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Show Slif )jdrtt gunrttai; Pub!lnhft4 every WEDXKSDAY uy int uopen iTUMiiLxa A nd PATDRDAY .' t'OMP.VNr . .C'XKE.-I.- Ilclic from the Arctic Itcglon. A 'correspondent savs: The interest in the late of the late Sir John Franklin and the expedi tion which accompanied him has strain both reyived by the reception in Kngland of an almost entire male ske leton, discovered in the Arctic regions by Hall, the American explorer. It appears that the bones in questiou were taken to tho tinted States and presented by the discovcror to a geo graphical society, the members of which pave them in return to Inglefield, C. B., our late naval attichc at Washington, who dispatched them to our Admiralty. The bones are those apparently of a Tine grown man ot about live feet eight lenhes m h;ight, and one ot the teeth was found stopped with gold, which would indicate that the remains were t hose of an officer, especially as a piece mn "jersey was also discovered close to them. Pall Mall Gazette. Hoar-Admir- an ExhairstlesH .Irrigation a m "r M JJ s i d & M B R ASIC'H m cniiizcr. ... al w. sTAsiasBt GHAS. LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY. .HAS JUST RECEIVED' AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, AND MERCHANDISE. Selling Very Low! GROCERIES, CXOTIIISC2, HARDWARE,' Brands of Imported n l JJ s and LIQUORS. The Best Please Musicians, Crockery, Roots aim Shoes, Mats and Caps, Motions, Stoves and TinwHre. Drugs and Medicines, Etc., Etc. Call o ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE SPLENDID srvmr Price Only $6 and $9. Mangles & Ironing Machines Patent Price $30. STAYMER G Carpets and Trimmings, Window Curtains and Blinds. aud Examine. AH ! for .snip at MUSIC STORE, Next Poor to Savage's Gallery, Slain Street, Salt Lake City. TEEHUNE'S Damascus is c&e of the oldest, if a ' not tlio very oldest, city in the world. A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF NEW PATENT Tradition there locates the grave of TOYS. Adam, Abel, fceth. JNoah and other early ancestors of our race. Damas cus is surrounded by a dreary desert, Metal Corners. Patented August 8,1871. yet is itself u marvelous oasis, the of which runs bick to the fertility t earnest records ot.t the world s history. Water first made this fertility possi ble, and water keeps it up without Wheat, Barley, Oats, Fearl Barley, Flour, Bran, Shorts, Egs and any signs or detcnoatiou. 1he waButter, SHIPPED TO ANY POINT ON SHORT NOTICE. ter is taken from the rivers Abana aud Parphar, and, considering what agricultural wealth and blessings they ALL KINDS OP- M&CHIMPDY a w at Wl I rW ft. -; IV were aud are the source of. it is no wonder that the infidel Orders Addressed to M. THATCHER, Logan, Aaaman, was tilled with doubtin"will receive prompt attention. rage when told to go and wash in JVIOST AND Jordan for the cure of his disease. s79tf H. B. CLAWSOW, auperinttndent. while ho had in mind the two irreat rivers of fertilizing and his own city. Horace Greeley lately expressed a donbt whether any amply, than irigatcd field is less fertile y 46, Slate Street, formerly 40, nun vu iuu muriuii ui cTonnon. nit CHICAGO, ILL. ine iHistory ot Damascus proves be yond a doubt that U is not. Water is wealth all through the East' where IMPROVED the climate, the topography of the country, and tho composition of the kii are almost exactly the counter part of those of California. The San oaiUin alley practically produced not a ton cf wheat in 1871 ; it yielt IN CHAIIGE OF ded 300,000 tons in 1872. Water I" and, water alone, made the difference hctwocu utter sterility and starvation uud bursting granaries aud abund0 Will purcliaso any land of Jlerehaiitlise not ance. California without irrigation usually kept in i.irl California with a well developed stock. inHii.Hno" vstou, tor the artificial use of water, - will bear the same comparison to wish other that the tiny and unrelia g ble orooK docs to the wide and river. The knowledge of these IclFel Wheels,. facts aud a purpose to turn them to Cheese : practical accounts is just becinintr to -1 9. ue awsucueu. Threshiiiff Jitui hdatu Circular. i nc as, Chicago Solmttler Wagons. ..... m PENTAGONAL SHOW CASE! SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. , -- lepcr-jrcncr- ta DimruAcrrnf .-. al the - ELECAfJT life-givin- DURABLE SHOW CA9S EXTANT. g M. TERnuXE, Sole Manufacturer, to-da- . 41-0- SIMMONS & CLODGH ORGAN CO.'S Zn CABINET ORGAN'S M 1 COM 1ISSI01 1RTIEMT, H. W. NAISBITT. ; Engines, saw Jlills, Circular Saw, Rolling Cloth, Water evr-liowin- mm mmim pill t -- Thpro is only one good substitute for the endeumcuts of a sister, nn.l that is the enJearuieuts of some other lcllow ii sister. v M'BSTITUTK Fore Physic i 5 ?i feastI B?5ip!wSSJ tefpJIli 73 is Or any article from anv Stntfl tlvif " ' Mechanical Grand Combination Organs, FITTKD WITH TI1K NEWLY IXVEXTEI. A little irirl at school road tl ins SCRIlJNEIt'S PATENT QUALIFYING TUIiES, ''I he widow lived on a small lim- An invention liarincr a most JnninWnnt l.noit, . , bacy left her by a relative". "c iiiuuu rcpmuuon ot Jiecd Jn- v , ,. : ' . " W hat do you call the word?" v ur iuuieoi lone is very larce y in- .if ' t .,uvT.,,uuij, " i sr.icd the" teaeher. "'The word in cresusoi . niul miulitv EUTAl4 TO THAT OF legacy, not lmibaev. I5FST i "J5nt, 3Iiss .Johnson," said the lit SAJfl. CAPACITY. tle girl, "pa Mrs I' must say Hmb, Our celebmted "Vox Celeste." "Louis Patent." -- Vox not leg." Humana." "Wilcox Patent " o"Plw, cclninuinS "Cello" or "(,lai io)ut , ."(. . v .. wr i j.-j- THE 'm,s -- 2 ; PIPE JL-- PRICES, . " v nomtn.r ht I. o We are expecting an immediate shipment of the 1 net 1 well-know- and n A .. "SCHUTTLEK.... WA0O1T TVUU T.. j. r aory O-XtE-a.- T SS-fi- -- i. 1 . . naving just got ta;rly running since the S OHIOAao PIHE! II. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. of r()0 yi Ditroit, m-i- Furniture. SHINGLE.- i - ,t-- , k V " aQ population. Send iu your orders and we will An' tho. . . . vv fill mew ail j.uanuiaiur- with freight added, or on a slight percentage. Wiiu Require Most Sikep? All the late Improvements Can be Obtained Only in these Thoce who think most, rerjuire the T jiUst sleep.'1 Time gained from nec- Thivtu-fir- e Different Stilrs, is ON HAND, AXD TO ARBITK IX A FEW not the For essary sleep A'tulor ami the Church, saved,: but lost. Mind and body will both suffer. The Jiest Material anil TPm 7.ms.-7i;Complete Stock Most people, however, do not think Quality and Volume of tone Unequalled. ni oujrh .toVlriakecarl v ."SO tv Dollnrs. ln'lJ i4aSpi-3 THE XEWEST STTI.KS AT) RICK3 THAT t; is 3tha-hardFACTORY AND COU 6rtr & CONGRESS STS.,: DETROIT WAUEROOMS; -DEFY OJMrjamo.N. , ; ; man, tuo. close vtaiuj; s; uden'or th niari of biisino? ' in- tli Settlnmrtit Dealer with 're'?iiiteii ' to ei.;' Established is 1830. j ' ! s93-lnnny eires upon his rnin4, who eul" tot most from loss of sleep. JOnM boym: jt col 'if ;'. v !uni:ss, Simmons k Clouuii Oauan Co., MicmaAX. ? o, JIarhines, Ext r Force or oilier Pumps, ISeltinp;, Sorghum Mills, Evaporators, Are.. JIaeh For physic, substitute exercise and tcin yvivuvv. jieucr noaitn ana more in ney m the pofkot will be auioti t.ie nappy results ot the chang:. Faetory or , CA1VKT AND CTT P1IIXOLKS, OF , nl ui' jowest prices, at I1 Tlir. BST JlEE JlAlV'S saw ii:rL,L, OGDiH VALLEY. Orders filled at tho Mill or nt O. WTiitehead, - "- Main Street; Ogde. " Tennis and limilcrs Wanted - |