Show THE EIGHT TO PARTICIPATE IN MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS I The promoters of the nonpartisan I movement say that party politics as I I such has no place in a municipal campaign cam-paign that political parties as such have no business to take up municipal II matters that municipal matters concern con-cern the people and the people alone I Are political parties anything but the I people who constitute the commonwealth common-wealth Because the people divide on political questions taking different views of and advocating different policies poli-cies regarding them is that any rea I son why they should not as members of political parties participate in the control and management of the citys affairs The nonpartisans who oppose op-pose party participation in municipal matters say that their control and management is a matter of common undivided Interest that It is > to the advantage ad-vantage of all that they be administered adminis-tered in a business and economical way Are not the control and management manage-ment the business and economldal administration ad-ministration of the states or the nations na-tions affairs likewise matters of common com-mon concern in which all are deeply interested All agree that the common good is the thing to be striven for In government but people differ radically as to how that common good can best be attained There is just as much room comparatively speaking for disagreement dis-agreement as to how best to further the common good In a city as in a state or the nation But what do the promoters of the nonpartisan movement 5n Salt Lake City declare They declare that neither politicS national issues nor parties have any proper business in the municipal mu-nicipal campaigns According to their theory and practice nobody in Salt Lake City has any right to say anything any-thing about how municipal affairs shall be managed or by whom they shall be managed but the selfappointed nonpartisan non-partisan committee Was ever so preposterous pre-posterous a claim made Was ever such arrogance shown Was ever such brazen bra-zen contempt of the peoples right to control their own affairs displayed |