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Show - "VigtCErT:. 1.. lyfly ; Xo. iJ. f Special i Stales Officers for Utah. neva. lie reioiced that the boundarv dispute was settled and that there no to tli Oqdex Jcsctios by tlio Atlautlcand onger remained a cloud bet ween England and America. He adverted to the plan FacUic lclesraiih Coinyauy.J for tke localization of the army, and advised a closer association of the armv with the militia, and declared in favor of short terms of enlistment. It is announced that Prince Alphonse, y brother of Don Carlos, will as very-Sicksume command of the Carlist bands in Catalonia. George L. Woods. George A. Black. Marshal M. T. Tat rick. U. S. Attorney (ieorge C. Bates. gupt. Indian Affairs G. W. Dodge. C. C. Clements. Surveyor-GenerReceiver of Public Monies J. 1). Over ten. . Georrc II. Uraixtrar of Land OWce Tlio Excitement in New ' Mil x well. U. S. Assessor-ZJ- on U. S. Collector Large Firo at Galesburg Governor Secret an Chief Justice J. Associate Justices P. Taggart. ! Surgical Opkuatiox. This afternoon at their office on East Temple St., the Drs. lienedict amputated the thumb, at the first joint, of Mrs. Marian Ferrall, Ills.! 0. J. HoUister. Mclvean. 0. F. Strickland and 15. of Eden City, Ogden Vall?y. The unfor- tunate lady, in August last, accidentally C. il. llawley. pricked her thumb, nnd a lelon supervened, which was badly treated, and Washington, 31. Officers: Territorial Advices from New Orleans are, that after intense suffering for five months W. H. Hooper, the excitement has Dcleyate to Congress nearly subsided, the led to her present loss. The patient was Goorge Q. Cannon. Delegate elect. A prom people generally placed under the influence of ether, and aequiescing. Snow. official here remarked, that but in about a quarter of an hour the opcr- inent Marshal J. D. T. McAllister. for newspapers it would not be known tion was completed. Desyrel Eoenina Auditor William Clayton. in administration quarters that there A civs. Treasurer James Jack. was any dissatisfaction in of Common ScJiools Superintendent the fetate. An iklitor's Lament. tlbeit L. Campbell. The statement that Attorney-Generv illiams will voluntarily retire from the Who ever thinks of sitting down lYolior Count v OfHeers: Cabinet is groundless. D. F. and writincr a letter of condolence to Probate and County Judye Since it has been evinced that the Richards. editor a i upon the rejection of a sabiry of the Nicaragua ministership is Selectmen Lester J. Ilerrick, Henry so 51 : ho for that is there to remind nun position great, applications Holmes, Richard Unllantync. huve a wonderful manner increased these in that light afflictions, which arc F. S. Richards. Clerk and liecorder meutioned names the as Among applying for a moment, etc.. etc. ! Here but Prosecutiny Attorney Aurelius Miuer. for the Governors two are Ter of place William Critchlow, is he made by Providence the inflic Notaries Public ritories and Eeveral Senators w hose term F. S. Richards. of a thousand hurts, and with no tor expire the present session. Sheriff William Brown. to drop a sympathetic tear ! one Senator Sumner's physician says his Assessor and Colter Sanford Bingcondition is very bad. lie bus frequent Heavy-heartehe lrames gentle ex ham. occurrences of acute pain in the region cuses and Thomson. Walter deprecatory declination, Treasurer ot the heart, the result of the Senatorial well that there b uo art of Coroner Win. X. Fife. knowing difficulty, which has afflicted him for the can prevent a Superintendent of Schtoh Wm.W. Bur- last fifteen years. These always are very putting things that ton. blow The violent and prostrating, but of short du- pang. 'may be received ration. The Senator suffers from loss with a sneer and a hit hack ; or with City Government: of sleep, and on retiring each night has a real or feigned-hear- t iucss, or with 18C1. Act Jan. of 18, lacorporated by an opiate introduced under the skin of on The first ex election the hopeless resignation. Municipal biennially the arm which some slumber is pro keeoud Monday of February. he Meetings duccd by perience, supposed, is next in of the City Council alternate Monday a letter of condolence; the A gang of five negro roughs made an comfort to evenings, at City Hall. second do will unsuccessful after attempt yesterday very well unless the Mayor Lester J. Ilerrick. Tom noon to rescue the tniir has taken Wright, author too much encour F. A. Brown, 1st Ward; Aldermen Two of deierofthe Rogers. peddler and is W. 2d Theinson, ,, dooming himself to agement, them have been captured. "Wrn.W. Barton, 8d ,, ,. and graver disappointments. But 1 tic receipts Irom internal revenue new Counselor Israel Cantield, David cases there is the fiscal resigned your to the Janua year present Moore, Charles W. Penrose, Window during coufouuded over $G1,UOO,000. is 1st, ry part of it ! It was never Farr, Horatio B. Scoville. Congressman Muyi.ard, of Tennessee Thos. G. Odell. Recorder any portion of his literary ambition h .8 had placed in Lis hands for the pur N. W. to perform the part of an execution Marshal Fife, pose of presenting to the House of Kep er. He Treasurer Aaron Farr. is too sensible ot Ins own resentativea, a memorial, numerously Surveyor David Jenkins. signed by officers and soldiers of the shortcomings to want to sit in judg S. Bingham. Assessor and Collector late army of the Cumberland, asking mcnt upon other people's work, and Road Supervisor Charle. Welch. Congress to appropriate fclo.OOO toward yet he is made to figure, iu the eyes Water Master Thomas Doxey. the erection of an equestrian statue to of a host of Captain of Police P. G. Taylor. good and gentle souls, a th memory of the late Justice of the Peace C. F. Middleton. as a person of no heart or of either Geo. II.. lboinas. he is only too grateful no brains Galesburg, Ills., 31. Office: Ogden Post fire here at 1 o'clock yesterday wheu it is merely the lack of brains ARRIVAL AND CLOSING MAILS. ARRIVALS. morning destroyed the Metropolian of which he is accused. T.30 a.m. fi.SO p.m. block containing eight of the finest Salt Lul?(! City, donlilt said my unhappy friend, Of . ".iMiu.m. Went, Tlmmfcii Knit daily . stores iu town and the Galesburg IIoosc, there course, ' il . . 6.3UU.M. . Ma MSS. that can be ccrtatu are daily TuriwgU Eiut, The principal an uuoccupied hotel. ; , ci.ostno. few with returned compunctions. If V. W. Washburn, jewelry ; :,lt Lake City, double. laily . '6 a,m. 4.00 p.m. losers are . 4.iKip.m. Wost, Thrtiucli Miiil tlnily . ; . ; 11. R. Barringer, fancy an editor could add to his printed Ferris, grocer . . 6.00a.m. tiut,Tlirtnivrli Mail dnily . goods; Gross & Stiger, books; Bower and written "forms," one addressed MAILS. SEMI AND Bros., boots and shoes; J. C. Duncan, to ''idiots,'' another to ''ignorant CLOSING. nd Hamlin & Co., butchers; McNwlie Connty, Tuesday, Ttiaribys harness; another to "insolent 4 p.nu . SmiduyiIWlytoUyriuT". Millan gallery, and a num- braggarts," photograph A Jtlch County, Tuesdays Mid Tliurvlys . p.m. ingrinders," another to "impertinent Kortli Opdi'b Mondays mid Tlimsdayi 2.30 p.ru ber of lawyers' offices and libraries, old ladies in pantaloons," his corresHud Suturihi.vt T.oOu.in F. valuable the of 0. cluding, libiary Innr. l'liun City and ' blatersviile, The loss less is tetal Price. not than pondence would be simplified, aud . . , 3.S0 p.nu Moiiduynd TUuredays Insurance about $G0,000, of his conscience saved. But what be100,000. 3.00 p.m. mid Saturday whicli $1,000 is in the Firemen's Fund, Uui)e: ville and Almiv Wednesdays- and 11 comes of a man's moral nature after . . JO a.m Sau Francisco. . Saturdays OFFICK HOURS. he has invented some nine huudrcd Montreal, 1. General Delivery, from 8 a.m. to 6J0 p.m. The Peter-StA white lies in a twelve-mont- h on fire this St. morning SuikIxv, 5 p.m. to 0.30 p.m. s establishment Old Cabinet; &cr!bucr for Jan-narREGISTRY DEPARTMENT destroyed a y and Oiu from 0 a.m. to 3 belonging to Wood & ORDER DEPARTMENT. and shoe the boot Co., 9 factory cf Ames Open from 9 a.tn. to 3 p.m. with the warehouse Willard, together Outside Door upon from C a.m. to p.m. If you want to know whether a tree JOSEPH IIALL, Postmaster. adjoining. Firemen saved surroundings hollow or not, axe it. therThe roots. Mansard is with, high Altonw-GetcrilZeriihhnb- vo&. IV. Wheelbarrows. A good sf ory is told on the late Count Brassear de St. Simon, who for many years represented Prussia at the Court of lunn, and who died at Rome the other day, past 80 years, as the ambassador of Germany. He gave two or thiee state dinners a year, which wore ttie terror of the diplomatic corps, for to-da- Senator Sumner j Jipflipl L Diplomatic Wine. Orleans Subsiding! al , t ; OMDUX, UTAH, SATURDAY, JAXUAUY 1, 1S7S. BY TELEGRAPH. OCDEN DIRECTORY. t nii WWXESDAY and SATURDAY.) - AMERICAN. el wide-sprea- d al . d, Major-Gener- " ' - tho cooking was bad. the wins worse. and whoever carried an appetite to to these dinners was sure to bring away from them a dyspepsia.' One day, when the French Minister was dinine with him, as the butler proffered two sorts of wine to the Frenchman. Count Brassucr de St. Simon bent over to him and whispered; "My dear fellow, refuse the Mistro Reale." The French minister asked: ''Wherefore, rny dear host! And pray tell me whence comes that brand I have never before heard of it?" "My dear fellow but come, you must pledge me your word of honor never to betray me I'll reveal the mystery to you My wine merchant ot Bordeaux sent me two casks of excellent wine two months ago. As ill luck would have it, they (spoiled on the way. I could not afford to lose two casks of expensive wine, so I kept my own counsel, bought two casks of cheap Sardinian wine, and mixed together the four casks and named the stuff 'Royal Mixture, Mistro Reale. It is delicious s delicious 1 never touch it myself but keep all of it for my friends. You, too, had better leave it to them, my dear lellow." to use a wheel leave it when barrow, you are throutrh with it, in front of the house with the handles toward the door. A wheelbarrow is the most complicated thing to fall over on the face of the rth. Aman will fall over one whtn he will never think of falling over anything else. He never knows when he has got through falling over it, either; lor it will tangle Ins. legs and his arms, nnd turn over with him, acd just as he pauses in his profanity to congratulate lamsclt. it takes a new turn, and scoops more skin off of him, and he commences to cvolute lew, and bump himself on fresh places. A man never ceases to fall over a wheelbarrow until it turns completely on its back, or brings up against something it cannot upset. It is the most inoffensive looking ob ject there is, but it is more danger ous than a locomotive, and no man i secure with ouo unless he has a tijrht hold of its handles, and is sitting down on something. A wheelbarrow has its uses, without doubt, but in its leisure moments it is the great blighting curso on true dignity. Envy Pcnifelietl. ISrigumls. ys ., fancy-good- y. broom-factor- A Trains mometer was 15 degpees below zero, the England still sticks to the custom water freezing werever it fell. Loss Leave Ogden daily, until further of burying suicides at night, with uo for Salt Lake City at 5. a.m. ,and $500,000. FOREIGN. mourners permitted to attend. $ a.m. and 5.30 p.m. and 5.50 p.m. For Taris, 1. the East,' at 8 a.m. ' For the West, at D. Revicrc has made an official report Not Bad! Here we have a good 5.55 p.m. ..... to the President of Progms of the pre. Arrive from Salt. Lake City, 7 a.m. example cf French wit : "A, doctor, and 10.45 a.m., and 4.45 p.m. and 8.15 liminary investigation in the case of like everybody etae in the season, Bazaine. He states that 220 witnesses p. n. From the East, 5.30 p.m. From have been examined, of which 14'J were went out for a day's sport, and comthe West, G.uo a.m. sumnumed to appear in court on the plained of having killed nothing. J Salt Lake City Time. trial of the Marshal. 'That's the eonsequeuco of having no-tic- e, . , ; .. f , A Burmeso potter, it is said, became envious of the prosperity of a washerman, and, to ruin him, induced the king to order him to wash one of his black elephants white, that ho inipjht be "lord of the white elephant," which in the East is a great distinction. ' The washerman replied that, by the rules ot his art, lie must have a ves- scl large enough to wash him in. The king ordered the potter to : Brigands of the good type are fast dying out, but some very fine specimens of the romantic sort are still to be found in Corsica. A correspondent of the Taris Tempt mentions that, besides Some thirty-fou- r very doubtful characters, who system atically elude the police of island, there are three individuals, named Germani, Suzzoni and Alberti, about whom very sensationalItlegenis aro torn, me ex ploits of these brigands are, however, but child's play compared to those of buzzom 8 predecessor, the famous San talucra. He was perhaps the last of the old race, and was a power in Cor sica some thirty years ago. He took to the woods in consequence of a misfor tune which happened to ono of Lid bio tiiers, who was convicted on the evi dence of false witnesses, and sent to the hulks. Snntaluccia gave himself no rest until ho had got these men in his power. The first of these he tied to a true and addressed as olUws: "Yours is a lying tongue, your are about tt lose it," which assertion he instantly maJo good. To tho next he said: "You have declared that your eyes beheld that which they have not seen: you are going to lose lo the third he, said; your eyes. "You have sworn that your ears heard what they had not heard;" you will lose lie men tore out tne, eyes your ears. of the one, and cut off the ears of the other. It is perhaps fortunate, that Sur.znni, who was a disciple of this sen tentious barbarian, has not' done full credit to his master's teaching, V' 1 .ft , llnutville-'Weliiw!Ui- ty Jlivenhtl-Wliied- If you have occasion Rkmabkable Birds. Australiaabounds in .strange things, and particularly in aui inal forms, singularly deviating from all other types on other continents. Among them the bird called the cipoz, a mound builder, is truly remarkable on account of peculiar habits and instincts. The male and female concur in the construction of a mound of leaves, grass and materials that iii their decay generate heat. They seem to know exactly what warmth will be evolved by the chemical disintegration. On the top they can excavate a hole, and into it an egg is dropped. Some of the mounds are twelve feet in circumference by three in Light. 'Each egg, to the number of eight, is artistically lodged and covered! with loose sand. All this is done in the darkness of the night, so that no eye of an enemy may know where the treasure is hidden. Both parents then pursue an earnest plan for securing the propagation of a new generation with' a degree of pre cision, skill and apparent knowledge of certain natural laws that imply a reasonable faculty.1 Thus the eggs are incubated without the detention of the mother bird ou the nest in a climate that i would be fatal t her- - make him such a vessel. "When mado it was crushed by the first step of tho elephant in it. Many times was this repeated; and the potter was ruined by the very scheme he had intended should crush his enemy. When a new town is started on tho plains, Chicago drummers camp out aud wait for the ucw stores to bo completed, to sell the owners a bill of goods. : ' r';.:. The following (!notis" is posted in Lincoln eounty, Kentucky: "Ce hear. Eye don't want enniboddi that has bosses which has of the Epdizufick Innflewcnza, or any uthcr uufurnal name, to cum thru this ga't under penalty ol havuv ot their, the lion: -ea, tales cut off cloas behind their, the' bosses, years. Keep shi. , At a ladies' temperence meeting not long since, ono of tho ladies remarked that the temperance causu had been a blessing to her; "for, she added, "I slept with a barrel of rum for teu years; but now," she continued with her eyes brightening, "since my husbanu signed the pledge, I have a then all tho MAN to sleep with!" laid hands on their spinsters present their hearts and said Amen! A Model, Man. The man who slips on a piece of orange peel and falls gracefully, and gets up without using one cuss word, could live in the house with two niothers-iu-law- , three cats with kittens, and a young man who is struggling to master the nccordeon, and never get angry the slightest bit., Wo have never met him, however, and doa't think we shall in a hurry. Madrid, 1. business,' observed neglected the of President Council, in a his wife." your Zorilla, every Sunday; " a.m., and in the 2nd Ward 'School-kous- spoech yesterday, refuted the idea that and' Child's Hall, at C p.m. any intervention from foreign countries Very recently a gentleman who Episcopal Church at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. would be allowed by the Government had taken up his residence there, deMethodist Church at 11 a.iu.r and in the matter cf reform in the Spanish scribed w colonies. rhifadelphia as a city where '7 p.m.' F. S. RICHARDS, " the of War, Cardwell, "a family can buy two fried oysters Secretary ,Spiritaatist Lectures Cardon's Hall), a public meeting at Ooxford and a cent's worth of kindling wood.'.' Louis Napoleon's son will enter the ,( at7.sop.m.;(v;;;A.;,.i night before last, and spoke etroHgly iq For he was school at Woolwich, Kugland, naval it people, thought quiet CONVEYANCER. , , favor of the new ballot law and licensOsrdtf T,ilrnrw" in he live which the to best of Omen o uuuer iue namcfci liouis , jpeaunar city At Geo.W.ITiirher,,e. JUfea rery (lay. ing act,, and expressed his satisfaction bwM-4tlrdSt.. oih fU FrnnkUa . had Ge. t". j ,11213.; any knowledge., , yiih ike result of the arbitration t 3 ,'f ft 5unays exceptea. ? Services Kcligions in the . , ; Tabernacle, at 11 . e ed fr ;vr NOTARY J?tJlJX,IC , , - !!. r |