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Show I Baby Drowns In Small Puddle. RRfl Tho 16-month old son of Mr. nnil Mrs RRfl Mclvin Anderon was drowred about RBV 11 o'clock last Saturday morning in a BBJ nmall puddle of water near their door. RflH The child was missed but n minute be- Bflfl fore, having toddled into tho yard when BBJ the mother went for him nr.d found the BBJ child faco down in tho wntcr. BBJ It is supposed tho babv had droped BBBJ its apple in the water and in reaching BBJ' for it fell and strangled, not bclrg BBBJ able to help himself. RflH Tho funeral service was held Monday HH afternoon from tho homo of tho grand- HRWi mother, Mrs. Ann Dlckcrson. The HRflj speakers were, John II. Davis, 3. L. M Chipman and J. W. Walker. Mutic by HRflj the First ward choir and a solo by John RflHJ H. Davis were rendered. |