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Show - 1 AROUND THE MINES JM Tonopah ore shipments exceed In tH tonnage and values all previous rcc- 'H Darry-Coxo on Scott hill, Park City, aH Utah, is now mining eight to ten tons 'J of nro u day, or about five carloads H every thirty daB. H Oro shipments from tho Park City - H district for tho weok Just ended jLfl amounted to n total of 2,500,080 LLv poundB, vnlucd at approximately H IGO.000. H A now shoot of very flno oro opened H up on the thirteenth level ot tho Del- H mont in I no nt Tonopah. Tho Shaft H voln on tho eleventh level also show- H Ing a good body ot lino oro. v H Gold-Circle, In northern Nevada, Is iLfl right now In a very critical stngo of .H Its existence, with a number ot lm- H portant deals pending which may H provo ot Inestimable licnofll to tho H camp. H Oro shipments from tho Tin tic ills- H trlct for tho past week ngaln camo H closo to tho record week In tho fore H part of March, when 205 carloads' H wcro shipped. Tho last week's total H was 197 cars. H Tho production of borax In 1911 was H tho largest In tho history ot tho H United States, except that for 1900, H when tho output was OS, 173 ohort H tons, hut tho valuo ot tho production H In 1911 wai greater. H Recent discovery of largo bodies of H tungsten nnd bismuth orca In the H western part ot Utah 1b one of tho H moat conducing oNldcnros ot tho won- H derful mineral possibilities ot Hint H section ot tho state. H A moBt excellent report Is to hand H this weok from both tho Ilclmout mill H and mine, tho latter developing must H satisfactorily on nil levels and capec H tally In tho deepest workings of the H property, anya thu Tonopnh Minor. H It Is reported that somo of tho old H slag dumps In thu vicinity of StocK- .H ton havo been carefully Bamplcd thla B summer nnd that auvcral of them unn H been found to contain sufficient values H to mnko them prolltnblu to ship to tho , H near-by smoltora. H Whether tho Interests of Utnh mino H owners and operators can best bo H served through the, Amerlcnu Mining H congress or through a now orgnnlzn- H Hon of mining men was discussed at H a mooting nt tho Snlt Lnko Commer- M clul club last week. M Tho superintendent ot tho Ynnkco H Consolidated reports that sovornl car- H loads ot zinc ore hao been extracted H and that more la In sight. Tho new v M riito of $730 u ton from camp to the M Kansas zinc smellers Is stimulating ' i M tho eonrch for thla metal. . Since paying tho Ural dividend ot H 25 cents n ahnro, nmountlng to $37,- 9W -Jifl P00, In 1S93, the yearly amount dla- ,.,, -AP'fH trlbutcd by tho Silver King nt Pars tViil City was steadily Increased until in t H 1901 It reached $1,300,000, which wna H maintained for four years. M Indications onco moro nro favorablo H for a rond to Contact, Judging from M ho iernonnel of a crowd of Western H Pacific officials who recently mndo u H trip by automobile from Wells up M through that big copper district and ' M on Into tho Twin Falls country. M It Is given out that slnco July 21 H tho Rlco-Wclllngtun Iiiih shipped $25,- M 500 In oro. This total i H.VJ tons, w'llrh H nuts the comimuy nbout $30 n ton. M The company Is said to have recently M nntorca into u contract tor marKoi- h Ing 1,000 tons of Its $20 zinc ore at H Rlendo, Colo. H According to the United States goo- M logical survey thoro was considerable M Incrcnso lu tho production of borax fl lu tho United States In 1011 over that H iOIO, tho output for last year being H f 53 330 short tons, valued at $1,5C0,- H 151, as compared with 42,357 tons In M 1910, valued at $1,201,812. H Thu operations of the Illngham & M Garlleld railway during tho past quar- H tor wero very satisfactory In every H rcsH)ct. An average of 10,203 tons H at ore per day wero hauled, nil from M tho mines to tho mills, for thu period, H is compared with 7,010 tons pur day H for tho previous quarter. H Chlno Is making renmrkablo prog- H reus und July marks another groat H itrldo in Ita production of copper, tho H iiitput for this mouth aggregating 3,- H 000,000 pounds of copper, approximate- H y double that of the preceding H month, Juno, when 1,510,000 pounds ot ,JH the mental were outpulted. D Tweuty-llvu thousand dollars In ono H chunk was Juggled around and ban- H died at tho Holso assay offlco last H weok. Tho chunk was ono of tho H biggest bars of gold received nt tho H local offlco In nuiiiu time, and it came H from an Idaho placer mine. Tho brlcK 'H was rousouably pure and nssayed fH around $17 to tho ounce H During tho llrst seven months of tho BH presont year 121 American mines anil K1 metallurgical works, according to tig- Kl urea compiled by Mining und KiibI- mM neerlng World, participated In dlvl- HJ dond dlshurBemeiits totaling $53, H J 07,085, which with tho $10,821,025 disbursed by securities holding cor- HB poratlons brings tho total for tho po- rlod to $03,717,511. Showing a production of 28,372,038 HJ pounds of cojiper for tho quarter end- HI Ing June 30, und a cost of 8.27 cents a ound, compared with n cost of 8.CS Hj cents In tho prevloiiB quartor, tho sec- Hi 3nd reiort for tho year wua given out ! lust week by tho Utah Copper com- HH Tho production ot silver In Nevada,. HI in 1911 was moro than lu any provious- H ear, being 13,184,601 flno ounces, val- Hb ued at $0,987,839 agalnBt 12,470,871 M flno ounces, valued at $0,739,130, iaj 1910, About nlnety-sovon par cent. HV camo from siliceous ores, Hj |