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Show FUAIANT GR NHT7S : 0VH BBiaBaaasBBWBaBasaBBaBBaBBaSBaaBaBaaBSaBBBaSBIBBall " ' ' Community Silver Is loond at Part's Jewelry 8tore. the home of fine silver. This ware Id knives, - forks, spoons and fancy pieces is goar- - - . anteed to wear twenty-five years and ws - , Thack the guarantee. Comparable only. ". with the best Sterling. : : E4ptuimn. ' ' AtT (AKB Cttit UT B Do you over feel a little blue, tired or discouraged? Try a cup of Good Tea and see how different you .will feel a few minutes afterward. But get Good Tea. HEWLETT'S will do you good - "IKE CENTER OF BUSINESS" UTAH IMPLEMENT-VEHICLE COMPANY '135 to 139 Stat Street Salt Lake City, Utah J. 3i - Aaeeeiate Hauaeai Bnrtoa Implement Co. . . . Ogdeo, Ctah RlchSeld Implement Co. . . KicnSsld. I'taa Cache Valley Imp. Pro. Co-.Preatoo. Idaho Prove Vehicle-Implement Co. . Provo, Ctab Kebo Implement-Vehicle Co. Spanish Fork, D Psyson Implement Co. ..... Parson, I' tan "Where the foods are good goods' A POSITIVE sad TIK-HAUNT TIK-HAUNT CURE FOR Drunkenness end Opium Diseases. Tam b as SStilr. mm Jra mklr M ia Bar m Umm. THi IUUT IN-ITUUTK. IN-ITUUTK. U4 . IMS Immmt, . Uk UU C piiofiocnAPiis OetsaCDiaON PHOMOOXAPN smi easy tarnia SJ Saab and $1 par weak. . , The Talking Machia Co. 12S Stale Street ... Salt Lake' City KODAKS AMD KODAK WrlU lor catalogtwa and literature. Itrveloplns and printing bl all or1ra firm prompt siumms alt Lake Pbala Supply Caw, Salt Laka City RUBBER STAMPS vwwhil w sn.iii w t-HKCKbt .tic. full hat Rubber Trpa Outflta and supiiitrs la stock. Mali orders nwl prompt aucUua. ALT LA HI TAMP CO.. Salt Laka City , . , j , , g-aa . Torrid Thoughts. There was a little girl, 'And .she bad Utile curl Right in the middle of her forehead. She wore It to a dance. Where tha b'.amed thing dropped by chance.. And tha language that ahe thought aa simply horrid. Punch, Eggeactly. . Tha Duck Your ma Is looking everywhere for you. The Chirk (Juat hatched) Tell bar I'm out Comlo Cuts, Philosophy.' It la easy for a know it all and a know-nothing to run a dead heat for the nuisance prlte. Somebody unusually baa a good time while the fortune la between the first and last shirt sleeve period. Some people tell things aa If they read them upside down. life "a wheel of fortnn must have many blanks la order, that the prties nay be big A woccaa bates to be told to wait for tha nest car, though It may taka bar Bearer home thaa the one she st!s CaaaMacra couldn't twin, aad ttlda t think bis father could. To woman a mirror ta a eoart of first and last retort. tt la w(:i to take a fall oat of the protsV.e before grappUcg wf.a the Impossible. WasVagtoa Poet A Pliable HtieeeneL 1fow could Maa4e descend to car-ryleg car-ryleg a mere drrcs cccicniot'.itr . "Fie wasted a mxa a&e eo:i twist osd ktr Csger. &aaia Traa mxipL Pirat CatL Tie" Tragt a "Ta aorxi.' cy frl'rl tieae to be sorry Usee wi-.h tie TTTfeaaioB. Kw go It wlU Tie CVii:aa (gkcsuTD'TUrC ZZk din tard; Ta bel.'s4 ta cy a acocy la Ure tt.;rest states." Csi n k rt. - Kill: Hi, ; 7 tie trw rati n!rzri?" . WJe -No. Jcia. I iaX I was al-a.i iiy a-'sit grre s-:ii:-ta I.r7v a l-itu-t lues? I -- v wasawa.., THE DANGER OF DELAY A Story of Human Intereat 7 Haas a stalwart young nian with health and energy, wIUi a wife and td cnTldfehraid with, a farm - en which there was t debt that Vould fall due in a short time. In spite of the debt the prospects were bright and he was full of the optimism of the healtiy man to whom the future was a vision of certain health, wealth and happiness. ' An agent of the Idaho State Life Insurance In-surance Company of Boise called on him to get his application for a policy of life Insurance, but the protests of his wife Joined to his optimism and (o the knowledge of the debt hanging over him weighed heavier' than the arguments argu-ments of the" agent Two weeks later he was taken with Spinal Meningitis, and in 48 hours he was dead. - The" time when the mortgage will be foreclosed Is approabhlng. and unless outside help comes his widow and children chil-dren will be forced to -start afresh without the benefit of the labors of the husband and father, which, at a small expense, could have been saved to them had he listened to the advice f the "apostle for the preventionof poverty." pov-erty." the despised Life Insurance Agent Delay Is dangerous, but especially espe-cially dangerous is delay in taking Life Insurance during the time of health and strength, and no man so needs insurance as the man of family who Is in debt. , " - " Coming Down, to Earth. . "Happiness," declaimed the philosopher, phil-osopher, "is in the pursuit of some thing, not In the catching of it." " "Have you ever," interrupted the plain citizen, "chased the last car on a rainy night?" - ' It Is a. Mistake Many have the idea that anything will sell if advertised strong enough. Thla la a great mistake. True, a few sales might be made by advertising advertis-ing an absolutely worthless article but It la only the article that la bought again and again - that pays. An example ex-ample of the big success of a worthy article Is the enormous sale that has grown up for Cascarets Candy Cathartic. Cathar-tic. This wonderful record is the result of great merit successfully made known through persistent advertising and the mouth-to-mouth recommendation given Cascarets by Ita friends and users. Like all great successes, trade pirates pi-rates prey on the unsuspecting public, by marketing take tablets -similar in appearance to Carcareta. Care should alwaya be exercised in purchasing well advertised goods, especially an article that baa a national aale like Cascarets. Cascar-ets. Do not allow a aubatltute to be palmed off on you, ' What's the Anawert, We're ready to quit! After sending two perfectly rbymed, carefully scan-neJ. scan-neJ. pleaaurably sentimental pieces of poetic Junk to seventeen msgazlnet and having them returned aeventevn times, we turn to the current Issue of a new monthy and find a "pome" modeled after Kipling's "Vampire." and in which borne Is supposed to rhyme with alone", run on jisge eleven with all the swell curlycues ordinarily surrounding a piece of real art. If poetizing la a gift we are convinced that thla poet'a muat have been. Aa for us, we are on our way to the woodshed wood-shed to study the psychology of the ax cr any other old thing that hasn't to do with selling poetry to maga-itner maga-itner . Household Consternation. 1 "Charley, dear!" exclaimed young Mrs. Torklna. "the baby baa awallowed a gold dollar!" "Great hearena! Something mutt be done. There will be no end to the coat or living If he get a habits like that!" v Ha Had Been Observing. Why don't you call your Intention the 'tacbeior'a UuttonT" I asked my friend, wbo was about to put on the market a button that a man could attach at-tach without needle or thread. 1 fear that the appellation would Imply too much reatiictlvenesa." he answered. "You see." h wnt on. giving giv-ing me one of his know ing smiles, 1 expect te do Just aa mack buslaess with the married men aa with the bachelors." Theatrical expense accents come ander-rte bead of play billa. Delightful Desserts And many etber pleating ditbes can l tnaJe with Post Toasties A exit p. mboleacnie load alwaj teaij ta tent, V.'ita fruiu or terra t: it Tht Mesory UasaV A it'e her "Coed TV-trs fade wsb ToasRwsT a pacsafaa, Ssad by wert. raj Ut, FViTL W CXiXAL CO . LTD. t i Cumm. V-;b. HIT BY SIR GUNBOAT PUT OUT OF COMMISSION COMMIS-SION AS RESULT OF ACCIDENT DURING MANEUVERS. , V Submarine Rises Suddenly Beneath ,-the Other Vessel, Having Miscal- culated the Distahcet and Ter-1 Ter-1 rible Tragedy ia Nar- . fowly Averted. . ft " Princeton." Mass. The gunboat Cas tine, flagship of the submarine n0-tUJa, n0-tUJa, was rammed by the submarine Bonita during the maneuvers ,nn Mod day. and was beached to prelent her 6inklng. t Ho one on'board was injurtfl, but a terrible tragedy" and heavy Boss of life was narrowly averted, fw of the plates of the Castine wee loosened. loos-ened. . ' I The accident occurred , during a mimic attack .on the Castinejtf. the submarines, the Bonita apparency mis. calculating the distance ana suming the gunboat with, considerable force The men on both Doats were wmra- tarily stunned, but no one was seri ously injured. The Bonita escaped with the slight denting of a portion of her armor and the loss of a jsmall section of her railing. Aa soon as u was seen how badly the Castine was damaged, it was decided to bach her near North Truro, which was done. TALK OF EXTRA SESSION. Prasident Haa Nftt Yet Made up His Mind on That Point " Reverlv. Mass. President Taft has again announced that he would not give serious consideration to nuing vacancies in the United States su preme court until the fall. As to calling an extra session of the senate in October to confirm appoln tees to the supreme court, and thus to facilitate the rehearing or tne biana ard OU and tobacco and corporation tax cases, -the president has not den nitely made, up his mind. Mr. Taft will not officially announct the new chief. Justice of the tribunal until he Is ready to send In his nom; Inatlon to the aenate. Ia -case Governor Gov-ernor Hughes is appointed to-the chief Justiceship, aa now aeema likely It will be .necessary', to make a new nomination for associate. Justice. . . Mayor Removed by Governor. I Newark. O. Betore be had oeen In office aa hour, i. N. Ankole, the vice-nuinr. vice-nuinr. tlAvsted to the office of chief executive of Nev.ark, following the auBpenalon of kayor Heruert Aiher ton, by Governor Harmon, had um marlly reroored Chief of Police Zi-r gelbel and Police Captain Robert Boll. He gave as his grounds for removal, the non-enforcement of the county option law which resulted in ih lynching of DeU-etlve Carl Etlierlng. ton Friday night. Scratch on Hand Reaulta in Death. Provo, Utah Itrlgham. Mads-n, chief deputy fish and game warden for the state or Utah died Monday morn leg, after aufferlnK eleven days with blood poison. Mr. J u"'U. who was regarded a the ptemler filermsn of the atate. acratched his band July 1 and while the wound fMtrd and caused him aom pain, neither he not bla family regarded the In urr aa aerioua until it was too late to ave bla life. " To Probe Fraternal Insursnce. Springfield. Ill Inv..sjt!..B by grand Juries In Sangamon county and Rock Island county regarl-njc the mer-ger mer-ger of the Fraternal Tribunes and the American Home OrrK fraternal . Insurance In-surance companies, will km ithln a few days. State's At-rny MagiU of Rotk Uland was In SrrTgSeld. od held a long conferred I State's Attorney Burke. Mr. II 'd a number of lndfc'mo? "n ""'d be etumed at Rock lUrl Bright GiH From Pe"syhnia. Ana Arbor. Mich -I' aa-eouace aa-eouace bere'Mondjy t' f youngest person ever to tak" a r. f W arts degree from the t rmr. jr of Mkbl gaa and possibly ff"ro r fefltj ta the Tailed 8:a.. f0 0 Jones of llarrisborg Ta H H years eld wha ah r"1 ",m1, nations here reca'Iy . Nevada Tow B-'"e . , Ogdiu ftah-w.i t 1od drlvaa Are which M I--'' d!. aad lhrva'ed t 'h entire town f Pints J. N a- aa re t..A at t,al rai!rsl Oce Moa ! i-r. Furtleg la tt rr a ftame ; taken ba'.Idtag. asd UzsM by a brtsl ! nrte. the Can-et ra?ld:y. fkkiag p 8te f raise . aetore tie ci'tieaa. f!rs..-.c choked tts progr TV1 tu sUr" town waa ty de?rt; 2' t.a recarkat f frase gi:ata, A R3d 0 Ceeeb. !Sew Tort A rep:-t ttrca: lioa kere tiat tors' t'ted Statet bVta'xr W. A, CUrk. ta tie rt-wrer rt-wrer of tie S Lest A:re A S. U r J a?? ta a briz-'i '" tie El'l Ire of k'j roaJ ti Crwk rctt-y to E t rM.r-l't k . . " y tt'r-.: 5r-rt iar. wa-ase s': . at ! wk-r'a I C ti a- -K!t-tj: -j Virt at T-: tgtt V"-t lit A BAD THING TO NEGLECT. Don't neglect tba Vif1hyajghe,a- yon I - notice lack of control over the aecro tloo.s. Passages become too frequent or, scanty; urine Is discolored and sedl-menXappears. sedl-menXappears. No-medieiae f or- auchr troubles like Doan's Kidney Pills. They Quickly remove kidney kid-ney disorders. Mrs. A. E. Fulton 311 Skldmore St., Portland, Ore., says: My limbs swelled terribly and :I was bloated over the stomach and had , puffy pots beneath the eyes. My kidneys ! were very unhealthy and the secretions secre-tions much disordered. The dropsical swellings. began to abate after 1 began, using Doan's Kidney Pills and soon was cured." Remember the name Doan's. For sale by all dealers. BO cents a". box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. THE REASON. Snick The doctor baa alven him up. What't the matter with him! Span Impecunloslty I guess. k "burningerOption from head to feet . "Four years ago I suffered aeverely with a terrible eczema, being a mass of sorea from head to feet and for six weeks confined to my bed. During that time I suffered continual torture from itching and burning. After being given up by my doctor I waa advised to try Cutlcura Remedies. After the first bath with Cutlcura Soap and application ap-plication of Cutlcura Ointment I en- Joyed the first good Bleep during my lling my i entire ll.ne.a I aMM a tuueurm "mliT" : i UUUiru Vl vl , 1 .... . . i . t nu-rftga u in ,ei njjhaSMasaaaiii, aysiisa aoout ma nouae, enurety curea, sua have felt no HI effects atnee. I would advise any person suffering from any form of akin trouble to try the Cutlcura Cutl-cura Remedies, aa I know what they did for me. Mra. Edward Kenning, 1111 Sallna St, Watertown. N. Y, Apr. 11, 190S." Wall, Waant Ha Rlghtf The minister waa adJreesIng the 8unday acbooL "Children, I want to talk to you for a few momenta about one of the most wonderful, one of the moat Important organs In the' whole' world." bo aald. "What Is that that throbs away, beaia away, never stopping. stop-ping. -never ceasing, whether you wake or aleep. night or day. week In and-week out month In and month cut year In and year out. without any volition on your part hidden away In the deptba, as It were, nnwen by you. throbbing, throbbing rhythmically all your llf" longr During this pause for oratorical effect a email voice waa beaid: "I know. It a the gss metr " A Protection Agalnat tha Heat i When vou beata to think It a a per sonal matter between you and theaua 1 to see which la the hotter, boy your aelf a giata or a bottle of Coca-Cola. It la cooling rellevea fatigue and quencUa the thirat Wholesome aa the pureat water and lots nicer to drink. At aoda fountains and carbonated car-bonated la bottles 1 everywhere. Send Je stamp for booklet "The Truth About Coca-Cola"-and the Coca-Cola BasebaU Record Book for 1J10 The Utter rontalna the famoua poena -Casey At The Bat" records, schedule ' for both leagues, and etner valuable baaebail Information comr-Sled by a j Uoritlea. Addresa ita coca.oia v. Atlanta, Ca. We are told that true loo will conquer con-quer great aay obstacle, but reverie rev-erie and tha toothache are two et-cepiloae et-cepiloae tl( arraai. bsl II t - ft- m,.mm-m. 1M Maay a maa tiHi tlr ecase IVU wife katea tt Silence I TW aatarl d mS nry sasfwrwl to awT taa Is trm a mi knfi aa thm aww a waaaaaitv al.mswaa-a. ware Irak tnm the isrwiiwal tmtiwi 4 waa iakiatacaate. I M taxi4 sa Iheas. sna s tare taJOT se ad wfaca sarnr prwfriaiss tram tt Aae bm Dr. Plrr prtiBtt f eare a gmt mswr arsMveo So Aero fsW at fttmf tm atWraCr far Aie atrres FKLE mmm:tm tfm tr lee X 9 tf tm e saoWrr carf. a'aaxxai. 3.4r Ca AU r. Ffec, CafTae, A". T. Dr. fWee'a FarvwrSre rVTipjo rsaeaea eaai ef-slai Cs i fisia'r raaacewaas, iklatM fmm mmi boaMa a eatd tm the i bed twwca ad a-ara aw ery a It Make Weak Women Strong. Sick Women Well. Taw raa't ajrVd V atffti nrt ejaf.ras a a tTwesj je im t a4e ce iwrta ctwt.-r. nnncnnT nmtDMC At llU U jL f LL I IlL I U ill 1 J HI AN OVATION The Mighty Traveler Goes Buoyantly Through a Long and Trying Reception-Parade, Showing Lively Interest in Everything American The White Company Receives Unique Compliment for the Sturdy Reliability "of Its , Steam Car From Mr. Roosevelt and Family , T7 i f y -- '1 Theodora Roosevelt and After fifteen months' absence, exactly exact-ly aa scheduled, ' Colonel Theodore Roosevelt dlbenibarked from the1- KaJ-serln KaJ-serln Auguste Victoria, Saturday morning. morn-ing. June 18. at It a. m. To the keen disappointment of a hu ge group ,of newspaper correspondents, Mr. Roosevelt Roose-velt absolutely refused, as heretofore, to be interviewed or to talk on political politi-cal subjects, but his rapid fire of questions ques-tions showed the same virile Intereat In public affairs as before. 'If the welcome tendered by the vast throng may be considered a criterion upon which to base a "return "re-turn from Elba," aurely there, was no discordant note In the Immense reception-parade, nor In the wildly clamorous clamor-ous 'crowds which checked at every glimpse and hung on his very word. The Incidents of the day In Ne ... v..., a ui aa. sasri v as sea as j . wua a a' - .n,utr.ted the nervou. energy .nd vitality of the man. the near-man.a I ". .... i Jltrtm W tltlt aa iri i r IIIT.tlU-UUIH.i " m - Mvr i lng of horses and cards gee for tha swifter and more reliable automobiles. The moment the Roosevelt family and MITCHELLS EYE SALVE A 1 . -w? g taatkMMrr bast i ft avail X ytm ( tbaa t W that aM i'i B tMSa"!awF-riactsh worn out HelvlPerSciioR T" I ! i l 1 Oil Cook-Stove Crvee no ootaiJe heat, no omeS. no amok. It C1 cook the Horeet dlnnef Tihout bra tine the kiuhen or coot It la bntnediatery lyrtited and mnlt-at:y mnlt-at:y etiuaved. It can te charred fioca a siww to srukJt ttre by tomUMC a harxt'a. Tbarww no drairay cotinecsed writh It, no coad to carry, no wood to cbop. Yoo doat have to watt trteea or twwy erimtra td ha ftre gets rinc Apply a ViU and h'a tesw!y. By atmr'y turcicg the kk ap o down yoe get a alow or aa liwoae heat on the bottom U the po. r". hettie wv and nowhere elast. U Laa a Cabinet Top wrha ahalf in keep--" 'm--r and d hot. drop ahelres fee t"t, teapot or avat.rr ard evrn a tak M c?la. It aawre tim. arorrr, beaith and trtnrvt. It d m all a aracnaa nrJa and tcore thaa aba e?te Made w-i-H 1. z, tA bororra; the t aad 3-haunet a ra can be had with e wtthasst Cabi.-art. ( fr, Urn wrrtai aat ss jt, w-aa tTf rmutmmmmmrt'1 ConUncntal OU Company the shvwM at eaaaaaa .iewce a s4 te 1 D IS G1VETJ t SMI EQUALED Party In White Steamer.) Immediate party landed, they were whisked away In White Steamers to the home of Mrs. Douglas Robinson at 43S Fifth avenue. A little later, wten the procession reached, the corner of Fifty-ninth street and Fifth avenue, . Colonel Roosevelt again showed hie preference for the motor car In general gen-eral and the White can in particular, when he, Cornell ua Vanderbllt and Collector Col-lector Loeb transferred from their car riage to White Steamers, which were In waiting for them. After luncheon, at Mr. Itoblneon'a house, the entire party. Including Colonel Roosevelt again entered White . , cars and were driven to Long Island,- City, where they were to take aaTpe- -clal train to the ex President a home . at Oyster Bay. The supremacy of the White Cart. with the Roosevelt partjrrN' demonstrated on Pyjc-' party waa drlvj White Bteam. t T taken a Win clambake at the Tr., bouae of the New Tork Au. Many Women who arc Splendid Cooks dread having to prepare an elaborate elab-orate dinner because tbey are not sufficiently atrong to stand over an intensely hot coal range. This is especially true in summer. Every woman takes pride in the table she seta, but often it is done at tremendous tremen-dous cost to her own vitality through the weakening effect of cooking on a coal range in a hot kitchen. It is no longer necessary to wa yours If out preparing a Cos dinae. Even ia the beat of summer you can cook a large dinner wnthout beiaat IH :1 1 w i.' i f e I rr it tor rr ta rw v -? rAltai . v. a. bm. . f .! i a Iv.tntat.ai4a.ai Up-Set Sick Feeling it (c"ctrt takirj a dwe cf eastor t'2. gills or caIocmI. is sbont thai wortt yoi can eai-re Cgb it CTtt cc5 tie creeps. Yoa Joot Kirs ti'hT if CSCARZTS . cm th trtr!t lac tha ; Irrtf-'-wioct ib bJ fetlsixt. Try them. su I V. . W. Late Cj, a. fS-ifai -lmmm t)W-i I" . - V. m ml 9 mmm J ' m '-IT'W awnaaaxtaaa kuh h s aa, Caaraerr - wtw r-it t f liir '' r , ' .v ' - 4 ' . t ' ' ' II r 1 |