r-.--- ws ttst W'4 riB r f Pa- Vac r - r-ti-ce. J. I V- fcsve s ti ef tiVtl v?'r. f: vart fas tTr - He i re-tT'tg svasy sxs'trte of press! aat c-t- SHCTHtW TVktHTVFIVt HUSOatO AUTOb It CLr PAA3I f-CTR '!T. JvV IS Twe.tyf.ve . ism w-,mbt r rs f,.a n Urr-t rrsi is b'forf -- k. Mrt'!W4 rw tie w:: f The M-rod ease Of 3?sa a fort Cj"i vs Alma C Hs Jr. is aw bw--tg tn4 !a tbe P-irb 1 e-rict eoirt. TVe 4fel.at was s4.;fl r-tV t Jitif of 2 P.e T :ua Ek )st'ff f ;aa b fork sat f!sJ I lid Tt as-i a?d serv- asoa'is t t t4 for s."-5 a VKe e ti ( fouaaster Raes . n . a r .vi 1 (be iatrt ot v. w ( bw u aa sfp-cmat sw o( cb!f ersy r.a ass g wa.--- 1Jr " - . "1. wu rra-s aioe. avals eacMbf tit dealS of ; 4 ;be amorce fc wa ..I W . u. ..I. u fvm. - . ,k--. .. . . ... i . '.s,.r Jixe Ik'as sa- '. nirtf - . . aTi a-er ras-w t J be r.r- - V 'TtlT . k? rg tie rt , ;f .V, ' . l C tf. jJkWee-f -V . m't. tut r rt. ri ti ew rtfi r.:H ' IV-r-a. Ai-Jf. iilkjt. a.sirsitJ sr-si a.s---f -'.-- T VT-TA ! - "rrT.;, t. t ea-rv at tie tVa . . ,... : i -w-S r.'i kU il Waa- fS . " ----- .... ! IAS r - . t k- J -v - - " t to i-xt A Nvjb Ksy II lie ;-;a4 r.f P"-i f T n i i.t. ViCTlW CF THE AViart3i CalE kl k .k. ... .--, Tvri l;p at atvEauy r. d-H' r;V':i :t .. ;;.4 . stM. . r ui ts VTaV a d F- I H-..l TV. i-r r?:e aai tie sts-rVa fn -i.vy r: r!-r 'a t5.4 Is; vi y. . f f |