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Show Tragedy in Brussels. burning them. Why ? Because each Thc Utah Sou (hern Kail. ! Htoui of water fi 'road; a "Hi they contain is a swift JOSEPH MUSORAVE, WTLLTAM T.EROY, JJ Independence Beljct of the 26th vehicle to seize upon and carry away 1TO JOHN CAPSIDY FOR SUBSCRIBE KDWAKD MATKKR un.l This heat. Let us make up the partitions important enterprise, which we KICIIARD ALLKN. You will pleu tk notice ult, gives the following account of v have several times mentioned in these that labor bus btn duno fr von. C(xmlinr to an awful tragedy which , lately hap-pe- n of walls of buildings in a manner an- columns as contnu-tou Urn union Star yUun. Cottouwotnl ultimately designed to be ex- Kanyon, fcxcelmor District, Morgan coniitv. Vtah alogous to sectional steam boilers, and tended to San V. eel in Brussels: Diego, is being pros.-euteTerritory; iui'1 yn nre hereby' uotifiett to pny no fire would be commuuicatsd from with n from dt of tins great deal of energy. Forty your share within ninety dayTIMOTHY M. Edmond F., was a half-picap- one O'NEIL. to another. A thing so miles have already been finished, from uohee. Weber building co, Nov. 2, 1S72. 971ia tain of cavalry, who left his native evident should have attracted the at- Suit Lake to Lehi, and cars are now L'iutuh, THE about four tention of architects i jwii of Chateau-Chino1: John Cs- MnssruTo. $12: Wm. Lerov. Ja. between tho two points. In adrunning this. before long dition to this several branch roads, ag- sidj, $V; YA. Muteer, fS; IticUrJ Allvu, $JO. years ago, in order to accept a posi- In this way iron, which itself is by gregating thirty miles in length, have tion as manager of an iron foundry not a material, cau, by the been constructed, connecting tLc main Brussels. . of the in vicinity most economical use of water, be trunk with the most important mining In the year 1842, at the age of made to withstand tho severest districts. It is believed that whea 100 EVERY HOUSEKEEPER or: miles of this Utah Sothern is completed, iveuty four he was sous lieutenant of deal. the entire trade of n Nevada TlfHO WAXTS A HAPPY FAMILY, EVERY a regiment of dragoons garrisoned at The water-space- s will be diverted via Salt Lake City. The who alvrav wiwtn a Full Lille. There he seduced the daugh- need not bo more than one inch in charter terminue of the road is at the House, Every Stove Driller who tueunii merchant and Mitu, Wommi or ChiM who Jeaiitu ter of a respectable thickness, and need never be subject- head of navigation of the Colorado riv- health every by good liviug, imounl buy one of abandoned her to her shame. The ed to a hydraulic pressure of more er. The building of the link from that found herself in a con- than three THE CELEBRATED or feet head. These walls point to San Bernardino will speedily pitur girl soon dition which rendered discovery un- can, therefore, be made of thin metal. follow, and then Salt Lake will have a through road to the Pacific Ocean at the avoidable. In order to conceal her They can be supplied with water from Bay of San Diego Sun Bernardino house father's faults' she fled from her the common water-servicor from Guardian. and was seen no more. Published every Wedueaday an tanks placed on the tops of buildings. The Guardian is right in its expectaLast week Captain F. visited, in in case or hre, the a of single turning Saturday. company of a few friends, one of the cock would supply them with water, tions of the future, and it is equally certain that the Pioche & Bullionville railmost frequented beer gardens in aud the temperature of the partitions M . il i iin in entraea Jrusscls. could never rise above 212 decrees road will be extended so as to connect wniietneru, of cards, a quarrel arose be- - Fahrenheit till the water had all with Southern Utah, thus placing Pioche a iweeu one ot Ins menus and a young boiled away. In this way not a tithe in direct railroad communication with officer of the rifle corps. Captain F. of the water how vainly used to ex- Salt Lake City on the east, and San tuA the part of his friend. High tinguish such fires as those of Chica- Diego to the southward. Railroad com words followed, and insults. The go and Boston would be needed to munication between Pioche and PaliiHV Eight Tages, Forty Columns of upshot was that Captain F. challeng- preserve a whole city. sade will be had in due time, and then duel a officer to ed the young fight We feel certain that no solid ma- - Pioche will enjoy all the advantaess of Reading Matter, '"ink w ith pistols. They met on the fol- tcrial known to the arts is capable of railroad connaction with all the great lowing day, and Captain F. killed witnstanaing tne Heat generated in commercial centers his adversary by sending a bullet into these great fires. We must find ASK YOUR TINNER FOR THEM his heart. This was on Friday morn- something that will not melt, or warp, If he doeg not Intra an Miiortiiieut, send yoor i oriler to ing. Captain F. now hurried home or cract, ana otherwise so impervious The Hartford n folk nf TWi IVAAl.'IIAM IfnmifAAillMlMM XiACClSlUl JlilUUiilUlUI lllg Co., to prepare for escape to France. to air that it cannot communicate tleman in that city who, on getting a 612 and 014 MAIN STREET, Last Sunday, after settling all his with combustibles stored m buildings iasg 0f S0(ja was retiring from the and was his valise A he affairs A mil of. n vrnn nr packed -,i w 3Jo. wx itt v,. " fn fiirnn rP luc tne usuali little ceremo- - St. LOUISOR TO about to leave, when a woman pre- heat on something we can afford to slore wltnout M. ALLEN k CO., TAYLOR A CUTLER, any of All the Telesrrnubic Khi or tit ny that follows that operation: "llec- - J. Z.HI.VS sented herself abruptly at the door. waste economically. This 7..V.M. I. Store, 1'. II. BASSKTT something 0nect gaid the 1; proprietor, "If K. HARRISON, & SHARKEY'S ESTATE, 1 for face was covered with a thick is water, and we think we have point- jose your you diJn ' t Salt Lake veil, and she appeared greatly agita- ed out the way to use it. American you ft out City. Utah. iere." pU ted, her body trembling all over. Artisan. Captain F., highly surprised and somewhat troubled with a gloomy Corn as Fuel. Terms; $4,00 per Annum. foreboding, asked her into the recep"We are told that coal is seventeen tion room. Scarcely had he the first word when the un- dollars a ton at St. Paul, and that known ladv in black drew up her cord wood is eijrht dollars per nine veil in a sudden convulsive manner, cubic feet. In many sections of the iind showed him a face pale as death Western States, especially in the GROCERIES, HARDWARE ' jiud eyes full of anger and tears. At prairie regions, wood is a scarce ar CROCKERY; the sight of that face the captain re- tide, aud the cost of niarketinr it is .1 treated a step and uttered a cry of very expensive ; hence, the use ot n TOOLS, IMPLEMENTS & STOVES; horror and astonishment. corn as fuel. Kxperiments Avith this boiu DRY GOODS, STAPLE and FANCY NOTIOHS, In that woman in tears and dressed in black, with faded f.atures and ana coal snow that at tne present -CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, hair all gray, he recognized his vic- prices of the product of the Western UrilOIiSTEItY GOOUS, tim of thirty years ago the daugh- cornfields there is both economy aud CL.OT1IIXG, 1IATS, ter of the Lille merchant. comfort in its use. An Iowa paper BOOTS and SHOES: "Wretch !" she exclaimed, advanc- states that a ton ot corn, 33 bushels, Wall Paper, Bordering, Decorations; ing upon him all pale and threaten- at 17 cents per bushel, is ?o.G0 ! "accursed villian Drugs, Chcmleals, Patent 3lcdicliic; being We consider this equal to a cord ing ; It was not enough to have of hard wood, as supplied and mea WINES, LIQUORS, ALE and PORTER; AT THE dishonored a woman, fco have basely sured in our market, at 7 ; the cut- Singers' Sewing Machines, in Yariety ; deserted her! You had to kill her tin of this cord, 1,50: total, S,50 child to assassinate your own son! Thus making a saving of nearly three Bespoke Boot and Shoe Departnent; aud such crimes should go un dollars a ton. For kitchen fuel corn Leather, Findings, Beltings, &c; punished! The most monstrous of is superior to wood, except hickory, misdeeds should leave you in posses- and cheaper than that, .it makes a PRODUCE, GRAIN, BUTTER, EGGS, &c.; Ogden Junction Oflice sion of the name of honest man ! No, hot-firwith a great deal ot blaze SCHliTTLER WAGONS, BOB SLEDS miserable destroyer of so many We judge that the heating capacity beings, you shall perish by of three tons of corn is equal to that MACHINERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, AC, AC. the hands of your victim." of one ton of hard coal. In small Scarcely had she spoken these families and small houses there is alwords when she drew forth a revol- ways great waste of hard coal, while ver from under her cloak, fired twice, there is none in the use of corn TO and blew the captain's brains out. The chemical analysis of Indian Site then fired a third aud fatal shot corn su'rrcsts certain heating and ' ". at herself. combustible powers as well as nutri Will find the Largest Assortment of Merchandise in the several Departments of sound three the of Z. C. M. I., as above, that can be seen in the est, and all at fair prices. shots, tive qualities. The adaptability of Hearing the servants aud neighbors came this grain to the purposes ot fuel is IS EXECl'TU) H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. running in very much frightened. A on account of the presence of a very fearful sight presented itself to them large per cent, of dextrine (gum) aud two bodies lying side by side on albuminous matter in both the kernel the floor and weltering in blood. and cob." When analyzed for inorThe body of Captain F. gave uo sign ganic matter, a cob of corn will de- IN AIA ITS UBAXCmS, of life : that of his former victim was velope 0,249 per cent, of .fixed dry OF breathing yet, and by dint of exer ing oil, 0,333 per cent, of sugar, and tions revived for a few hours only 2.700 per cent, of dextrine, albumen She was takon to the nearest hospi- and astrinrent extractive matter, be tal, where she expired in the middle sides inorganic matters consisting of . GliOESHEClds KL0CK, SECOND SOUTH STREET, IN of the following night, after having potash, soda, silica, phosphate of answered some questions and told the lime, phosphate oi magnesia, phosiacts we hare related phoric acid, oxide of iron, chlorine Notice ' , y n, fire-pro- of ogden junction, South-enster- iron-enclos- ed HoWl-Keep- er bwii-lie- s, T, e, 1 1 ... e mm i.i I TXT pro-jiouuc- . C. HL 2S. ed I. . & tm 7L 1 SK niur-.dere- r! e, inno-nocc- nt and Visitors Wholesale Purchasers JOB WORK ' 8l-8- " m THE NEW HOUSE G. F. CUIMER .& CO., SALT LAKE CITY, Novel Device for Makins Buildings 1 ire-Proo- f. Can a totally building be made ? To believe that this U im possible would be greatly to deprc cate the mechanical and scientific rc sources ot the age. jNotnmg can burn until heated to the temperature at' which it combines ' with oxygen The problem of buildings will then be solved when we discover the means by which the temperature ot combustibles can be kept from reaching the temperature of combus Ve can apply the most tion. heat to steam boileri without fire-pro- of fire-pro- of m-isu- se ' and unburned, carbon. Different varieties of corn, cultiva ted in difierent sections of the coun try, produce a variation in the rela tive proportions of the organic and inorganic constituents, owing to the chemical natures of diffcrcHt soils. The saccharine matter held in the cob is identical with grape sugar, or srlucoso, and after the fructification of the ear. the sucar changes into etarch, in the milky grains. i CHINA and JAPAN TEAS v Imported Direct. OF THE LARCEST ASSORTMENT WIIBOW : Near Sacramento, tho other day, a man named Druce stood up in hit buggy Cllass, and fired at a flock of geese. A strangr caught the runaway team, and Bruce Orders from the Country do.i not remember liovy or when he got Shape, without extra charge. home. Stained Sx33oj?iox Stylo ; OF THE VERY CHOICEST QUALITIES, . . J. SPECI ATiTY OF G la &SS IN TUB TERRITOHY; ' Green, Itnbj', Mine, icllojr, Iurplo and -- , prorefty tfg -- fille.d, T- and Glass CU-- t AU Order. anuirii, KmiUa.M, h fddreiMd to lit C, W, PENROSE, to any Siie and HOX X2, Vi-l- y tc. Mnatr, tkkl'' |