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Show GJoric With the Year. a greater regard to the security of persons and property, will add mateis stricken ."Stride," the rially t the substantial appearance with mortification because The total destruction of the Fifth of all Congress our jcitlcs. won't shell out that the of first on the $30,000, which Avenue Theater the brazen ring of Salt Lake tried to year was a sorry inauguration of a Iliak in I'sury. squeeze out of the public treasury day which is usually celebrated with Mngnineent Theater siroyed. ex-Judg- the principal city of the Union. The uiareh of projrreiw has placed one of the finest streets in the world in the very heart of New York fitv. It was believed a few years ulto that it was beyond possibility for (he limits of the city to reach as far of Broadway, s the termination w hich is now nearly eight miles in length. Now it is averred that there i no room for a further extension of streets, and the Government was compiled, for the watit of a good lot, to tlifigure the beautiful City Park by on the coustructiou of a the grounds which, at one time, were called the lungs of the city. Gradu-al- l , and in defiauceof the predictions f the most astute real estate holder, ho wants of the citizens demanded further encroachments upon thar section of New York which was set apart for the aristocracy of the handsome Metropolis of the Continent. The princely merchants looked with jealousy on the inroads made um their Arcadia by the keepers of small shops and theaters. They had built up mansions which arc almost unrivalled throughout the world for imposing spleudor and gorgeous surroundings, never dreaming that the plebeian would trespass upon tho relat in Three years ago the Earl of Ayles-for- d attained his majority. An estate yielding tho income of one hundollars per. annum dred thousand . .. . came to him by right of inheritance, Previous to his arrival at the ago of manhood, he incurred debts to the e, under pretence of court expenses, but failed to obtain, as their little game perfectly understood by Government officials experienced in jobs and swindles. This, he says, is why he He explained thus at rcsignated. the White House, just before the closed. It was of no use, thous- past 3'ear amount of nearly scveuty-fivwas in vain; and dollars. ' He had borrowed of Strick; your explanation went out with the old year, and usurers money to maintain him in a you like its momeuts, you are stylo consistent with his noble birth, gone, a gone judge, for ever. Amen. agreeing to pay interest at the rate of five per cent, a month. lie resisted paymeut on the ground that usuAnother. rious rates of interest were illegal, And now Gov. Woods appears on and worked a fyrfeiture of the profits the list of resigners. Following in accruing upon the loans, which in an the wake of '"Strick," the illustrious hour gf dire necessity he negotiated. he goes out into the A suit was commenced against the shooting star, darkness. Good bve, Gov. It was ocion of gentle blood, aud the Eng-glis- h a mistake of Grant's that put you Chancery has just decided in into a position for which nature had his favor. The decision of the court not cut you out. You will now be was, that the principal should be free to teach bible classes and give paid,' but that the interest was forlectures on Genesis; or may be you feited, as a penalty imposed upon the have got as far as Exodus, aud will usurers. The same principal regardbe more at home in that. Ta, ta. ing exorbitant rates of interest exists in the United States. 15 ut there' are ' many ways of evading the law. Hotel Arrivals. Money is considered an article of UTAH HOTEL. merchandize) ' and should not com Ei'dley & Williams, - - Proprietor. Jan. 2 mand a greater valuo than is its leC A Ilenrv, wife and nurse, San Frangitimate worth in the general mar cisco; M M each am, Salt Lake City; J J of the precincts patrican. ket. It is not the first time that sim Mahony, Tioclie; W II Probasco, OmaThe late Col. Fik, whose audacity ilar decisions have been rendered on ha, Neb. was equalled only by thr enterprise-whicOGDEN HOUSE. the subject of extortionate rates of - - - - Proprietor. J. J. he always exhibited, shocked interest. The Mauon, reiteration, however Jan. 2. , r t . i the sensitive nerves of the ot the opinions of the Chancery John Durhjn, Oregon: C MeWilliams, and pretentious possessors of the Jas Norwich Miid Mr a VYiilard and child, licu'chj in its interpretation of the Connecticut; George Osborn aud wife, browir stone mansions, by erecting a law will have a salutary effect in cor- Indianapolis. theatrip( among the dainty people of recting innumerable- abuses among the avenue where resided the pinks the ShyloeVs of the raonf J .market. , ; PRIDAJ(a. of gentility. Oao passenger on the C. P. Tbatf.i. A protest was entered by the aristrain this morning. . tocracy against the invasion of their ', Xcw Iavv. In a conversation with Railroad offMarriage homes. The cream of the crtam of icials this morning, we were informed New York's population revolted at the new; marriage law that there in bo danger of snow blockthe attempt of the King of Krie to comes into effect in California. Ac- ades this, winter, as the greatest pre open a place of amusement on their cording to .its provisions, a liccnso cautions have been taken to prevent any iashtonable street. Fisk, who wasj uiust.be obtained, from the County interruption of traveL Snow plows of the most Improved pattern are at the himself a mushroom priuce, and had Clerk before the,. r ceremony Jakes different stations along the route. Sheds risen from the position of a Vermont place. 1 hisIicensc shaws th(Muen-tit- y And fences have been put up, where the of the parties and gives their drifts are most peddler to that of controller in a to fill the . V post-offic- was c ill-spe- nt e, I . stiff-necke- d - ? To-da- y, , track, wealthy and powerful company, flap- real nanx s, ages and places of tiesw and ills eatd that al o time have sueh ped his fingers at those who objeeteji dencc. If the bride bo under Hgh-tee- n preparations been made in anticipation to his specu'ation. The graud theayears of age, and tho bridegroom of the, storms which a year ago closed tre was constructed. It was a model under twenty-one- , the liceuse must up the'geat, avenue of travel" between the East and West. f architecture, but unfortunately, io- certify that the consent of the parents tended for show, regardless of perma-i.eue- $t jjardians jfias becn jbtajned.) Tho Stoves! Ntovea! Jnislrceo! veil, two tar loads of new coal atovM at , Yistibuks and parlors, ceremony may be performed by the Z.C. M.I., Ogdcn Uranch. f and refreshment roome, Justices of the Vari(iii8jurtbrby Card-Pe- a tixq ox thk Thaihs. The carpeted with choice fabrics, and the minister of any religious dcnoin-tioU. P. and C. P. Companies hare a rule with hundreds of mirrors castiug who must ' previously examine prohibiting the playing of cards on the their reflection upon multitudes of the license and satisfy himself Voafl; The Conductor of the C. P train gazers and promeuadere, presented a an oath or otherwise, has lately been assiduous in enforcing .rand spectacle on the evenings de- that it is according to law. One or the regulation of his Company. Some voted tu dramatic representations. mere fitnesses must be preseut at of the gambit rs who travel on the road The greute?t event? connected witl the ccrcmaiv. Thcpcrsou officiatimr between here snd Humboldt Division the Fifth Avenue Theatre, which! must attach a certificate to theii- - were recently ejected from the cars, as they attempted to entice some verdant was built but a few years ago, is that s showing that everything travelers into their nets. r' it, was near the scene of its founder's been' done in conformity to the J A Full AHMrtinont sasMuutioo, and that the last sccjte lav,-- a bo must , Of Goneril .opojjwhich WocJoinuaMi n, rcorived in its walls was the e!oicg j m?hed "to tho ' direct froiu fimtlmuiU. ' on zit contracting parties effort of the greatest American tf'a- " f t request, and the f original must "be w VI atkimonial. On New Year's day median. King Lear was here impor- - ,e filed within thirty davs in the several young couples entered into parttW tat her f&c of the County by Edwin nership for life,- - Among them were r American arami, iur the last; Wher is viewed' in thq j Miss Lottie Peacock, sisterof the lady t:me durinc h renowned and ovejCfJipht Telegraph of a civil ccmtnrctr such reulaM in this c B. aud Mr. T. ty, memorable career. JouUks a new tions as the above are to be com. Young, son of Hon. A. We extend our Young. Joseph KructRre will soon be built upon the j mended, and ought to be rigidly "Tout" hasdoue well. congratulations. of tie;' magnificent edifice forced when onactcd. Hut a great Happintss, prosperity und increase to which has yielded to the scourge of Terri-!:r.the of this the bride and bridegroom. majority people of, Hut in the name of humanity, tcry consider marrlaga" religious n is hoped that the measures reason- - ordinance, subject to(? ecclesiastics Skiviet, Ford axd Wh.ili.s. James ' rbly suggested by the New York.In-- j regulations; and only valid before Goi Shlvley has assumed the proprietorship f arancc companies will le adopt.d to when solemnized of th house which was popularly known by a divinely ap-- j as Messrs, Ford aud. Whalen, revcut the eenhtruction of Juildings I pointed minister. Mamab is 'or- - whoScally are unsurpassed as dispensers of that traps, dainea of God," and, "What God the liquids which refresh the inner "rtVvafH'reiy man, J h nd where life is not fate. Less together let not man put astui- - attend to the bar. A call on the firm -iapt at oitcuUiticL in lulldicg, rud dn." will be sure to induce likely r:f: v. con-'eetionc- ry va-t- n, ! I ,W j fur-witne- cd j ... ; Death Fbom Smam.-po- Ann Merrill, (daughter of Win. L. Per: kins of the 19th ward) died on NVw . in the ihir-ty-tirYear s Day from pmall-poxyear of her age. ThiscnHe we noticed n few ilayn ugo. The. .deceased it appears caught Jtlie infeption from n young man who had (unknown lo himiit self) been exposed to the tliscnse "while out west. He is now entirely recovered from it and has been unremitting in his attentions to the lady during her sickness and feels inconsolable at her death. From her favorable symptoms strung hopes were enteitnined "of her speedy recovery as late as .Monday lant. She leaves a husband and two children. The house in which the death occurred is situated upon the banks of the Jurdan Kiver. about three miles northwest from the city, and stands quite a distance from any other residence. Every precaution has beeu taken to prevent the spread of this loathsome disease. S. L. Herald, 3d inst. For Doors, SaIi Mild IWt. K-eor- der mrg-riagt- wP'atMjthpcsret S I.umlxir iSS-t- f Last. About two weeks ago, a gold marked A. M. Robinson case, pencil The finder will please leave it at the Junotion office and be compensated. Jots. The lines of the A. & P. Telegraph Company are down. We have not therefore received ., our , usual morning Snow storms are reported dispatches. the East and West, In t Li route along city the gathering clouds admonish us of a corning storm. But few wagons can be seen on out Our country cousins arc streets afraid of the coH, which is anything but comfortable to those who have to travel several miles lo make their What He Got. An individual came yesterday evening into tfhirly's hotel in a state ot intoxication, at a lime when the house was filled with guests of the htuse. II is conefnet "was so offensive that Mr. P. Whalen, cne of the pro prietors of tho hotel, was compelled to eject the disturber of the peaco from his Mr. John Mack, who wtu premises. took present, exceptions to certain remarks made in allusion to himself by the inebriated person, and struck the offender, knocking him down, and inflicting several blows upon the person of the aggressor. e. j eon at-joi- ns another. or for old, Female Complainfii, in yntinr at the dawn of marriod or single, womanhood, or the turn of lifo. these Tonic Hitters display bo decided an iuilueucc tUar. a marked improvement Is soon For Inflammatory nitd C'lironie und (iout, Dyspepsia or ItlioiiiuiitiMiii Judigestiou, liilimts. Remittent and Ir.tor-milteFevers, Diseases of the Wood, Uveiv Kidneys aud Bladder, these Hitters h:ir been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Wood, whicU I jroneraJJy prodnced by deraugemeht of the i)igestit Organs. i'or Skin Hi SCUM'S Eruptions, Tetter, halt Kheum, P.loichcs, Spots, Pimples'. Pustules, Roils, Carbuncles, bcald-HeaSore Kyes, Krysipt-iits- , Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration of the Skin, llnmois and Diseases of the Skiu, of whatever lame or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system tu a short time by tho use of these Hitters. One Ixjttlc in s.icli ca.se will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. ' Bing-wori- 'lcaitNe tho Vitiated Kiooii when- ever you liud itsimpuritlos bursting through the skin In Pimples, KrupUous, or Soren ; cleanse it wheu you tind it obstructed aud Flugglsh Ih the veins ; cleans? it when it i ioni; your reelings win tell you when. Keep the blood pure, ami the hea.th of the ' system will follow. Pint Tape and other Worm lurking In the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed, hays a distinguished physiologist: Tlier in scarcely an individual on the face of t!.e earth whose body Is exempt from the presence of worms. It Is not upon the health v elements of tho body that worms txist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposit that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of medicine, no vermifuges. uo anthelmintics, will free tho ' system from worms like these Hitters. Mechanical Biaeasea. Tcrsons a in Paints and Minerals, such s and Plumbers, Typesetters, Miners, as they advanca in lira, are subject to paralysis of the Rowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Walker's Vineuah. lin-tetwlco a week. ' en-pag- LIST OrXETTKISS. I?l T11K POST UNCLAIMED REMAINING Cold-ucater- Territory pf tali, on tli lutuf Jan., 1878. which, if not call-- for, before the lilt of February 1S73, will be sent to tn lHaJ Letter Oltlce : ' ' 1 ' GENTS LIST. 1 ! Adell Harry Anderson A Raker Richard Rerry Ren Rums John Kebrivey Isaac Lewis, Heury- Lewis Sylvester, . Lcshcr J Parkinson W B Pcttersson A S E Twine Philip .,.! Rive Jas Iliggin Rev F A ' W H Capron MR Coole J W Coolidge Mr Chesebro Paul Childs Geo Coburn Bros . PL' 'Ross ' Robinson E D Witt Stewart Geo U Stephens A L Sor.degaar Paul Skinner II L " Draper I S Frcgnett S Ferrel L Fox W Long L II Packwood M L1 Bowman II B Burton H E Brown W J Caren ' Shumway E Spidee W or Frank' W W Firsh R, Gaylord Wm Gessler J C , Hamlin Donald Ilahl S D Kelly J P Terry Joel 2 i Thomas Saia'l W illis . ; ' - valleys great the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois. Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Rod, Colorado, Hraios, lUoOrande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savaunah, Roanoke, James, mid many others, wiih their vast tributaries, throughout our entiro country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably sa during seasons of unusual licat and dryness, ar accompanied by extensive or tho Momaeli and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treut-roena purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon those various organs, is essenThcro is no cathartic fe r tially necessary. the purpose equal to Die. J. Walk kkMYinu-ga- k HiTTEKS, as they win speedily remove d rLscid matter with widen the the bowels aro loaded, at tho same time stimulating tho secretions of tho livev, au.t generally restoring the healthy functions 1 1 the digestive organs. .' Scrofula, or King's Lvll, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas. JS welled Meek. Goitre, Scrofulous lotlaiumabions. Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial A auctions, Ol 1 fcores, Eruptions of tha Skiir,' Sore Eyes, etc., etc In these, as in aU other constitH-tionDiseases, Wai.keh's Vineoak have shown their great rurallve powers In the. most obstiuate and luiractabii: ' : cases. , t, dark-colore- , Rjt-VB- Win - and' InterJlilious, Ilemlttent which are so prevaleLi mittent levers, in the of our rivers throngh-on- t al Valton F 11 Wagner E C 5 Dr. iralker'n California VineKilters act ou ail these cases in a gar similar mauuer. the TSlwd , , LADIES' LIST. Bestow Mrs M A Palmer Mrs C 4 CaruthusMrs K A Ritter Mrs L ' Mead Miss C F Smith Mm E , J Olsen Mrs John Woaver Mrs Mary Jtf'To nbtainanv of tlinse lottprMinapjil?.Tiiit mum for"atlTurtitwd iMtorn." tv iiii.tr f the ptiper and pay onu cfnt fur advertuiup.: If nut calM fur within om: mostu, they l ill be sent to the Dead Lttrr Oflite.f a-- JOSKI'U iUtL, P. M. 3IarrieI. In this city. Dec, lilst, 1872. by Bishop L. J. Herrick, Mi, Robt. A. , Moycs to Miss Lucy A. IVIliwu both of West. Weber. In this cityi on New Year's Day, by Bishop L. .l.ilcrrick, Mr. Philip tiamer to Mis Mary Ann Uesiord, botUif J. Ogden. , ' ..!,, . mt-inE- ns Stobm. A tremendous hail and snow storm with occasional flashes of lightning tisited us this 'afternoon.' We didn't welcome it much. j 5 Head- the-Hear- . en-r.ii- us j ypcpia or Indigestion, ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs. Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Kructa-tioof the Stomach, Pud Taste ii: i HiUons Attacks, Palpitation of Inflammation of the Lungs. Pain iu the region of the Kidneys, and i nnndred other painful symptoms, are the n'spriiif) of Dyspepsia, la these cvmplaiuis it lux no equal, and one bottle willrove a brvwr guarantee of its meriU than a lcnihy to-da- y. , j Ylnecnr Hitlers arc tot a vile Fancr Drink, mads of Poor Kum, Whisky, Tixu" Bpiritaand Refuse Liquors, Uoctored, aplced. and sweetened to plea.so 4 tho taste, called Rcstorera," Ac, "Tonics," "Appctizurs," that lead the tippler on to drunkenncs3 and made from, ruin, but are a true Medicine, the native roots and herbs or California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They aiv the Great Blood I'urifler and a a Perfect Renovator and lnvigor-ato- r ot the System, carrjintf off all poisonous matter, and restoring tho blood to a healthy condition, enriching it, refreshing and Invigorating both mind and body. They ar easy f administration, prompt In their action, certain in their results, nafo and reliable in all forma of disease. Hittio Person ran take the and remain ter according to directions, bones are not long unw.cll, provided their destroyed by mineral poison or other mean, and the vital organs wasted beyond ih point of repair. Tiiun- - BEK of alt kinl, fo to Ii. W1UTK Vard, Fourth Stret, Ogdro. j ed Mrs. Eliza x. .Hy purifying they remove tho . pause, and by resolving away the effects of tho inflammation (the tubercular deports) the titlecteij port receive health, and a permanent cure Is effected. The Aperient arid mild Laiatlvc properties of Dr. Wai.kku's Vikimak Dn-tearc the bet in cases of malignant fever. Their balssmic. healing, and BeHithing properties protect lh hnroorsof tho iauce. Then: NnliUtve properties allay pain in the nervous system, stomach and bowels, either from Inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc Direction.- - Take of tho Bitters on poing to bod at night from a half to one fund one-ha- lf Eat good nourlstiijig fooel.euciiasbecf-eteaic- , mutton chop, venison, roast beef, ana vegetables, aud;,Uki! out-doexercise. They ara composed i f purely vcgctablo ingredients, and eontaiu ! .uo spirit.; ", rs safc-gtiar- d eruj-tionja- wlne-gtawf- . it, Ii. jicdoxald'a, call' San Franctco. thi!., DrugglsM L Con. '4 cor. WashingtonAgu., and Charlton su., N,l. SOU EY ALL DRCCCIST3 A DilSI.E2S. , i . tWSm , , At BUjersvilfe, Weber. (vinty, Decc 30th, ,1872. of imflamniatioji gf he. Jr i. day. Amelia, daughter of Jhn uiid, So(JQ A rnt' wuntH LU rj)i of working paoflo, V) 10 phia Hu.lmau, aged years 3,juenlhB of wither ex, vnc or od, iiki man numni ,if. . and 25 davs. rk f"r ui ia iKir wr imtiuwatii, rllil' time, thn at unytHin); i fro; Dtrtret Aru pi use copy... twt G. SliBf a Con iSO.l Maiue; bow-eiff- , fr tli A.r-d- Portlund, |