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Show MILLER HUGGINS ASBIG LEAGUE MANAGER Veteran Second Baseman Hugglns of Cardinals. Miller Hugglns is playing his last year with tho Cardinals. That is, tho tiny sccond-sackcr will depnrt if Malinger Mali-nger Roger Ilrcsnnhan can put through n denl this winter that will strengthen tho National leaguo troupe. Hugglns is not to bo traded becanso Bre8nahan ciivIcb tho brains of tho "Ilabblt," or boeauso thero Is 111-fccl-tng between tho boss and his tricky little assistant, but becauso Miller Manager Kllng of Boston, Hugglns hns tho mnnagcrlnl bco buzzing buzz-ing In his bonnuL Thero uro not mnny moro years of major lenguo baseball loft In Hugglns. Miller knowH that, also Iloger. Hut there Is n head on tho shoulders of tho peo-weo that contains a lot of smart baseball, and ono thnt holds ns much bnsoball knowledge, insldo and outside, as almost nny of tho present day managers. Thero Is a standing order between Bresnnhun and Hugglns now that If tho sccond-sackcr can arrango n trndo for hlmBclf thnt will strengthen tho Cardinals It will go through. I.ubt winter It was thought thnt Hugglns would becomo leader of tho Cincinnati Cincin-nati Reds, and when Miller was In tho running for tho Job ho was given permission per-mission from Brcnnnban to open negotiations ne-gotiations for n trado. When Hank O'Bny was nppolntcd Hugglns lost out. But ho continues to seek a position ns general director nnd It nny bids uro received ho will bo allowed to depart, of course, providing pro-viding Bresuahan is pleased with whnt he In offered. If Hugglns leaves tho Cnnllr.'ila nftcr thin year when I.eo Mngeo will becomo tho second baseman. Mngeo in outclassed by Hugglns In experience, experi-ence, but lce Is speedier than his opponent, op-ponent, Is n better hitter and Is going go-ing to become ono of tho best bnso runncrr In tho circuit. 431icn Brcsnnhau thlnku that ho has tho coming greatest second biisomun In tho gamo In Magoo. Ho is nn ardent ar-dent (idmlrcr of tho Cincinnati lad for tho simple reason that ho has copied Rogcr'a stylo perfectly being full of vim nnd ilanh and wldo awuko all tho time. For tho prcsout, nnd probably for tho rest of 1912 Magco will do left field duty. Hugglns probably .would hnvo gone to Boston when tho Curdlnls wero Id tho cast, but for John M Ward and his co-worker, James Cuffncy, being nttneked with cold feet. 'Hio bofscs ot tho Braves nnd Johnny Kllng, nro not working In harmony, and It has been hinted often thnt Kllng I not u shrowd or smart leader. Tho opening for Hugglns Is Boston, unless Carry Herrmann ousts Hunk O'Day In Cincinnati. Both tea inn have material thnt could strengthen tlio Cardinals, nnd when flogcr Dreamt-linn Dreamt-linn gets ready to tnlk with his foes for Hugglns, ho Is not going to put a 10-20-30 tng on tico-weu Miller. |