Show UNCOMPAHGRE CHIErS Influential Leaders Who Are on Their Way to Washington REPRESENT ALL FACTIONS ATICHEES BITTER OPPOSITION TO ALLOTMENTS He Isthe Representative of the Red Moon ElementColorow Will Also Oppose the Opening of the Reservation Reser-vation Chief Chavenaux Inclined to Heed the Wishes of the Government Gov-ernment Special mrs TSia Herald Font Duchesne Utah Omit 19lIhe Un compahgro detegaitjisn has reached fPrtca and will leave for Washington tonight at midnight Tins foCdowIing Is a brief history his-tory of the four head men sent by juiw UncompahEra tribe of Utes and now on theur way to WashtoSton to consult ttra powers rut the capital < relaitlve to the taking of Uheir lands In ssyccatty acid tho turning over of wfiiait remains t > toe public domain Charley Ohavenaux < tIme recog ilzad chef of the party Ij an Indian about G5 years of age who succeeded Chief Sapponarvs ii 1SS9 as ch < 2C of the Uncom paingrcs AliCiotigti the farmer chief had I alwajs been considerel an Intertoper and noit emptied ta the position nevertheless I held tiae chtefdom by ahttir force intermixed inter-mixed wjth shrewdness and diplomacy I inow nK more than tihe average Initejii gence cxiiiMtedl by hs subjects CoA inarjx was also claimed by the majority ma-jority as the ans wha was entitled to the diatintitton l on account of havjng marred the daugtotfrr of the fWTmsr chief of ithait ivlusftraous name aiad vwk the name hen he-n w bears from his vLfc Ha Is of a ulor Bndfnoy a > al irKKned Co accede to the wwittie or the department in the pres eat imstam His presanii rIp beulff more In accordance w1Jh the d sjrva Cm his I JeflJI 1e chan wlith Ihs oWn feelings iin the mauLer McCtiok the second of the party is considered 1y a majority of te Indians as a fit represeotatre for cite nnportairit mIssIon iipoi 1 which he has been aem Ha Is bout 50 years o f age and a brother of Chepata widow of the once famous I carffiuun Ouray In consequancs of ithls fnrir AroOjit rnrtrXie n f tha wJ r > jcc nf iQSk Indians tifio siu ajliere to the I eouirsels and advice of Onepeta LUre CfTavermix he is kiolraed to be liberal and iia views will carry coosMerabfe welgfait as to a favorable outcome in I the dell rarjD1S nit Waehineton OOLOROWS HOSTILITY Eaaiea Oolorow the iiixd party on this trip is a nesfcew of Tabby Acqu a and is 40 years cOd His uncle aluhoufii never > havtaj iieta consiidefed a leader has always beep looked upon tty a lac g e popitett of the trU as a coansetor to be respected and gives need 00 to atl mGt mG-t > qS concarninff < Choir waifare Baciii LS one of the fociPon opptisonff the washes of I the dpaTtmont and voices the sentiment j of that element wiled has made the pre cat trip a necessYy His followers ere those Indiana wirs have cattle and cheep rang Jg on the bcundarietj of the reset vailiom and Colorado and who are opposed op-posed to a man to the cuttJng down of the present reservation or Cue aCtottnenit o f a sinffi acre preferring to Stave iit remain as heretofore These Indians wn anxiously await time arrival of this main < o learn of < tie decision arrived rot as Oho verdict if in favor of aJlotnront will mesa tile giving IlIqJ of She < uniTammeled existence now enjoyed by tirem and the progress of civtllzaitinin for whldri they I have aa undying haired RED MOON FACTION Sam Aticfhee < the last and youngest membor of the party 37 yeArs old had been on the agency pollce fore mince its organization end was promoted to the oaTOtasflcy during las 1 lt year making an efficient and trustwwUiy officer He will on hIS rlp voice the senitment of the factven controKod by Red Moon tine I toiitresit oppMKiat In time < tribe to any JwiCvaittan ondtas to have a civilizing offset m Cuts followers and who has in I every proposition made by the eovorn mrait far the beneftt of these Indians been against it from the start Atichee wJlI be Kxwenned a sireat deal by the stare iteltcn by Colorow in the coming powwow and will be for the Red Moon taotjM sail Iforced by the majority Win nive W-in Joibn MaAndraws who goes wttti the delegation as interpreter has been wKfa t6 Utes for the past 17 years and is held in higih es 39in by them all being wiarnlmausly > < Otiassn in open council to ac as thir noutihpliece In their meeting I wjtih tine ofllclaLs in Washington |