Show e FOLKS Ominous Story St ry About Perish Perishing Pershing ing lug o MESSAGE Iff IN I A 4 BOTTLE I SALT SAT TARS TA t S CONCERNED OF rop TH T TR TALE Readers R aders of The Herald Herld who have kindred or friends frends in the Nome gold gold district were considerably consider bly agitated stated yes yesterday yesterday es tery morning on reading re ding In the press dispatches from Seattle that a party pary headed heade by the well known Jack De Delaney Delaney II laney had hd undoubtedly perished The tidings sent out from Seattle were to tote the te effect that hat on Sept 17 a bottle con containing containing a message had been ben picked p up by a r soldier on the te Alaskan Alaska coast coast This message read I I Off Of Port Safety n U 1900 Who finds this please report to authorities eight of us left lert Port Clarence three days daY ago and are now sinking fast with wih no hope hpe Signed Jack ack Delaney G L Myers Myrs Sam Sara Mark or Mack John ohn Dolan George Ge r e Thomas Thoma A A M I Dean Dean After reading this thrilling bit of in information information formation some of the friends frieds of or De Delainey Delale Delaney lainey laney were sure sur that the individual re referred referred to was none other than John ohn F fere Delaney the widely known mining man and contractor who headed a party pary of gold seekers from Salt Sal Lake last spring to Nome Others who who wh had friends and relatives s in this party part 9 figured out that it was some other Delaney Salt Lakers Leri in the Party Pary Those who went with ith the Salt Lake Delaney to Nome were A A A Cahoon brother bothe of f John ohn P Cahoon Choon of Murray Julius ulus Siegel son sn of Sol Siegel of the well wel known clothing firm Ed Oilman Gilman Giman Willis M Foulks John Joseph Joseh Ulmer J H Stratton Str ton John Childs John ohn Clark and Andrew Buck The latter Jatter two returned here bOre a short time ago go having left Nome om on n Aug A a g 12 Clark Cak and Buck were much sought after afe yesterday esterday They were wese wee certain certin Jack ack Delaney of Salt Sal Lake was not the theone theone theone one who was with wih the t party Buck said he knew kew the John fohn John Dolan and A i M Dean mentioned In Inthe inthe inthe the dispatch and they were not with Delaney when he and Clark left lef Nome From these and ad other assurances the optimistic ones concluded conclude that none of the Salt Sal Lakers Laker were In the party that has undoubtedly perished on the sea The pessimists however figured out that some one o in the shipwrecked party wrote the Che te name rame of Delaney with ith the 1 prefix of Jack ak instead of John ohn F as ashe ashe he himself always away signed his name I It I is not no likely that all al doub doubts In the matter will be settled sette until some more positive word Is received from others oth rs of Delaney the Salt Sal Lakers who left here with |