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Show IS" Valley of.JXastodous. A From the Cuuricfi ties unci uiyt'iad.j of Arctic birds fly the-- rivpr and its banks. EtatsUnUj about Savins Food by Eating it. After the date of these dispatches. Pavy was preparing to winter under the seventy-fift- h degree of latithe in of the great river tude, valley Polar continent: He had begun to lay in provisions and fuel. Both he and his companions were confident of arriving, during the coming season, at a, great Polar sea of moderate temperature, at the' extreme north of the "Bad cookery," says Prof. Jewel, "has destroyed more men than famine, pestilence, or war." We would place also to the Recount of bad cooking half the quarrels that seperate these who should be friends. Heavy bread, soggy pastry, bathery Health. meet, muddy coffee, .water-logge- d potatoes; how is it possible fur any Knir-lthighuman stomach to keep good natured on such diet. Yet in how many famiThe oldest now known to lies poor bread is the rule and not the be in existence are those taken from One week it stands a the exception. or tombs of the Egyptpyramids, little too long before baking, and is ian kings. Some of these may be sour; the next time it doesn't stand seen in the collections of the New quite long enough and is heavy, the York Historical Society. These ornext time it is baked tooquick. or not naments were used among savage quick enough, is underdone or over- people before the earliest civilization. done (that rarely), and so s The beginnings of literature contain of the time many families have allusions to them, and fragments of poor bread, and some never have any sculpture, older than literature' depict from January to De- them. that is first-claThey have usually been made do cember. But we condemn to the of or silver, but occasionally gold swill pail all bad bread? If butchers Oriental nations, of agate, among M. Tlio ship Cadmus" has arrived at S.m .Francisco on its return voyage I'roiii the Arctic ocean, whither it pone to collect the remnant of the shipwrecked whaling fleet. On the 28tli of September the received i'nmi the captain of the whaler, deorge llopins, certain dispatches addressed to the French Geographical Society by our countryman, continent. II. Pavy, now on an expedition to the 3Iis(ultCM of a Night. North 1'ule. These dispatches are of the uted the 2od August, on Strange things happen at New Orastern coast of Wranrle Land. We loatls these days. Mot long during present an analysis of the interesting i i. r .l ducuments which have been brought Mure we nau au account oi me snoot ing of a g:ntleman by an enraged hus- by the "Cadmus :' because he had the audacity to band, of M. The expedition, composed at look and admire a pretty face on h'lavi: I'avy, commander, Profs. A little later two men the street. Thomas Neweomb and Henry late met at night on a dark street, of San Francisco, M. Jean i. and them lost his life after one of on iniil. anu lour seaman, iniiueu the IStli of .uuc on the eastern severely, wounding his opponent, the 1 it TTl being over a young lady with roust or llolyuclnu l;iy On the wbt,m neither were acquainted. But l':kl of J one t he explorer, reinforced H Ult circumstances diin grow insigniii- the i.v fieveii .natives, started . m ot an occurrence iace the along the north week. last A gent ou.au prom- ,,a,feuf Slkria, having provided ; ul K. i. .; three-fourth- 1 Ed-r.ard- ln'd ' Jt ; iliein.SClVeS Wltil SleUS anU (logs. Oil ...... thev reached the des; after a hard day's work, returned of v.. nr home late in the evening, reachinsr vivIVtmHt-...,,'h ,A'th, in tune to see two iii.- mouth ui'this river thev encoun- - his tha , gentleman and lady, t red immense fields of ice moving m l.n fj, 1,,,,,..,, IT,. '" J hey trav-- ; :i n,rtheasterly , , sed one .ingle F - nursau au nciore ne plan, ot te s.xty 1CL out iu uie grouuus, miles in extent. Their bearing nidi- l,mi,i tho entered' figure carriages and were rat-- d a deviation of eighteen miles off. This rlvc" rapidly IYo:u their intended course. 0l)e glance, however, bad sufficed, was caused by the movement of the the figures were ire this iaet goniL' to conhrm the notwithstanding i rti i i to in the teuiale the discover theory of M. Paw of the concentra-- ; "uraeu, lion and augmentation of the great form t' his wife, and visions of and treachery filling his mind, current, known as the Ku-- ! liu dashed at full speed in the diroo-riir- Bch-which flows through ! ll Strait on the riaht. and thence tlon which the hack had pursued. He toward the east off the coast of Sibe- - son had the satisfaction of seeing the parties alight and enter the highly na. illuminated hall, and following he The explorers reached the shores mmsen anuu a nunareu mas, .d Wraiidc Land, hear the mouth of' uu.i a trreat river, running from the north- - 'rs whirling in the maze of the lat followed can be related a'st. md which is not set down on d:l!!CC- ,s- 1cW He discovered the 1,1 '1 his, M. Paw, conadcrany chart. 1,0 followed, advanced tot as confirming another of his theo- - ('0,,rle wul-but was avoided, and them, nes that tliercs exists a great polar e 1!1 Operation struck the continent, and of which the temper-- ! is sufficiently warm to melt the tlomaiv a hoayy blow in the iace and th 1:idy'8 There was kuow. The current of this hitherto tore of wild a a unknown stream flows in an casterlv'i screani, yell pain, and the w ill trl Viiirrmiilv i i i itiTnofi .t .! a ra- - nnti"rt uircctiou aiong tue coast, witn " -- i ki; .J'ulv Tfh 1 ss ! 1 tin-- " . s, ill . 1 - - . j se j j i sell us bad meat, or the. milkman gives us chalk or cornstarch for tho pure nnrn v, WUrriwnns v u Yct J . 4lt0 lilJrcJ; d bread our c k ' - s,nd ...... monthm.rlit. ... iv ,mr. nmrm nt V" with a clear conscience. If their di .1 i! are cry out, anu tncy gestive ?inn...ii , uiorgans . f lUtUWOi ,.' V ivnV VUUIL.. m i rti Mikiiiwiriiuinrii la. UUV4 l Vll . KJ'VU ulisjumL,anors to original sin or total depravity, ' when the sin lies at ood to our ow,;door; This e&tl save it is falsest of all economy; it is economy that makes a man poor; poor iu health, poor in flesh, poor in animal spirits, poor in genuine piety, and his life of few days and full of trouble. Let us have good bread. It is the greatest peacemaker iu any family, and all time and strength invested in insuriii" a first class article pa-- s a couipouud interest. Thus in sub stance writos a ' sufferer from eating food to save it. Pacific Rural Press. I m,n. Hi-tn- -- A 1 T ft 1 i j Another Catastrophe. The icc'garged just above the city of Memphis, Thursday night, and early yesterday morning the gorge broke, bringing the ice down with terriific force, sweeping off the dry dock, sinking ten loaded coal barges and crushing steamer after steamer, until it was feared there would not be one of the lar-- c fleet of steamers : i ii ft: ii ' ' . . . i I. Ml i i.:; t.111.11 1' ;i ui' i;iiiii'.in ; L IU 'I 11x' ' Ii lying along thc levee left. M. Pavy and party followed the was striking. The enraged merchant Crowds of people thronged "the mi'1 lxself cofrontcd by his maid-l,plain of this river toward the north in front of thc city watching bluffs who and a now thorough about 230 miles. rJhe plain is work of destruction. Just above the "roused lover, proceeded to uniformly level, its width varies the foot of , JeflersoQ street lay the his the most ieatures ornament in apfifty to sixty miles, and it is border- the steamer R. P. Walt, crowded on ed by mountains of great height, Prod manner. Pistols were flour-wit- h shore and broken in two. She is tuanv perperdicular peaks. iied, and quite a wild scene followed. owned by Elliott Bros, of Memphis, About eighty miles from the mouth 1ut thc police for once were on hand, who saved a portion of her cargo ef merchant was f the river "the travelers found upon and our '. above lay the Belle Next cotton. his protestations, t he plain the ivmains of .Mastodons,' hurried away.dcsp: tc owned by the St. Ixmis and lockcd P -- for the night. It is Pike, ;uid on 'away the snow in a !aml Packet Company. Slie is a to that he will go upon no Naples plae; where tuLs were visible, they jsafc total loss, together with her cargo of ' uch errands. hroii-to light the enormous body mor cotton. The Laura, the Mound City " ' f tine of the animals of an extinct' ferry, lies just below. She is owned race, in a perfect state of preservaAiagara ISririge. by Captain James, her commander, tion. The skin was covered with and she too will be a total loss. Just From" the Look port Journal. bl;K-and streaked hair, very long s 'driven on the the It is now some twenty years since at and thick on the back. , i ho tusks bow of the White Star, wharf boat, inches in the great suspension bridge was built measured eleven feet t lay the West Wind, with her upper curved and to a level over the Niagra river. The question works a were length, complete wreck. She belongs with the monster's eyes. Thc ani- - of its safety has recently been to Massingale & Bowman, of Nashwiis in a kneelin.r nosturi' the tatcd, and critical investigation has ville, and had 350 bales of cottou in ' front, legs being bent, while the hind accordingly been made by the cluet her hull which was comparatively un Ar,,i parts were deeply imbedded in thc engineer and directors of the Great A..i;n.. tu '1 anow. indicating that the mastodon Western railway. The caps on the L J. toii, Glasgown, St. Francis, were ly had perished in struggling to get out towers covering the pillars have becu the levee, with their removed and the caps found to be ing against of a mire-hol- e or snow-drifbroken. The Undine works upper Prof. Neweomb could not find any as perfect in all respects as they ever and Helen were broken and crushed, pecial characteristics distinauishinir were. But most important of all, thc while thc Summer and the Koou were anchorage of the cables was thor-- 1 sunk out of si"ht. tlie extinct mastodon liom the el lie took from the oughly inspected. 1 he masonry over pliant of The whurfboat was but little damtoinach some specimens of bark and ' one of them was removed for about aged, and the dry docks, after being Jieibs, the nature of which he could twelve feet, or below where the wires driven down some distance, were senot analyze on the spot. For the ' were attached to the' anchor chains. cured where it in hoped they are t pace of many miles the plain was A portion of the cabin is impeded in secure. , ' ccnientr ; For twenty years overed with the remains of masto-- ! water-lim- e been has this numerous'! there, yet, on removing What is that a dons, indicating Kxpccted of Aiueri and it rubbing the paint off the wire, rove of these gigantic animals had van Kojk. there perished, owincr to some sud-- ! the latter were found as bright and American boys arc expected to be- Jen change or convulsion of nature, ' perfect as when pla:ed there, the co- The region abounds in Polar bears, ment having preserved the wire aiidjc0Ulc manly men. The , mother of i1 10 icien mm which demur the remains of tlin anchor Chains intact, lhe cxauima- - every !ooy is expccieu of in the made tion was to be obedient to parental authority, mastodons. presentAbout 120 miles from the coast, competent engineers, who have cx- - to the civil law; and to acquire au edpressed themselves as above to the ucation, a trade, a business, or an art, rises an ice mountain a thousand feet Directors Bridge Company something for which he may be best in height, the base of which is suradapted, and by which he may obrounded by gravel and rocks deeply Chicago, it is well known, is ex- tain an honest living., This is a privimbedded in the soil.," The smooth-ue- s tremely jealous of the Boston fire. A ilege, nayj more it is a 1VTV- - a duof these rocks and their rounded Chicago man was heard exulting the ty to self, to family, to friends, to the form . proVe that they were at one other day over the smallness of the State, and to thc Natitmk AVhen time in the bed of the rirer, from Boston tire, and scornfully capping this is dune, society hag a guaranty which they have been east up by the climax with, "Why, their, very for the good conduct and usefuluesi onie itrange phenomenon. , Arctic maps of the burned distripf wern't of each of her sons. When it is neglected pd boys grow upin ignorance ajmak are nu'ineroui "in fit talley, half i bad as oun" . I V . ' V Y i I 1, gen-atur- ( i brews, both sexes wore them in Eastern countries; and this custom exbts in some parts of America. The original form of seems to have been a simple circlet passed through a hole bored in the soft and partly insensible cnrtilaginous lobe as the lower end if th ear. These hoops of gold were (sometimes three inches iu diameter. Oftencr they were jeweled drops, or pendants, hung from a hook passed through thc car. .luch ingenuity has been spent in fashioning these drops into the form of flowers' leaves, snakes, birds, portraits, .'ect. A variety of views exist as to their use. Some regard the piercing of the car as a relic of barbarism, unhealthy and dangerous; while many men in France and Italy, and boys iu Germany wear them, believing that they save the eyes from weakness. ear-rin- g . ' JfcTSec v over-worke- d ii, SvTiileheatl'M Aivertiwenien. "My "Nota Bene" of the Courn r has found that there are more l's iu Lowell, tlian in pills There are more pills in Lowell than iu 1." t .', E. , onyx, coral and pearls. chalcedony, to be the Turkish The finest are and Persian. Except among the He- ! ny IP. BBOWJST, . COJIHISSM I lflh Street, fcouth Side lejot, l It. C. H. UTAH. Wanted anJ for Sak, I'uiim. Tmveorn nhonlJ always carry a tottlc of R RKAHY with them. A low drop, UKI-lEi- iu water will jirevont nhkneHh or pain from ch;inp of water. It i liettur than Fi'micli llramh or liittr ah a xtimulatit. cured for fifty cent v I i:Vi:it AX1 Tliern in rota remedial Knt in thin world tlml will cum Fever und Auo, und all oilier Malarioiir. l!ilioii, Scarlet, Tvplioid, Yellow and other (alileil hy Itadwa.v'n I'illh) ao quick as RAinVAV'J ItiiADY UKLIEF. iilty cent jujr hottle. Sold Atil'E Health! Beauty! Strong illd Pine Rich Wood llicle;ie ol and Weight i'lear aud lluautiful kK urt'd to all. I'li-.- loin-plexio- ti Dr. KAIjWAY'S Sarsaparillian Kesolveni the tnot nlMuHinj; i uie, no qtiii K. f. rapid aru the rhiiiieii tilt) liody miileioe", umltr the ititlueni'K if tlni trillv Wolidertnl Medicint!.l)iul KVKUK 1AY AX IXCItKAM-- : IX FI.KM1 A.M WKKUIT I A AM) FKI.T. Han mailu Tin: tat i:ofat tlm jii.ki ii itirii:ic. HAHSArA 111 M.IAN ItKSUI.-VKNdrop coiiiiiiiinlciiteii through the llluwl, fwmi, I'l iiii) und other fluid and juicxj iiUJic nynlciii the vigor of life, for it rej aim the uuMc of with tiew und aotiml ttialeriul. hcrotula, in Couaninptiou, lilandiilar diseuw), l lci-tlio Throat, Mouth, Tumor, Nodei in thp il:unl und other paitnol the nyxtein, hre Kjo, flruui-ouDiHtharen fi'om the Kain.und the wor.t forui of Skill Dineaw, Eruption, Fever Sore, Sculd Head, Kin); Worm, .Silt JUihuiii. Kryxipehm, A u. lllat k tfpom, w orum iu the Flch," Tunioi. Can-cein the Wonili, and all weaketiinir anil painful dicharttcii. Nijrht bweat, Los of aud all wutes d'the lite principle, nre within (ho enrnmt) ranff ot thm wonder of Modern l'lmtnintry, and a few duyi' un will prove to any pereou nsii'n; it for either of thcj forms of dinetiKe n't potent powvr lo cure them. If tlm patient, daily becouiinj; reduced ly th wmteaud decoinpomtimi that it tuntiiiually ftv (triwuiiiji, Rucied. in arrostitiK theK uatei. urt--l ttatuu with new the nimlu tnnterial fivm repaint healthy Wood ami thin Ui S Alt.SAI'A III LL1 A. will and dooH Kocure, Xot only doe the Han'apnrilliiin RewKent cel all known miiciiihl wifenti iu the cure of Clav-uic- , Scrofulous, CoMHtitutiouul and Fkm ilifoiiw. hut it in tha only poHitive cure for KlIiNKY ami HLADDKK COMI'LAIXIS!, Criimry mid Wotuk diaeuw, Uravel, lllalxUen. DropV'i Stoppage of Water, iui ontlneiKe of I l ine, liriKht't licaM'. Albuii.iimrni, aud iu alt (intea where thernr brickdii!t depoit, or tlio water in thick, clou4. uiixed with hiiIiMhUchs lik the vthite of au vf'v, or threadi like v. lute ilk. or there in a morhul. dark-- , bilioUM appoaraiue. uud white IIihIu1 d u MHiit,aiid when there it prickiiifc, luriiiiiK wheu pjHiii)( water, ulid pain Iu tha autull of the hack and along tliu loiua. I'rice, il.ti Tlie only known aud tui ltt j WOHNS. for WuriiM I'iu, Taw, etc. a Kvery T n -- hal ovaries and bowels. a uo help for iu" Uvariau Timit.r in lh the doctora taid "thvre tried vory thing that v at rcconimendd; hut nothing helped uie. 1 mw jour Resolvent and thoiiKhl 1 would try It; Wit had no faith in it, bocautn I had nutfered for twelve vur. 1 look tlx hottloii of the I(eolveut, and one fox ol' Radway'it I'llls, and two botthf of j our Ready U and there uot n airn of tumor to be wu n felt, and 1 feel better, final ter, uud Imjipier than have for twulve yearx. The womt tumor a iu the left aide of the bowel, fver the roin. 1 wr';te thii to von 2ur the ( others. Vt ran II ANN All I'. KSAl'l'. it it von chomw. All 1 f; 1 PERFECT PURGATIVE Flour, Grain, Beefs, Turnips, Onions, Tomatoes,; Potatoes, j t. Apples, Plums, Peaches, i Cabbage, to-da- ALL IN TIIKIlCsEAfcOX. ! h PILL loulnd with iu jcuni, regulate, purify, cleans mid Ntienjrlu-eu- . Radway'a 1'HU. lor thp cure of all dim.rd. i of the Stomach, Liver, Ho wel", Kidncjc, l!ludUt . Norroiu I'ldcam , Heilarlic, t 'oimtipatum, CoytfVi-lie- s. liiliouMieso, Jliliou Indention, Feor, Inflammation of the Boweln, Mien, and all I)erangninrhU if thp Internal Viscera. Warraf.tttl to efleU a poiti8 cure, i'urely vegetable, containing no mercury, niincniU ontcleterioundnii. 9i" Observe the followine aymidntiiH rcnultfuf from Disordern of the PljrestiVe Oriiann Coantipa. lion, Iuward Tiles, Fnlltifsa of tlje illood iu the Head, Acidity of the Stomach. NikUKeaJlearfliurn, iMum of FmmI, FiiHiimh or Veiht iu the Srtiin-ach- . Sour Kructations, Sinkinif or Flutterini; ut the Pit of tbo Stomach, Swimming of the Head. Hurried and Ditlicult llieathing, Fluttering at tf.v Heart, Choking or Sntfocatlng Seiiatioii vheii Iu a Lying I'lwture. IHniuos of VUion, lA.tis or Welm before the Sight, Fever and Ihill Fain in tU limit. Ueflciency of j'i;riratioti, Yellonnex itf the Skin and Kyms, I'uin iu the Side, ('beet, l.imt aud sudden Flushes ol Heat, linrniug iu thu Fief h. A few diwen of Radway'a FlIU will fiee the d from all tlm disorders. Vrw ii rents per box. Sold by l)rugi;itu. . Sen RV.AD'TiilNe nml Triu-t; ter stamp, to Radway k Co., No. 87 Maiden Lane, New York, Information worth thousainlit will I pur, Chickens, j ehiaiitly ye-tc- iiljotf-iiaiiie- lonk ! . Orders Solicited and Promptly rilled On j tU Uii.oftUC. I'. ud 1. 1'. K. It. srnt yoi. . NO.V-FARWEUfitC- Si-- lj O., WHOLESALE NOTIONS, Shipping a Specialty J And Woolens, Largest Stock West of )tw Vork. Monrpo - i o DR. RADWAY'S . Uutler, I I - I'erliHlly tuoteleM, I . Iiithorla. Untarrh, 1iiHiiiij. llwulitohv. TMliiU'lio. llhuuiuiitifiu, t'oll NiMiralgia, ChilU, Ague Chills. Tin- applinittou of thn HEADY REMF.F tt the part or art4 wlicrtf the pain or UiHUulty exjHt will atfrird ea-t- anil comfort. Twvnty drops in hiilt tumlilrr of water will in fnw luiinifiiti cure l iainpi, !pamn, Smtr Htoui-uch- , lli'Hrthurn, Sick Ui'ailaclio, liiari'liea, l)ycn-t(iy- , Colic, Wind iu Hie l!ovU, and all Intoi uul Oroiip, .u'li-Ils- I - ii vu rt CJron th Ctir 12 ItKolvriit. by Vudnu.v'N Rrvinr-TMk., July 18. IPO!'. have Dr. RaTiwat: , OGDEX al . lnllatiiniatioi) , j j y. liilliuiiiutliiu of tlio UiiwcN. of tlm l.tinK. Sor Tlirmit, Difficult IJicatliiiij;. r.ilpitiitioii nt tlm lliwrt. lrteri , tlm Hl.uMi'i', 1 i - ill itftni'.I inntikiit nl' tU Kilm Inflnmnixtioii Tumor of MERCHAXT ! water-gauge- j RADWAY'S READY RELIEF int-u- ht agi-in- mat iuiim ntij ciirtm CoiitMiriui, tlio l.mig', Stuninch, llowol, or other kIuihU or orgiuiH, hv out iipliiution, in fiuin uun (utwciiiy niiinitfi.no maiuir how vluluiit lliu j'iviH, tlto Kliouniutic, Infii in. Criiliil. Nirv.iii!, Ncurulgic, or pwtrat.l ' with iliMimn innv unfi'ur' allavj whi'tli'Tol' -- General Produce j ei-rh- Only lui?i Itomody ii ear-rin- - , - and idleness "society is taxed for R; R.-- R. in reformaher their, support, either tories, her jails, hospitals, or asylum? In from Ouc to Twenty Minute. How much cheaper it would be to WOT ONE HOUR ftor rnii'linjj tliU nilvprtiHomoiit wm any oue have every boy properly educated Sl'FFKK WITH PAIN. trained and disciplined, so that ho RADWAV'S HKAI'V KKI.IKK 3 A CURK Vtf KVKRY i'AlX. would be a blessing instead of a curse ' tlio lirat an4 If It to the world. He is sure to beeouit Xlirs Htopt tlie mot excruoiatinn liiu. one or the other. From Science of Tliat iimtantly J ll:tm ! aud Jtsf, CHICAGO ! UINTAH GOAL ! of-th- e By th Ton or Cir Lgml, for LOGAN DRUG STOHE, ifle, DR. HAVING vine, . ()rd?i and prompt r, q, Itttiri Mt(i. aorta. f inirj vi!) rt-cei- Sm-gar- y JR. ORSBY, If LflCATED L(KAN, CACHE CO.. lo attend to the practice of Wdi; H-iau4 Obslttrivs. J, 3. ZXWIS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELfR, XtaaUr is Watrhes. Cloeka. Jewelry, Idror i JJt4 War, MAIN BTRHltT. OOB&N. Keitalriiif aeaaly ilaaa sJl rk V arrant |