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Show OVERRIDES WOOL" BILL VETO Measure Is Passed, 174 to 80, With 24 Republicans Voting With Democratic Majority. Washington. President Taft's veto was overridden nnd tho houso again passed tho compromlso woolen tariff revision bill on Tuesday by a voto of 174 to 80, with ton members voting present. Thcro wero tweuty-ono Republican Re-publican members voting with tho Democrats to enact tho bill Into law dcsplto tho president's opposition. Tho scnato has not ncted on tho veto. Whether It can bo ovcrrlddon In that body Is uncertain, although an effort will bo mado to do It. It Is stated that from fifteen to twenty Republican Re-publican senators must voto with tnc Democrats to defeat tho veto. |