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Show She iunrtjon. gtUtt PuMtiih.it every WEDNKSDAV and SATURDAY, , by ths 6hex PiBtisiHJiO Compam. s .W. Penrose, Editor. Chariot and Manngoc... , a lUncs OGDEX, UTAH. L , SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1373. Our 1873. The OiiDEN JrxcTiox has now entered upon the fourth, year of its existence. Ia reviewing its past areer we 'find abundant sources of ( ongratulatiou and "very much to be t hankful for." On the first day of January, 1870, our little sheet first issued from the press and claimed a pl;ce among the journals of Utah tho many advocates of truth and champions for the right. From that day the number of tind a voico among subscribers has steadily increased, nd wc also know that it has increased in general interest, as we hopo it AVc will lias in general usefulness. not mention the difficulties with which we have had to contend, nor the many obstacles to our success. Vc are satisfied in the knowlcge that we have succeeded, and in the its prospects that brighten as the years nil on. A little more than three months ;tro we made a new venture. that the growing interests of this flourishing city demanded a daily paper to chronicle current local local events, serve up the news of the world before it cooled with the winds of time, and afford business men an opportunity of immediate communication rith the public, wc Issued the Junction as a daily. At tho sainc time, having due regard to the want sud wishes of., our friends in the Con-sidcri- IV ho is the Coming Man? are made that' the gubernatorial chair of our Territory is to be occupied by some other than the present incumbent. A change might be for the better. 'Hut among all the name3 mentioned for the position of Governor of Utah, there is none that would be really acceptable to the masses of tho people who have through their industry and enterprise converted a once barren region into a garden. It must be admitted that the party in power, if we are to follow prece Daily announcements Hotel ed v , - nou-residen- ts !. fr time: ; A Boon as the disease felt, put di- -i ertly over the ujot a fly blister bbout me due of your thumb nail, and let it r'nuin for ttit hours; at the end of which, directly under the surface of the' iie, bitter my be eeen the feloi, which cti Ukn out with tb, point ot'J jmuntlj . iin,?-aeedle- K row-guag- lie-for- ....... wilderness,, by the, appointment of interests are identified with those of the Territory! JJtah i a destined to buimo'of tho brightest ewistollation inthc galaxy of States, officials whoso Mlid injustice to those who have mado nounce premises in two weeks. The painters have arrived to give the finishing touch to the building, which is nearly completed. Plastering and other improvements contemplated are poHtponod until ItcaiiH. White wanted ut Z. C. M. San Joaquin. . scnii-wcekl- y are glad to anthat Mr. Krb will enter his new We The New Hotel. OGDEN CITY. spring. A project is on foot to build a nar- e railroad in the valley of San Joaquin, Cal., from Stockton to Visalia, n distance of 1G0 miles, at a total cost of a trifle under 10,000 per mile. San Joaquin is one of the most beautiful valleys of the Golden dents, is entitled to the selection of State, and if its inhabitants will folfavorites to places of authority low the example of the thrifty farmaccording with its principles and po- ers of Utah utilize its mountain litical views. To the victor belongs streams in the irrigation of the dry, the spoils. The arbitrary rule of party but fertile acres now almost useless, exacts that the friends of the Ad- and build a narrow-guag- e road to be for rewarded ministration shall facilitate the transportation of the in services its their polit- agricultural wealth yet to spring furthering ical interests. If the President were forth in profusion, it will become a moro zealous and sincere in his pre- prosperous and powerful province of tended advocacy of Civil Service the rich State of California. a superior class of sfatcrimen would be appointed to fill the chairs Arrivals. now occupied by an inferior grade of UTAH HOTEL. politicians, whose servility to parti- Ecdet &. Williams - - - Proprietors. Dec. 31st. san authority is their only recomMiss Livingston and child. Evansten; mendation. Col Cnpehart, Washington; Z McElpuh, All conjectures regarding tho Gov- Washington; S II. Warwick, Omaha. Jan. 1. ernorship of Utah arc based upon W J Collins, Wyoming, Sil'us LivingThe Presi- stone, Evanston; E W Brockett, U P questionable authority. dent will hardly dare make any nom- Kit. inations before he has been declared OGDEN HOUSE. J. J. Mahox, Proprietor by the Electoral College, nor will he likely attempt to interfere with Territorial affairs until his inauguration for a second term.4 Wc placo no reliance on the reports that arc current in relation to the changes proposed. Ilowever, if it be tha determination of tho President to make removals in this Territory, justice country settlements wo eularged our and a due regard to tho requirements and reduced its price. of tho people wlio are deeply interest Our enterprise has met with good ed, demand that tho inhabitants of support, and we are encouraged to Utah be consulted ia the choice of further efforts in tbo same directheir rulers. As citizens of a comtion. r mon country they aro entitled to the At the commencement of the new privileges of guar year we appear before our patrons anteed by the magna charta of with an old jcquest renewed. We American liberty. As contributors to ask them to pay fur the paper in adthe natioual wealth and tho material vance. Ih several instances wc have prosperity of, tho nation, they have departed5 from tins- necessary rule, the right to demand due consideramuch to our disadvantage. Wc hope tion in tho management of their dothat subscribers who have not kept mestic affairs Is it just that their word will commeuco the new should be appointed to govyear by squaringwith the Junction, ern a Territory in which its responand that all who wish to encaurago sible population have vested their our efforts to plcaso and instruct, will wealth and grown up with its growth? msistus by prepayments for subscrip. Is it consistent with constitutional law funis and advertisements. If this be that ambitious intriguers or fawning done, generally, it will not bo long servants of power should bo foisted before wc can make further enlarge-nuMi- tj ' upon an unwilling people? We and reductions. maintain that the equality of all who The year 1873 opens bright with havo pledged their allegiance to tho hope, and eager and joyful anticipa- laws which govern tho land of their tion of future ventures and successes or adoption should bo re lor the Junction, as well as for its nativity cognized in its national councils, and The experience of tho supporters. that they should enjoy entire immujust qualifies us for labors andstrug-glt- s nity from outside inter vantion. to come. Wo neither expect Many names might bo suggested nor wish for victory without a battle. for Territorial officers who would reHut, with truth for a weapon, and flect honor and lend distinction to a consciousness of just desires for a the position that they would bo callsliiold, wa enter upon the field of the ed upon to occupy.. Wo have some new year confident, hopeful and delittle hope that tho President will termined to hold our own,' To our hoed tho unanimous , request of the friends who have aided m in the poople of Utih, and indeed of every jmt wc return.; heartfelt thanks, and Territory, so far, at least, that in the t all who favor justico, rightuousnuss distribution of Executive favors, ho nd peace we wish a prosperous and will select residents of the Territory hippy New Year. for its officers. We trust that he will disregard partizaa necessities To Cvrk A Ioxk-Fei.oThe London Lancet gives the following na a cure and pay a just tribute to thepioneers the bone felon, if it be, applied in who havo openal to civilization a . these formerly sterilo lands fruitful with wealth and beautiful with luxuriant vegctition, while it remaius in Territorial tutelage it should not be deprived of the rights and privileges of local self government. Dec. 31st. C A Fenten, Montana; John Pauley, Thos Lynde, Sacramento; Washington; Curds and wife, l'rescott, Ar; Miss Bennejt, Pioche, Nev; A II Liddle, Deer E 11 Lodge, Mon; Win Young, Cal; G II omaha; Thos Wtlch.'New York City; Fred Barrett, Salt Lake City. Jan. 1. A F Boardman, Dalles, Tex; Thos Marcus; Soda Springs; John Dewey, Peoria, 111, C A Crawford and Daniel Durkee, Oswego; B C Phillip and wife, Chicago, Illinois; W S Berger, Denver, Wells, Colorado. THURSDAY, 2. Ball Last Night. The ball at Wood-manse- e's Hall last night, given by the Ogden Soeial Club, was one of tho very best of the season. There was a gay company, and a large and respectable one. Everything passed off with the utmost good humor and jollity, and there was nothing to alloy the pleasure of the evening, except the mixing up and losing of some clothing at the close of the party. We suggest to the proprietor of the hall the propriety of erecting a couple of dressing-room- s in this popular ba Complaints are almost as numerous as parties about the inconvenience arising from the abscnoe of any decent place to put hats, cloaks, shawls and shoes.' A "cloak room" is considered, everywhere but here, an essential to every public assembly room. Come, Mr. V." you ore a man of enterprise; let '.us have a dressing-roofor the at ladies, any rate, and as Boon as possible, a few apertures In the ceiling for ventilation. A Uirgr Irici Peaches. Albert the Cticket. M. 1 , 0,'c!bh -- ti.ti New Yeae'h Evb. Mr. Joseph M. Harris' party, at Woodmansce's Hall on New Year's eve, was a splendid affair. The company was select, though numerous, and we believe everybody present enjoyed themselves to the utmost, and welcomed the advent of the New Year with joy as well aa dancing. The music was good, but would have been still better if played in a UetU slower time. We hope Messrs. Stevens & Co. will take this in good part, as we mean no disrespect to their excellent band. The dance was a success, and as a gentleman present remarked," "If a'; better crowd could be got together, let somebody try I, Or1cii 7,,-t- f Among the musicians who belong to the quadrille band, Albert Low deserves particular notice. His triangle accompaniment is a rreat additiou to the excellent orches tra which provides sweet notes for the dancers who attend the parties given by our amusempnt-lovin- community. g 500 Pieces Hew Prints Lawn, Percales, Cliiimlmiys, Empress Cloth, B Of all Summer OooiU ,. at Z.C.M.I.OjjdouBruucu. v i7-- Merinos, tf - Clear Weather at Last. The dis mal clouds that have hovered over us and dropped something every day for nearly two weeks, have gone after the old year, only a day behind, and left the peerless blue sky and gladsome sun exposed in all their glory. So glad. Scotcli Gingliains, Alpacas, Armurcs, Wool Unn-lun- s. s s'J.S-tu- Slim. There were just three passengers on the C P. train this morning. One on the first class cars, two on the second class. Hogs and Dogs. The Chinese are famous for their dexterity in knife-throwin- g, but we were not aware that the Dutch were in the habit of practicing the art. Yesterday, however, Mr Lamerss, a native of Holland, residing on "The Bench," tried his hand at the business with striking, though fatal, success. He was cleaning a hog, a dead hog, a hog just killed ; when a live dog which had smelled the dead heg, came poking his nose into other folks' business. These canine proceedings were objected to by a "purp" who had a right on the premises, and a dispute arose which the two animals proceeded to set-ti- e after the manner of their kind. Mr. Lamers, to part the belligerents threw his' butcher-knif- e at them. The blade entered the body of his own dorg" with fatal force ; the battle was at an end, and with one terrible yelp the Dutchman's dog keeled over, killed by the hand in had often licked. Profound regrets followed, and a canine funeral. . Moral. When you practice Lng a la' Mongolia, don't cast your first blade at your own dog. knife-throw- Serenade. The Telegraph and freight depot boys on Tuesday night celebrated the closing year by a serenade to the gentlemenly, competent and courteous olhcers at the Union depot of the Pacific roads The sweet and gentle voice of Mr. Hillickcrs, who was at the head of the party of serenaders, rang iu dulcet tone, while the other singers added to the harmony of the musio which made New Year's eve. gladsome. Messrs. K. D. Brown. Erbe,' Chapman, Turner and several' others responded to the compliment tendered in appropriate speeches. An adjournment to the restaurant over which Mr. Chapman presides and a few more songs ended the serenade, and joyful congratulations were exchanged upon the opening of the new year. Meet again one year hence. A Railroad Ckash. Last night Slrair, lanaina ami Sills Hats and Caps. iinvii COTTON -- o Ladies' Trimmed eh ,W GO DBS 200 SUITS OF GENTS Spring & Summer Clothing. A Large Stock of : Gents', Ladies' an 4 Children's SHOE , Of all kinds. S NEW BRANDS OF Tweeds, Cottoiiades, Jeajis, Domestics, Stripes, Tickings, Denims. JUST RECEIVED, A Car Load of a ireigut train on the U. r. R. R., was broken in. two at Green River, the en gine leading off one half of the uncou picu cars, wuue me rest were leu on the track. A few minutes afterwards another freight train came up according to time, and meeting the cars which were left behind, was thrown of the track aad 'cveral carriages were demolished. We have not heard full particulars nor the extent of dauuges. More railroadreticence. De-Lain- es. GENTS' Children Cry lor McLain's Candied Castor Oil and Candied Vermifuge uud warThey aro delicious nicdicim-ranted linrinlens. l'rice '! cent. Vor sale by n A. C. M. 1. uml all druggists. quantity of ihliM pearlieH, pured or tin pai.il, wanted immodiiitoly, ut 3. C. UraueU. A large quantity Branch. WHOLESALE& RETAIL ' COOKING STOVES AND FURNISHINGS. St. Louis Iron. . Locks, Harness Trimmings, Cutlery, Carpenter's Tools. ; All unclaimed Chinese youne ladies A FULL STOCK OF m jjuaamst convents aro to uo mar ried at pnblic auction, by order of tuc liovcrnment, tho religious Etc.. Etc. iu question having been it." AH Orders addressed to D. II. PEHRY, T surpretjaeu. On Marriage. ITafipy reliui for youuj; inn from the efforts of Oftdcn City, will have prempt .Iii Germany, when the vote of the Krror and Atm in early life. Manhixid re. tored. IiiitHHlimcut t auMTiajtB removud. Nw ' t attention. method of treatment. Nw onH rvmnrkHlde jury stands t hix against six the pri Hixtkj anil circulniM Kent free, iu sealed soner is acquitted. A vote of seveu . , 4 nvntoe. , ArtdreM, HOWARD ASSOCIATION", No t South against five leaves the decision to th N nth St, l'hilHdi'.'p'.im, I' Hii Institution imviu; Court, and in a vote of eight agains high r'utiion tor huuraLd uuudui't ami , .. ViiperintendeuU iVur the prisoner U convicted, r kill. Giu nil,.. estab-lislimou- ta GROCERIES, . rero-di- e II. B. CLAW SOX, |