Show Railroad Notes A n an who returned from Washington n state yesterday yest brought a half dozen d zen apples plucked in Garfield Gareld county Each one of or them Is larger than an ordinary sized egg plant He I saw a box of apples app appI les being shipped to the state fair the total weight of ot which was S pounds i Bancroft Ban Eceles Eccles and Calvin Calvir are in iri the north on a tour of inspection The Eddie Foy I company went east over the Rio Grande Western after last show sho i i J 5 H Douglass of the Short Line pas pan J department has returned from a two weeks visit in Washington and Oregon Assistant General Freight Agent 14 Reeves received several thousand series i of congratulations upon his prom promotion don yesterday Mr Heintz will not return before I Monday Monda being delayed dela ed in Chicago Chigo by matters pertaining to the transports I tion of soldiers and the equal division dh I thereof 1 r W J S Ridd returned yesterday from rom l jt Marysvale Trains have been Into the town every evening for dot a week J t t he says and the prospects are for a boom in that locality 1 |