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Show BY TELEGRAPH. iMe-itt, Mtd 0kx th fac'.nc by tun Atlantic Jcxctio TlgMk Auburn, 2. This afternoon seven convicts escaped from the Slate Prison, by digging through, the wall where a shaft ran through far the pnrpoee of turning the machinery in the prisou. City of Mexico, 24. TKeToluc stage was attacked between auJ Chapultt-pehe capital, and robbed. The robbers coolly started into the capital ahead of the diligence. The journals say Santa Anna is expected in Vera Cruz during January. Congress lias adjourned with finally passing the Rosecrantx project. The Vera Cruz and City of Mexico railroad is finished and preparations on a grun scale are being' made for the inauguration festivities. President Tejado, in the speech closing Congress, eaid the sending of ema bassies to Spain, Germany and had been decreed, and that the creation of the Rio Grande commission was of the greatest importance, as it would sustain the interest of the repub lic and avoid international complications which the Government ought to prevent. Augusta, Me., 2. Perham was inaugurated His annual message shows a healthy condition of the financial, agricultural and manufacturing iutercts of the State. The present State de' t is $7,187,1)00. He advocates a i increase of wag"s for female teachers, and the raising of pub lic schools to a higher standard; and is glad that women are being admitted to the colleges of the State. On the temperance question, he expresses the opinion that the law prohibiting the sale of cider had failed to meet the expecta-tiono- f its friends, and should be modi-tie- Comitwy. Collision on a Railroad in Georgia! c Escape of Convicts from a H. Y. $tate Prison! Latest from Mexico and Havana! AMERICAN. Atlanta, Ga. 2. on ine Macon trains Two passenger and Western road, uoilided bis morn-ing- , 40 miles out. Kilit negroes were kided. an J ten negroes and three white men injured. Pittsburg, 2. The express train west, ouibeWesl Pennsylvania road,' yesterday afternoon, was wrecked by a freight U ain at Towu-ciiit:iiiu.i. Washington, 2. The public debt statement shows an increase o. the debt during December of $1,084 807; balance in lite treasury 1 to-da- $U, 1)07,573 $74.3.V.J,b75; currency, reference to the increase of the is it that said be should it debt, public acthe Wheu real. nominal than nmre count is made up in the rriddlc of Jan(here uary, for the month uf December, will he shown to bean absolute decrease v.fibe debt of probably between three iind tour millions l'o veil's new painting, "Perry's Vicplaced on the wall of tory," was the eastern stairway of the Senate. About seventy of the most distinSuguished members of the bar of thehave preme Court of the United States, addressed a letter to Spoeial to the Jcxctios COHN, MARTIN & Co., 31S CHURCH PARLOR BEST ORGAN, FOR THIS ORGAX FUODUCIXG TIIK FIXEST OllCIIl'ISTRAIj EFFECT, Instruments and Merchandise, sells all kin Is 6f Pianos. Organs, Melodeons, etc., at Factory prices. on hand a full line of Musical ' Dealers anil COMMISSION MERCHANTS BUTTER, ORGAN, won't jDixy to Toxxy olsowhoro Xt and 317 Clay St., Kan Francisco. Whnleaul in Topeka, and the First Premium at St. Louis, Mo., for Jap-ancs- EGGS, CHARLES W. STAYNER, .. No. 5, Main Street, Salt Lake City, AND OTIIKK PRODUCE. Potatoes, Eggs, Dried Fruit, Hides and Wool SPECIALLY ATTKXDED Christmas Presents TO. for Jej or' California Mm Chot'NO and Hurt i aoj iiK' Itruyvre Chovsc-- Agent btir ..' l . by Deseret Telcgraph. 0 00 '..-I.- la D E OIE Isal & tice Nelson, expressive of their deep rewith LATE CALDER & SEA11SJ gret at being compelled to part him, and paying a high compliment to his learning, sagacity, impartiality, and integrity as a jurist. The certificates of all the Preeidential clectural colleges have been received, KSPKCTITLLY INVITK ATTENTION TO THKIR LARGE AND SPLRSD1U tithe at the office of the ' stock, of or the Department of State! bad night, Senator Sumuer passed a tut is better this morning The second inauguration of President Grant will probably be the occasiu of i the most imposing military display wit. nessed in Washington since the grand i! review of 1865. The Government troops kUtioned in this vicinity, will, for I he ! i; first time, appear in their new uni' forms. The new Police Board of this district and adopled resoluorganized the weather remains threatening. ' ' ' i ; tions to grant liquor licenses to all apw, St. Louis, 3. plicants properly vouched for, but to while James Slavyllier fell dead y enforce strictly the. law against Sunday Three Peace. of the as Justice .. .. .. or after midnight sales of liquor, in bar acting prtsouers were on trial and made good .. , REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. rooms. their escape. ' Havana. New York, 3. All the available regular troops in 'Over TWO THOUSAND VITJCYH of SHEET MUSIC to select from, etr;- that the conFire The Inspector says Havana, numbering four hundred, combracing the mit Popular Songs and Piano Pieces. the Fifth Avenue Thea re manded by General Chinchilla, went to flagration at was the work of incendiaries. Several r llalguin on Saturday. The voluhieers; Christmas A Splendid Chance to Make 'up Volumes arrested on charges of coneouentlv. again mount guard on persons were implicated. the fortifications ot the city. Acting ALSO ABOUT Stokes' case, it is supposed will be Captain General Oebullos has sent the his seat in To from He arose week. this judge advocate to investigate the reecjit his cell this morning and asked to be let operations at llalguin. The journals out: the keeper refused to unlock the koy only five officers and four privates the door. ' Stokes then look up a razor were killed there. The Insurgeuis carVocul'uiul Instrumental; Sacral ana Secular, by Standard Author , end tried to cut his ried off the regimental chest. Insur- from the throat, bnt timely interference prevented gent sympathizers say the rebels will suicide. The general impression is that of election for hold the purpose TIIK CKI.KI1KATEI) ' noon an '' -SALT LAKR CTTV, in murder of found be will Stokes guilty replacing Cespedes with Ignacio. Agra-mon- the first degree. AS TIIK MOST COMPLETE STOCK or as President. Their object is to V I o. . boston, create a favorable impression abroad, w Three houses on Hanover street ere and to avail themselves of Agr monte's by fire' this a. m. superior abilityind energy. ()u the destroyed Ever offered to the Public of Utah. Washington, 3. u i! 'fROM'S.'O TO $110 EACH. night of thu 22d inst., the Insurgents Woods ' of Utah, it is re Governor of attacked the town Magaraboinba, all of Kinds; has sent in his resignation. 00Candy Toys but were repulsed by the troops; not', ported, Chase is ill. He dangerously Candies, Judge however, before they had burned eight will retire from the SUNDAY SCHOOL CARDS, REWARD BOOKS, FRIZES, ETC., Supreme Court. houses in the town. On the night of the ' Candy, '" ' 3. i Omaha, 24th the gens d' amies repulsed a body SIM Corn at A terrible fracas occurred ooof Insurgents who were marching to Com ; James between Sacks, the fortified Spanish catnp at the Wyoming House, and John Cali!KJT A L li SDS'OK Waters of lirownsville ChCMing Maragun. of this both men, city. houn,' newspaper ; r: r.st.xmis, 24 Calhoun wns killed. The difficulty was BOOKS, Chewing (Jnni, ete.'.etc. y The ic gorge dill holds fast here, but . a OrJeri at ouee; and jet jour gooJg ,t.. in gond Cal your made that a occasioned by charge !XKt ,r.YCILS, ETC. PAPRt p ospects soem to favosa speedy break- houn tried to seduce he daughter of fur tlits llolitlajt. .11. WALLACE, cSc , " Waters. Hempstead, Tex., 2. tf The center pan, of, some two hundred '., FOREIGN. R."J. Fow-t- a. W. FEAItCIf. feet, of the bridge ia the Austin branch London, 20. is '.it railroad, swept away. Robert Bowles, of the firm of Bowles Pittsburg, 2. ;. i, i The counterfeiter,' ThomaB King has Bros., yesterday, was brought up againexatninnThe Lord the Mayor. been pardoued by the President, in con before T 1HVE IN M Y POS S 8 P ION TIT R FOLLOW. deration of souie very important reve-- j tion concluded, Metcalf, counsel for the I i..,f .iPrilwt oiiinuil. which if not claiaiml & within ton tiavn from dat, fta lations. ..- defendant, argueu mat mere u u mid taken iiWer at u." Hint hitflifrt rwiKWihle M i- . V....1 l?TnAlfl' nn1(n toill at proof that Robert Bowles was aware oi the lDintiMt : SHOP flraT fouad, t Mountain Uren, i the of theiecurities whicu j mannerin 1U u'( iock a m. Grand Rapids, burned last night. Loss the Morgaa co., Utah, Jan. lota, at xt .O.OOO. Insuranea about i firm had been disposed- of. The really 1 Roan ETEEIt, rel and whit r One ol Bowles, Charles were i ' , SIIpEIa-MXOISGlS,-rniltv paries : nwuJluw fork in left ikr. a rouisd not:li 516.000. .n.,ft.l to out of the uuUer iil of rigUt ear. Uruudtd 1' ' ' I. Keith and Sullivan, who were allowed Lansing, Z. J Itill. tue said that Lord The Mayor The Legislaturerganued yesterday,' escape. 1). B, BiBtE, TIIK T.ATFJ5T IMPROVED. BK? rpniSnittdrIS Mini Hlllilkillg m.wll its tranches. lighifKt l uuiiin? Shuttle M liii' James H. Stone, Secretary trftae 8enate; evidence required the committal of thed Dintrict PoundUecp?r I'allmt', Kwrr vuriMy of 1 Blocks SoqU y( the In um. and Offioe Fprge Charles M. Crowell, Speaker of the prisoner for trial, on the charges 1S73. admit- - Mountain Green, Jan. 4, Cording. Brnid'tnc Tmkisg, Quilting, Ruffliuv was Bowles him. . azainst Hotel. Utah ,,. the retiring! House. "This morning etc., ciuily prfoiiued. : : :. i . for uliJ Governor. Baldwin, delivered his mes- - Uedto bail by finding two sureties own his and recog 2.000 each, M'ork giving OX IJOTII STITCH u .u ' nuance for $4,000."' ' j I'&il!eiiita,'Z. London. 2.. , .; The branch of the Ciilffc'ervicrAsso-ciatio- n KkUfuIly Sick of , Hundred!" ngricultural laborerf out STOCK has received a letter from the to are here, .preparing President returning thanks for the warm of employment IN UTAH, i.'Si-'fti- a farmers endorsement of nis action regarding the emigrate to Braiil. because the Phila-delnrefuse to pay the wages they demand. appointment of postmaster for Berlin, 2. , iu the interest of tho' civil service. j Kamecke Von General Lieutenant 2. OR. Naxhville, POCTOIl TrlOMSONIAN A WANT YOU TF of minister as 1 ' " A fire this evening " Thoinonion Mediflu,' destroyed the will succeed Von Roon war for Prussi. The latter will be entire slock of the Messrs. Northwan. CALL ON DR. l or CiivnUr ad Pumpl of ?wing, aJJrw made Field Marshal. ,., Clcavland, 2.-- i' main V '. ; roft orncic, ..' Pans. i .. IRA PFOUTZ, t Daniel Stehrncs, one of the founders 2s SOUTH STREKT, " Or'ne will sou sail for 6ftf' AHat, Salt Lil City. The ' I lCm this transport C3if.TMie.v this died , 5jW, 'in Fat, rfltrM. CITT, city early SALT, ' New CaleJwnii, with fivti huudred and vening. , Vice-Preside- FOURTH STREET, nt OGDKX, 3. DEALER GENERAL R Pianofortes Cabinet Organs, Violins. i. (xiiitarsn' Aeeordeons, Violin Strinys; -- i I.EATlIKIi rain-fall- to-da- y, Cont'crtlnuH, Clarionet CASHPAID for to-da- . IIipES. ihvk, Xuuloiirine, Etc. ! y bc-iut- S. L. CITY, 37 MAIN STREET, WHITEHEAD, , just taken the First rrqrniura at the Stale Fair of Kansas, held AX e President Thiers received the Palace the Embassy at Elysees on the 27th instant, the Embassy Keej.'j wearing the usual diplomatic uniform. AVe refer ty perniitsion to l. II. I'ekrt, Oirden. St. George, 2. Pay particular attention to Choir Qualities of Singularly enough we have not seen Butt;r and Cliff ie. Liberal Cacb AdvjuictMi rattle an ludian south of Xephi City clothed on Prompt Ileturiu giveu. Orders Consignment. in the habiliments of Uncle Sum's annu- solicited. Satisfactioii bSMiii tuaruntwd. ities Almost every one m t had a small Navajo, and not a U. S. blanket around There is a conhis shivering frame. demand for the estabincreasing stantly lishment of a monej order office and a Wells, Fargo & Co.'s express ngency at ' this point. The late Southern Mission conference was attended by people from Kunab. Beaver. Panacea, and the intermediate Four Doors from Z. C. J., j aettlamcnts and was held in the main hall of the New Tabernacle. President Young, whose health is greatly improving, spoke thre? times during the con ference. Much Valuable instruction was am! given by the several speakers. For a SHOE FINDINGS, number of days and nights just past s have been quenching At the Lotvent Prices. Produce copious the earth's thirst here. At this writing Taken. Jus- Agent for Utah for the ; BEST d. to-da- y CHARLES W. STAYNER, SUPERB ESTEY OEeAN, Gaut-emal- d Willi eighty Commune prisoners, sentenced to peual servitude in that colony. Rome, 2. J"he Pope, on. receiving the Palatine Oinard, yesterday, made a brief address, alluding to the persecutions of the Church, and declaring the cities of Europe were dancing on very perilous ' ground. Madrid, 2. At the New Year's recepti n of King Amadeus, yesterday, the subject of colo- Which has nial reforms were mentioned, and His Majesty expressed himself heartily in favor of the bill recently introduced in the Cortes, providing for the emancipation of slaves in Porto Rico. The municipalities of Navarre are raising volunteers to fight the Carlist bands now roaming through the Hew Y'rs Notice Present. for , the Country. Trade. 150 "DIFFERENT H. WALLACE, wash-stand COXFECTIONEIl, i;: i tc II . i OF MUSIC BOOKS, KINDS J SHUTTLE SO X L T - Ij-.- -- Plain and iWcy to-da- al-ti- Prize Pop y ck Prize 1 -- Halls -- Piis ; v.r; ENDLESS VARIETY. (:..." - BLANK: rXSt STATIONERY m ENVELOPES, CABELES. CALDER t ESTRAY NOTICE. v : WEED PEARCE & FOWLER, Horse Cattle Doctors; "FA3IILY FAVORITE" . ,.' 1 prpH-u- t SEWING ! - three-yt-a- MACHINE. ; I . 1 I t, i t ' , J pre-fere- I ', ,... of nsimuiE . , rtf wact-rOi'J'csi- STRAIGHT NEEDLE XO CO G WHEELS. . : NEW BUILDING, . 'SII. REMOVED. Grocsbeck's I. ALIKE inlmI treated. At JOELSON'S, hi . done cheaply and thoroughly. THE BKjT , I . , MURPHY, ft, |