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Show PLEASANT GROVE NEWS. .3, DO IT NOW A CASE OFl'UTER iiiefi They took two or three barrels of yrater out of an irrigating canal and were arrested and charged with theft That war toe experience of Edward riHartmanaad Elbert Konold last Wednesday. Wed-nesday. . Thursday they were tried on a charge flf-thft 4n ttocourt of 'Justice 'Jus-tice of the Peace .A.-;A.'Noon. and the xaae dismissed for lack of evidence. . The two men had some fruit trees -on the bench which were dying for water, and the water they were -i I r.AKn' nai haillMi 111 tcuargea wiui'mug barrels to the east bench orchard to are the trees. The canal company declined to prosecute the charge against the two men, which accounts for the status of the dismissal. Professor Lund, musical director of the B. Y. U., announces that he will accept a few pupils lor a six week.' term In vocal and Instrumental music Applications may be presented at the residence on North Academy t avenue. . HONDURAS MAKES READY FOR ANNUAL FUSS "NEW 'ORLEANS, July 15. The mtnamnr TTtstaltl hll Ballad far Mnhllft ' and Is reported bound for Honduras, carrying arms and ammunition to former President Boniala, who is now planning a revolution. THIRTY LYNCHERS JAILED AT NEWARK NEWARK, Ohio. July 15. Thirty citisens are in Jail charged with participating par-ticipating in the lynching, and Mayor Ankel Is hearing the cases, repeatedly binding many grand Jury prisoners to . close confinement and police censor ahlp. Her Supsriority. Jennie and Viola,' both Are years of age, had been mentioning their nfi merous possessions and mildly boast Ing about them. "I've ait the mos' clothes." said HHle I-nni- "Ye, but Ie got the n-osi i -!:." r-pl'M Viola. "Well. I've got nmre brothers thar you," answered Jennie Viols seemed done up for a minute, but for a mln ute-only. Then she came out will) o7n r mn -the btccoMt fet. in proud tone-that appeared to settle th .To.vnd it did, so far as Jennie ' in,. , I ; . j ji.. ! (IT 1D KtlUIIVU BHU1V. m.feave." and noiMn ""Th Dytnt-ator wirAl ITEMS Claude King is in Provo on his ay ,ftack from the. 8an Juan country, where he has been Inspecting the oil fields. Mr. King reports a big boom Ul oil lands In San Juas county. The Prove and Salt Lake delegates to the Elks Grand Lolas in Detroit will leave for home tomorrow. Word received here says that the visitors ,r, ri.n a anlendld time, but the weather was very hot and it was a familiar alght to - p-opl prostrated by the heat. - The fund, mhiih U !"in raUed by the Pf ivo Commercial Club and o'h-r a'aie rjran'unon :o b-Ualf of the family of Bri M4ii. who "died re -nliy . U growing 3oui of the mot prominent HUten of th- state are in terested. A borne ( l b Jrru-1 for Mrs..Maden an J ar eV.'.drea "No work ! be et d n-j n tn I moa dn-oi at tfcla t.u.. b " " lh' work wl'.l te reuni n l,f'rt "m" It In the Intention of rt rontrartors to rub the bu!ldia " crai.W'on The -.r'ent Mir i 1 ' r mt terial. forfnatioo h. b- rri from 'Anthony K. Ivlna t-nct vnt 'I e daj Of Kraatus K. Filrup. a accent-at accent-at db waa report-d ! ,h: p"' St . pUc and to jHek one of the tool...b; aad and brakia bo'h anna H . .r hiaa - LA I IB mvvr'i '- . . , , . rr - ... tmm h uk rTrVpoed that th- j 14 (ache avw Sat and It m t VS ra?a -lUia the two tb caaal. ,.rnu ltlll i 1 n c 1 v ..w . -nnw r Jttt bis po'rt f or til afieraoo- - JWTRNEMOrTtL ft. J 11 9. Aviator It Rawtiaaon WSti tie spe4 tie w. m m-mu tie aai-V.ae r"T. Tk. abator's train. He ll reaver . cVt tH'-ri t.-av-i- " V FROM COURT xirsgzCi Provo erff a Wrs -- MJ tl f'l - .. Vital Case of Mr. . Little Hangs JFire John Z. Little was Barged Aprtr 30 with undue hilarity by reason of too generous potations of an American Fork vintage, and for that he was hauled before Justice of the Peace Cunningham of that baliwick, and, after a due consideration of -the heinousness of his alleged offense, the decision issued that he must separate himself from f 15 of his substance in order to pacify the outraged dignity of the state. Little demurred. He was unnhla to see wherein' the state had been dam ¬ aged to the extent of $15, and besides, he said, he wasn't drunk. For these and snndrv other reasons. all COUChed in ImrwvftW anf wo t. spiring phraseology, j he appealed - to, Judge Booth's district court to Intervene Inter-vene in his behalf between the austere judgment of the American Fork Dan iel ana his pocketbook. The case was brought here under mis sect or conditions. tkaDt yesterday, in due form cami before a Jury and Judge Booth. That was all it did do. It came before the Jury and there It stuck, because the Jury was unable to decide, and, after trying with all its might to agree on a fair Judgment between Little and the out raged government of American Fork, till midnight, returned a report of final disagreement to the court and was discharged. dis-charged. uiue win probably have to go inrougn the ordeal of another trial now, as It would never do to take ad vantage of the lady with the scales and bandaged eyes. Just because she cannot see, all of which shows bow very wrong It is to either become un duly hilarious, or be accused of such conduct, wnicn, in some,, cases. amounts to much the same tfiing, and also what a peculiar system of law giving it is which makes the collection of a small fine cost the entire county many times the amount of the fine assessed In the first Instance. Fisher Beer LEADS QUAITY Scientifically Correct A. FISHER BREWING CO. Salt Lake Glty, Utah DOje INSURGENTS AfcD FUHT WITH LAFOLLETTt MILWAUKEE. Wis. Ja!y liJ fKBocrat!e convention ui nominated a, J Sea'ts " . k Uad for seaator. ana waornva- ' M . a iia DA. pubucaa inturgeaia. ' Vtte to beMMe a Democrat Mi Ethel Aila delightfully eater- . .. .... v ... Ua avaalfif cMnpasrr to Mi EIU f-ter mho marriage la aaaowac-d for the at tnta saoa'a. Awm iv b--w.j wr preat and yrt p'aaat veeiag Da'B'y rerraaj arw4 I Screen Doors and j " Central Can't You Use !.- Wt have i million doUarr to loan at low rates on city property prop-erty security. W. H. RAY & CO. Proco ; - "'" Let us Figure With CITY - COUNCIL1 UNRUFFLED BY CONDITION OF FUNDS If any one who visited the council chamber dutHng the meeting of that lere underlay Monday evening, expected to ppeal, antrrf u,kln, -Anrnina lha rfanlatAd f 1 C I ' 1 " li . condition of the ilty treasury, thars was disappointment, because - not ; a whisper was heard concerning the matter .and the report of the city recorder, re-corder, as published In THE HERALD of Monday, was read and accepted without comment Not a whisper ef explanation waa heard from anyone, although not one but what knew that the report showing a balance in any of the varioua funds, was deceptive and misleading, the figures represent ing nothing whatever but very coarse jugglery. False on Its Face is true that the report doea not nkc in a later date than July 1, but even at that date It was misleading, because It showed a substantial balance bal-ance In the sinking fund which' could not have existed. " It has been about two months since the bond commlsbiod waa Instructed to redeem one of the city bonds, but was unable to comply with the instruction, for the reason that there was then no money in the sinking fund, although i he account showed something like $qi)00 on hand. Complacently" the finance committee sat at the council board last night and listened to the reading of a report which they knew to be entirely false and misleading, but- offered no word of explanatln or palliation. Not a Proust . Every member of the council and' the mayor knew that the city la wltS , out a dollar to meet Ita obligations, or any hope or expectation of getting it, for several months at leaat, and also that the depletion of the sinking fund; in direct and explicit disobedience and. open defiance of public oplnloa tn-mt;BWV-a Bew we.iifi:i-M. vet not a slnxle quo.lIoo as asked. not a voice razeed in protest against the wilful waate and grosa mlsmaaag-nictit mlsmaaag-nictit apparent to all. Perfect Unconcern The cltlien, not made aaare of the i condition of the city's affairs, by THE HERALD, would have supposed that ' nothlnt unusual waa to' be found In the financial statement, of the dtvj recorder, and tnat rrovo naq u neaa well out or water ana iimmim . easily. Instead of belnt smothered j mder a toad or nnanciai iroimie wmraj jComtnt managers wouia r womea ahmit There waa nothing to lnd!ca'e anything of the true s'ate of affairs land not by the flicker of an ey;i i . , ,,i,.i ; It. that bis nrt!Hn before the pip! ; Is not an enviable one Perfect tppr-; tppr-; 'nt unnncrn marked th at't-jJ j aid bearing rtf' the whole comm'tte, j even the mayor, who hd ei ', ed the deepest eoneern, d'lfing the dv regarding the pmhlem rofifron'ing 'he 'riy fvemmnt. betrard no ioemt and aea no quwrmnn n-rn Ing the matter, which rsnnot be coo idered In any bit the aW ie-T I'fh NEWARK SHERIFF resigns orrtcE NFWARK. O. Jnty l!-3henff t.ik resigned bis office this a"eroooa ed the eo-tntv romm!loners a p'ated Frank T.. Rlabaugh of H-iwi rt fl ht nnetplred term Tb concert g1 0T ,B Pw fund laat Weda-4aT fvea'ct ea t.i Kf utveral auadre peoni lie . a i -V ..I mnrnA A tn fkrf mafic iumtB" - -r- tn band baa fre lmprvl ever lat year. It Is tba eiprewJon of ta people that armnrements raa be ala m Uat coaewta eaa be given a l-Jt one a AMERICAN FORK. July 15 -fHa 4 Bko4. u yer. w td -y dilated elV-. U.t ki'. oractJetaa 9- vaal'ia ar I boie la th Third aHL I R Taar is aairenBa in a reiT oralis . . . mm aiis u 11 ,o U ar.7 ; uTtle with the aid! rf mjtcbea. . Lumber - . - ... .- -- --- Some Money? Utah You on Your Loan- American Beauty Beer If you want a pure, healtf ul. delicious de-licious drink; or, if you want something some-thing milder, try our Beerette Beerette contains less than 3 per cent alcohol. . Send us P. O. or express ex-press money order for $150, and we will ship yo buy tupr'ss or rel?ht. one ca?o of two dozen irge or three dozen small AMERICAN AMERI-CAN BEAUT f or BEERETTE. and when case and bottles are re-urnel re-urnel w wll refund you $1.50, es freight charges. Order From Your Wholesale House or Direct Salt Lake Brewing Co. Salt Late City, Utah STAGE DAILY FROM PRICE to EMERY Huntington ? $1.50 Cutledale 2.00 Orangeville - - 2.25 Farrcn - - -v 2.75 Emery - 3.25 FRANK 0L5ES & SONS Proprietors . vust oeFORT on FCCO THE LEPER 3 ALT LAKE. July It Joha Kokas. -b Creek abo Is suffering from lep i r-MV, state to jeaae n. itiaa, lami ' crttloa eoamlaaloaer for Utah, that jae as wimtf W m aeporwa ana wa I m A tcnouJ w mm w rec. vut sot tn meaaa. Tba Uaite4 Sutea Bedleal aerrle vQ have t car for the aua for tba rmalader of bis life 7t deport hlai to bis aatlve couatry with fowch WANTED r KNICMTS 8LT LAKE. July 11 Aa appUca as filed with the state eaT-neer . ' . i:' ,, k. .u ot ubUe waten , -V, ica' I t Power CoJ of Provo, to m rater fro" l ProT rtTer 10 ara a0orepoer rf electne-t electne-t vh'ch la to be a4 for tfhtlnt j'" -r- . a .... ii w asttoa aad J. M. Baow aio H P''"" "i.f r W irr w Windows: Company utah I - - There is .a decided' tightness of the money market throughout thcouflttyj-notwithstanding-thefact that sincetiierecfidrFdf Mf7 Taft andJheesJonriheLtoriffupvdMad the other bless ings and great prosperity resultant as a matter of course, the country coun-try has been prospering. : T' r This tightness is not localize4 it prevails in all parts of.the couq- try. No sectionTbut what feels it and cqrriplains and it requires rid1 gift of supernatural powers to see that it is going to get much worse before it improves. 4 i . - ; ? r It musf get worse till such time as we become big enough, and . brave enough to control the transportation companies, buy them out, or submit to their rule altogether. - The last expedient would amount to nothing more than complete vassalage, and is not to be considered, and it is very doubtful if it would be either expedient or practical to manage the great miteage, of American railroads under our system of government. This practically reduces the cure to the first alternative. - We must compel the railroads to do , right,- to conduct their business under laws of our dictating now, or the time will come when they will control us utterly, , The tightness of money today is very largely due to the "coercive measures adopted by the railroads in retaliation for the action of the commerce commission in preventing the roads from taking, the peo-, pie by the throat and making them pay ,a still higher freight rate. The argument ot Jim Hill that this isneeessary wtmtd have been the argument of Ir. Harriman, Mr. Hunting and other generals of railroad empire. It is necessary from their standpoint 6nly, and their . standpoint is the same as it was when they issued millions of dollars worth of watered, stock. It will always be necessary while dividends are tp be paid on investments'of inflated values while the roads are compelled to earn -dividends for fictitious values. We shall have to fight it out with the railroads some time, and as the fight must become harder the longer it is delayed, let's do it now. A FOOLISH With delightful inconsistency the infallible ear-mark of well written, but poor arguments, the Hera4d-Republican tells us that Mr. Roosevelt is not to be relied upon as an exponent of Republicanism, and rather openly insinuates that what he will have to say about ths replanking of that partys platform will be very little. All this may be very true, properly modified by about a millions mil-lions "it's,"' l ut will the oricle of the Herald-Repubhcanjtave the goodness tc tell" us wh to go to for information about these vital ' questions? - .Will the setr who burns the midnight" electric current in the sanctum of the paper with the- red headlines enlighten us concerning con-cerning th identity of iho individual who wears the fount of Republican Repub-lican informatiu behind the rivets of his vest? Who is the rnighty keeper of sacred iniotmationf It is impo'.sible to rrad the daily telegraphic news, without acquiring ac-quiring som: .sort of a-vigue notion that about all the acknowledged leade'v'oth among th ttjyulars and the insurgents have made the pilgrimage to Oyst.--liay.. including Mr. Aldrich. What di. they all go there for? Waf "it to discover Whether Mr. koosevel: ha! it new horse or had lost any of his teeth? Do these thing-., ii dicatt that the ex-president has lost his prestige as a leader, or" that he is not as well informed concerned Republicanism as he was preious to his African trip? The Herald-Republican is simply making a noise like a good machine; orjran, and of course it is a well known characteristic of Mr. Roostytk that no machine has ever been able to devise a collar that would fit him. hence the near argument of the Herald-Republican tlu' he wfll have little or nothing to say concerning the making of the RepuUican platform, and that he can tell little concerning Republicanism. Re-publicanism. . v Mr. Roosevelt today is a good Republican, but he is a whole lot biggei than the regular part of that party. CHARLTON Apparently a murderer is to escape the. just punishment of his u-rribU crime because our government and that of Italy has never bet a! Ic to agree "regarding the extradition of the citizens of either country from their native land. When Porter Charlton beat hi wile to death and stuffed her lMdy in a trunk which he consigned to the waters of the Italian lake and then fled to the United States, he could not have acted with more devilish or MacKavelian cunning had he been acting under the advice of the best international legal light extant. Charlton can not be successfully tried tor murder tn the United States because our laws ay he shall be confronted by the witnesses and we haven't them, and can't get them. He cannot be tried in Italy him up. The worst that can happen to inune asylum. Mr. Johnson seems to have and automobile joy rides, and has Thtt. at least has the advantage of tid of engaging all his attention. K'tort wt.i be a long one. Durin? the past few davs the Christian Endeavorers. seems to have been silent concerning it, and. as no news is said to be good news, it is to be hoped that the patient is able to sit up and take nourishment THE ATTENTION According to a Salt Lake report there is a probability of the Salt Lake Route being electrified- This can hanfjy be considered! seriously, altrough it is surely a fact that before a great while this city will be connected with adjoining towns by an electric system which will give better service than is given at prent by the steam roads. The eye of the railroad people is 01" this section. They se a future for the city and sarrounding towns and where poibilities and resources are to be founJ, there railroad men cast favorable glances. The report concerning the Salt Lake. Route may not be pat into a reality, bat it demonstrate that the railroads have a.n eye oa this neck of the woods. . BRICHAM Sad and cntimelv a the his ilait "Bri?" as he wai osta!!y known, wis one cf the most popolar spcrtj!T.ea ia Utah. His of acta! position trocght h'tn ia ! cms tact with th'-wsasds of tie pe- p"e ar I where ever be w s kn-wa la iwl word cot!! be si-l f r hirn. He had a tovia! and VlrA'r ri- - - - -!?iiV ----- and was a!ays a harpy orr.n-5r.;tr." May ARGUMENT TO CO FREE because cur government won t give hint wtil be a commitment to an satisfied his craving for ice cream probably retired to a melon patch. keeping him out of the spot-light. It is to be hope 1 the present hysteria of Secretary Shaw of the have subsided. At least the wire OF THE RAILROADS MADS EN death of Drrhin Malsea. Pea:e to . cxpir.Ksn. "Org. Miiwa u be 'tie fi Father arrJ-yrt the grtet- |