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Show ft'T i 1 1 WEEKLY REaEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, OCTOBER 12, 1978 h "jj? v DEER HUNTERS SPECIALS j P : v ICO f:i 90 - lei f( Hills Brothers 3 80 lib. 10 Campbells 18 oz. 60 Euia dh (!iy 0 o 30 6 pk. Can 30 to ! I? 1 IPpj)sil ft 001.0 AWAHO kibsi & Paper in North Salt Lake got the annual United Way drive off to a strong beginning with 67 employ its pledging $2 UK). Lyman Tidw ell, manager, and June Azcuenaga hliow goal and award. Amcm an I'ad LYMAN Tidwell, Jr., pany manager, announced that the com- 67 employees with 100 pledged of the $2,400 employees participating. This is a 60 increase in employee giving over last year The average contribution per contributor was $35 82. The company also pledged $500 toward the campaign ef- 1 increase over shell, 310 raised last year James Bruff, manager of Max Factor, was elated by the great employ ee support Max OTHER companies with significant increase's for this year's campaign are: Max $2,500 company Clearfield, pledged $11,733 with 79 perrent employee participation This is tremendous ARROW Development, also at the Freeport Center, participated in the United Way Factor, Freeport Center, (Pepl, gal. 1 This is the second year they have qualified for the award kickoff luncheon 'QUClO AtW Root Boor, Min. Dow) Maileyo Mo Apple idleir Apple Valley UIV BEGINNING Snapo .Re t5)5) 15 oz. can United Way To help start the 1978 United Way campaign in Davis County, the American Pad and Paper Company, in North Salt Lake, has completed a very successful campaign effort $059 ffffee Factor has also pledged a contribution. campaign for the first time this year. Nineteen out of 22 employees contributed $853. This was an average contribu89. The company tion of will match the employee pledges by contributing $853. Joy Moss was the campaign coordinator for the company. The company manager is Bill Diet son $r1 99 lb. box o 0 1 Zesta Saltines Candy Bars Hat Cocoa Pin Potato Chips 'V USEfe. Hershey Giant each ip) Carnation 12 oz. Mary B fort. MR. TIDWELL is the United Way campaign vice chairman for south Davis County. He in- dicated that it is a Good Feeling" (this years theme) to support the United Way. He was pleased with the support both the employees and the company provide to the United Way.' Lyman Tidwell accepted the Gold award for American Pad and Paper at the United Way Saturday, Oct 21, the American Legion Post 82 of Kaysville will conduct their monthly newspaper and scrap aluminum pickup in Kaysville community. THE TRUCKS manned by Legionaires will cover the town. Their motto is Keep Kaysville Kleen " The Legionaires ask that citizens have their old newspapers and aluminum put out by 9 a m. They asked that the newspipers be boxed, bagged or tied for easy pickup THE SCRAP aluminum can be cans, old T.V. trays, aluminum storm doors and discarded lawn furniture and the like. The monies generated for the Legion through this drive will be used to support its many service programs as well as the upkeep on the American Legion Kail np oatfe! Id 7 Vi amid emits fine opemidlimcg the House Appropriations Committee McKay is in an excellent cut to actually position budgets. This year alone, he cut $4 6 billion from federal budgets in committee. As Chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction McKay cut President Carters budget request by $408 million. Thats 12 percent the greatest percentage cut of any subcommittee in the House or Senate. On September 14, 1978, McKay voted for an amendment to House Bill 9214 which will require by law a balanced budget by 1981. As a member of Last year the National Federation of Small Business gave Gunn McKay its coveted Guardian of Small Business Award McKay's record of watching out for small business interests, budget cutting and inflation fighting won the award Just a few weeks ago the National Association of Businessmen cited Gunn McKay for being a budget slasher. In presenting him with the Watchdog of the Treasury" Award the organization praised his votes in support of economy of government This year alone, Gunn McKay has voted on the floor of the House for federal spending cuts totaling well over $53 billion! Eveready Democrat for and Authorized by the copy of our Congress report la filed with (he Federal Election Commission Vfc Ore-ld- a 2 lb. bag Western Family 6 oz. P-C- ell pi.,48 Economy FSas&ifclits PRODUCE Bananas Bd,g3!I Lg. Red & Etss jn lb. end Shirley Cox Chairpersons 700 South 700 East Centerville Utah 840 and is available tor purchase from the Federal Elect on Commission 4 (8011 295 2503 Washington D CL 5)0 Golden 5)0 lb. 4 ib,.s300 4 tbs. S'0 Tomatoes Celery Lb. Morrell PJ3EA T 0 H!! Sausage Sliced Bacon VJYJVJ A si 2H00 hj ir Batteries 1 Vaun oz. Pillsbury Hash Browns Grange Juice Awarded for Budget Slashing Committee doz. GENERAL PJ3ERGHANDBSE R2cEar spares tike tal: McKay for 01 09 lIssiois OpSumuiiim (Bnaimmi Gallon Large AA drive Remember Saturday, Oct. 21 Vi e irearui 0 IN THE PAST the drives have been successful and they appreciate all who have so willingly assisted them in the Smme pMt2diaBK3 feft alfeenut Cream OWeber Pot Boast Bologna Top Sirloin Steak Lb. If. 891 09 m I Boneless Lb. 41 98 Lb. |