Show Provo Citizen Dead Dead Special Correspondence j Provo Sept Sept 27 Simon Peter Eggertsen Egertsen one of the old settlers setters of Provo died die at athis a athis his home in the te Second ward this t ls morn mom morning momin log ing in at 92 surrounded by b his family He has been suffering for tor six months from asthma and heart trouble troubie Mr Essert E er sen came to Utah In crossing the plaIns with wih the first Scandinavian Sandin ian hand handcart and cart company and was one of the men sent to meet General Johnsons army In inI I Echo Hs H raised some of f the first frt I flax fa that was wa woven into cloth and placed on exhibition at the te fair fei In Utah Utah He I was born Sorn Feb 7 1826 In Orte Odense O ense Amt Denmark and was as asI I left left an orphan orhan at 5 S years year He Ha He is the I fattier father an t bf f four children all al of whom are ae prominent In the city and md state stat As A a ayounG ayoung young man he was called caled to the th army ar in Denmark younG and came out with wit the rank of The funeral will wi be held from the stake tabernacle Sunday at 1030 1050 Cortege se will Wl leave the family residence e at 10 |