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Show Ml BY TELEGRAPH. fiie department, as fully fifteen minutes elapsed from the time the fire was well under way before any engine neared the spot, and even upon tueir arrival the usual alacrity seemed to be wanting in getting the hose on. The greatest excitement existed at this time in the Fifth Avenue Hotel, as it was feared the fire would spread to that edifice. Nothing but the strongst exertions saved the hotel from ruin. Had the high winds, lately prcvaleut, existed, the whole block would doubtless have been burne 1. The engines at seven were still playing ou the ruins of the building. Mesdaines Gilbert and Davenport aro reported to have lost their diamond jeweiry, valued at several thousand dollars, while Miss Rockwell De Vere, Lady Ringold, and Lady Clark are also heavy losers. All the musical instruments, aud the orchestral library and Mr. Daly has no music, are destroyed. San Francisco, 1. Business generally suspended of the "Nebraska" for New The Social to th Oupbx Jusctio ly the Atlantic Zealandsailing is postponed till and Australia and Pacific Telegraph Company .J further notice owing to the detention of the London mails. The gold coinage of this city during the year was $10,000,000, siber to-da- y. Richardson to Succeed Bontwell! $10,-386.00- 0. Bowles Committed for Trial! The tax collector yesterday received about $175,000. Secretary Boutwell will Vanderbilt testified that Fisk was a reckless man; that hejhadthis opinion of biin from the start. His knowledge, however, as to Fisk was based on hear- Another Defaulting '. , say. Vice President Diven, of Erie, also testified, concerning the character of t'ixk. ; The gas meter exploded at l'omers' chemical works, on Maiden Lane, this morning, creating an- excitement, but tkere was no serious damage, except smashing all the glass in the building. A dispatch to the Pacific Mail Steamship Company received this morning, states that on December 20th, the "Costa Rica" broke the axle of her propeller in the Calf of Mexico disabling the New York, 1. It the Stokes trial Resign! Treasurer! AMERICAN. . Alexandria, Va., !1. tire this morning destroyed a block of line brick warehouses ou Union Lohi estimated ut $10U,0Ul. , A Mi-eet- . ce about $5u,0U0. ' Augusta, 31. Tbe reports that Senator Merrill is seriously ill are uutrue. Hartford, 31. Senator Schurz is the guest of Gov. Jewell, of the city. : : 31. Rochester, Yesterday afternoon fourteen of the women held fur illegal voting at the late flection gave bail lo appear at the Albany Court. Susan 15. Anthony refused to furnish bail and was therefore remanded. Cincinnati, 31, An ice gorge above tbo city broke at veti o'clock this morning, smkiDg two summers and a number of barges, nml danniginj several othurs consid- erably. At Mechanicsburg, Ohio, on Sunday evening, a colored woiuuu named Cow-ioin a fit of rage or insanity, cut the throat of her child and then her own. J'otti will probably die. The cruelty of her husband is alleged to be the fit-eaiwc. Jefferson City, 31. Members pf the Legislature, which n, . meet are lust arriving, aad tUc (jue&lious us to who shall be Speaker t' the House, and who shall mccned Frank litair as United Slates Senator, iuu freely discussed. A 'caucus of Old democrats, who wish to maintain their la i ty organization, and who believe i:it Democrats alone should organize the Legislature, shape its political, poli-- i v, aud control tie election of Senator, )ui becu called for Wednesday. Most f the members who havo yet arrived Jirtve sigued the call, but there aro some who decline to do so. The question of me lwo Xmrus Utile in a senatorial caucus, is being diicussed,' and meets i.iucli oppositiou. .! ;' Chicago, 3L The Journal' Washington special auys that there is no truth iu the report that Uoutwell bus actually tender-- 1 his resignation. He has written no letter of resignation, but slates that he coutrctit to remain in the Cabinet alter March 4th. A speciul to the Journal says an executive order will bo Issued Uressed to the Federal oflicers in the v irions Mates, winning them not to with ftate matters in any way, but t. confine their elforta strictly to the ij'Mfo nuance of their legitimate du- ; . UJ.. Tittsfield. IU., 31. On FriJay lust, William and Thomas o bacheI'oikson, brothers, and lor tanners, were found frozen to death in t licit- house. They had been dead a well-to-d- - weok. . Chicago, 81. Mr. Thomas L. Talquett, one ' of oldest opetators iu the Western' Union Telegraph othce ot this city, died of small-po,; A New York special says that Samuel Sinclair ofl'ered his resignation as publisher of the'Tribune, ana it was accepted ' I'V fake tfTcct batmiel Rankin, Sate Treasurer of I a, also lveasurer of the Hoard of Ti istees of the State Agricultural Colic;., han been found to have used $38-t"- J of the funds of that institution. He hn made good the' amount by surren-1t!?hi- g hia property. His account as .m e Treasurer have been found to be oo: jcot. J x. i , to-da- , . Leavenworth, 1. A Commodore - : . Dam ago by Ice in Cincinnati! Total Destruction by Tiro of the Pifth Avenue Theatre, New York! to-da- y, .. .. - , iusurance on his property. Another account says Mr. Appleton, treasurer of the thentre, saw the fire come up the reg stcr at 4.45 this p.m., but before he reached the street to give the alarm, the flames had run through the whole building, which in less than an hour was completely destroyed. The .. steamer. , A petition is receiving the signatures servants in the Fifth Avenue Hotel who, of business men,, requesting the Legis- almost simultaneously with Mr. Apple-tosaw the fire, became frightened and lature to abolish the present usury laws and substitute those of Massachusetts rushed wildly into the corridors, but the chief clerk restored order and diaud other New England States. At White Plains yesterday, the will of rected thirteen streams from the hotel Greeley, dated 2871, was presented for to play on the fire. This was the means admission to probate. Heuring in the of faving the hotel. , About twenty minutes after the matter, however, was declined until first outbreak the south wall of the January 15th. The news of Secretary Bouiwell's theatre fell in, carrying with it the east proposed resignation is considerably wall, which struck the west wall of the discussed iq W all Street, the prevailing Fifth Avenue Hotel and caused a break speculation being that Assistant Secre- sonio twenty feet wide by fifteen high, tary Richardson will receive the ollice destroying the frying and baking kitchen for a few weeks, after w hich he is ex- Soon after, the west wall of the stage pected to accept a Government position fell, striking the roofs of two private stables belonging to Philips, Phenixand abroad. A new scheme for a rapid transit road Arnold, und Coiistable aud Co., almost for eitra-murthem. The travel proposes to have completely demolishing the city build the road. The bill pre- horses, however, were saved. The pared for submission to the Legislature theatre building was owned by A. P. provides for the commissioners to select Eno, who estimates his loss at thirty engineers who will make estimates of thousand, while lessee Augustin Daly cost and decide on the plan. The road loses a hundred and fify thousand. The is expected to cost $20,000,000. scenery, wardrobes, improvements and The commissioners of Emigration all the private wardrobes of the actors will metnoralize Congress in opposition were destroyed. Several persons, among to the bill in the house to promote emi- others Mr. Darling, one of the proprietors of the Fifth Avenue Hotel, were gration to the United States. The Tribune's Washington special says, slightly injured while attempting to save ' it is scarcely questioned that Boutwill property. ' will be elected by the Senate to succeed The loss total by the burning of the ' ' ' ' Wilson. Fifth Avenue will reach about Theatre j The report lhatilie President has al- $300,000. The treasurer with great ready mado up bis mind to put Ass't difficulty managed to save the receipts Scc'y Richardson in Boutweil's place of the malfnee, but failel to rescue the gains credence day by day, and there valuables in the safe. The Fifth' Avenue are now many persons who are usually Hotel was damaged about $5,000. Hie well informed as to what is going on at hose were all uncoupled in th;. estabthe White House, who assert positively lishment when the hie broke out, and that Grant has come to this decision, attaches of the house were fouud playand that he has'already informed Rich- ing upon the flames through the broken" ardson of his coming good fortune. end of the hose pipe The theatre beThe end all'of a four story brick longed to the widow of Colonel James factory on Union street, Brooklyn, fell Fisk. Augustus Daly, the lessee, lost lust night, crushing in a two story stable, $50,000. The general opinion is thai containing fourteen horses belonging to the fire was caused by au overheated Smith & Jewell, flour dealers, valued at furnace. In the Stokes' case he was allowed to $4,200. The factory was occupied by W. H. Mayer, manufacturer of wall be interrogated as to whether, while in paper, tvho had about two hundred men company with Louis Morelle, he had and women employed. Ilis loss is ever threatened to kill Fisk, and he $0,000. answered in the negative. The prosecution then called Louis Morelle, and Tatterson, N. J 2. Yesterday, about four p.m., a fearful offered to prove through him that Stokes accident occurred. man held Fisk in contempt as a cur and a Chas. Hemmlngway, of this place, was coward, aud had frequently threatened in a.eleigh, crossing the railroad at to shoot him; had taken Morelle to meet Market street, when his horses became him in hotels and shooi him; had freaffrighted at tho train, and turning sud- quently importuned him to shoot Fisk. denly, threw him out upon the track. and once was going to shoot Fisk with The wheels of the train passed over his his own hands, as he drove in his carlegs. Cutting both of them nearly off. riage; but the testimony was excluded He was taken home, and late last night and tho court adjourned. it was thought he w ould uot survive. The search for the bodies in the ruins ' of New 2. Centre street terminated York, ; , by A enow storm commenced this mornthe unearthing of the remains of the ing, when it changed' to hail, which was boy James Bevins, the seventh victim. Combined with rain. It still continues, Of the Fifth Avenue Theatre company and railroad travel is impoded, and Miss Clara Morris lost Hbout $2,500 business suspended. worth of wardrobe; and Charles Fisher New Year's day was very dull. Many lost $1,800 worth. It is stated that Daly carriages and hacks were stopped ou the will lease the old Broadway Theatre. stooks on Account of the snow. At 12 L. Morris, a lawyer of Brooklyn, o'clock the thaw allowed them a pas- suicided by shooting James L. Watson, a native of Savan-- I sage. The visits were numerous among all classes, but the day was not observed nah,. Georgia, and Benjamin Crowder, with usual satisfaction. an Englishman, have been tried at ' ' 2. Omaha, Hungary. The former was sen Dispatches from Washington state that tenced to six months imprisonment, for great complaints have been made amoug remarks not complimentary to the Emwestern commercial men as to the rates peror of Austria; aud the latter to three levied on freight and trnllie over the months for resisting arrest on the same P. R. 'R. Bridgo between this city and occasion, Counoil Bluffs. Merchants say that the Miss Turner, who testified in Stocks, ' case to seeing a pistol picked up passenger rates are eaormous. i ... New York, 2. on the stairs, was formerly nurse in the !."A fire which totally consumed the Morse family, nhiuh Fisk used to visit. Fifth Avenue Theatre, commenced short- She was rigidly Alter At about 4.C0 recess testimony in rebuttal was subly after 4. p.m.. thei.moke was first discovered ascend- mitted. Henry D. Cotley swore the ing from near the roof in the rear of pistol found was a ; that he the theatre, and although the fire must told witness on the eve of the homicide have started long before that time some- it was a and that he posiwhere in the lowtr part of the building, tively identified Stokes' pistol, now in the matinee audience was scarcely more court, as the one Miss Hall found, Jno. than dispersed. The thentra adjoins the A. Comer testified .that he never. knew Fifth Avenue Hotel, on the Twenty-fourt- h that Fisk carried a pistol. Phillip Fur-le- y street sido, which is the first testified that he was upstairs soon after the shooting aud saw no pistol. building west towards Sixth Avenue. In acarocly more than fifteen minutes The defense then put on the stand Adeafter the discovery of the fire the whole line Barker, who testifiod she 'washed strnoture was ablaze in all quarters, for the Morse family. In December she burning like so much straw, the flames faw Fisk at the Grand Central. He was ascending with great 'Bereeoess, and sitting oh the sofa with the Morse girls. lighting up the aurroundiug square as She saw, him jump off the sofa, and though they emanatod from' a well ar- strike his hftiid violently on the cushion, ranged bonHre. There seemed to be at the same time putting his hand toconsiderable delay in the arrival ef the ward tho. rear pocket of kU pants, n, al , ' ' ' to-da- y to-da- y. I . . - to-da- y, J -- '.'' cross-examine- fire yestorday moruiugin thesmok inn department of the Ryan's J'ork noi.se, uesiroyeu ;.,vwpou,fiua ot l.vi about $u00 lniured for pork. $3, to-da- Vie.jytenaa Hospital. " Indianapolis, , 1. C. I.uck, thd murderer of his wile, who was sentenced to he hanged on Friday next committed pqieide in Ins caierdjij ' ' nou b taking morphine. ' ' Jlafiford, 1. Tiofaatory of Colt'i Willow Ware MtnufacTiinjCompany, vm destroyed b n e.Jast eveaiBg., ;La.s $75,O0U; alight, ' je U- - d. y. four-shoote- Philadelphia, 1. , John A, Brown, one of the oldest hrotcrs. died yesterday, age 85 years. He '.ant year donated $;',00,Q00 to the ' , J r, . - than in any other place in the United States, and the estimated product of silver for the next year is fimj at $18,000,000 of money. Your Michigan readers, who have been here by hundreds the last ouniruer, will verify ly fed Townsend offered to prove, by witness, that Fisk, on the occasion referred to, said he would kill Stokes aud ruin him. you that Miss Morse said to him, not see the gallows looming up before "The you!" and that Fisk answered, to York New in built be gallows will not exBoardmau Fisk." Jim Judge hang cluded the testimony. The billiard game for the diamond cue and the championship of America, between Maurice Daily and Cyrille Dion, ended in a dispute, aud the second game is to be played next week. these statements. Such are the blessings for which tb people of Utah arc called upou to reand iu our heart rf turn thanks hearts we thank God that our lines ae cast in such pleasant places. There but one drawback to all these blessnig and of that 1 will speak in my next! Now that the election is ever; now that the whole nation has cast their ballots for Gen. Grant, he can and will relieve this people of the ouly iucubus, s i Utah's I'rogrcHM. carpel-bagger- The following Salt Lake correspondence of the Detroit Tribune will be read with interest : Salt Lakk, Nov. 28, 1872. One year ago this day, I landed in this city, and the sun then, as shone on these gorgeous mountains, their deep canyons, and this rich and beautiful valley, soft, genial and warm, as in time, it did during the "Indian summer" of Michigan. This season the snow has fallen earlier, and the nights have beeomo cold nearly a month in advance of the season generally, but the days here now are dreamy and bewitchiug, and the mountains are gorgeous under the influence of bright tops. sutuight, and snow-cla- d This last year has been a wonderful one in the history of Utah. A year ago Brigham Young and several score of his followers were in prison or under bnds, under indictments prepared by a packed grand jury, drawn in violation of all law. The public mind was then in a state of feverish excitement lest blows should be struck, and blood shed by the Mormons, iu their exasperation at the perversion of justice to which they were victims. The Supreme Court of the United States overruled the decision of the com ts here, quashed all their i legal indictments, and 128 Mormons were discharged from illegal and false imprisonment iu one day, by the mandate of that During n mis.siurinry niucting at England, lust Thursday cvlmw of'thc building iu which floor the ing, the meeting was being held gave way, precipitating a hundred persons ,t considerable distance, and injuring many of them fatally. Sal ford, no, j At St. John's Church, Olympia, when the earthquake happened, musical party was rehearsing for a concert. They had just commenced singing uJoy to tlvc world! the Lord has come, when the earth was seized with the convulsion. There waa more fright than joy. FOR SAIiE, CHEAP. KOl'T 110 ACRES Of LAND, WATKR- ritrlit nikiiiltti'tA f,mril ami ltn.4...cnltivatiiiK. A poorl Orrlntrd in tieRrn.R condition; between thntp and four acre oniinonuy i'U)K4 AU3 a double-roome- d tor vincymil. 110LSH, Urnnni'', Mn01i und oilier iinnrovcmnntH. Tube sold entire or in pari to suit purcha.-r- . 4 r - For particulars apply to TIIOS. HEAP, Hooper City. J64tf august tribunal. Since then peace hath reigned within thig valley, and plenty hath blessed this people. The crops this year untouched four fold larger by the grasshoppers are ' than those of any previous season. Wheat, 'barley, rye, potatoes, and all the products of the earth, are more J. C. CHAMBERS. IS DEALKU NovspapcrH, abundunt and cheaper here than elsewhere iu tne United States. Tons of 3IunIo, MAIN STREET, OGDEN, flour have been shipped by rail from here to Omaha, over one thousand miles. DESIRES TO INFORM HIS XUMEUOfi in this mid the nerthnrn countie ', Nearly 10,000 emigrants have joined tliHthelm KEMOVEI) his Unsiiui from J. K. us within the last year. Bngham Pool's corner t more commodious 'premiKM m nntt ' arrangeYoung, with his ments, has brought about 3.000 hardy, industrious Europeans to add tothenms-le- r roll of the Mormous, and nearly or qu'tc 7,000 resolute and energetic settlers have joined the Gentile pioneers. Nor is this all. Thc( great mines and mills and smelting furnaces have more than doubled daring the year. I have just learned from he agenf of Well-- . Fargo & Co., the most accomp'isho I and reliable business man in this valley, that the shipments of bars of silver by this line from Pioche. just over in Nevada, average $500,000 per month, or $6,000,000 per year. From statistics soon to be published it will appear that the exports of ore, "bullion and silver from Utah this year will equal at least $10,000,000, and that the am Mint pass-isr iu trausit over the Utah Central railroad in silver was $1G,0U0,000, the latter sum being about $80 for every man, woman nad child in the Territory, a'productand export nnequnled in the United States, This statement you may rely upon. Again, railroads have been extended during the last year over 100 miles in this Territory, and the whole of it is done with Mormon capital and labor. The Utah Southern and Central, the very best paying railroads in tho United states, has advanced thirty miles, and will soon reach Provo, 100 miles south of Ogdcn." The Utah Northern, narrow jtuage, has gone north nearly seventy miles, and will soon reach Soda Springs, 120 miles north' of Ogden, and it has more business than it can do. Into the American Fork and up the canyon, a narro gnage railroad is now pushing, and by March up the Cottonwood and Bingham canyons roads will be in oper-tio- n so that the managers of the Emma, Flagstaff and Winsor mikies and others can live at the Townsend House here,-anride lo their daily work in ' two i hours. '" The dividend-payin- g mines are dividing fortunes every year. The Raymond & Elv pays seeh dollars per month on stock; San Fraqciaco thieves and bears keep it at $113 per shire. The Emma mine sells to Dr. Smith & Bro., for at Chicago,1 $100,000 per month of ore, and as soon as they enl irge their works they will buy $200,000 per month thns making $2,400,000 from one mine The" Emma. Flagstaff, alone per year. and several other mines owned in England, divide fifteen per cent, per annum on $10,000,000 of stock each yCru. The Winsor mines,' owned in Detroit, are showing more and more ore each day, and their ore'grows richer and richer as they go down. So soon as they are ready to pay dividends I have no doubt they will pay $5 per share per month, without fail, The silver mines of Utah arehe Very richest oi earth. The ores are more cheaply extracted, metal more easily taken out, the miners more eb.tt.p- , n Main oppomito ' tlio'l'oMt Oiliee, whore he can bcttrr meet tl Kti-ee- in i increasing tmoof dtiinanal . Scliool Books and Stationery alwajs vb h.'iuil. Pictures, Drawing 1'upcr, Peucili. etc., etc. J. G. C. wishes particularly to impress on the niinds ot the Musical Community that he intends making MUSIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS & a specialty in his bushieos. Anything in this line supplied on the shortest iiuuv and at ,Slt Lake City prices. "Sow on hand: The New Cnrmiua $1JW: Festival Glen lWxik, iZM: Merry ChimvP. Vk.j Violin Instructors, $1.2f; Mountain. WHrtdors, unit u"r.: 100 Sons f Scotland, 65c., and Tdrtry of Sheet Music, etc. etc. KPN DAY SCHOOL REWARDS. riCTt'KB BOOKS, Nove4. Child's llislury of America. Ht. Cnt! aud Kxaiuiur. slu&M' Scr, M. D. HAMMOND, Main Street, Ogden, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT AND WAGON WAREHOUSE, THE FAR-FAME- D SCHUTTLER WAGON Sulky Horse Rakes, Buckeye Reapers and Mowers, Corn Shellers, Feed Cutters, Fanning Mills, Emery Grinder, A large quantity of Molasses, Mills, WAGON TIMBER and of land. d re-fini- liin t, 47-- Fittings every tf T. S. WADS WORTH, 3tatn &U, Hooper City riat. Goods, Groceries, Dry AND Gk.NKRAL MkHCHANDIjSI. Th very best braiidi of ad Liquors, Tobacco, Cigar. ALSO . AButcher's Shop cnlwajrsU . wher prim Joint aud CuU . btunnwd, ffrtor PUMPS! PUMPS! 1IO, KVFM YBODY t DM. I BTl'ART KBSrS CONSTANTLY ON a tot of tlia West t Mrs, with ANTl-rtUjftl- initaki lrlfri Ikcut7, iroo-iiAl-rn- N r t, l PeJaM kt |