Show A Pioneer Gone Henrietta Rushton Bullock died yesterday yes-terday aged SO years S months and 6 days She was the wife of the late Thomas Bullock one of Utahs early pioneers and was born at Leek in Staffordshire England Feb 13 1S17 Two of her children are residents of Ogden Mrs G G Griffith and Mrs Mary E Holbrook Short services will j he held at the residence of G G Griffith Grif-fith on Thursday at 12 oclock after which the remains will be sent to Salt LaHe City where the funeral services will be held at the old home 549 West South Temple street on Sunday next Ogden friends wishing to view the remains re-mains can do so on Thursday between the hours of 10 and 1130 Compare the Tickets The meeting of women in the court louse Monday seemed desirous of honoring hon-oring the party which had most honored hon-ored their sex Very well The Democrats Demo-crats of Ogden can lose nothing by such a determination but the women should consider carefully before they decide which party has shown the truest honor to them It is true the Republicans Republi-cans gave a capable patriotic and respected re-spected woman a place on their ticket The Democrats save no woman a place on their ticket because no woman II asked for one But the Democrats put up a ticket of clean honest able men who will not suffer by comparison with their competitors on the other ticket I and they thereby showed certainly as much honor for women as did the Republicans Re-publicans Compare the tickets 1 Court News George V Rhodes has brought suit against Malachai Little Laura Little and George Crosby for judgment in the sum of SKI and for a lien on certain I promises until such sum is paid The arguments in the case of F J Kieeei Co vs the Hartford Insurance Insur-ance company were continued all day yesterday At the Grand One of the largest houses of the year greeted Louis James at the opera house last night when he with his talented nnmnnnx nrpcpntpfl A Cavalier nf France The climax of interest was reached in the tower scene where the desperate sword duel was fought Local Briefs Rev E H Snow and family left for Kent O last night W D Gray leaves today for Monte Cristo with five men to sink a 50foot shaft on the Alice mine Today at the opera house Louis James will present Othello and tonight to-night comes Spartacus Frank Corbett was arrested last night on complaint of I L Clark charged with creating a disturbance A number of Mr Squire Coops leading I lead-ing piano pupils give a public recital 91 I the Ogden tabernacle Friday night The tabernacle choir will assist and a high class affair Is forthcoming I Thursday is the date set for the openIng open-Ing of the Fifth ward bazar at the rooms in the Opera House block The ladies will have all kinds of interesting I interest-ing things to show to visitors I Another of the cases of illness at the school for the deaf dumb and blind was yesterday pronounced scarlet fever fe-ver The teachers and employees are non domiciled at the school which is held under strict Quarantine None of he cases are serious Two Ogden young people secured a license to wed yesterday They were Levi Murdook 23 and Miss Jennie Van Zweden 19 A similar license was also granted to Joseph B Henninger aged 20 of Eden and Miss Sally E Ferrin aged 20 of Pleasant View Last evening an accident occurred on he Washington avenue street car line near Tenth street The car was going at a high rate of speed and ran into a team attached to a lumber wagon Idling Idli-ng both animals one being cut almost in two The motorman says Fhe driver vas going rapidly in the same direction as the car when without giving any ndication of his purpose he juddenly tried to cross the track No person vas injured The Standard with an air of super br wisdom takes The Herald to task for stating that W L P Peyton has typhoid fever says reports of Peytons condition have appeared in the Standard Stand-ard from time to time and berates The Herald for saying that he went to Spokane Spo-kane The Herald never said anything of the kind nor did it assume that the Standard was ignorant of his whereabouts where-abouts A number of his friends thought ho had gone to Spokane and made inquiries about him and The Herald published an answer |