Show THE TRITON WRECK Tales of the Survivors Who Arrived at Havana Havana Oct 19The Spanish general gen-eral Jiminez Castellanos accompanied by his son Lieutenant Adolph Caste limos Captain Pedro Aguilare his aidesdecamp 29 other officers and 70 sick soldiers have arrived here from Puerto Principe Three additional survivors of the wreck o the coasting steamer Triton which went ashore between Dominica and Marlel on the coast of the province of Plane del Rio on Saturday mornIng morn-Ing last have arrived here The scene among the men women and children the survivors state was terrible When X the Triton foundered there were 230 persons aboard her passengers and crew and so far only 43 of this num her have been heard from General Weyler has ordered the release from the Isle of Pines the Spanish penal settlement off the coast of Cuba of 11 prisoners who were it is alleged concerned con-cerned in the uprising which resulted in the imprisonment of Evangellna Cossio y Cisneros who recently escaped from the Casa Recogldas in this city and who is now in New York The release of Abram Sohas Juan Esperto Torres Jose Bastard Godoy and other political prisoners has been also ordered by General Weyler Blanco Sailed Par Havana Madrid Oct 19A dispatch from Corunna says that Marshal Blanco the newly appointed governor general of Cuba jsailetl for Havana today devolution Subdued Washington Oct 19The legation of Guatemalh received today the following i dispatch f Revolution subdued order restores all Over tne country JK JKj i |