Show STREET Form or of Grant Grat for East Side Line Le Agreed to t Last Lt Night NightA A form of ot franchise acceptable ac to the theSal Salt Sal Lake City Cit Railroad R company and gratifying to the University regents and the residents of the eastern part pat of the city cit was agreed to last ast evening by bythe the he city council committee on on municipal municipal I pal palla laws ws and streets and on Tuesday evening the council counci will wU probably grant gant gantI the franchise to construct and operate operate I a double track line along Thirteenth I ast street For a long time the sticking point was as to the frequency of or service to tobe tobe tobe be enjoined upon the street car com corn company company pany but it i was as finally finaly agreed age that this provision should read that cars carsI I must run as often as every eV ry fifteen min minutes minutes mm utes from 8 a m in till ti S 8 p m and ad as much of oftener tener as the public convenience shall require except ex pt between South Temple and First Firs South streets street From the corner of First South and Thir Thirteenth Thirteenth Thirteenth East southward the cars must run as a often ote as they are operated op rated on the East First South line lne from 8 p m till tm midnight midnight The new line lne from the intersection of Third and U streets str ets south on Thirteenth East to t Fifth South must be completed and od nd In opera operation operation operation tion within sixty sity days from the date dat of the grant The matter matter of the Oregon Short Line Railroad company demanding dem that the councils action acMon n directing that the th Garfield Garfeld Beach tracks on South Tem Tern Temple Temple pIe street west to Sixth West street be lowered be reconsidered recon unless the Salt Sal Lake Los Ls Angeles company compa y is also compelled to o lower its Is tracks track was considered only long enough to agree agre that the street be Inspected some day next week wee In the hope of arranging to have both sets of or tracks racks lowered to a and compromise graveled level and the street stet graded |