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Show I f i WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, OCTOBER 12, 1978 prejtigioui office in Ogden i expending rapidly. Largest residential real estate network in the world. We are hiring sales agents who want e Successful future in real estate. Call office for information or ask Pat to set up an appointment or home 1 393-84- R32-4- 37 phone QUEEN'S WAV TO FASHION EAfaN 130--$ 50 for 3-hrs. work, 12. R34 Call Connie 376-5workers to work in outdoor nursery & greenhouse. tram. Long term work Will TIME FULL 1976 CAMARO LT RS PB all the extras. 4.900 or best offer. To see call 376-160376-070- TIME FULL 867-225- From Famous " AND medical experience helpful. Top salaries starting at 1 6. 6 per hour, up with ..experience. Fringe benefits are Before you go anywhere gieat. come in and talk. Cell Mrs REHAB. STUDENTS and Saturdays Make best earmngsl Fun job with Call 766 0954 or T bonuses R36 ; SEWING MACHINE operators needed to work in Layton Day & night shifts available. Call 1 t 867j5425 ' R36 . r r 21 c Q6H3B SMXDas (2B37GIOT GHDGIEEBB OOfiS? QCH3Q3(7iHt C R36-3- QEKHUKIIID czszeusm caaiEE 7 part time after 14-1- - schools 825-1906- Sands Hotel Las Vegas QUBOED GnSiQHu R36-3- R36-3- 11500. TRESS 290-2291- ,' 290-229- Mag PRICES GOOD AT ALL 3 LOCATIONS!! team needs youl lop salaries starting at 4.72 per with hour up experience. Our fringe benefits are tops. Call Mrs. Driver at Driver V-- wheels Good condition Must self uJ lpn " 1972 NOVA 2 door rfl MEDICAL OUR 7 many , BIG SAVINGS FOR YOU!! ' e wanted. Some delivery and personnel. Apply Pmeae Greenhouses 675 N. Mam Cen- R35-3ierville 295-559- ' 376-4618- bigger warehouse - Ail items have been cut to below costs. Greenhouse workers : MUSTANG, Festback, extras, best offer, R38 V) To save Moving Cost from our old Bountiful store to our new Ask 295-559- '67 M program available. Contact Pineae Greenhouses 676 N. Mam Centerville Jor Mike. R35-3- ' R35-3- 1978 fjMuFzyi f qjtois i ( BEAUTIFUL LFADER, OCTOBER 12, Sola & Chair NEW 9 Drawer Dressers Table Lamps e Desk Tables - All Hardwood e 2 Cushion Wood Lounge Chairs $105.00 125.00 From 5.00 1 n"x3r 7.00 11.00 (HIIK7nrirTl!l33II3cI Aijr NURSES AID for new Convales-- : cent Center in Bountiful. Good : Benefits. All shifts available at ,t this time. Call for appt. Mrs Driver (I at R36-3- 290-229- ;ANEW experience in GUSSM&UEOM, CMKEniBEiiBBr (Bum oaate anOffimua cooking. Come learn all our special diets Full and part time. Experience helpful but will train. Call Shirley tat - 'M- - R36-3- 290-2291- . - r rtf ittr1 tfjjiaLjr VOCAL LESSONS now available all ages; also excellent piano 4-P- training, theory composition fundamental skills of music. Marjorie Fisher. R36 i c. Living Room Hardwood Home Desk 503 Room Size Carpets 825-046- $18.00 $2,200.00, for appointment. ; : R36 978 CHEV. Vj ton 4x4 Silverado 9000 miles, 400 eng., air P S. 376-998- 1 C; l R36-3- 376-529- 1978 MERCEDES Benz for sale stereo AM FM Radio, y 240-D: jun roof, grey with navy interior, 6000 miles Superb condition or a, $16,500 Call ' R36 60 JEEP CJA, Great hunting ; vehicle. $800 or best offer. 71 ;; Pinto 2,000 cc engine, 4 speed, 't $500; 2 snow tires & rims $50 t after 5 weekdays. ' R36 5 ' 766-126- 376-460- $39$60.00 300 From 189.00 Pair 1 6.00 9.00 Gjjsass oaaog msa? 257 W. SOUTH TEMPLE - SALT LAKE CITY 562 W. 100 N. -- BOUNTIFUL New Warehouse East of Freeway bn 1 00 N. OPEN 9:30 AJM, TO 6 P,M. , .773-551- $28.00 mSLBALSB p 8. AM-Fcruise, tilt wheel, sliding rear window 7650 00 376-348- shags, loops, plushes 250 Pictures , 19" Color TV s - Zenith 300 Pr. Drapes Many Colors) Full Plate Mirrors (2Qx35) X1976 PINTO Runabout, 4speed, 25,000 miles, economical on : gas, excellent condition, see to appreciate. 305.00 49.00 Sets Ail 2 if PUDLIC INVITED 4 SaiE 9pai firms i f FT;? III! WILL VOTE FOR YOU OVER ONE THOUSAND TIMES A YEAR. These are important votes affecting every part of your life. You should choose a representative that will most nearly think as you do. One whose principle, Ml and background, goals can best reflect yours. I! One who is willing to listen and willing to work for you. I s - almost like being there yourself Paid political ad by Franklin W. Knowlion I y C2p CEE QiTf A V -- p :1-- 1 V 0cumut OiGGClEK? (lit Cfttw: LJ |