Show fIRST GAM OF SEAS i Teams eams From Fro n ugh High Hi 11 School S Play I at Walkers Field 1 f I WON VON iX BY F ST ELEVEN I SCOPE WAS 28 TO 0 ENTHUSIASTIC TIC CROWD PRESENT t An enthusiastic crowd of or people witnessed the opening game of foot football football ball at Walkers field yesterday after afternoon afternoon noon between the first and second teams of the Salt Lake High school The weather was wasa a trifle warm for f r the players but this did not stop them from putting considerable co ginger in their work As was expected the second team did nut not ut store and at al no time were they I near the goal line of their opponents H they played a fighting game awl and did not at any nn time quail at the rushes ru heg put up U by the seniors F mith of the first team as well wen as and Howell make a strong behind the line Gardanier played his usual strong game and Davis Dayis strong tackling was one of If fht ho features of the contest Tw second team put the ball In play Christensen kicked Oft rr anti ana Groesbeck caught the ball and advanced it to the thi five yard ard line before going 1 wn P F f Smith tried the line on a hurdle I i a iv y and made a gain of fie before fore going down Groesbeck through for Cor eight yards M MEa Ea k t trained rained twelve yards on the same sameI I Ji FV iv Then Gardanier took the ball I II nr sr rund und left end emi for ten yards B BT I T i k went through tackle for forfA forfi fA fi yards ards F Smith went over for four 5 u Is B 13 Burke and Groesbeck then lui K I d the line for Cor four yards Y and five I Jai 11 is 15 respectively Captain Smith ru the pig skin around right end f 1 fr r a i touch down Time of play 4 min minU u Groesbeck Groesbeek kicked goal Ih hn at the kick off sent the thel l Fa 1 How ells who returned the same t te t i the being downed on onti onti ti ti first teams ten yard line linew i w n fl hit the line for a single yard ard ardt t i t followed on a buck for an ir r 1 yard ard yard and Brown failed to gain lb re hall bali all going to the first team on dw 5 I TT punted the hail ban and gained 1 bt 11 t i n yards ards bv by the kick Brown for fort t tn ond o d team advanced the ball one 1 Davis Dais four fop I yards Christensen t af ls The ball ban was then fumbled an 1 i ned b first team teRm Tried Triple Pass N this his thi point the first team tried a L 1 hi i l pass but fumbled I r Smith lit ht t around right end for ten yards I b Ik hk k left end for fifteen yards ards H IT nr r Gardanier went around left end endt endI V I t II h splendid interference by Howells Row f r a i L gain of or yards the theT T r t run of the entire game Riter tri t to kick goal from field but failed 1 1 1 i ond team took the ball ban on their 1 n fHe yard line and lost it on a ai afu fu i hIP in the first down 1 I I sheck went around left end and 1 downed within One me foot of goal 1 1 It over for touch i t n Groesbeck agaIn kicked goal oaL f f caught raught ball ban on the kick off oft T J it ld d bak back and the th ball was downed n th tn forty yard line The secondI second l t in III u fumbled and lost ball bail on first T r y Howells again kicked ball hail which 1 on the second teams five fiver lr r 1 I line at call can of or time m ill 11 the second half the first team rt 11 Ilp three touch downs Groesback ck k king r rone cne ne goal and missing mI two The Ther f r i T t tam am got warmed up th last mEt five i R of or play and went vent through the theat 1 lil f at will Just before the call of or tim th they y executed a quarter back d ci ull a 11 I 1 play and nd Riter crossed Tossed the goal goat I mst lust It at t UI call f time The l h lineup and score was as astol fol 1 s sI I rr F r rt 1 T Tt Team am 28 S Second Team 0 O T l irke L E Hedges fledges i L T Folland i 1 t L t G Bero Smith mith C Hardy H M T R H G R IL T r H R BS E Thomas F erk hek t k L H IL B I I smith R H B Grames 11 lh ll l F B Brawn I l li r OB 6 Q i f r 4 i Augustus ialo pinions refer re referee Touchdowns F Smith t How I 1 j Groesbeck 1 Riter BIter J l Goals ruE beck 3 |