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Show THE UTAH BUDGET B Ogdcn nnd Salt Lako will Join B hands nnd co-opornto energetically In Hi the mutter of transcontinental nuto- HJ mobllo routes. HJ Moosu from nil over the fltnto gath HJ crcd at I'ark City Wednesday for an HJ outing In the hills near the mining Hb town as thj guests of tho Park City Hi lodge. m Tim Hanlcy, a rcsldont of I'ark City, HJ attempted outcldo by, cutting his HJ throat with a pocket knife, hut his HJ Injuries are not regarded as danger H ous. Hnnley is believed to bo Insane. J If present plans carry, Ilox Elder HJ county will bo represented at tho Hb coming stntu fair In Salt Lako City HJ In Octolwr by a bigger nnd better HJ eshlblt than over mado by this county HJ befiife, HJ Tag day proved a big success In Og- HJ don on August 10, In tho neighborhood HJ of $1,000 being ralBcd for tho benefit of Hi tho Ogden baseball team. Twenty HJ young women had charge nf tho col- HJ lectlng. HJ A movement has been started to HJ Interest tho cople throughout Weber HJ county In building a retort on (Heat Hi Salt Lake, near Hooper, for tho bene lit HJ of tho residents of tho county nnd ad- HJ Joining territory. Hh Frank llottorlll of Salt I-nko has HJ Just completed a trip In nn automo Hl I) Ho from Denver to Salt tako, dechir HJ lug that ho mado thu trip, a dlstanco Hi ii f G91 mlloi, In thirty-two hours actu- Hb al running tltno. Hi Tho nowost thing In schoolroom, H deskj has been turned down by thu H members of tho Ogden boaru or cdu- H cation, who favor tho old stylo In H spite of nil tho mipposcd good fca- H tures of tho new utyle. H A second attempt to committee sul- H cldc, mado by Tlmotliy Ilnn&y, li H minor forty years old. In tho city M Jail, at I'nrk City, resulted Ih slight H Injuries which aro not expected to H hnvo any Berlous ro-ults. M With a prlco or 11.000 on his head, H tho escaped bandit of tho recent H holdup at Mldvulo Is still nt largo. The H roward of $500 offered b'y tho city of H Mldvalo has been duplicated by Gov H ernor Spry, In behalf of tho atoto. H At a recent mooting of tho county H commission tho tax lovy for Sanpcto H county was set at six mills. Last year H It wns sovon. A special rout." tax ol H flvo mills was levied on all districts H through which tho stato highway H passos. J William H. Ilrldge, nged 34, attempt H ed to drive acroim tho Jordan river Bj,., , . nt Salt Lako and iwns drown, Ills B team also being drowned. Ilrldgo H drovo olf tho ford Into deep water and H was carried down tho stream by tho H current. H Coming to Eureka In responso to H tolegrnnm nut to her homo In Seat H tie, Wash., Mrs. Frank Barnes rccolv H d tho saddest blow that can como to H a mother tho news that her daughter H committed suicide to end a lire of B waywardness. H Francis I'anons Rnlsdon, a brick m mason, 21 yoars of ago, fell to his H death from tho third story of a now M building on which ho was working H In Salt Lako. A window frame braco M cavo way and the young man fell to H tho ground, breaking his neck. H Olllo Hums, 3G years of ngo. a no- M gro wnlter employed nt tho Salt I.nko H Commercial club, was shot In the ah H domen In a quarrel which eems to H havo been between him and two wo- H mun. A woman has been held H on suspicion of having dono tho shoot H Mrs. Lona Negloy, Itlormon refugee H from Colonla Dublan, Is suffering from H nervous prostration at a hospital In H Salt Lake, having been sent thoro from M KI I'aso by Dlshop O. I. Miller, for H treatment. Her two daughters, aged 0 H and 4 years, accompanied her to tho 1 city. H Sovlcr county Is to bo displayed H at Its best at tho big Irrigation con- H gress to bo held In Salt Lako City H during tho latter part of Septumher. H Sho Is to havo n lloat In tho mngnl- H II cent parado nnd this float Is to rop- H resent tho county's resources and In- H dustrles. M Mrs. J. W. N. Whltecotton, wlfo of H ii prominent local attorney nnd Mrs. H a. F. I'alm suffered sovcro cuts and H hrulst'j when tho horso they wcro H driving bocamu frlghtenod at u steam H toiler ut l'roo, and bolting, tipped H over tho buggy, throwing thorn to tho H pavement, H letters received at national lrrl- H gatlon rongress headquarters In Salt H Uiko from Or. H. McQueen Gray, for- H olgn secretary of congress, Indicate H hat tho representation to tho twen- H tleth session of tho congress from for. H -lgii countries Is to bo larger than nt H --nny previous sesilon. H With apparent unconcern Idollus M. H Dye, alias Joo Donovan, selected shoot- H ,lng as a means of execution nftor ho H had been sentonced to death for tho H murder of Joseph Italnbow on the M night of November 20, 1911, at Salt B Lake. H Final negotiations to finance tho H completion of tho Newhouso hotel H structure In Salt Iako now havo vlr- H tually been completed and a few H months' time, It Is declared will wit- H ness tho replacing of the present H skeleton with one of the finest first' H class hostelrlcs In the west. BBJ |