Show 1 LOCAL BRIEFS PRESS CLUB TONIGHT The Wo Vo Womans Womans mans Press club will wi hold a meeting to tonight tonight tonight night at the Womans Exponent office BANK BAK CLEARINGS The bank clear ings yesterday esterday were 5 compared with for the corresponding day dayI of last year ar CLERK WELLS YELLS V Gersh Wells private secretary to the governor governors is s mournIng the loss of his Columbia bi bicycle bicycle bicycle cycle a No 40 4 model which was stolen from the barn bar of his bib hi house at 10 A street Thursday night BROUGHT A PRISONER Sheriff Ab bott bot of Davis county was In the city yes yesterday having brought with him for tor lodgment in the penitentiary one George tiny Kay who was recently convicted of oC the crime of oC hoube housebreaking breaking and sentenced to eight months imprisonment WARRANT ART ISSUED FOR ASSAULT A warrant of arrest arret for Carl Crl Jacobson was issued from the thc county count attorneys of flee fice yesterday charging the defendant wit assault assaul and battery batery upon Eugene Eu ene Callahan The Thc trial of the accused will wil be before Justice MeOmie at Murray MADE HIM A GOOD be before before before fore the Prince of 01 the World comPany I left lef the city the Ule manager made a very I tempting offer ofer to Phil Phi Margetts Margetta the vet vat veteran vetI vatI I emit eran comedian com dIun to join the company in inI I I its It travels and play an important part partI I Mr Margetts Margetta however declined the of offer offer I fer for forI I I CHARGES DISMISSED The case of C A Douglas and W V V S Derrick the col colored cl clore colored ored ore porters who indulged in a cutting utting affray on Commercial street came up for hearing yesterday The prosecution ask asked asked asked ed that this case cose be dismissed as Der Derrick Derrick Derrick rick would be prosecuted on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon The charges cha were dismissed BACK FROM PHILIPPINES Leon Mayhue of Salt St Lake Lle who was wa a member of troop I of the Eleventh cavalry cary and who fought gallantly galanty with wih his regiment In the returned home nome a day or two ago Mr Mayhue Mahue has been kept busy since his arrival arval shaking hands with withold withold withold old friends who have extended to him the tho heartiest hertest of or welcomes KINDERGARTEN TO OPEN There will wi be a kindergarten n opened Monday morning Oct 1 I in the old university training school building under the super supervision supervision supervision vision of Miss Mary C e May and conduct conducted ed by Miss Bertha Cherry Cherr a graduate of the kindergarten training school of pt W HARVEST HOME HOIE SERVICE The hill Iliff It church celebrates Sunday at 11 ii iia a a m and 73 p in m as a Harvest Hanest Home service The church hurch decoration the tho serIce pro gramme grame of music recitations and short orations are all al to be in keeping with wih the harvest and fruit fri season seaon The will wIl be unique and Interesting SOLD FOR A STREET STREETA A warranty deed from Thomas W V Jennings to the Deseret Des t Investment company was filed flied for record yesterday conveying 57 feet leet front on the north side of street east of Main Alain street treet by 2 feet in depth together with wih 4 feet at the northwest corner comer of the lot Valued by bythe bythe bythe the revenue stamps affixed to the deed the consideration paid for this land which Is to be part of the new street cutting through the block from north norh to south was O NO MORE RECITALS There will wi be beno beno beno no more of the popular organ recitals in inthe inthe inthe the tabernacle until after the October conference which will be sad news to the tourists who wio consider these thee musical treats one o e of the attractions of or the city The reason for this thi is that It has been found fund necessary to overhaul the organ oran and an expert from New Now York is In the city to do this work work The organ orn will wi be ready for tor use again by the time that con conference conference ference meets mets next month mont STREET CARS COLLIDE Two street streetcars streetcars cars crashed together on the Main street line at Fourth South about 7 last last and the noise no e of the concussion caused considerable excitement ex In that cuse part of the te city But aside from rom a bad among the th passengers p s engers on both cars no serious damage was done tire The car Te collision was caused by poor brakes Two cars were going south close cose together The car c in front font stopped suddenly and a d the rear ear car cr could not stop in I time to prevent Co tho ho crash DEFENDANTS ACQUITTED The case caseI of I T 1 Anderson Hyrum Covert Covert Andrew Hansen Hanen Charles Colbrook and William who were charged with de destroying stong property was heard by Judge J Sommer ommer yesterday The defendants were charged by L H H Gray with wih having rt re r moved and damaged water wate gauges which he cc had placed in Little Litle Willow creek The evidence showed that the gauges had been removed and replaced replace but the judge decided there had been no damage done Lad and ad discharged the te defendants defendant TASTES FAME For the first tune time tie in Ia his life W YS S 5 McCornick knows mows what it is to be really famous The lie news of his threatened removal front from the he presidency of the boari boar of directors of J ci the State Agricultural college by the OneTime Governor has gone all al allver over ver the country and as a result resul his nail mall mal has been materially Increased Yes Yesterday erday he received a letter leter from Michael who Is working on the streets In a Newburgh N Y In which the writer w ter labored hard to make it clear that the banker maker was wa his cousin who drilled west some thirty years ago STUDENTS IN POLICE POLIE COURT J C and J L 1 Harding two stu students dents were arrested at an early earty hour yes yesterday yesterday erday I morning moring one for using obscene language and the other for resisting an Officer The young men were under the influence I of liquor at the time of the ar as arrest rest est and were very noisy They were ar arrested arrested arrested rested by Officer Pack ack Later in the day they were released under bonds of En each tach Judge Sawyer appeared for them in n the police court and offered to plead jollity b it if the th officers would agree not to prosecute This Thin was not agreed aged agee to and the Lire the case was wa continued till ti today tod y DEATH OF MRS RITCHIE The many man friends of oC the Rev George Ritchie the well wel known kown Congregational minister will wi willbe be I pained paine to learn of the death of his es estimable wife yesterday afternoon of ot par paralysis paralysis paralysis after a protracted illness Iness The de deceased dec ceased c ocd woman was a native of Toronto Canada and has been a resident of Utah Uth for tor about ten years Her only son is Dr Henry Henro Ritchie lUtchie who for a number of years has ha ha been a practitioner at Payson Mrs Ritchie Richie was esteemed by her many acquaintances as a noble Christian Christan wo woman woman woman man The funeral will wU be held Sunday Sunda af at afternoon at 3 from the First Con church |