Show ERE A SI SPREE I Thomas Gilmore Jr Commits Suicide le After After Long Spree 1 PUT POISON IN WHISKY t DEAD DEA BODY FOUND IN I HIS ais HS ROOM BOOM YESTERDAY MORNING T j 4 Thomas Gilmore Jr until recently em employed employed m in the Mammoth mine as engin engineer eer wound up a siege of dissipation by swallowing strychnine the dose being fa fatal fatal fatal tal some time Thursday night His Ills dead ded body was wa found yesterday morning in a room he occupied at the Blakemore 55 5 East Second South Sout Gilmore Cilmore has hs a wife in Mammoth whom ho left lef last Monday tolling toiling her he he was coming to Salt Lake to look for work He had been boen ben drinking heavily for several days davs prior to that tt and nothing could in induce induce duce deco him to f way ray at home borne He appeared at the Blakemore Tuesday evening and engaged a room saying he would be there perhaps for a couple of day dayn Thursday he was as in good spirits apparently apparently enty conversing in a light tone with wih the landlady und and other roomers in the house and the first intimation they had to the contrary was at 1 yesterday morning when James Dorrity a railroad man whose room rom adjoined heard him groaning Wa Was In I Deaths Deats Convulsions He pleaded in ht an almost almot inaudible tone for someone to come and help helo him but Dorrity thinking the man inert was drunk paid ald little attention Finally Gilmore be began beJan becan can gan Jan to call cl for water and the railroad I man went to isle his hl door and asked him to open op n It Hearing no nn response he got the night nl ht clerk and some puss pass keys but quiet still Nl reigning In the room they concluded d I h i Gilmore had gone n to sleep p and left l r him Upon pon getting out of bed yesterday morning moring Dorrity asked the landlady If I the man who had asked aked for water was tip UP Sh had s sen seen en nothing of him and I they concluded to Investigate There was wasn n no re x ne to their knocks kock and Dorrity Dorty climbed uj u it to the transom He saw sw the lifeless figure of the man half hal dressed I and half hal covered by the bed bod Clothes When hen the door was forced open they found two whisky whIsk bottles bottes one about half haI filled and the other empty and a glass showing traces o 0 the drug Ho He H had evl evi dEnty taken the strychnine in his drink There was wc nothing in the way wa of papers to show any an re rein on for his act but mong mong his hi effects were letters leters from a sister ister and brother in Muss Mass and antI a no tice of his mothers death deth at that place The bottle was w taken to Hills drug drugstore drugstore drugstore store and its Is contents content were readily sro ro No Inquest Held Beld Justice McMaster was summoned and I after viewing the situation concluded that no inquest was necessary The body was val turned turne over to Undertaker Watson L Land and wll wil wi be buried burled by the A O 0 V I W and Odd the dead doll man mar I having haYing been a member of both orders in It Inco I good co standing Robert Nesbitt Nesbit a friend I of o the W family shW hW has charge of the burial brIa Gilmore was s 40 years old and ned at one ne time lived lve In California He was a native of Massachusetts and has hus a number of 01 rear ilear relatives there But for his drink ing he bore a good god reputation and was a it L splendid engineer as attested by bo his long lont it employment at the th Mammoth mine He Hi quit work when he started on his lost lea lat I spree Pee His H wife wio was notified of the thi suicide and will wl arrive here ere today from fron Mammoth 11 Mi Gilmore Glimore belonged to Central lodge lo ge No 26 A A O 0 U e W V r and Robinson lodge No 35 3 I 1 O 0 0 O F The funeral will wi occur from the A O 0 U W V hall hail hal at 2 p 1 m Sun day da |