Show INJURED D BING WELL WELLi Sister of Mrs Mr J T Melloy Brought to t Salt Lake OTHERS WENT WEl T ON EAST f ST SP 4 SOUTHERN PACIFIC PA SETTLING S CLAIMS TOE FOR DAMAGES i I No one of or the fourteen persons in injured injured in the Southern Pacific wreck on bill hill Thursday is fatally hurt Eight of them left Jet Ogden yesterday continuing their journy journey east and the others with ith the he exception of Mrs Keefe vho who is at t the Holy Cross hos hospital hospital hospital pital In this city cit are being taken ta en care I of at the Ogden hospital These lire Mrs McGammon who has a broken arm Mrs Gross Gr ss of Tulare CaL who suffered s a fracture tr of ot the collar bone Mrs J C Allen AUen of Cleveland Cleeland 0 O bruised about the bead head and back and Mrs George Bownes whose arms were Cut dut and bruised Mrs Ers e es Injury J JIrs Mrs Irs Alice Keefe who ho suffered a bro broken broken broken ken collar bone is a sister of Mrs Mr J S T Melloy of South Fourth West wife of Special Policeman Melloy As soon as word of of the wreck reached Salt Lake Mr Melloy went to Ogden and arid yester yesterday yesterday yesterday I day afternoon his aw being b ing able to stand the trip they returned to Salt Lake Information from the hos bos hospital hospital pital last evening was to the effect that Mrs injuries were not very ver serious She was able abler to walk about the house and an expects to be out in a short time timeA timeA A representative of the tha Southern Pa Pacific interviewed all the injured parties at Ogden yesterday and settled settle their claims for damages Was to Visit Her Son Mrs H M 11 Lowell the woman who was killed in ih the wreck left Stockton Cal on the Rock Island excursion and was on her way to Trenton Mo to visit her son Clark Lowell Lonell whom om she had not seen for a number of years Mrs Lowell was the mother of Mrs A B Hopkins whose husband is in the printing business at Stockton The As Associated AssocIated Associated Press has the following dis dispatch dispatch dispatch patch from San Francisco J S r A Fillmore speaking of the wreck on the Central Pacific today said hat Assistant Engineer Thomas Fitzgerald had reported that the track and the cars were seemingly In good condition It was also his opinion that the rear truck truL of the baggage car was the first to leave eave the track and that probably J pulled the other cats cars over and turned the rail |