Show CHICAGO STOCKS AFFECTED Break I Securities of Which He Was Holder His Successor Mr Pullmans death affected the Chicago Chi-cago stock market quite appreciably He was said to have been a heavy holder of both Diamond Match and New York Biscuit securities two of the most active stocks listed on the local exchange When the announcement of Mr Pullmans death was posted on the bulletin board I caused a break nth n-th later stock of 3U points A break of 6 points in Pullman Palace Car stock was chronicled on Wall street but a rally followed The death of Mr Pullman besides leaving a vacancy in the Pullman Dining Din-ing Car directorate also causes a similar sim-ilar condition of affairs In the board of dlrectors of the Chicago Telephone company He was represented in the New York Biscuit company and Diamond Dia-mond Match company by his sonin law Frank Louden It is believed In local stock exchange circles that Horace Porter will wU succeed suc-ceed Mr Pullman as > president of the Pullman Palace Car company Mr Pullmans fortune is variously estimated from 20000000 to S40000000 |