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Show FLBASANT GSOVB KSVt - Controlled Newspapers. . The Atchison Globe says that no ad Tertiser hasever tried to control its ed itorial policy, the remark being occa sioned by the charge often made nowa-days, nowa-days, that the big advertisers direct - the editorial policy of newspapers;- Theexperience of the Globe is the experience of most newspapers. The merchant who does a great deal of ad-Tertising ad-Tertising Is more interested in the circulation cir-culation department of a newspaper than 1b the editorial department. If a daily paper goes to the homes of the people, and is read by them, he is satisfied, satis-fied, and "it may chase after any theory or fad, for all he cares. He. has troubles of his own, and he isn't trying to shoulder shoul-der those of the. editorial brethren. There are newspapers controlled by people outside of the editorial rooms, and a good many of them, more's the pity; but the people exercising that control are not the business men who pay their money for advertising space. The newspapers which are established for political purposes are often controlled, con-trolled, by chronic offlceseekers, whose ' first concern is their own interests. There are newspapers controlled by ;great corporations, and the voice of uch newspapers is always raised In protest against any genuine reform. - The average western newspaper usually usu-ally Is controlled by its ow ner, and he Is supposed to be in duty bound to make all sorts, of sacrifices at. all sorts of times; there are people who consider It his duty to Insult his advertisers. Just to show that he is free and independent. inde-pendent. If he shows a decent respect for his patrons, who pay him their, money, and make It posset for him to - carry on the business, he Is "subsidized" "subsi-dized" or "controlled." The newspaper owner Is a business manf 4ike the dry . goods man or the grocer. The -mer chants are expected to have consldera- tipn for their customers ''and they axei not supposed to be subsidized by the man . who spends Ave dollars with them, but the publisher is expected to demonstrate hli cmiraKe. hy showing that he is ungr'sieC'or the patronage patron-age of his friends., :U a funny combination com-bination when you think It overs' over-s' Xmporia Gazette. The Miser of Sag Harbor. "Economy," said Daniel W. Field, the millionaire shoe manufacturer of Iloston. who at the age of forty five ' has entered Harvard, "economy Is es sentlal to wealth, but by economy I don't mean niggardliness. "Two many men fall to attain to wealth because" they practise a cheeseparing and mean economy that gets everybody don on them. mey pracuff. in inn. an economy like that of old William Hrewster of Sag Harbor William, you know, would oever buy oysters because he couldn't eat shell and ail." TAKE A FOOT-BATH TO-NIGHT Aftr dlolvinff nn or two Allan's Font. Tib (Xntinrptlc tahlrta fur tho, foot-tmth) n iniiji-fr 11 w I IBK nui mil aorrnru. " 1 ttndrrnrfi. rr.nov foot -rliv rin'-aa and . at Into ynur Avoid aub- t Allen KiKit Tt nr our r'i!r lr m-nl hi Addrraa Alln 8 Olmitrd H. X. 'Toot-Tabs for Foot Tubs." Cooked Llhs a Pattern. "My dear." asks tb thoughtful husband, hus-band, "did you notice large beet of paper with a lot of diagrams on It about my de.k?" "You Biran that big pleer m Kb dut nd curves and diagonal and tblngl all over It?" "Tf It my imp of the path of Halle) ' rimiet wnnt'-d to " "My sTWHlnrni' I thought It that pattern I akcd you to net. and tbe dostmaker la cutting out my new hlrtalt by It'" ('bit-ago Kvrning l'ot Important to Mothers riamin .artfully every bottle of CASTOKIA. safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Ilfri the B;f nature of QiaZTijtiV. In Ve For Over 10 Vfars The Kind You Have Aly IloughL i Caring for tne Baby. Old I-adv -What a nl- Ur to wa'rb your little brother o care- 'uily " Nice Boy Ye. "urn II it tl lowed a dime and I'm a'rald of kid tspr J ' "" I r r n'.i r.4 a.; Ttat ( ar T't v ir!- K e: Axp-e Axp-e T-jb-Tr-! . t-r A V tr.-f'i' tr.-f'i' tr Wr.' M in- n I',ir .;jr "o. 1 tVf V Tbe n crnirg f"r fr masy fyl r.; a: 1 rfK.iMi ft ta Kmm m tai Utt t-.M.f. U for lr. tea to a tip r.,S f 1 BRIEF Hi OF A WEEK'S EVENTS RECORD OF THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN ITEMIZED ITEM-IZED FORM. Home and Foreign. New Gathered From All Quarters of the World, and Prepared for Busy Men. ; INTER-MOUNTAIN. A Jury in t he. federal court at'Hel ena brought in" a verdict,"1 nii'lin Jo seph O. Lee and his two sons guilty of counterfeiting.. Lewis Wagner of: Glasgow pleaded guilty to a 'pfllsal j to answer questions propounded by a: census enumerator and was fined j HOf- i Pr. R. T. Wiley, a wealthy resident i of Mineral Wells. Texas, walked off ; a Pullman ear while asleep near Ram eyvUle, Colo., on .the to!o -ado 6outhern railway, and w,is"RtH"t: When a street car ran away down a steep 'hill In Trinidad. Colo , the motorman jumped, and the inn passengers pas-sengers weie in deadly p ril unt:l a recently employed' motorman who happened to lie n the' rarafnught Irs was to tfie front platform, threw brakes on and s!oppd the ir at 'h5 erWe of the curve - Stephea Suiter, cf Maidea. Mont., has been arrested.' charged with the. assassination of Thomas D'irke, .who was found with 1.U body riddled - with bullets. There had been a long-Btanfling long-Btanfling quarrel 'between ""the 'two mcn ' ! The era in rrons .in Montana and the western i ' ion of the - l:il.otas which have n?t-ihi'Jjdvaniage of irri-pntlon irri-pntlon n:e litefal'V -ill Vins Up and Continuous ' shriveling in the Old-- hot winds are provin disastrous. The goverani'Mit has won in a majority ma-jority of tho land c.is. f in t'he Big Horn country In Wyoming, fifty-seven rases having been dec ided in lavor of the government, and four in favor of ; the entrymen. Charles Shuf-jlL. a y mm rancher, . -n iimwned before his wife's eyes she I.Ving uuable to reach Ifim, when he was aiteinptlng to swim the Mis. " - . " ... astride a horn- and leaamg uiu.uier. ' animal Trt- irahi Ueoiihllcaii of Salt Uke City and four ot the employs of the paper have been Oned a total of S3v for cotejuidrcourt asi result of publtsning. iH-t.ue trial. The contes slon of Harry loom, convicted mur ... t.-. ...ii .. ,,-.,, tr-v .. i of th - s - a . T i i n H nrrnn ii to thlny days In Jail Anti clerical meetings, rontino to The "wildcat" mining law passed J1" heltl ln Mlrid, S.r.ieona. Tarra-at Tarra-at the last .esion of the Nevada "on nd Toledo. At Ii.ir.rlona a pe-l,.lKl,!Mr. pe-l,.lKl,!Mr. a.iHlAlned bv a ,iton "''"l b oinen WSJ oeclHitin handed down by the state su premo court on Friday. DOMESTIC. Within sight of hi fiancee, whom he had Just kif!ed rood Light. Kltner CK.-r. a H!Miian. t.hor and killed one .if two hlhaMii lu attempted attempt-ed to tot. him In Chiriigo Amarillo ( it. T.-xan. hlnei a lug Inrrt-ase In jMipuUtiou lu the lat u )ern. ticordir,g to rigures a- eniiliier-ate.) eniiliier-ate.) In the tbitt-enth "ii-u. whuii were gnen out by Ilrrrtr li'ir.iul on Monday I' kre from 1 t!J in li ti tbt year A .erU Iron. Ill.matli.i, Kan. aa .("ph taii.ra. a ralir.Mtd t-n. ploy. e. wa4 iai' ciked ro death b falling Into a pit of h"t flntr The African Me!ho.1tM Kpt!npal Minut'-rtal a-oi'i.inrif Chiraen and rlcini'y ha al te a resolution con-deutifng con-deutifng the "pri'iiti'in o any eiMtiti.i' of th- bru'ii'ttlf of the tUp fuhf. whether it if in the ring 'elf or h niotlrs pinure repto- dur t out I Vt-r B'-k!n. in a Wt sht rln-. broke nf!-1 aHjtu.i" w nr4 at At Untie tl'j. N J . n S-"atir 41 h.n he a"a!n l a r. eL of e(;-. t-t-t j, n, f,.; !R .-. t .-M.n of Oi h'nu nf!-! ri'.nff nr'h iTlat J!ri''it ' c f the tuint and n-tn t j!!bwit firtr Cinru'' 1i -r .. r.f 1fr I. fn in jsckanl o' "!i t a J '. f'T hi-f hi-f r , . ' J J. T Itrt f l'n'n-l WWi'l -; . -, Utr t,f.i'ni o; a rffs ai S'.'-'-it V Y. sr.--l s Ka-!i ' f'CjJSi '!!( a II arH frt mhnm l rhlff1 . f h (f't4s-;a - raral 'a l. ii-e f a; !".;. j ? . - . a S -' 1 ' i.:f I.- - 4,-; . r-s .- r. 'C a; ' t a o- ,.- " - a - -. ft K. V,' ' . t . ' a 4 re ,."e -1 X ' Uts V, t'i r.t Vr H ? U."a i a O. 1 - a t a-. i tzi a. The river steamer Cape , Girardeau struck a snag and sank to the bottom of the Mississippi river on Monday at Turkey island, fifty miles south of St. Louis. Ninety passengers were aboard, and all .were taken ashore safely. . . ' - Three trainmen were killed and a tralnload of passengers were badly shaken 'up w hen a train on the New York Central, known as the northern and western express, was wrecked, near Newtonhook, N. Y. . A suney of districts 1n northern Wisconsin,- which have suffered through forest fires brings the- estl mate of the total damage of the las three weeks to morethair three Tflll- lion dollars. -? four horse stage coach. carrying eleven passengers, bound to El Portal the gateway to the Yosemite N- tional park, went over a cliff inttHr.e Merced river, near Yosemite, Cal., n , gunday a fall of 109 feet AH Ue j passengers but four jumped. The i fo,Ir arp geriouslv injured. -- ! Hpnrjotta jvckernianf 16 years ojj. ' ?f rin(.jnati and John G Monrir, , ,-H iq nf Vottrxrirt Kv woro ilrnnH. ed in the Ohio at Ci icinati, wb-V I'oatin; , Blank cartridge unds received on th 'Fourth of July -claimed the firt fatalities af Pittsburg, on Sundsv Edward Mullaney died of tetanus ani Adm Rovitrh of hlood-poisoning fiom a wound in the hand. WASHINGTON. - The naw department has annoifnr i . u , . . v. .. i . j - - i ., ,u HI'11 ",f ma i fiiif-ui. nun rAii: Sion of 'he dry docks at Puget SO'im! i would increase the total cost toi, Stf3,n9G, and at, Pearl Harbor the rn-1 largentent would advance th'c6t; 'c' $2.ioi,Q00. ' " . -f Secretary Meyer has signed air or ' ! der authorizing the sale of the thiriK:.fronithe front end of a street car .cjass cmibPis Detroit and TJoT,i'4werrthe. car made a sudden lunge In gunboati Conrord and. the "torre io i. turning a corner, and Is in a hospital boar Winslow. From a military stand- i , . .. ... ' , : point the usefulness of these vessel has passed. Organized labor In the District of Columbia has began to lay plana for a systematic ngnt against tne open shop policy .. - . MV tljan 110,000,000 reduction In the postal defieL was made in the first nine months of the fiscal year juat ended. Lightning rods are being; ralbeil over the White House, during 'he president's absence from the capita!. Secretary Meyer has undertaken a ipei - M - nal imjulry. Into the work of en ..... . ,..,. ..fc,v k ru. ' "- i W proclamation oi president tan. 10.57 acres of land Bear EV heno. ; OkUhonm. which were formerly uh the Cloyenne and Arapahoe Indian reservai ions, have been opened for . settlement. These landaVe said to be the niont valuable f " n 4 it - T I - r t sr"- sr isi - runt.ur.. t prenented to the governor of that city erdornlng the goiernnient religious policy Th Itohlln tove-11 tii.-ti' uf M.mltoba and government owii.r-hip .; elevators eleva-tors succeeded at the xilt on Monday, Mon-day, the consrvathes ele,-tm! -nty. seven and the lllier.ili, nft.-eti eais. All cabinet member ;ul fi.'orl-t!.-s a oip.mn rrom muh-'here muh-'here are depredation- in 1 'lie piovinre yf Shan' .n 1 of tbe itraicli) of ile K-dents K-dents are un threat..e,j 1 ers The soverniiietil h.t troi,t( protest fnti: the aBin. the hill prepar-il ! t'anal. jo preventing o . r tvs to int . r.,(. r tj' ' ' I a I'J Jfl nn. i i g . order ei.trrinc Spain in.;m --i ment of the recent diff l up ; The o.iirt ft Tour Men. in ,- ;. ba'l fr the r ! ae ol t'oriR- ti , de liiry. ho hs tw-e-i b the iilre flnrr Vprl! '.it rhsrc of bating m'refre.-ongin m'refre.-ongin nf painting and the i f fiirnitiue j.urrh jet t Mr H I'mt.e e( Tarl. by h-'in-It.'t4 n t hari-1 ;th dein-'.r.t ml'l'art and natai rri I'Tfli gnvrfrisent. Anna hi --n wf ff- in p. j tall at l-p f .at- ny. Th prot of be p-l'-t"i letr'rMj d(f,fren' . , r- d n r. I! tlo n , ' ' T-:rted 10 I .4 '" t' . , handed rvr e rI-f Th t t'M' lff- , ! h a frrt ! s cw I'stn? rf in O lift rr "-m of rs-fl . r-rfraraf ; 'm , rtr.'ei in Ninusn. t "-. ,t t rn of He t "-nrrr,. .1 i . J. -. 4rt4 ,r fiftl'i' a: t'.rar A la it to 'tf !.y,u;t e' - r , tr :a rr6i .a. ta tie i;.-sca n -,-r$ Nvrh3 res-'-. Kx,j...i1 i. :" oa J T Iea t as - r-: fcoa. e? te Frasnia fi At 'itt'flC of t f;V Arrfcdii 'r i 5 r - - .alas txrirt ta 4;ae-j tit: it Jol t4va.rr ef A It ai. a;J r i iT.l .".ji f t.t yn.'.perrj h&f4 jrtol cf i ei ire ! U-T. :$ '::s s't b"' ft '4 Sr4 1 S t r-f-r, P-f -.- T tf ; THE UTAH BUDGET A new bank is to be started in the (own of Helper. The tenth annual convention of the Utah Pharmaceutical' ay.sociation' was held at Logan. Tuesday and Wednes day. ' " The Provo city council has received an offer from the Provo Electric com puny to sell - its distributing plant , tc the city tor the sum of $100,000. The state board of barbw-examin ers had granted licenses to thirty-si applicants at the conclusion of a-two More than 100 descendants ot tne Austin family, pioneers of Utah.gath ered at Saratoga Springs, near Lehi for annual family reunion, on July 8V Rather than collide with a wagon Clifford Moulton, a chauffeur, ran his automobile onto the "sidewalk in Salt Lake Citycollided with a tree and sustained a broken arm.,' The seventh anual convention oi the Postmaster's aSSOeiatiOtf' Of Utah ; was held In Ogden on Friday, nearly 'a "hundred delegates, from all parts of ' hp 5t8t"- oeinS present. Chafles Otto, a Swede, while intox' raVd. made an unsuccessful .attempt ; to drown himself in the Weber river a' Ogden, being fished out by two men who saw him Jump from the f a1'- ' .'" ' Although the property values fo u ilmr nnlr una f)c1en I v snnv a ... . .- . o - - marKea increase over ion or iasi J'pr. the tax lpvy fixed by the Webet county commissioners is the "same-a that for 1909. s Charles L'ange, known as Salt Lake's heaviest citizen,: was throwc in a serious condition ... .. The county commissioners of We ler couqty have received a numbet of sanitary drinking fountains, ordered for use at varloup points along the county roads, and their Immediate in tallation has been ordered. Silty freight,, and passenger men of the various railroads entering; Salt Lake have signed a call for a meeting to be held In Salt Lake City, Friday, luly 22. to organize what they will rail the Salt Lake Traffic club. Melvln Karth, the butcher who at tempted to kill his wife and then com mil suicide on the morning of June 6 In Salt Ijtke City, shooting the woman .nri ...ttln. hi. own throat Ms to be - " "" ,::.' , " , tiled for ansault with intent to coin mlt murder. Reports come from Juab county hat tbe wheat on tbe dry farms in that locality is headed out In fine-4 hape and that a pfefty. good crop would be raised, also that must of the grkiai will . wrage about ; twenty bushels to the acre. Robert Sieanhardt and Arthur Scott, ho fought j duel with revolvers on Main street In Salt Lake City, have sen been charged with ault with Intent to commit murder. An Inno cent bystander was shot in tne houl ter by one of the duellist At the rate of half a mile per day the Ogden Rapid Transit company ts pushing Its track for an Interurban trolley line between Ogden and Hrlg bam City. The grsde ha been com pleied beyond Wlllard and l within a few miles of Brlgham City Hurled nearly naif an hour under a beap of sand Id the aand pit near Warm Springs. In Salt I-aUe city, GKrge B. Meredith a extrUated more dead than alive. He did nut re cover nclout.Dess nnttl physliianc had worked over him for to hour -Jeff IvO! sod- So Did I" were ib word placarded -on tbe ba.k of Arthur Ar-thur Thayer of Bingham, a h heeled in a wheelbarrow. Sunday af sernooD In the hot sun. Sam Byron with whom he had wag-red on tbe jutrome of the fight giving Byron s milt ride uphill H Is announced from the Fourth ltrtct forestry headquarter Og -ten that Ogdea has ben cboeen a-he a-he central point for the forrctratioa 'ejiartmeni of the entire erv.c to i- I'ntted Ststet, Thin department charge of the planting of need ir -fw forest tree, etc. Kdmund Shepherd Loey. for li n years president of the ft ah Uee V;ers asaoclatlnn and a leader in t hee Industry of tbe ata'e. de at vre la Salt Lake City. Jily ot f"-aal lb.ltty Mr l.o.r a 71 of age and rroa4 be r4-n tc ! I ske City In m tiMrsd Of esastng 'he Jyb rmi -.HHff to be UKvrj;d h pro. ' ry p!l rr,' N-ynds -- " 'at bf hT n-0 ff!" i- a the 'se for dry fa'troeg. asd 1 1'trc tee rt th fa'r rror-a If tW tit e ; ' i - proper wlttvs'oa . . rka a4 cr"dtta:'r ' ai o'A shaft st Biathaa. '- ks lC and beiaj . tai '-. yte tor Iwur 4a? s i S - f tie fkaft before a to) -t "sat wty esr V cn sad t"-.i;V 4 He iU rrcir v - -s,:t ef aa a-3-.!t ae- t- tt ttaci's itstjt'si . rrt tie e4 f t 4 C Rsv"as4 rere : s trt.; 4-- tl tt'erssl lt:.'t ai4 A I K-i -Z If, ZT 4 U t .t-'t-rfM4 as t?cie-i a:i a $t ... ... nrtr ?s-ct mm MUCH PROFIT IN FATTENING Nothing in Turkey Raising Pays Bet- ter Better Results Obtained .When Birds are Confined. Nothing in turkey production pay better than thorough fattening and that for a number of reasons. First, more pounds are obtained, and that at a minimum cost. From four to six pounds may be easily added to the weight of a six months old bird, an I these added pounds, being mostly fat, are more cheaply made than simple flesh and bone. Second, better prices are obtained. A plump, fat bird will bring more per poi;nd than a thin, lean one, and is in better demand, so that there is a double gain-, Third, i is more gratifying. There is always a pleasant satisfaction in offering for sale something first class in every respect re-spect in knowing that, one can and has produced something reatly good and worth while. To fat'en a lot of turkeys properly it is necesr.Ty to brg'n some time in advance of the market for whVh they are to be preparfd. -writes -Mrs. Millie Honaker In Wisconsin Agriculturist. This Is especially true of 'young turkey's, tur-key's, not yrt ft.lly developed-. ' For these fattening, is also a rapid, finish ing process which most round and fill them out1 and which takes considers : ble tlme, Foj such -a-month to six weeks Is none too bins to feed with a view to putting irno l.cst marketing -"ondition. . , Many turkey .reducers do nut confine con-fine their flick during the fattening period, but better results may usually be obtained by doing so, especially towards the last. However, for young birds which are to be simply forced for a time previous to urinal fattening fatten-ing it is not necessary at least to confine con-fine closely. Yet these will do mucb bettei If out alloed to rsnge t fre , ly. when an In. lined Many Aim ks. If fed regularly fiuiu th- timf, will prar- tlrally gie up raiiKing on their oan ac .ird 3k n s put on full f d but when- they do ni t !t t advotalile to -roiifir.e in Mune larae, .'-n lot. or . )ard. -n. h a exlM on d,,I farina and could 1 .-aslly ..titled lor the pur e I .1 i psng inn- wlt.g Ihe birds uiay -' .i.ny a.-p. ti re wanieo. Toward tbt- lal. ll.at U frmu iwo should ! more rh.iH lv ronhned. pre- ferabty in a r.hd cr other b-.ilding wher" th-y .an obtain linle eef(-iite. and ik h iray be partially darkened Tlil I..M i. to i revera Ihe young gob ler fron btiiii g . thry m,i i liii.i . wt!l l'h dmaMrou ren-ilt. when rk'"'j ror.0nd usr efdinrv rlr run siif.es t urn in wire ahas-. prtertljr ground, phoold be ib- m n f'l dur j tr.g the fltnit.g le-eiod Hir. for ; ymirig bird tmg pr pried for the ral fattTilrg prw--. othr tfcitg to r nnertj.ti ar adt ''. !e. V hat tfran r K.b)rt n.ted :th rt.rn m. a! r tr , d narti gr"ind i- d So Mh tstp I. a la'g jr r r-nt cf rrrn n.et. .t up 1 f'h ntn nitia nr aatt-r .'S.rl ' AM k!rd of IMSM trabVa fE.aKed j i p w t'h r'n r.al s-r ! i a 1 )" gortd Park? ft't rye g -r-.f- i j ! rem it ai" an 'dl a'!-if f'-f . s; Car b".H aktj h--w ; tr. r. t In fd inn t, r t' fe-1 I no (eetv-ro-;' a fM J-'? po-.C! to rtm,b n.. . ar-d j what a'll b tp .!.-o ' ew is at"Jt rgtt V. !- 4 ... at a"l k'.cd way s!o f'4. sr 4 ar rtM'.'.f 4Mbs at fjrwt V-t Ut wk rt tao, - a'r tirg jltrtS ;r. i cl3 rot Stear.w'. 1 1. - t '-f-rg -tw'.tr-r l!ua r.r,jr ao-r.4 c - a.aJ J wet p wiffc pk5-fg . f.r tie r.a-: ' rau.a. To il car a-l 4. frr iirMr'l take, a i.L-e a f. oi4 prfatt cr t i a tss4 I't ti'it ' : t it ec4 , C7(ir4 a attiasew ef ir g-,t " .iI4 t. ers t.a ;.. a' y a' tie f' ; ". Aia-J i ,-" - f-i w-. r it-n'i U -:J-.Ij' i -. raarfi tat ? 9 eaTtk-w JJia- ' Tt t a- . r4 .v.t r4 ! I'-wm'J fvw,s Ust aa'iw'a--" w si . mis mm An Aristocrat. Your Liver is Clogged up TW a Why You'r Tird Out eat Sorts Have Me Appetita. . CARTER'S LITTLE. LIVER PILLS will pot yoa right IB) B RW oaj. They do ftVeirdi. Can ' Caaatma-Baa-Bil. ItaaMaa, UdVBa, aaal Skk SaaiacU. - auunu. SMAU DOSI. taUIX FKICB M GENUINE most bear acnature: DEAF HEAR' THE AURIS Sistet. ItTKt ficai practical koriif I met. Iriii ts-aar. AURIS COMPANY Jawaica, New Yo DAISY FLY KILLER tr. k k!lka kII Im tal,vaim(..brf. s. V .... ill Unit ! m-t! .eiin4 pill r up ovrr. VIII .iusrmnwlW- r Ma' fKpld forSOo. kllKMB (MTWIU J Smtlja. In IwS RELIASLE : THOMPT rfld. ij-; i.oul an 1-U0: .iolrt. Hilier an.l 'Cc.euer. IliA Gnld and S.ller rnnnwl and hoii(!hi Wrii for I--, nililins Kirk a. Ot.Dt.N AAt CD, 1338 l uun l'lute, Denmr, Colu.aJu. The Lost Chords. The, villace concert was to be a great affair. They had the singers. nad the Prgram sellers, they f'bad the doorkeepers and they would doubtless have the audience. All they needed was the piano, but that they lackid. Nor could- Hum pro iure -one anywhere. - At last the village organist learned tint ono was possi sed by Fanner Hayseed, who lived "at the top o' the 111." Forthwith be set out with two men and a van. "Take it, nn' welcome," sa'd Hayseed Hay-seed cordially Tve no objections 6'lotig -as ye put 'Pyenner by Hayseed' on i lie program." They carted it away. "An' I wish 'em Joy of it." mur-murej mur-murej Mrs. Hayseed, as the van disappeared disap-peared from sight. '"Wish Vm joy of it," repeated Hayseed. Hay-seed. "Wb.it d'ye nierui" "Well, I mean I only Ope they'll find all the notes they want," replied the g.Mid woman. "'Cos, ye see, when I wanted a bit o' wire 1 alius wtint to the old olanner for It." Foxy Hiram. "WelLnow, if that ain't surprising:" ejaculated. Mrs. Hyotop. a he nhaded ber eye-i w ith her band. "There goe old Hiram Skinflint, and rather than step on a poor black ant he picked It somewhere out ol the reach of danger." dan-ger." Il-r tiUFband laughed knowingly. "Not Hirnui .Skliillint. Mandy. Hell go down to Jed Weatlierby' general I store and order a pound of granulated i sugar. Then u!le Jed is looking en j other ay he'll drop the ani among j tbe grain and tell Jed s long hi' i sugar has nt In it !. ought to Fell it ' at half pri. IJk as not In II try to ! get Jed to throw in two or three ' ralnin and a ?.mi . ake You don't know lltrsin SKinfl'nt" An Aner In Kind. "How (j 'tl the trouble In the family tartr Tha wife It tcrnii n.l tlr.-rf nf her ' fcu,UnJ., h(.n, ml, j -wby (h(, f m- 1 re,ort- "She d! 1 She threw the tatnp at blm.- 1 at the Summer Re.ort. ! , ,h)nk , vou ,,(o,c pnm, j D,re , th,nll k , fW. tou ,n4 , mm !o ,w (rsrr!H fmir t-aons sgo. were nt Compound Interest comes t Iif- when the odj el th" d-Ii-i !:; slow o( health, tt;r ar4 r?.ftj. That Certain Sense rl vigor 1a tie I ta-t a-.! ee r-u cl t'. r r.r. r i when t e m; r -v- r I" ate Cut 'Ut ui IfiV t 1 Grape-Nuts tac t'.ir p'j-e. II If La !- t y - vaft t r;a J n lis't t;-ct c1 rr.tJuU, f I ol t i ct t I v-j ti Ir.rg j n t k ! r it it c t a - .:.irt I it a reh'iilJrT.) Tea dir tr.il ') s-'h i r-t Tiat ,'. U it. " There' a Reason" Ct tv I tr Esai til WfSrw It2 fvv aST SB .... .. Y ASSAYS t4 '.'-. t j . fs'' ""' 'A' fo 'if ii:z?a . - - r. :St3 - " ajir-'T, "Xm WH1TISYCU3 HIKE? 7; I:. . s- -t I: ai-a t A&r.4iS r-'v: .:.r r-it we - t --t a4 Ue aia Ctavk j t ea a-J ! t"s--- ' ; , in s ac 4-aa f -r w rT j o- . (Ml . . i J. - jta t'm ': - - . |