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Show MODERN BASEBALL IS FASTER Nothing to Be Accomplished by Wordy Controversy on Merits of Old and Young Players. Thero may bo somo good accomplished accom-plished from a wordy controversy whether or not baseball Is faster thnn it UBcd to bo, but Just oxnatly how this Is to effect tho cost of living Is not so perfectly apparent, nays the Milwaukee Sentinel. Tho old fellows who havo had their day and who nro continually looking hackwnrd, seem to think thnt they played faster nnd bettor in tho olden tlmo, but tho young men who nro now engaged in innklng hnsobnll history aro dead mire tho old timers wore truck horses in comparison with them. Thero is n reneon why tho old-timers old-timers could not hit n bnll Just exact, ly as hnrd; run Just ns fast nnd field Just ns accurately. It may ho thnt ovinjj to tho development of pitching they would not hnvo nn opportunity to hit and run ns often, nnd Inside baseball may bo doveloped more thnn It was In tho olden times, but grant nil this and what's tho answor? It pleases itii who remember somo of tho old-tlmera to think they were Just as good ns tho best, but It may bo that we are mtitaken. At that, It is pretty hnrd to bco whnt Is going to bo accomplished by tho disillusionment. disillusion-ment. It tho men of today aro much better than they used to bo, let It go nt that Nothing can bo accomplished accomplish-ed by nrgulng this question nny moro thnn can bo by Indulging in n controversy con-troversy over' politics or religion. |