Show i STRONGE Ii TONE This Reflects Condition of New York Stock Market BREAK IN PULLMAN PRODUCED SOME FURRY TOE A SHORT TIME Strong Support Offered This Stock Overcame Opposition and the Shorts Were Driven t Cover Bull Clitiue > Operate the Chicago Wheat market Financial News New York Oct 1The undertone of todays nrniket waa one of strength throughout The volume of transactions transac-tions was not large and thero was prolonged pro-longed periods d f dullness when trade was practically stagnant but the operation op-eration of important interests which were prominent in the late bull market was manifest The tone of yosterdaj market had apparently determined large professional operate rs to undertake under-take a movement for a rise today The break in the price of Pullman due to the news of the death of the head of the company halted the operations of this element for a time but the firmness firm-ness of the general list in face of the break in Pullman and of marked weakness weak-ness in Chicago Gas and the strong support which was offered the Pullman Pull-man stock encouraged the bull operators oper-ators to renew their campaign in an aggressive way inter In the afternoon The result was that the shorts were driven to cover and prices throughout the list mounted strongly upward to a point materially above last nights close The bears had made the most of the sympathetic effect produced by the opening weakness in Pullman but the moderate decline effected in the general list failed to bring any heavy liquidation or to dislodge any great amount of stop loss orders The manifest mani-fest firmness of prices discouraged them and their rush to cover at the close was precipitate < All the news of the day continued favorable railroad earnings continuing continu-ing to show improvement The exchange ex-change market showed a distinctively firmer tendency though the only announcement an-nouncement of gold from Europe was of the withdrawal for shipment to the United States of 35000 in gold from the Bank of England Gold however is In transit from Australia to San Francisco The local money market continued easy and outside hanks continued con-tinued to take larger amounts of commercial com-mercial paper in this market A feature fea-ture of the bond market was the sale of two blocks 158000 and 100000 respectively re-spectively of Union Pacific collateral 6s at gocd prices Dealings in bonds were not on a large scale but prices generally general-ly showed improvement The total sales were 51050000 U S 4s registered advanced 4 bid and the 5s declined 4 MONEY MARKET Money on call easy at 22 last loan 2i closed 2Y per cent Prime mercantile paper 44A per cent Sterling Ster-ling exchange firm with actual business busi-ness in bankers bills sit 484V for demand de-mand and at 482482Vi for 60 days Posted rates 4S2483 and 4S5 Commercial bills 181 Silver certificates certifi-cates 5S Mexican dollars 44 Government bonds irregular state bonds dull railroad bonds strong SALES OF STOCKS Total sales of stocks today were 281 300 shares including Atchison preferred pre-ferred 1670 C B 0 18626 L N 12025 Missouri Pacific 10715 New York Central 10475 Northern Pacific preferred 7112 Reading 9890 St Paul 29910 Southern Railroad pre fered 45SO Union Pacific 15855 American Amer-ican Tobacco 4455 Bay State Gas 4150 Pullman 13629 Sugar 36125 Western Union 3605 i Chicago Gas 30 500 BOND QUOTATIONS U S new 4s regl2BN Y Cent lstslls Do coup127 ½ X J Con113 U S 4s 113 No Pac isis 120J1 Do COUP 114 I Do pc 59V4 Do 2nds 9Si Do 4s 9o U S w reishl4tt Nor W CS125 Do 5s coup H5iN W Console 1IZ J c2 i iD f Can So Znds105 ½ Do deb O 117 D Sr R G l 3tslll O Nay isish11 g If g t H1 DItG4s 8SONav4s 31 ½ HTCSS110 OSIsistrlliMo Do con Os 104 0 S L us t 1 fH K P Con t r 97 ½ O Imo isis t rlOO jz f OJ K P 1 Y D t rl7 Do fo t r 43 La now Con 4s 37 ½ Reading 4s 84 tn 1 F L N Unl 4s S4 lie G W isis 81 M K T 2nfls Gli Union Pac I tsl01 Do 4s S6 UPDG1stsi0 ½ STOCK QUOTATIONS Atefilson 14 Pittcburg Iffi Preferred Sm Heading h Bait Ohio i5s Rock Island Si Can Pac S2iSt Paul 94 Ches Ohio 21 jS Preferred 130 Chic Alton1G2 So Pac 2 C B Q 9a ½ TexPnc 1 Del Hu < on15 Union Pae 2 = DRG 121UPDG SH Dr S7 Preferred 47 Uabash 7 ¼ Ft Wayne107 Preferred M5 Gt Nor p011k I Am Ex 11G Illinois Cent 104 United States 11 IJnols lake Shore171 V Wells Pan 108 Mich Cent 107 ½ tOol F Iron 2rs Minn it St L 2 Preferred I Do 1st f SI Lend l Mo Pac 31 Adams Ex155 Mobilfc Ohio 27 Preferred 101 4 i bi iIio Mo K do T 14i Ore Imp Co 15 Preferred 3j Pullman Pal111 PreCere Paln N J Cent 94A Silver Cert 5SV N Y Cent1001 So R Twine 5 Nor West lSuprar t 143 No Pac 1W Preferred l1 1 Preferred S3 West Union 89 O R N 36 Rio G A W 2 Ore Short Line 20 Preferred 5f errc5 NEW YORK MIXING STOCKS Crown Point G Ophir 300 Con Ctil Va G Plymouth 90 Deadwood 120 Quickstlvqr ioo Gould > Curry 30 Prefer 300 Hale Xorcross SO Sierra Nevada 100 Homostake Standard 1C5 Iron Silver29O0Unlon Con SO Mexican Yellow Jacket 50 Ontario 401 SAN FRANCISCO MINING STOCKS San Francisco Oct 19Toe official closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows AHa ISJsJiIe Noreross 115 Alpha Con HJuatice 30 Andes Kentuck Con S Belcher CXMetcan 43 Bet Belcher 4SOcjf lontal Con 130 Bullion 7Opill 93 Caledonia SO Overman n Challenge Con MPotnsl 51 Chollar 03 Savage 42 Confidence 110 Sierra Nevada i Con Cal t Va 125Silver Hill a Con Imperial Union Con 42 Con New York lUtnh Con I Crown Point G7Vcllow Jacket 5 Exchequer Gould Curry 3Gi 2 Standard lTO |