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Show WEEKLY REFLEX OCTOBER 12, 1978 DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, issionaries v Sunset Stake Sets Quarterly LDS Conference Sunset Utah Stake Quarterly Conference will be held Saturday and Sunday Oct 5 Lawrence Welling recently appointed regional representative of the Twelve for the Syracuse region will preside at all sessions PRIOR TO becoming a 14-1- regional representative, Elder Welling served as president of the Kavsville Utah Last Stake He holds a doctor of education degree from Young Brigham University and is employed as Deputy Superintendent of Davis County Schools married He is Kathryn Peterson to Andt rson at 7 p m THE AMERICAN Baptist omens Conference will start at Sherwood Hills, 1 ogan Canyon, on F rtday at 1 p m and continue through t until Sunday afteinoon The World Fellowship offering will be taken during .the worship service Sunday, Oct 15 This offering is used for work missionary throughout the wot Id 1 'Klku Miss Nancy Jean Prigmore has accepted a mission call to serve an mission to Misthe sion as a welfare service missionary. X, Mexico-Guadalaja- v MISS PRIGMORE I Chapel, 25 South 200 East at 3 30 p m She will enter the Language Training Mission m Provo on Nov 2 She is a graduate of Davis ; 1 H X High School and Kaysville LDS Seminary Program CONFERENCE meetings older The will conference conclude Sunday, Oct. 15 with a general session at 10 a m for all members and friends Junior Sunday School sessions will be held in conjunction with the conference Music will be furnished by the Sunset Second and Third Ward choirs under the direction of Mrs Roy Hansen AT 6 P.M. SUNDAY, the Utah Association Mission Rally begins in our church A potluck dinner will be held followed by a program and the missionary speaker. Herb Bryant The All Church Men's Dinner will be held Tuesday, Oct 17, at 7 30 The men will meet for inspiration and jt Ml I. v ELDER HESS Elder Jim Hess son of Mr. and Mrs Wendell Hess of 4J9 North 800 East, Kaysville will speak at Sacrament Meeting on Sunday Oct 15 in the Kaysville Fourth Ward at 875 East 200 North at 3 30 p m He has been called to serve in the South African Johannesburg Mission and will enter the LTM in Provo on Oct 19 ELDER HESS graduated from Davis High School where he was a member of and the a'capella choir Madrigals group He lettered football, basketball, in baseball and track He was e named Quarterback" and also as a "Most He was Valuable Player also a memner of the high school All American football team m 1976 He attended Weber State College where he played JV basketball and has been employed during the summer months prior to receiving his All-Stat- mission call np VFW Plans p m Lite-aBih- e Activity The Layton Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8 !U7 and Bloodmobile Visits North Davis County will be at the Davis North Medical Center from 10 a m to 4 p m All members of the community are invited to donate at either of these drawings The Bonneville Chapter, American Red Cross will hold two Bloodmobile visits in the North Davis County area during the month of Oc tober THE BLOODMOBILE will be at the St Rose of Lima Church in Lavton on Oct 16, 1978 from 1 to 6 p m and all members of the parish are invited to donate On Oct 27, the bloodmobile EACH DONOR must weigh or more and be between the ages of 17 and 65 years of age (17 year olds must have parental consent) Please take time out from your busy schedule and donate a unit of blood at one of these bloodmobile visits The life you save may be your lit) lbs Card Of own kindnesses in visits and lovely floral pieces and for the food brought to our home Also, to the Lavton Second Ward Relief Society for their out standing assistance during the sickness and cb uth of our beloved husband and father, Henry D f all The Syracuse Community 1978 sthi dule is as School fall folluws GYMNASTICS: Taught by Pat Crav thorn for beginners, inti rmediate, and advanced studt nts nuerestfd in gym- nastics Ten one-hou- ses- r sions Cake di rt rating Taught by Dorothy Pi irsnn, a graduue of Wilton Lake Decorating Tin fird si st n begins ('cl 12 at 7 p m HI M FR SAFI TV: Taught by Allen Gibson, on nppruvi d of Wildlife instructor DIXON P. Insu tame XcnlX' Elder Hamblin is an active member of the Syracuse Second Ward, and has earned his Duty to God Award, and has been active in all church sports He has been president of the Deacon, Teachers and Priest Quorums He has also been president of the Young Adult Organization in his ward, and was president of the Youth Organization in his ward GRADUATE of Clearfield A Elder Hamblin has been attending Stevens Henager College this past High School, At high school he lettered in football and soccer and completed a four year course m the Seminary at Clearfield He will depart for the Mission Home and training on Thursday, Oct 19 bicydes for our youth Scotch lite reflective tape will be affixed to each bicycle brought to the post by the rider THROUGH THE courtesy of in Roy, each child will get acquainted with McDonald's the McDonald hamburger clown and receive a free hamburger certificate and a surprise gift This safety campaign ts a service of the VF W There is no cost to the participants dmg Resources tours will be tiught m Thujsii jy nights. 7 to Hpm , In gir nog Cm 26 ! i Rolli r skating Bt gins Ot t 5 30 to 8 JO p tn , first-sixt- h 19, 73 grjdi rson! Admission ct nts which also includes sk hi s rental LOOKING AH F AD: rcstbng - begins Nov 2, for five wieks. 8 to 11 year olds, and also in the spring Babv silting class - (4H child c.m ) by I xt mum Serv ict s of L5U and a s w mg class taught by Kaihv Wood will be c'lendbtiin eg in Jamury IT') Suggestions for other clissi s to be (fCrrd, please coot n t D n S' l r. dues lor W of Syracuse t on m unity or Syracuse L! m Sthui I irv Si b n-- 1 I I LAVIuN Nearly Pxi job have been listed openings w lb the tavtort Job Sen ire durirg the past wei k OF THE pnsitsorx listed, P e largest portion, 4), are In Davis High's PTA Back To Schorl" night, held Sept 28 was attended fair SHORT business meeting including remarks by PISA A president, Ann Marcusen, Pnnnpal Richard and Stevenson Next gears nominating commuue was chosen con sistmg of Jan Carden, Marda and Dillree Shirley agaman. FSTIMATED 200 fiv e and ( oi pah irgs are available along MORGAN FARMS 1500 East Fiddlers Creek Road 1350 E. Gentile blocks Layton, Utah 84041 Tel. E 376-813- I mplny one f wrung path for a Make your reservations now 1 under the mint w i'h spen h and language pathologist, dl ta prtuessmg up mving, cross court clerk and tc mg guard Five opening were listed for warehouse laborer, two for hod carrier and two each fur sale auo fepresentai ive, mechanic and prmluctinn as semb'er 1 for Snowmobile SI Month minimum Maintain your own Insurance Etc. - CIFARriF LD Building pei mus were ixsui d for mure than $1 million in construc- tion in Clearfield during August, the city s building departmi nt r pot ts OF THF, $3 3 million ern structum. two thuds of it was generated by two permits, one for a warehouse for I re port Cold Stnr u I"i at 4io South Main and a build rg Elder Donald Huemiller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Huemitler of 335 North 750 East, Kaysville spoke in Sacrament meeting Sunday in the Kaysville 17th LDS Ward 5 Chapel, 30pm Elder Adams is a graduate and has completed one year at the U. of U where he was a member of the symphonic and marching bands. For the past three years he has been a member of the Northern Utah Honor Band and has traveled to Europe on two different occasions with this group on American Good Will Tours FIE IS a graduate of the LDS Seminary in Layton and served as vice president for two years and was the chairman of the Layton Utah East Stake Youth Conference which was held at Utah State of Layton High School University in 1976 Jeff is an active member of the Layton First LDS Ward where he served as president of the Deacons and Teachers Quorum He has also received his Duty to God Award. He will be entering the LTM in Provo on Oct 19 for a two month training period prior to his departure vsb them explained from He graduated Westwood High School, Mesa, a and Ariz graduate of LDS Seminary HE ATTENDED Arizona State University prior to moving with his family to Kaysville where he enrolled in Weber State College He is majoring in Art and Nursing He received his E M T Emerfour-yea- r instructor and lifeguard and is currently employed at the Holy Cross Hospital. MISS PRIGMORE has been active in many of her church functions and auxiliaries, having served as a junior Sunday School teacher, Bishops Youth Council representative, Relief Society educational counselor and Gospel Doctrine teacher She is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Eugene Prigmore, 233 South 400 East, Kaysville np Nursing Graduates Plan Reunion np Residents Reminded: Parking Ordinance to PTSA memberships were sold throughout the school halls and a bake sale conducted bv Davis High School orchestra which netted them approximately $250 in funds for their use the she of Utah, worked at the Deseret Gym in Salt Lake City as a swimming gency Medical Technician certificate at Phoenix College attending University OGDEN Thomas D Dee School of Nursing graduates have scheduled their annual meeting and reunion Oct 18 at the Mansion House, 2350 Adams Avenue in Ogden Citizens throughout the parents moved at five minute intervals from room to room to hear their students curriculum ELDER Huemiller has accepted a mission call to serve a two year mission to the New York - Rochester LDS mission. He entered the LDS Language Training Center in Provo on Thursday, for four weeks of training prior to departing for New York While community are reminded of the overnight parking ordinance It stales Our city ordinance provides that all cars or vehicles of any kind shall be off the city streets between the hours of 2 and 5 a m. from November 1st to at A SOCIAL hour will begin 6 p m with the dinner set for 7pm Reservations can be made with Pat Priest at 399-024- Councilman Being t Sought - o resigned after serving ten, months of his four year term.: APPLICATIONS are now being accepted for the job which pays about $500 a year,: said City Recorder Alan Manning He said Mr Gnf- fiths resignation was effected because of increased employment responsibilities tb '2 N Heritage Center Events seniors had such delightful items entered in the county fairs, had you thought about selling them at the bazaar . We will be having flu shots on Nov 6 Just call and leave your name and phone number PLAN TO attend the candidates meeting Oct 25 Both state and federal candidates will be there This is an excellent opportunity to find out for yourself what the candidates will do for your particular needs , RADIO & TV RZPAmSKG ALL MAKES Calls 5 Anytime GRAflDCXSURG TV Reasonable Rates 141 West 1SC0 North, Sunset 825-62- 825-33- 76 tb V March 1st. IT FURTHER provides that horse trailers, house trailers, junk cars and the like, cannot be parked on city streets at any time. Violators will be issued tickets and fined. will Kavsville city appreciate your cooperation on this ordinance, np THE JOB Sen ire office ts open weekday from 8 a m to 5pm and further forma- tion n available by tailing 3'M2:4 !b valued at $1 5 million while the Freeport Center building is set at an even $1 million. Other permits included 23 for a paint shop valued at $32 000 and a $12,W'0 day care center SOME 4J pt rmits were Pi 'o: nn, c ahf From wind of (be arrival f a babv daugMi r burn S pi 21 to Mr and Mrs Ivan Mis ham. Mi Mu hints the fm mi r Jill Buchanan of Cunn s a IdiUnn Ilos c g!. d is- sued tb aid will be Al home ore (wo other children, Jason and Tiffame Gramlpart nts making the news known are Mr and Mrs 1 Datn Purhanan of Kavsville and Mr and Mrs lawrenre Mu ham I ROOr.l SIZE CARPET 500 Pieces From the Nation's Many Sizes Low Shags, High Shags, Level Loops, Plush for Camper, Pickup STARTING NOVEMBER & Vn 1 Earn mott Interact Pul &II you v four morn, to work! mar w you could put ill your money tn living checking . your wuh ut came true With Bank ot Utah t new Automatic Traniter Sevic you can checking account open, but put all your money in your laving Then you umpty wrlle check ai ulual and the necettary It Finest Motels Smal Plc of alewnud, Calif The great grandmother, Mrs fterm m jio lives al IdKewood np thd Inttead of keep your account r fund automatically lanferrd to cover thm But meanwhile, you are earning daily Interest on every available penny until It actually needed It the greaieit Cuitomer lenric tn year' Aik about ATS al your near-- ! Bank ot Utah ottice and don t waite another day t Intereit It's the service worth asking for... 562 N. 500 W., Bountiful 257 W.S. Temple Salt Lake City NEW WAREHOUSE 100 N. - East of Freeway, Bountiful Open Daily 9:30-6:0- 0 (MPflKofUTflH Member FD1C (twenty offices Jo serve you) ; THE CENTER is buzzing with excitement Some of you m the F retport Center 1 he cold storage facility is residences, one for . What a beautiful October month to prepare your hobby for the Christmas Bazaar to be held at Heritage Center, If you have already made your reservations for a table, have you told your friends about if ALL INVOLVED were pleased with the beginning of a new school ear. Mrs Irene Hafen, PTSA publicity and historian announced, np new , FRUIT HEIGHTS City fathers m Fruit Heights are looking for a new councilman-tfill the post vacated by, Robert M. Griffith, who Kaysville Births named Stephanie tv me Tra mug Administration Six waiter waitress open BOAT STORAGE Use the Summer Month by a percentage of parents and all of the b .u hers K.nsv i)ii The n in at 7 lbs the sail S and serine area Thirteen p sitions are ava la hie in tl e t lyrical and prof' x soma! with 12 in assembly II in and industrial. warehouse and temporary work, nine in construction ve Block South Elder Jeffry O. Adams son of Mr. and Mrs. David E Adams of 545 South Mam Street, Layton has been called to serve an LDS mission for the next two years in the Catania Mission. HE WILL speak m the Lay-to- n First Ward on Oct. 15 at DHS Back To School Night a IS At Job Service 1 at the Syracuse Second LDS Ward Sacrament Meeting on Sunday, Oct 15 at 5 p m 2pm 100 Jobs Listed " FIE WILL be honored program designed to provide safer is Violet W i ,11 s ns ar d d n g.ters arid families Your THIS ELDER IIUEMILLER IN JUNE of this year, she graduated from University of UtAh, magna cum laude, with a degree of bachelor of science in nursing A member of the Chi Omega Sorority, College of Nursing Honor Society and Mortar Board. j Schedule For 1978: $3 Million Okayed Community School In Building Permits May we express our heart- felt thanks for the many lor All a m and Hamblin Anaheim, California Mission. the Post Auxiliary will spon- 10 D South, Syracuse has been called to serve in the AN Thanks REISBECK Elder Steven son of Mr. and Mrs Floyd H Hamblin of 3260 West 2700 sor its annual "Lite-a-Bik- e program on Saturday, Oct 14 at the post home, 1389 North Main, Layton between the hours of ELDER ADAMS ELDER HAMBLIN year fellowship THE WOMENS Mission Society will meet at Ursula Dixons home Wednesday at 7 will on Sunday, Oct 15 in the Kaysville Second Ward tI Vs V and has five children will begin Saturday, Oct 14 at 4pm and later at 7 p m a meeting will be held for all adults and youth 14 years and ra Speak in Sacrament Meeting 5 "V Layton Community Church Diaconate Meeting Is Planned The Layton Community Chuich Diaconate will meet tonight at the home of Joyce r: "3T New Accepts LDS Mission 23 c i riT.72- - ' |