Show GIRlS SCARCh IN W OMING r CAUSE OF THE WIND RIVERS RESERVATION TRAGEDY I j Mexican Sought to Overcome the II Stern Parents Objections With aI I Winchester r f Excitement Runs High Special to The Herald Lander Wyo Oct 191110 double shooting which took place cm the night of mo 12in Lt the ran ih of Tabeipt Hereford en tire Wind River reservaticn has resulted re-sulted In the death of the woman who was end and a b dly wounded aioxlcan Tim Mexican < was shcif through time left side auto ball cjmlns OPt just under the polni of the ill uldeTbt d How as esca > ad deaitih ia a mystery The particulaispiho affair a they hEWe been letxmou 1W e are that a dance I I was in progress a > t me ranch of Jctia Defttvaw1 poS Mexican lining near lute Hiwofunl raiocii Girls were scarce and a Mr Hereford had two handsome young I called to for garls uiem a mesatingiir was c e t g i Eugene Gonzales a Mexican was the I messtinger bUtt ntxi he arrived at L Herefords he fooimd he tied reckoned wulaout his host ilr Hereford refused to kit the girls gJ Gonzales went way but seemeddiittrmtasd ao dove fan girls so wh him and made tWI mere titus tor them each tim meetns Aijh I re fasal He was drinking and by rj oclock ccmcludad tiat ne had nerve ocJ enougKi to tackle amythlug so armed himself tC a Winchester and goodly supply of cartridges and called ac the I Heireionl ranch HI ratted l Mr Hereford up and asked to talk wth him Mr HerUord would not wan die < leer Gonzates pushed lime lar oren and just as he stopped Inside the door Mr Hereford S lot him Gonzaies staggered out < of the door and seeing > lice woman lying in bed o the perth mired at her Inrlicting a wvund l from which she died on the fjliowing day iDcpuiPy United StStes Baldwin lisa just f kf reKumea from the Hereford much and repents that the feeling among time Mxi cacti of whom there are a large number Cc reservatlcn runs high and Sit Is on reeracr Tns hlgh 1 li feared that the end of the affair 1 < nIL n-IL Gomzales id i being guarded by InMain pohcemem but will l > a moved t Lander and placed in jail as soon as he I js aiM to be brought Mr Hereford has not been arrested |